Singapore economy likely grew more than 1 pct in 2016 - PM
Please concentrate and stay focus on improving our economy. Just stay out of the S.E China sea issues. As the saying goes "outsiders smoke cigar"
- ricky lWho care about the South China Sea issues as Singapore is not a claimant state.
But just make sure that claimants don't turn it into a ground of military confrontation - that disrupt economic flow. - *hi rick, as china says singapore is the largest us naval base to control the straits... so what do this means... only singapore and its ministers is capable of disrupting the economic...
- ricky lUS has some litoral ships in Singapore which is meant to protect Singapore security - which is not used against China.
How does this interpret to be used against China's interest?
Singapore has similar joint exercise with China PLA. US did not interpret this as acting against US interest. - ricky lChina and Singapore has postponed annual bi-lateral high-level meetings indefinitely.
This is very unfortunate - on why bilateral relationships has deteriorated.

Human Race
ricky l
Perhaps you are one of the very few who failed to understand why bilateral relationships have deteriorated between China and S'pore. First, Lee H.L. was the only ASEAN leader who took issue with China when the Hague verdict of the arbitral tribunal on the SCS dispute in favor of Aquino III was announced in July 2016. Other ASEAN leaders, even Duterte, were neutral. Secondly, during his visits to the US and Japan in August 2016, Lee again made one-sided remarks in regards to China's SCS policy, in tandem with the two most vocal opponents against China's SCS activities, the US and Japan. Last but not least, the world knows that S'pore has long allowed the US to use its naval bases for US naval ships, especially the Littoral Combat Ships, designed especially for shallow coastal water operations, like in the SCS. How can ricky be so blind as to say that they are "not used against China"???
Perhaps you are one of the very few who failed to understand why bilateral relationships have deteriorated between China and S'pore. First, Lee H.L. was the only ASEAN leader who took issue with China when the Hague verdict of the arbitral tribunal on the SCS dispute in favor of Aquino III was announced in July 2016. Other ASEAN leaders, even Duterte, were neutral. Secondly, during his visits to the US and Japan in August 2016, Lee again made one-sided remarks in regards to China's SCS policy, in tandem with the two most vocal opponents against China's SCS activities, the US and Japan. Last but not least, the world knows that S'pore has long allowed the US to use its naval bases for US naval ships, especially the Littoral Combat Ships, designed especially for shallow coastal water operations, like in the SCS. How can ricky be so blind as to say that they are "not used against China"???
- ricky l@Human Race,
The original intention of the Littoral Combat Ships is to help to patrol the Straits to combat piracy and terrorism - this is the purpose of the Littoral Combat Ships.
In fact, US budget to build these ships are solely meant for this purpose.
Not to sail to South China Sea - a deep blue sea to pit against the aircraft carrier, destroyers, frigate or submarine.
So don't get your overly paranoidism - that this is used against China's interest.
You mean the Littoral Combat Ships are used to bang against the carrier, destroyers or frigates that are multiple time the size of the Littoral Combat Ships?
Even the small weapons carried by the Littoral Combat Ships are meant for pirates or terrorists --- not against conventional battleships.
@Human Race - your accusations is 蛮不讲理. - ricky lLook at what is LCS used for :-
"In 2014, the U.S. Coast Guard began advocating the LCS as a tailor-made platform for drug interdiction missions. Under pressure from Navy vessels retiring, the Coast Guard will suffer a surface vessel shortage for intercepting smuggling ships, forcing the Navy to examine other platforms for drug interdiction. The Coast Guard noted that the LCS has previously performed this task, and pointed towards its high speed and embarked helicopters to run down smuggling fast boats; the Navy plans to base 10 Freedom-class ships at Naval Station Mayport, Florida which could be tasked to conduct interdiction missions."
- ricky lOn the issue of the Hague tribunal, what is the exact statement that make @Human Race so unhappy?
Honestly, Singapore is a non-claimant state and stay neutral.
However, the claims must not turn into a fight --- that will stop economic flow - and hurt everyone in the Asia Pacific region.
Singapore stand on international dispute is very transparent and objective - and not taking sides.
Singapore also subject ourselves to International Law and abide by its ruling.
(1) Singapore and Malaysia Pedra Branca dispute - rule in favour of us - we accepted the ruling.
(2) Singapore and Malaysia railway land dispute - rule in favour of Malaysia - we accepted the ruling.
