‘My duty is to unite the people, to overcome the many challenges ahead’: President Halimah Yacob
Read more at http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/my-duty-is-to-unite-the-people-to-overcome-the-many-challenges-9216844
Read more at http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/my-duty-is-to-unite-the-people-to-overcome-the-many-challenges-9216844
(Updated: )
Christopher Bong ·
Works at Happily Retired
really did unite Singaporeans, your presidency has united us to all
know that you are not en elected but a selected president, we all know
you cannot do anything because you are powerless and we all know that
you are president to serve only the PAP. Yes, your presidency has united
Ricky Lim ·
reserved Malay President is to gain Malay community support to combat
and dampen ISIS caliphate ideology that are now brewing in SE Asia.
This few years will be crucial to enlist Malay community support to combat ISIS threat in the region.
A Malay President who understand the security implications, understand the mechanics of international cooperation and how internal security agencies interoperate as well as able to network with the Malay community is crucial to prevent ISIS brewing from within.
A confrontational President and a non Malay President may make the situation worst and will not help to elicit Malay community help, but in fact worsen it.
This few years will be crucial to enlist Malay community support to combat ISIS threat in the region.
A Malay President who understand the security implications, understand the mechanics of international cooperation and how internal security agencies interoperate as well as able to network with the Malay community is crucial to prevent ISIS brewing from within.
A confrontational President and a non Malay President may make the situation worst and will not help to elicit Malay community help, but in fact worsen it.
Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :-
18 Aug 2017 09:49AM (Updated: 18 Aug 2017 03:27PM)
Kingspade Kingspade
The FACT is the court threw out Tan Cheng Bock's claim that Ong teng cheong is the FIRST elected president & INSISTED halimah is Malay Muslim when in BOTH cases are NOT true. Would you want to be tried in such a court? Even those Pro-PAP supporters who attempted to sue their beloved governemnt had their cases(NS death/injury, accidents due to lift malfunctions, negligence in government hospitals...etc) THROWN OUT.
These Pro-PAP Sheeples are like CHC followers. They lack the ability to 'Think'(a bunch brainwashed draft) & even courage to voice out their dissatisfactions. No wonder they're victimized one by one at the hands of imported criminals & it amuses me EVERYDAY when I read the news about their MISFORTUNATE end & ordeal
Like · Reply · 14 hrs
Jojo Long Kang ·
Works at Self employed
And who brainwashed you?
Reply · 10 hrs
Kingspade Kingspade
Jojo Long Kang I think you should ask yourself this question whether you'd still want to support a government who manipulates the laws & constitution just to keep itself in power. Look at President Maduro, Singapore economy is losing steam(bottom 3 worst performing GDP among ASEAN since 2014) & We're slowly but surely becoming the NEXT Venezuela. BTW, Don't whine & cry like when 'Misfortune' hits you in the future
Reply ·
Ricky Lim ·
Kingspade Kingspade - I think you make 2 accusations about the system which without understanding how the system function.
There is a need to address them :-
(a) You fail to understand the Executive function that legislate the laws and the Court System that administer the law.
(b) You fail to understand the underlying reasons of Executive decision being made in which Court has no jurisdiction to administer them.
(1) Let address your accusation of why Court throw out Tan Cheng Bok's claim that Ong teng cheong is the FIRST elected president.
(a) It is not the Court function to determine the count on reservation for Malay as President - it is the Executive function that determine when the new system start - which is decided and passed in the Parliament.
(b) Now there is no articulated reasons why this round is reserved for Malay as President and not the next round.
But it will not be too difficult to guess - given that there are some sesimic development that give the impetus to reserve for Malay candidancy that is not convenient for Government to make public:-
(i) Geopolitical shift that will have great impact in the Asia Pacific region.
China is increasingly influential in the Asia Pacific region. Singapore being a Chinese majority - will cause disquietedness to our 2 Malay neighbors.
As Singapore is cooperating with China on many project initiatives - there is a need to provide comfort to our 2 Malay neighbors that Singapore is still a multi-racial Country and not a China vassal state.
