Friday, January 20, 2017

ricky l

2 Singapore unionists slam Surbana Jurong over sacking of 54 workers

Yahoo News Singapore
Poor performance is the standard excuse used - to avoid retrenchment benefit - during restructuring exercise.
    • Even winning award and incentives -- can also be label as poor performers - if they want to avoid paying retrenchment benefits - just to get the matured PMETs out to be replaced by lower cost workers.
      • Anyway too tired to seek redress - karma will take its course.

        That is what happen to Trump phenomenon, Brexit phenomenon and populist movement - that hit back worldwide.
        • The so called "annual exercise" of attrition of 1% poor performers - is often a mechanism to remove mature PMETs, or even witchhunt.

          It was started by the Americans corporate.

          But recently, top American corporate has junked this practice - as they feel that it demoralised staff and fail to bring out the best from the staff.

        • Time to Scrap Performance Appraisals

          Josh Bersin , CONTRIBUTOR
          I analyze corporate HR, talent management and leadership.

          Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.
          Times have changed. More and more companies have decided to radically change (read "scrap" or "re-engineer") their performance appraisal process.

          Last week at our research conference we spoke with Adobe, Juniper, Kelly Services, and a variety of other companies who have decided to do away with traditional performance ratings and dramatically change the annual appraisal process.

          Our research shows that this is a strong and positive trend.

          Why the process must change.

          Why do companies have annual reviews in the first place? They are an artifact from traditional top-down organizations where we had to "weed out" the bottom performers every year. By forcing managers to rate people once per year we can have annual talent reviews and decide who gets more money, who to promote, and who to let go.

          Coupled with the performance rating is the "potential" rating, which tries to capture an individual's potential to move up two levels in the organization (the traditional definition).

          This approach is based on a philosophy that "we cant totally trust managers" so we're going to force them to fit people into these rating scales. And in many companies (around 20%) there are forced distributions, which mandate that some percent of employees are rated at the bottom and only a limited percent can be rated at the top.

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          The well publicized problems with this process abound. These include:

          Employees need and want regular feedback (daily, weekly), so a once-a-year review is not only too late but it's often a surprise. Regular coaching is the key to alignment and performance.
          Managers cannot typically "judge" an entire year of work from an individual at one time (imagine if your spouse gave you an annual review!), so the annual review is awkward and uncomfortable for both manager and employee.
          Manager-employee relationships are not 1:1 like they used to be. We work with many leaders and peers during the year, so one person cannot adequately rate you without lots of peer input.
          While some employees are a poor fit and likely are poor performers, these issues should be addressed immediately, not at the end of the year.
          Some companies really do have a lot of high performers, so forced ranking eliminates great people and damages the culture.
          People are inspired and motivated by positive, constructive feedback - and the "appraisal" process almost always works against this.
          The most valuable part of an appraisal is the "development planning" conversation - what can one do to improve performance and engagement - and this is often left to a small box on the review form.
          Companies are nervous about eliminating this process because:

          We need a fair and validated way to distribute compensation increases (don't we?)
          We need a record of low performance when we let someone go
          We need to capture performance data in an employee's profile for future promotion and other talent reviews, development plans, and career migration
          We need a way to make sure managers are doing their jobs well.
          Well, I've probably discussed these issues with 100+ companies over the last five years and our research shows more and more that companies are ready to let this process go.

          Organization structures have changed and companies need to be more agile. We have a shortage of key talent and the keys to success now focus on regular alignment, coaching, creating passion and engagement, and continuous employee development.

          The new keys to success:

