Thursday, September 7, 2017

UN should take 'necessary measures' on North Korea: China

AFP News 7 hours ago 

Thursday, September 7, 2017

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  • "We support the Security Council in making further reactions and taking necessary measures," he said, adding "we hope to resolve this issue through dialogue and consultation".
    "We believe that sanctions and pressure are only half of the key to resolving the issue. The other half is dialogue and negotiation," Wang added.

    Posted on:- 04 Sep 2017 07:54PM Ricky Lim · 

    China should squeeze N Korea more economically until it bend and willing to start denuclearise talk. China should make N Korea pay for their hostile and threatening act and not 姑息 it. Like · Reply · Just now
    0 0

    7 hours ago
    If N Korea can threaten US with nuclear attack, why can't it threaten China if China want to kill off its lifeline? Even the US is fully aware that N Korea will never give up their nuclear weapons which the N Korea regard as essential for survival, US could only negotiate for a freeze on nuclear development. What happened in Middle East only further harden the resolve of N Korea to have the nuclear weapons. The ball all along is in the court of US.
    ricky l
    ricky l
    2 seconds ago
    @TH - you mean the World need to reward or give in to the threat of N Korea with nuclear pointing at them?

    Trade, business, economic are for mutual benefits - and should not be subjected to threat or coercion.
    If yes, then robbers, kidnappers will kidnap victims and make them pay - and this is legalised.

    Then where is law and order?

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