Thus having a Malay as President will be an appropriate representaton of Singapore's political, cultural and social makeup.
(ii) ISIS terrorism is rearing its head in SE-Asia. Having a Malay President will certainly help in networking and working with the neighboring Muslim Community.
(iii) If you read Mr Lee KY memoir, Singapore deliberately wait for Indonesia and Malaysia to establish diplomatic relationship with China before Singapore do.
So Kingspade Kingspade - don't assume that the Govt is trying to squeeze Tan Cheng Bok out by exercising the reservation for Malays. You are only spreading unnecessary rumor for discord.
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Like · Reply · 10 mins
Ricky Lim ·
Kingspade Kingspade - You mention that halimah is Malay Muslim is not true - because her father is an Indian Muslim and her mother is a Malay.
Then how do you classify Peranakan - are the Chinese or Malay?
I have a friend who speak Hokkien, Malay and English very well and he look like Chinese.
So does he means that being a Peranakan - he cannot be Chinese and he must be Malay.
But he look every bit like Chinese and he is has been leading a Chinese life.
So if he put himself up as Chinese - then can you say no?
And if he put himself as a Malay - then can you say no?
If Mdm Halimah has been always and accepted by the Malay Community, then what is wrong to be a Malay Muslim?
Dr M has always called himself a Malay muslim even though he has a Indian Muslim blood - but Malaysia think he is alright to be a Malay muslim.
And assume an Italian, Spanish, German, etc called themselves Eurasian and want to contest as candidate for Eurasian, are you going to stop them - Mr Kingspade Kingspade?
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18 Aug 2017 09:49AM (Updated: 18 Aug 2017 03:27PM)
Kingspade Kingspade
The FACT is the court threw out Tan Cheng Bock's claim that Ong teng cheong is the FIRST elected president & INSISTED halimah is Malay Muslim when in BOTH cases are NOT true. Would you want to be tried in such a court? Even those Pro-PAP supporters who attempted to sue their beloved governemnt had their cases(NS death/injury, accidents due to lift malfunctions, negligence in government hospitals...etc) THROWN OUT.
These Pro-PAP Sheeples are like CHC followers. They lack the ability to 'Think'(a bunch brainwashed draft) & even courage to voice out their dissatisfactions. No wonder they're victimized one by one at the hands of imported criminals & it amuses me EVERYDAY when I read the news about their MISFORTUNATE end & ordeal

Like · Reply · 14 hrs
Jojo Long Kang ·
Works at Self employed
And who brainwashed you?
Reply · 10 hrs
Kingspade Kingspade
Jojo Long Kang I think you should ask yourself this question whether you'd still want to support a government who manipulates the laws & constitution just to keep itself in power. Look at President Maduro, Singapore economy is losing steam(bottom 3 worst performing GDP among ASEAN since 2014) & We're slowly but surely becoming the NEXT Venezuela. BTW, Don't whine & cry like when 'Misfortune' hits you in the future

Reply ·
Ricky Lim ·
Kingspade Kingspade - I think you make 2 accusations about the system which without understanding how the system function.
There is a need to address them :-
(a) You fail to understand the Executive function that legislate the laws and the Court System that administer the law.
(b) You fail to understand the underlying reasons of Executive decision being made in which Court has no jurisdiction to administer them.
(1) Let address your accusation of why Court throw out Tan Cheng Bok's claim that Ong teng cheong is the FIRST elected president.
(a) It is not the Court function to determine the count on reservation for Malay as President - it is the Executive function that determine when the new system start - which is decided and passed in the Parliament.
(b) Now there is no articulated reasons why this round is reserved for Malay as President and not the next round.
But it will not be too difficult to guess - given that there are some sesimic development that give the impetus to reserve for Malay candidancy that is not convenient for Government to make public:-
(i) Geopolitical shift that will have great impact in the Asia Pacific region.
China is increasingly influential in the Asia Pacific region. Singapore being a Chinese majority - will cause disquietedness to our 2 Malay neighbors.
