Friday, January 20, 2017

Will Trump end globalization? The doubt haunts Davos' elite

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  • German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, however, expressed doubt that the West would leave the defense of free trade to Chinese leadership. Beyond Trump, Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, said the broader international system must change to deal with the growing inequalities evident in the Oxfam report. Theresa May, Britain's prime minister, sought to convince the Davos elite that Britain was not retreating from the global scene. But she did concede that policymakers have to support those for whom globalization is not working. "The forces of liberalism, free trade and globalization that have had, and continue to have, such an overwhelmingly positive impact on our world ... are somehow at risk of being undermined," she said. 
  • ----- 
  • Let US and EU prove it. Actions speak louder than words. 
  • So far, only China is acting on it - not words only.
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    • So far :- 
    • (1) Trump is going to issue an Executive order to drop TPP for US. 
    • (2) Brexit has taken a dent on the EU Economic Union. 
    • So the World will be watching whether will the US and the West uphold Globalisation and World Trade. 
    • China RCEP is going full steam ahead where hopefully it will be ratified by 2017.
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      • Human lives are improved by cheap energy and USA style freedom. Global trade agreements and green energy are exactly the wrong paths.
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          • Hope you will be breathing smog and toxic gas soon - just when China is desperate to get out of it.
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            • 颠倒是非。 语无伦次。

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