Pole dancers jam traffic at Taiwan politician's funeral
ricky l
When a human passed away (albeit all sentinent beings), the life consciousness of the human will passed over (life consciousness continuum) into a Bardo state - where the 4 Great Elements are no longer prominent, but the 5 Mental Aggregates become heightened and prominent.
During this state, karma calculation will take effect.
If the deceased of the loved ones, undertake spiritual prayers to keep the deceased Bardo state of consciousness - in a wholesome state, with all the deceased karma calculated plus the deceased Bardo state of Mental Aggregate - will determined the Deceased rebirth into a next realm.
Assume that the Deceased has good karma and is destined to a Heavenly state or even into a Nirvana state, the Deceased love ones make use of those dancers in lustful dancing - will in fact disturbed the Deceased Mental Bardo state - and cause the Deceased to be rebirth in Human realm again - due to the arising of 12 Dependant Origination of Life - by invoking the Deceased Lust - or desire for rebirth.
This will be very unfortunate.
Thus funeral ceremony must be solemn, dignified and if possible, spiritual.
The lustful dancing is an unwholesome act.
During this state, karma calculation will take effect.
If the deceased of the loved ones, undertake spiritual prayers to keep the deceased Bardo state of consciousness - in a wholesome state, with all the deceased karma calculated plus the deceased Bardo state of Mental Aggregate - will determined the Deceased rebirth into a next realm.
Assume that the Deceased has good karma and is destined to a Heavenly state or even into a Nirvana state, the Deceased love ones make use of those dancers in lustful dancing - will in fact disturbed the Deceased Mental Bardo state - and cause the Deceased to be rebirth in Human realm again - due to the arising of 12 Dependant Origination of Life - by invoking the Deceased Lust - or desire for rebirth.
This will be very unfortunate.
Thus funeral ceremony must be solemn, dignified and if possible, spiritual.
The lustful dancing is an unwholesome act.

ricky l
A person who in Nirvana - can clearly see "the Piercing of the Nirvana Fruit - by a single stray thought from Samsara State".
The Dharma Wheel on the left demonstrate - outside the Dharma Wheel are all stray thoughts. One stray thought of Lust - pierce the Nirvana Fruition - and trigger the Birth on Samsara Earth.
In human rebirth form - it is a sperm that penetrate the Egg in the Womb.
So Buddhism did taught Jesus ---- using analogy of Adam & Eve.
Everyone understood?
The Dharma Wheel on the left demonstrate - outside the Dharma Wheel are all stray thoughts. One stray thought of Lust - pierce the Nirvana Fruition - and trigger the Birth on Samsara Earth.
In human rebirth form - it is a sperm that penetrate the Egg in the Womb.
So Buddhism did taught Jesus ---- using analogy of Adam & Eve.
Everyone understood?
Karma is like Accounting.
Do Good - Good Karma - More Credits.
Do bad - bad karma - more debits.
Good Karma - More Credits - Good Rebirth eg. Heavenly Realms.
bad karma - more debits - bad rebirth eg. Hungry Ghosts realm, Hell realm.
When attain Nirvana - and enter into PariNirvana - karma cease (no more karma) ---- and enter into Nirvana - no birth, no death, karma cease, no more sufferings, eternal Bliss.
In Nirvana, Accounting - is clear - equilibrium - no more credits, no more debits.
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10 seconds ago
During the calculation of karma, visions and visions of the karma appear, bad karma appears, good karma appears ......... where in Taoism - it says the 判官 use the 生死簿 to read out the good deeds and the bad deeds to the deceased - and then make judgement - on which realm the Deceased will rebirth.
But in actual case, everything appear in the Mental State - the Bardo State.
Now everyone can see --- all religions when combine together --- can see the whole picture.
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ricky l
2 seconds ago
7 minutes ago
Well if at this stage, we need our relatives to "add points" or "maintain points"....we are already Done....
ricky l
12 seconds ago
Unless if your karma is so good - that despite your relatives "add points", "maintain points" or "minus points" - it will not affect you.
This will happen when if your Bardo state is at Jhana Samadhi or Nirvana Fruition or in good mindfulness or good concentration when your passed away - so that your Mental State will under no circumstances be able to be affected by your environment that will disturb your mind.
When Buddha is passing away, Buddha in His Sleeping position - enter into 1st Jhana Samadhi and then enter into Nirvana before entering PariNirvana - and when His Bodies was cremated --- Buddha's Mind is in Perfect Calm State of Nirvana, specifically PariNirvana ---- this is the Supreme Perfect State.
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ricky l
11 seconds ago
Only when in this Mental State - when cremated - will have sariras 舍利子。
But need not be a Buddha to have attained such a Mental State.
You can be an Arahat or Bodhisattva or an Anagami or an Sagadagami or a Sotappana.
Then your mental state will be in Nirvana ---- whether pole dancers or what type of luke dancers will not affect your rebirth.
This is a State known as 坐怀不乱。
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ricky l
2 seconds ago
Thus for all mundane humans other than those Supramundane Humans who attained Jhana Samadhi or Nirvana ---- the funeral shall be as dignified, solemn and spiritual - to help the Deceased maintain a Calm Bardo Mental State.
ricky l
2 seconds ago
If you don't believe, as mundane person - won't you get ruffle and your mind get disturb - when someone disturb you?
But a person in Jhana Samadhi or Nirvana Fruition 入定 - mental state will have no stray thoughts arising - to trigger the 12 Dependant Origination of Life - to be rebirth in Samsara.
Just like, if one do a video call - one can see and talk to the person in another Country.
If one do a telephone call - one can talk to another person in another Country.
All is needed is to dial the right number, right radio frequency or right channel.
In total, there are 8 Great Hell - where Avici Hell is the Greatest sufferings. And with minor Hells - there are altogether 168 hell realms.
In total, there are 6 sub-realms in this Heavenly realms - with varied combination of consciousness and different lifespan.
The consciousness are beyond what mundane human experience - albeit different from other lower realms mundane consciousness - including Sensual Desire Heavenly consciousness.
Specifically these 5 Supramundane Consciousness replace Humans 5 mundane Mental Aggregates.
In total, there are 4 sub-realms in these Heavenly realms with varied combination of consciousness.
There are 4 sub-realms in this Heavenly realms specifically :-
(1) Infinite space
(2) Infinite consciousness
(3) Perception, Non-Perception 是相非相天
(4) Nothingness, No-nothingness 非想天非非想天
The above 3 Heavenly Realms - will have different lifespan --- so long that it was thought to be Eternal - but it will still end one day.
The last - however is Nirvana (which is not a Heavenly Realm) - this is the realm where it is Eternal, Timeless, No beginning/No end, where Karma cease, no birth, no death, no sufferings, Eternal Peace, Eternal Bliss.