As Singapore is cooperating with China on many project initiatives - there is a need to provide comfort to our 2 Malay neighbors that Singapore is still a multi-racial Country and not a China vassal state.
Thus having a Malay as President will be an appropriate representaton of Singapore's political, cultural and social makeup.
(ii) ISIS terrorism is rearing its head in SE-Asia. Having a Malay President will certainly help in networking and working with the neighboring Muslim Community.
(iii) If you read Mr Lee KY memoir, Singapore deliberately wait for Indonesia and Malaysia to establish diplomatic relationship with China before Singapore do.
So Kingspade Kingspade - don't assume that the Govt is trying to squeeze Tan Cheng Bok out by exercising the reservation for Malays. You are only spreading unnecessary rumor for discord.
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Like · Reply · 10 mins
Ricky Lim ·
Kingspade Kingspade - You mention that halimah is Malay Muslim is not true - because her father is an Indian Muslim and her mother is a Malay.
Then how do you classify Peranakan - are the Chinese or Malay?
I have a friend who speak Hokkien, Malay and English very well and he look like Chinese.
So does he means that being a Peranakan - he cannot be Chinese and he must be Malay.
But he look every bit like Chinese and he is has been leading a Chinese life.
So if he put himself up as Chinese - then can you say no?
And if he put himself as a Malay - then can you say no?
If Mdm Halimah has been always and accepted by the Malay Community, then what is wrong to be a Malay Muslim?
Dr M has always called himself a Malay muslim even though he has a Indian Muslim blood - but Malaysia think he is alright to be a Malay muslim.
And assume an Italian, Spanish, German, etc called themselves Eurasian and want to contest as candidate for Eurasian, are you going to stop them - Mr Kingspade Kingspade?
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Reply · 1 hr
Christopher Bong ·
Works at Happily Retired
Lim are you kidding me?? Malay is only 13% of population so what's this
ISIS. Majority of Malays here are moderate and they are much smarter
than that. If this is so, the other two candidates are Muslim too. In
the first place she is a fake Malay.
Reply · 4 mins
Ricky Lim ·
A good Government is one that have the foresight and vision to make Singapore safe, secure, survive, thrive and prosper.
Not to practice "democracy" for the sake of democracy - but compromise Singapore national security and well being of Singaporeans.
Yah people can vote is shiok.
Vote TCB in to confront Government is shiok.
What happen if IS poke a lobang in the system - while Government grapple with a confrontational TCB - and someone die in ISIS attack and bomb?
Does the vote make you feel shiok?
Not to practice "democracy" for the sake of democracy - but compromise Singapore national security and well being of Singaporeans.
Yah people can vote is shiok.
Vote TCB in to confront Government is shiok.
What happen if IS poke a lobang in the system - while Government grapple with a confrontational TCB - and someone die in ISIS attack and bomb?
Does the vote make you feel shiok?
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Ricky Lim ·
Christopher Bong - a few Singaporeans radicalised to ISIS ideologies are Malay Muslims.
Some family members knew about some of them being radicalised but did not informed the authorities.
Some try to recruit their fellow Malay friends - but they reject them and informed the authorities.
Thus having a Malay President will help to dampen ISIS caliphate ideologies - and get the Malay Community to combat ISIS ideologies - because there is a Muslim figurehead as President and will certainly help in the combat of ISIS radicalism.
Also if TCB become President, do you think he make this matter worst or better - while constantly poking the Government?
He will distract the Government more than help.
Some family members knew about some of them being radicalised but did not informed the authorities.
Some try to recruit their fellow Malay friends - but they reject them and informed the authorities.
Thus having a Malay President will help to dampen ISIS caliphate ideologies - and get the Malay Community to combat ISIS ideologies - because there is a Muslim figurehead as President and will certainly help in the combat of ISIS radicalism.
Also if TCB become President, do you think he make this matter worst or better - while constantly poking the Government?
He will distract the Government more than help.
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Ricky Lim ·
ISIS threat is in SE Asia - fighting in Philippines Marawi, many cells
have been uncovered in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.
