Tuesday, September 12, 2017

UN unanimously backs new sanctions on North Korea

With backing from China and Russia, the council voted 15-0 to back the US-drafted sanctions resolution just one month after banning exports of coal, lead and seafood in response to North Korea's launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

Read more at http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asiapacific/un-unanimously-backs-new-sanctions-on-north-korea-9207366
(Updated: )

Ricky Lim ·

Actually N Korea by constantly challenging the resolve of the World Community to stop its nuclear and missile programme will eventually lose at the end of the day.

N Korea as a country can only survive not by having nuclear weapons --- but actually can only survive economically with money, food and logistics.

It is clearly a resolve that the World will not live with N Korea possessing nuclear weapons - and will refuse to grant any economic benefits, political benefits - when the whole World isolate it ---- until and unless N Korea agree to denuclearise.

N Korea will eventually crack one day.

It is very clear N Korea will not want to fight a war.
The same for US, S Korea or Japan --- also will not want to fight a war with N Korea ---- because the collaeral damage will be extremely high ---- and for sure if a war is fought --- N Korea will not survive.

Thus N Korea only way to survive is to start denuclearise talk - not by possessing nuclear weapons where the World will not deal with it.
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Ricky Lim ·
N Korea if single-mindedly want to wield and possess nuclear weapons - and want the World to listen to N Korea ---- will eventually lose and not able to survive --- either :-
(1) economically
(2) militarily

or both.

The only way out for N Korea - is to exchange denuclearise talk - for economic benefits, political benefits and guarantee its security. There are no other way.
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