Both cases are "Win-Win outcome" for both Singapore and Malaysia - and our relationship between Singapore and Malaysia have move on a higher plane - with more "Win-Win deals" - and no confrontation.
Even Singapore subject ourselves to the "Peaceful resolution of disputes" in accordance to International Law --- thus resolving international dispute cordially and resolutely with no tension and friction. - ricky l@Human Race --- are you saying Singapore position is not correct?
Then what is correct?
Tell me what do you think is correct?
Do remember something :-
(1) If Human does not subject to Law --- there will be chaos, confrontation, conflict and war --- and all Human will suffer.
(2) If Humans do not follow Law --- Heavenly Law will dispense justice.
(3) If Heavenly justice is not dispense justly or adequately --- Universal Law of Karma will dispense the final justice --- where karma is calculated up to Universal time.
No one, No Powers, No Divinity ---- can exceed Universal Law of Karma. - ricky lHaving say so, I think everyone should be keeping a lookout how the new US admin will carry itself in the Asia Pacific region.
I am sure Singapore can play a positive role to prevent confrontation between US and China. - ricky lI think - this become increasingly important and in fact critical - the coming months, in fact the next 4 years.
The reason, mis-steps, miscalculations and miscomm - become increasingly very likely - between US and China.
In fact,
"China and Singapore postponed annual bi-lateral high-level meetings indefinitely - is very unfortunate".
We have entered into an "era of great uncertainty".
Staying connected become very vital. - ricky lThe below statement is for the US DOD 2017 Budget US$600 over billion defense spendings.
The statement below indicate that US will cut back on "Littoral Combat Ships" - as it is not meant to counter China's naval forces.
For naval warfare specifically, Carter has ordered the Navy to cut back on the lightweightLittoral Combat Ship to invest more in destroyers, strike aircraft, and missiles.
“In the Pacific, a large surface combatant” — such as a destroyer — “is better than a small surface combatant” — such as a Littoral Combat Ship — “because it can do ballistic missile defense, it can do ASW [anti-submarine warfare], it can do all those things.” US naval forces have focused on attacking land targets, not enemy fleets, ever since the first Tomahawk strikes on Iraq in 1991, but that too is changing. - ricky lSo @Human Race --- accusation that Singapore offering US "Littoral Combat Ships" a resting place in our naval base is a threat to China interest and especially used in South China Sea ---- is absolutely flaw.
- ObladaWe all know from blogs and private texts that Singaporeans in general feel that Singapore being a non-claimant state should stay out of the SCS issue. We should recognize that we are a small country and we should just follow the wisdom of our previous generation of leaders.... maintain our neutral stance. It is a little disappointing that our current generation of ministers either are probably tolling the line ( and collect their good salary ) or are too Western educated to understand how to deal with China.
By the way, big powers like USA also did not observe international tribunal ruling. In 1986, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled in favor of Nicaragua and against the United States and awarded reparations to Nicaragua. The ICJ held that the U.S. had violated international law by supporting the Contras in their rebellion against the Nicaraguan government and by mining Nicaragua's harbors. US just simply refused to accept the verdict. if you go further into history, you can see more cases of Western countries ( including Japan ) either colonized emerging countries or created one sided unfair treaties. I am not saying that China is right but there are precedences that makes the SCS complicated. Whatever it is, let's be mindful that if the situation in SCS escalates to arm conflict, any war is not going to be fought on US soil but in SCS and SEA and of course including the little red dot, will suffer heavily.
Just remember how Korea was used as a battle ground for Americans and Russian in the Korean War. - ricky lSingapore does not want to see any conflict breakout in South China Sea or Asia Pacific region.
We will be affected badly.
Singapore stance is neutral and does not side anyone - advocating claimants to resolve their disputes peacefully.
Singapore is mindful that even US does not respect International Law when it is rule against its favor. But this does not mean that we support such position.
Having say so, big powers whether US or China should respect our position. - ricky lOn a personal note (in my personal opinion) - if people don't believe in human law, heavenly law and Universal Law of Karma ---- I do.
Even if i have the power, i won't abuse it - because i believe, i understand, i see and i fear Karma.
Thus having believe, understand, see and fear Karma - I will voice, caution and impart the values of not infringing Karma by unnecessary breaking of laws - human laws, heavenly laws and Universal Law of Karma ---- for "Retribution, for what we reap, what we sow - is real and true."
"Do Good. Refrain from wrong - for karma will follow us like shadow". - ricky l万般带不走, 唯有业随身。