You think we still can afford to rest in the laurel, stay complacent --- vote here, vote there, let TCB poke here poke there --- just to feel shiok.
All you need is just one ISIS terrorist attack - and then everyone will panic --- this time you feel shiok or you panic.
You think we still can afford to rest in the laurel, stay complacent --- vote here, vote there, let TCB poke here poke there --- just to feel shiok.
All you need is just one ISIS terrorist attack - and then everyone will panic --- this time you feel shiok or you panic.
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Christopher Bong ·
Works at Happily Retired
Lim an abusive government will place all his stooges around so that he
can further abuse the constitution and consolidate his power. If this
government has the foresight why is the country in such a mess, so many
people driving Uber and Grab and foreigners taking PMETs job. If the
government has the fore sight then why is the MRT in such a mess and
people that failed in getting all these done and are still employed and
drawing huge wages. In the corporate world they would have long been
fired. Lee Hsien Yang and his sister is right when they said that their
brother abused his powers. This Presidential election clearly shows
that. Simgapore will never be like the Philippines we are only a little
red dot while there are thousands of islands there. Then again our so
called government with "fore sight" can even let a limping man escape.
This government is a far cry from that of the early days of Lee Kuan
Yew, no wonder even his father removed him as executor of his will.
Ricky Lim ·
Christopher Bong - i have only one thing to say.
Americans have to learn the lesson of Donald Trump.
UK have to learn the lesson of Brexit - while France escape the crawl of Le Pen.
I am not eager to see Singapore going through what US and UK are going through.
Evidently you don't understand the dynamics and complexity of ISIS terrorism, disruptive technologies, protectionism, nationalism etc that are taking place.
And no point debating with you.
Now is National Security and the threat of ISIS terrorism is imminent.
You are eager to play with the fire --- wiser Singaporeans are not.
Americans have to learn the lesson of Donald Trump.
UK have to learn the lesson of Brexit - while France escape the crawl of Le Pen.
I am not eager to see Singapore going through what US and UK are going through.
Evidently you don't understand the dynamics and complexity of ISIS terrorism, disruptive technologies, protectionism, nationalism etc that are taking place.
And no point debating with you.
Now is National Security and the threat of ISIS terrorism is imminent.
You are eager to play with the fire --- wiser Singaporeans are not.
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Christopher Bong ·
Works at Happily Retired
Ricky Lim she is not even a Malay. Our great PM can even change her race.
Christopher Bong ·
Works at Happily Retired
Lim you are the one who is afraid of your own shadow. If you look at
the whole context, Britain will be much better out of Europe.
Christopher Bong ·
Works at Happily Retired
Lim don't know what you have experience but I was in Tibet when the
monks demonstrated for independence and the Chinese brought in all their
military hardware. Saw monks being shot. I was present in the
Valentine's day bombing in Manila. I was right in the midst of the
massive demonstration to out President Suharto. Have you seen street
demonstration of 30,000 people leaving a wave of destruction? So the so
called ISIS is enough to throw away, democracy, meritocracy, equality
into the dustbin??
Ricky Lim ·
Bong - she is a mixed Indian and Malay Muslim and she has been accepted by
the Malay Community with the race recognition cert for the past few
If the Malay Community has accepted her, what is your problem?
If the Malay Community has accepted her, what is your problem?
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Ricky Lim ·
Bong - you claim that Britain is better out of Europe - you have not
seen the whole picture yet - how many banks and corporate are planning,
or on the verge of pulling out plus many uncertainties.
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Ricky Lim ·
Christopher Bong - i am surprised you have not say anything about how Donald Trump perform in US.
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Ricky Lim ·
Bong - I am surprised you take pride in the tragedies of other
Countries and you quoted Tibet, Manila bomb, Indonesia demo ---- and you
say is no big deal---- and you want Singapore to undergo a bomb attack
by ISIS terrorist and you say is no big deal.
Now I have nap you - good and proper ----- for everyone to see ---- how reckless, and have no regard for the safety and security of Singapore and Singaporeans.
