Tuesday, January 17, 2017

ricky l

Trump shakes postwar order, in blow to Europe

Bryan McManus
AFP News
EU should be less dependence and to rely on Trump to help EU and NATO.

Trump philosophy is America first and others are secondary.

Don't expect Trump to help EU and NATO.

EU and NATO will have to increasingly rely on itself.

Germany and France taking the lead in EU and NATO is a right step forward.

US will increasingly adopt isolationist policy and detached from the World.
As a result, US will relinquish its World leadership very soon.

  • So EU should not portray or look towards Trump for World leadership - as a World Leader will attempt to look after its Allies and make its Allies strong --- not one that attempt to break up its Allies and make its Allies weak.

    Or worst, take advantage of its Allies to make himself strong but weaken its Allies.

    Trump will be a lonely figure very soon - as most of his Allies, Partners and Friends will keep a distance from him.

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