Sunday, September 17, 2017

To shoot down or not? NKorea launch highlights intercept issues

By Thomas Watkins with Shingo Ito in Tokyo,AFP News 11 hour

September 17, 2017

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  • 1. using missiles to take out N Korea missile during boost stage upon launch. 
    2. using cyber attacks 
    3. mounting lasers on drones to shoot N Korea missiles 

    --- all at the moment when N Korea during boost stage launch --- should be the prefer mode for US - because if N Korea is rash and threaten to use nuclear ------ the interception upon boost ---- will cause nuclear explosion directly on N Korea territory.

    N Korea will suffer from its own thermonuclear explosion ---- and this will be a very strong deterrent - to ensure that N Korea will not be rash or reckless to use nuclear indiscriminately.
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    • Both US, S Korea and Japan --- should demonstrate such capabilities by carrying out exercise, video the interception at boost stage from mobile launcher --- many times to drive home the message that if N Korea ever launch nuclear missile, interception will take place upon just launch ---- and this will send a signal to N Korea that its nuclear weapons will explode on its launching pad, in N Korea territory and N Korea will be inflame with by its own thermonuclear.

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    • This will serve as a serious warning to N Korea. Also N Korea nuclear missiles will become useless because it can't be used with the great risk of N Korea being bomb by its own thermonuclear.
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      • Posted on :- April 16, 2017 

        ricky l 22 seconds ago 

        N Korea did not weigh all the consequences by constantly, stubbornly insisting to test launch ICBM and conduct nuclear tests. 

        N Korea may not realise that their touted missile units maybe rendered ineffective by constanly provoking US such as :- 

        (1) US can jam N Korea missile guidance system - and missile cannot fly, explode in mid-air, lose bearing, explode upon launch. If chemical, biological or nuclear warhead are mounted, N Korea may get fry dry. 

        (2) N Korea may not have supply and follow up resource to sustain a war - rendering planes cannot fly, tanks, armor, military vehicles cannot move, ships cannot sail, submarine cannot submerged etc. 

        (3) US will be able to intercept missiles in mid-flight, attack missile launchers at source and N Korea missiles will be depleted. 

        End up N Korea will become a receiving end like ex-Iraq, ex-Libya. 

        Now it is like 2 runaway trains accelerating full-speed heading towards one another. 
        Unless N Korea change course and request for negotiating a nuclear deal. Otherwise an imminent war in N Korea is highly likely.

      To shoot down or not? NKorea launch highlights intercept issues

      By Thomas Watkins with Shingo Ito in Tokyo,AFP News 11 hours ago

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