So you think Singaporeans will listen to you and buy in to your argument.
If Mr LKY is around - he could be tougher and you probably will not say what you are saying now - when come to Singapore national security.
Now I have nap you - good and proper ----- for everyone to see ---- how reckless, and have no regard for the safety and security of Singapore and Singaporeans.
So you think Singaporeans will listen to you and buy in to your argument.
If Mr LKY is around - he could be tougher and you probably will not say what you are saying now - when come to Singapore national security.
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Ricky Lim ·
Bong - if you don't understand what is National Security - when the
Nation is threaten by security threat - a State of Emergency can be
declared - when a crisis loom.
This is the standard operandi mode - exercised by many Countries - including democratic Countries --- eg. Paris during terrorist attack, Philipines Marawi, Turkey coup, Thailand unrest, etc.
Even Singapore has declared State of Emergency during the early days by the British.
This is the standard operandi mode - exercised by many Countries - including democratic Countries --- eg. Paris during terrorist attack, Philipines Marawi, Turkey coup, Thailand unrest, etc.
Even Singapore has declared State of Emergency during the early days by the British.
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Ricky Lim ·
Christopher Bong - if Singapore is ever under attack - you will noticed that we will be in deep trouble.
Singapore is a highly dense, very compact small area.
An attack will quickly cause distrust among the various communities ----- and if you don't understand what this mean ---- it means if you walk out of the street ---- you keep looking behind your back in case someone come from behind and hack you to death.
Or someone drive a big truck and mow you down.
Or you walk on the street and someone fire a machine gun at you or trigger a bomb and blow you to pieces.
And you say this no big deal?
Singapore is a highly dense, very compact small area.
An attack will quickly cause distrust among the various communities ----- and if you don't understand what this mean ---- it means if you walk out of the street ---- you keep looking behind your back in case someone come from behind and hack you to death.
Or someone drive a big truck and mow you down.
Or you walk on the street and someone fire a machine gun at you or trigger a bomb and blow you to pieces.
And you say this no big deal?
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Ricky Lim ·
Christopher Bong - and in case you come out to blare again ---- London tube was just bomb.
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Ricky Lim ·
UK PM May just scolded Trump for tweeting that "Scotland Yard is
sleeping on the job for allowing known terrorists to operate in London".
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Christopher Bong ·
Works at Happily Retired
Lim having afake malay president will not change anything, Look at
Malaysia and Indonesia, two hige majority Malay countries and yet the
population get pulled into ISIS and you expect this little woman to stop
that?? This clearly shows that you do not understand one thing, when
ask to choose between religion and country, they will pick religion
first. Stop being so naive.
Christopher Bong ·
Works at Happily Retired
NEWS!!! According to BBD, British Prime Minister May and German
Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced that they have converted to Islam
after taking the lead for famous security advisor on ISIS terrorists
Ricky Lim. Ricky claimed that having a Muslim head of state will prevent
the local muslim population from being radicals and thus their
respective countries will be free of terrorism. Similar decision of
converting will the the President of France. President Trump may follow
suit according to reliable sources.
Ricky Lim ·
Christopher Bong -
(1) If you put TCB as President - and every month poke the Govt, and Parliament have to set aside Parliamentary time to address TCB poke.
If you put TCB to talk to Malay Community - whose speech poke Govt instead of getting Malay Community to prevent terrorism.
As oppose to now President Halimah.
Just use your brain to think - which outcome is better.
(1) If you put TCB as President - and every month poke the Govt, and Parliament have to set aside Parliamentary time to address TCB poke.
If you put TCB to talk to Malay Community - whose speech poke Govt instead of getting Malay Community to prevent terrorism.
As oppose to now President Halimah.
Just use your brain to think - which outcome is better.
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Christopher Bong ·
Works at Happily Retired
Lim it is sad to have people like you willing to sacrifice your right
to vote in exchange of imaginary security. Abraham Lincoln had a very
appropriate saying for people just like you, "Those who are ready to
sacrifice freedom for security, ultimately will loose both."
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