          Develop a "feedback-rich" culture and set of tools (often online, sometimes formal, often informal) that encourages all employees to give each other feedback. Tools from companies like Achievers, Globoforce, and most HR software vendors now enable and make this easy.
          Separate the discussions about performance from discussions about potential and future career plans. Yes we need to evaluate people when raise time comes, but that can be a totally different conversation from.
          Talk about performance regularly and let employees create their own goals on a regular basis. Force managers to provide ongoing feedback and teach them how to have honest conversations.
          Assume that employees already know something about their own performance, and force them to self-assess. People tend to have a good idea of their own strengths and weaknesses - give them an open and positive opportunity to share it. That starts the dialogue about expectations and the match between their self-assessment and that of the organization.
          Enable managers to assess performance regularly. Software teams now use Agile tools which evaluate code on a weekly basis. Managers should be giving people feedback regularly. If they learn to do this on a regular basis it will get easier and employees will learn to appreciate it.
          Focus managers on hiring the best, so they build a team which strives for 100% high performers. This is never possible of course, but rather than assuming that 20% of your employees will perform poorly, spend more time on assessment, culture, and fit to make sure very few low performers make it into the organization in the first place.
          Remember that everyone wants to succeed. If they aren't performing well it's not necessarily their fault - the organization should take responsibility for helping them find a better fit if possible.
          Set and reset goals frequently. Companies that set performance goals quarterly generate 31% greater returns from their performance process than those who do it annually, and those who do it monthly get even better results. This means employees get feedback on a continuous basis (most sales organizations work this way). Read our research for more details.
          Beware of pay for performance plans. While many companies (particularly investment banking, sales) have large pay for performance plans, research shows that these can create perverse behavior. People focus on their own goals at the expense of the organization. In sales related roles this process works well - when you move to customer service, engineering, and other "builder" roles they can create problems.
          Give your leaders a cultural framework and set of values to work from. Companies like Juniper and Deckers (Uggs shoes) focus very heavily on corporate values, forcing managers to hire and manage to these values. This makes selection easier and enables us to evaluate and coach people against higher level frameworks.
          Invest in leadership development. Being a manager is a tough job. Managers at all levels struggle with selection, hiring, training, coaching, and evaluation. Give them time and tools to learn, a framework for feedback, and a continuous development process so they learn how to become better.
          Reward talent "production" not talent "hoarding." If you pay your managers to "produce output," they will focus heavily on talent performance and evaluation. This may be a good thing, but ultimately companies thrive by building skills - so in addition to encouraging managers to produce good work, incent them to produce good talent as well.
          I've had the opportunity to study HR and performance management for almost 15 years now, and this topic has been controversial for a long time. In today's globalized,talent constrained workplace it's clear to me that the traditional appraisal has to change.

          Businesses thrive on agility, speed, passion, and alignment. The process of driving and measuring performance has to do the same.

          You can follow me to stay up to date on trends, research, and news in all areas of HR, leadership, and talent management on twitter at @josh_bersin. For more information on Bersin by Deloitte, please visit .

          • Top Amercian Forbes Companies - have long junk the "Performance Appraisal" and the attrition by "last 1% low performers" ---- because it is subject to abuse or managers have become more focus on evaluating performers - by comparing this, comparing that or witch-hunt in order to complete the performance appraisal exercise.

            This result in drop in morale in every performance appraisal exercise --- rather than focusing on employee development and boosting of staff morale - to propel corporate performance.
            • Most recently, the performance appraisal exercise - have been used as "a tool" to help in the restructuring exercise to remove staff - as a guise not to pay retrenchment benefits - where clearly it is a retrenchment exercise - but disguised as poor performance.

              This leave a bad taste to many retrenched staff without proper compensation - and many matured PMETs are asked to leave under the guise of poor performers.

              And this is done worldwide --- that is why you have Trump, Brexit and populism rearing its head - to support anti-elite, anti-establishment.

              This is the Universal Law of Karma manifesting against Capitalism - that is why even lightning and thunder strike in anger - at what have been going on.
              • Human can be unfair.
                Establishment can be unfair.
                Capitalism can be unfair.

                But Universal Law of Karma will be very fair.

                So don't blame Trump, Brexit, Populism rearing its head against Capitalism, anti-Establishment, anti-Elite.

                Because 有因必有果。
                • So when someone say "Human has reached an inflection point in 2016" -- is because Capitalism has reached its inflection point - because Capitalism is the making of Establishment and the Elite --- that measure and compare humans against humans ---- instead of human development.

                  Evaluating humans - is using brain "the might against the weak".

                  Human development is using Wisdom and Compassion - the Win-Win outcome.

                  That is why Trump phenomenon, Brexit and Populism strike back - due to Universal Law of Karma -- the inflection point of Capitalism.
                • Even lightning and thunder strike - when trying to intercept the rise of Trump phenomenon, Brexit --- because Heavenly invoke "the karma" and stop the interception - because karma has arrived and invoke the inflection point.

                  If Capitalism still don't transform --- the worst form of Trump phenomenon will manifest.
                  • Imagine the attrition of the so called "1% poor performers" is done by every company, every industry every year ---- what is the impact on the employee turnover every year?

                    The staff turnover is turbulence every year - and it add to the turbulence of staff turnover through resignation, retirement etc.
                    • And follow by disruptive technologies, robotics, automation --- it further disrupt the staff turnover --- leaving many angry working people who are constantly disrupted.

                      That is why Singaporeans constantly feel that their jobs are often insecured - because of the artificial injection of job insecurity and real job insecurity.
                      • So when jobs are insecured, who will want to raise a family and breed more sons and daughters --- to be left to suffer without knowing when will be the next job, the next meal?
                        • Attrition by "1% poor performers" has its flaws in HR practice.

                          Assume in a top Company where talents are abundant, department heads are force to produce the "1% poor performers" even when there is none.

                          So "witch hunt" become the game to fulfil the HR practice.

                          This is a flaw HR practice.

                          Assume SME with a few staff also engage such HR practice ---- staff turnover become a flux --- bring the entire workforce morale down.

