Saturday, September 16, 2017

NSF death: Armoured vehicle lands on side while getting out of difficult terrain, says MINDEF
(Updated: )

Ricky Lim ·

Tank and armour vehicle overturn in difficult terrain - is most often the cause of accident - especially for vehicle commander and gunner --- whose body is half outside the turret.

There is a need to address this problem.

Notice that Terrex - does not require warm body to be half outside the armor vehicle - as the external environment can be internally monitor remotely.

In the event if vehicle overturn in difficult terrain, crews will be safe as all are inside the vehicle - and will not be spilled out - causing the tonners to crush on them.

Also during operation, their body are not exposed to enemies fire - and are protected by the armor.
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Ricky Lim ·
During difficult terrain, gunner always jump inside the vehicle in case vehicle overturn and the gunner will fall out and get crush.

The problem is vehicle commander need to be outside to guide the driver to navigate the vehicle in difficult terrain.

Driver can easily jump inside when vehicle overturn - as he is lower and will not be pull out by gravity.

Vehicle commander are near the turret and the hatch - and are much higher - thus the gravity pull is stronger - and harder for him to jump in when the vehicle overturn.

Thus important to look at this safety aspect --- because this is the most common cause of accident in vehicle overturn when manoeuvering difficult terrain.
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Reply · 21 hrs
Ricky Lim ·

Just realise that SAF have recently awarded a tender to ST to acquire a new generation AFV - that have the Terrex like capabilities - where no crews will be outside the armour vehicles - not even the vehicle commander, gunner and driver.

All are inside the armor vehicle - and the gun, the turret are remotely controlled inside the vehicle - very safe for crew :-
(1) if vehicle overturn, all crews are inside the armor vehicles - and will not spill out and get crushed.
(2) during operation, all crews are protected from enemies fire by the armor

The only bad news is, this next generation AFV are replacing the Ultra M113 AFV and will operate alongside the Bionix (where crews such as vehicle commander, gunner, and driver - will still have body half exposed outside).
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Ricky Lim ·
Since Bionix will still be with the armor unit for sometime to come, suggest that safety procedure should be exercised to overcome the constraint of navigating difficult terrain.

(1) All gunner should be inside the armor and not manned the gun when navigating difficult terrain.
(2) Vehicle commander must dismount to guide the driver from the ground when navigating difficult terrain. Vehicle commander must not guide the driver in the turret - in case vehicle overturn and the vehicle commander spilled out and got crush.

This safety measure should be considered to be implemented during exercise when navigating difficult terrain - to protect the safety of our NSmen and SAF personnel.
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