Trump moves to pull US out of Pacific-Rim trade deal
ricky l
TPP members will be calling a meeting to reduce the damages cause by Trump withdrawal of TPP.
Among measures to keep the multilateral trade deals in place could be :-
(1) Australia propose inviting China and Indonesia to replace US to the TPP.
This is a good idea because China and Indonesia with large population plus big Economy will be more than adequate to replace US economy.
This will be contingent on whether China and Indonesia is willing to pick up this option - as China is already leading the RCEP, FTAAP and One Belt One Road that is rivaling the TPP.
(2) Bilateral trades whereby we can negotiate with Mexico and Canada for a new FTA - as we already have FTA with other TPP members.
(3) Japan offer to talk Trump around the strategic and economic significance of TPP - to ask US to rejoin (it will be a formidable feat if Japan is able to do it - almost like mission impossible).
With US formal withdrawal of TPP - US economic influence in Asia Pacific will surely set to diminish and soon all Asia Pacific members - including other Countries (non Asia Pacific) will align more to China and Asia Pacific members who are stong adocate of trade for Economic Growth.
Among measures to keep the multilateral trade deals in place could be :-
(1) Australia propose inviting China and Indonesia to replace US to the TPP.
This is a good idea because China and Indonesia with large population plus big Economy will be more than adequate to replace US economy.
This will be contingent on whether China and Indonesia is willing to pick up this option - as China is already leading the RCEP, FTAAP and One Belt One Road that is rivaling the TPP.
(2) Bilateral trades whereby we can negotiate with Mexico and Canada for a new FTA - as we already have FTA with other TPP members.
(3) Japan offer to talk Trump around the strategic and economic significance of TPP - to ask US to rejoin (it will be a formidable feat if Japan is able to do it - almost like mission impossible).
With US formal withdrawal of TPP - US economic influence in Asia Pacific will surely set to diminish and soon all Asia Pacific members - including other Countries (non Asia Pacific) will align more to China and Asia Pacific members who are stong adocate of trade for Economic Growth.
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