                          • ricky l

                            16 seconds ago

                            So how does the Trump phenomenon, Brexit phenomenon and Populism rearing its ugly head?

                            Precisely it is because of :-

                            (1) Anti-elite

                            (2) Anti-establishment

                            (3) Anti-Capitalism

                            because elites, establishments, captialism --- sabo or unfairly treat the workers and staff --- and cause untold sufferings to them.

                            That is why Americans workers and staff, UK workers and staff, West workers and staff - all are revolting --- and overthrow the traditional Government.

                            So do watch out for this phenomenon.

                            Asia are not immune.

                            See less

                            ricky l

                            5 seconds ago

                            This is the explanation of karma in layman term - with life examples.

                            ricky l

                            16 seconds ago

                            To prevent the Trump phenomenon or Brexit phenomenon - there is a need to fix the HR practices and HR policies first.

                            Treat staff and workers as "Human Capital", as "Asset", as "Talent" - that if properly motivate, properly developed and properly deployed - will bring enormous benefits to the Company and to the Nation.

                            Staff and workers should not be treated as "commodities", as "dispensable" - because it will attract the Universal Law of Karma.

                            See less

                          ricky l5 minutes ago
                          Why is it so?

                          Because 万法唯心造, 由因缘生, 由因缘灭。

                          When the intent (HR practices and policies) is wholesome - it will elicit positive energy.
                          When the intent (HR practices and policies) is unwholesome - it will elicit negative energy.

                          The whole negative energy --- is due to the unwholesome intent of negative energy --- that is why there are so much anger in the workers heart worldwide.
                        • See less

                        • Surbana’s labelling of its terminated staff as ‘poor performers’ is unacceptable: Lim Swee Say

                          Singapore parliament building
                          Manpower Minister Lim Swee Say has criticised Surbana Jurong for labelling the workers that the Temasek-Holdings owned consultancy has terminated as “poor performers”, saying that it was unacceptable.
                          The way that Surbana terminated the 54 workers fell short of established human resource practices, Lim said on Tuesday (7 February).
                          Speaking in Parliament about the termination that took place last month, Lim said, “This is the first time that the employer has conducted such a major termination exercise and announced publicly that these workers are labelled poor performers. As a Manpower Minister, it is something that I do not find acceptable.”
                          He was responding to questions from various members of Parliament about updates of the Ministry of Manpower’s investigations into the incident.
                          Surbana Jurong group chief executive Wong Heang Fine reportedly explained the terminations to staff by saying in an e-mail that the company could not allow poor performers to continue to affect the 99 per cent who were performing.
                          Of the 54 terminated workers, 14 are members of the Building Construction and Timber Industries Employees’ Union (BATU).
                          BATU president Nasordin Mohd Hashim said in a Facebook post, “Eight of our members were re-employed staff who were offered re-employment or had their contract renewed. Why did the company offer them re-employment or renew their contract if their performance was not satisfactory to begin with?”
                          Lim told the House that his ministry expects companies to conduct their HR practices in a responsible and progressive manner.
                          “In this particular case, we are certainly concerned that a major employer could commit such a HR practice gaffe,” Lim said.
                          The management of Surbana and unions have since reached an agreement on an ex-grata payment for the affected employees, said Lim, adding that this was a “fair outcome” for the affected employees.
                          Lim added, “The company has acknowledged that the process could have been better managed…This episode serves as a good reminder to employers that termination exercises should be conducted in a responsible and sensitive manner.”
                          Under the Employment Act, employers who terminate employees on grounds of poor performance must substantiate these claims based on documented incidents of poor performance. Employees who feel they have been unfairly dismissed may file an appeal with MOM.
                          Lim concluded, “I hope we do not come across another case like this…At the end of the day, it does not mean that the (affected) person cannot do well in other places. The work environment, HR practices are also contributing factors.”
                        • Retrenchment in Singapore And What You Should Do If You’ve Been Let Go

                          In 2016 alone, 19,000 people in Singapore were made redundant. Putting that into perspective, that’s almost 1 in 200 working people. High profile job losses made news headlines, such as during the staff terminations and/or retrenchments from SMRT, SPH, Surbana Jurong, InchcapeANZ, and Raffles Country Club.
                          Retrenchment can arise from multiple reasons, from not getting along with your boss to the harsh reality of your job becoming obsolete. Regardless of the reason, retrenchment is not an issue that we can sweep under the carpet, thinking that we are too young to be laid off.
                          Here are some things you need to know.

