空非真空, 因为有“心” (菩提心)。

为何空非真空, 因有“心” 呢?
因为 “大地万法唯心造,由因缘生,由因缘灭。”
如不明白 - “起心动念,宇宙生”。 - "1 stray thought, Universe is formed due to volition of karma".
色 (In Physical State)
“Black Hole form Universe" "Universe collapsed into Black Hole".
"Thus Emptiness is not Nothingness. Nothingness is not Emptiness".
Empty of stray thoughts - karma cease - Nirvana emerge.
起心动念 - 因缘起。
一心不乱 - 涅槃生。
How to attain :-
一心不乱 - 涅槃生。
(1) Focus on "in-out breath" - to achieve Samadhi Jhana (Anapansati Meditation) - 1-pointedess Concentration of breath nimitta.
(2) or Focus on the chanting of "阿弥陀佛" - to achieve Samadhi Jhana (Anapansati Meditation) - 1-pointedess Concentration of 阿弥陀佛 nimitta.
(3) Then practice Mindfulness of Walking, Sitting, Eating, Working etc (in every aspect of our lives) (行住坐卧)- to achieve Nirvana Fruition (涅槃)- 一心不乱 - 涅槃生。
(No stray thoughts arise - karma cease - Nirvana emerge).

(1) Every intent start from the "Heart - 心“ - not from the "Mind". Heart is the first count.
(2) Mind is the 2nd count - after it is stimulated by consciousness, feelings, perception, judgement and mental formation - from the "Heart".
(3) And then "Thoughts", "Speech", "Action" are formed - the 3rd Count.
In Samadhi Jhana and Fruition - the supramundane consciousness --- are all distinctly linked to the ""Heart Base - 心“ - as the source and origin of all intent.
Hence :-
“起心动念,宇宙生”。 - "1 stray thought, Universe is formed due to volition of karma".
This is true MetaPhysics experience - express in Zen 禅 - for attained Practitioners to confirm. Not ambiguous, vague, mystical or magical - but True Phenomenal as Experience.
Hence all Zen 禅 = are expressed that all origin begin from "Heart - 心“ .
"Heart - 心“ - is the origin of all "sentinent beings or living things" and all "matter - physical properties - including Universe.
"Heart - 心“ is made up of 3 properties :-
In Samsara Universe 沙婆世界:-
(1) Greed 贪
(2) Hatred 嗔
(3) Ignorance of the Universal Truth 痴
In Nirvana Fruition 涅槃:-
(1) No-self 无我,大舍
(2) Universal Compassion 大慈大悲
(3) Panna Wisdom 般若智慧
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