                          1. You Are Never Too Young To Be Retrenched

                          One misconception about retrenchment is that it can only happen to the middle-aged age group. Even though it is true that middle-aged executives were reported to be “hardest hit by layoffs“, retrenchment is not completely foreign to younger people.
                          Singapore’s youth unemployment rate for those below 30 increased from 3.8% in March to 7.1% in June in 2016, with one retrenched individual reflecting that companies preferred to let the younger ones go as they contribute less to revenue. Another young employee who was let go from his first job after university, foresaw no “prior warning” and that it came as a “huge surprise”.
                          Image Credit: Bob Aubrey LinkedIn
                          The optimism bias that your job is perpetually secure is actually dangerous because you may not be prepared for the day you lose your job.
                          The incorporation of more advanced technologies in industries such as Fintech, and increasingly Foodtech, also compounds the risk of career instability, especially in easily automated roles (which PMEs are at more risk than low wage workers).
                          Robot restaurant – Rong Heng Seafood Restaurant / Image Credit: asiaone
                          Factoring how dismal it may sound, some companies may also “set” employees up for retrenchment by “rigging” KPIs to be so high that they become impossibly tough to hit.

                          2. Retrenchments Can Be Disguised

                          Image Credit: unscrambled
                          While you might be confident of finding a new job, the main concern is if you know how to protect yourself in terms of claiming retrenchment benefits from your previous position.
                          A recent article in November chronicled how workers were being “cheated” out of their benefits by being terminated with a month’s notice, as stated in employment contracts.
                          According to NTUC Assistant Secretary-General Patrick Tay, such irresponsible retrenchments can happen to anyone across the board, and if “disguised” properly, can appear legal. Although companies are now required to notify the MOM of retrenchments, masking these actual retrenchments lets companies avoid “bad press“. Retrenched staff might also be potentially shortchanged in terms of retrenchment benefits, which you can read about here.

                          3. Know Who Can Represent Your Workplace Interests

                          As stressed by Mr. Tay, it is important to know what union help you can get so that the union can help with negotiating the retrenchment payout as well as helping you in your job transition.
                          June calls herself a union member “by chance” as she had happened to chance upon a UWEEI (United Workers of Electronics & Electrical Industries) roadshow at her former company, and signed up for union membership.
                          Image Credit: UWEEI
                          In fact, she got retrenched shortly after with a week’s pay of retrenchment benefits. Her union was able to successfully negotiate a three-fold increase in retrenchment benefits as well as an extra 2 weeks’ pay for up-skilling courses.

                          4. Workplace Advice for Your First Job

                          What about fresh graduates who aren’t familiar with what they need to know in their first job?
                          The NTUC U PME Centre and Law Society of Singapore have published a legal guide for first jobbers called “My First Job” where you can get advice on employment contracts, retrenchments, restraint of trade and terminations.
                          You can also contact the NTUC U PME Centre for workplace advice online.

                          5. Resolve Workplace Disputes If I Lose My Job

                          Firstly, you need to know why you lost your job.
                          If your boss gives you iffy excuses which are not related to performance, or if you didn’t get your retrenchment benefits, salary and/or notice pay upon termination, there is a chance you have a case against your employer.
                          The infographics below outline what young PMEs who have lost their jobs or been retrenched can do. Remember to download/share/bookmark them for easy reference!

                          Before 1 April 2017

                          Image Credit: NTUC

                          From 1 April 2017 Onwards

                          From 1 April 2017, if you have a salary-related dispute against your employer, you can approach the Tripartite Alliance for Dispute Management (TADM), which includes the Employment Claims Tribunal (ECT).
                          The new TADM system covers more workplace issues and there is no cap to your salary to be eligible for this. The infographic below will be applicable from April 2017. (Remember to save this down too!)
                          Image Credit: NTUC

                          Retrenchment Is Not The End

                          It is bad yes, but it’s not a permanent roadblock.
                          Think of it as a chance to start anew, and look at opportunities in different job roles, industries and even different countries! Perhaps at your old job, you were not able to fully utilise your strengths, so now would be a chance to look for a new role in which you can truly shine.
                          In response to a worried question by a MediaCorp interviewer on losing her job to technology, NTUC Secretary-General Chan Chun Sing shared how technology actually enables working people with global skill sets to serve a global audience.
                          He pointed out that jobs of the future will be “high tech, high touch and high trust”, and Singapore has a good head-start in the “high trust” category.
                          Image Credit: : Committee on the Future Economy Report
                          The Committee on the Future Economy listed acquiring and utilising deep skills as one of the 7 strategies to help Singaporeans be prepared for the future. This would see unions working in concert with enterprises and the Government to move SkillsFuture forward and care for the wellbeing of all Singaporeans.
                          Here some other initiatives that the Labour Movement has embarked on to help working people sort out their careers. From invaluable work advice schools would’d never teach you, concerns about finding that elusive job, and finding your job of tomorrow, knowing all this will help not only job seekers, but also people having problems in their job.
                          The Labour Movement wants you to know that losing your job isn’t the end. There are avenues for workplace advice, channels to seek redress and plans in place to help you into your future job.
                          Featured Image Credit: @passerbyshaz / Vulcan Post

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