Iraqi forces enter Mosul University in battling IS for city

Hoarry Calhoun
If we would stop worrying about killing civilians this whole thing would over.
- ricky lIndiscriminate killings of civilians or innocent is a sin, is a war crime, is against humanity.
It will attract Universal Law of Karma.
In addition, even if the war is won, it will lose the hearts of the population it has to rule later on. - ricky lNever abuse your power, even if you are in the position of power - because karma will come back to haunt you.
"You will reap what you sow" - else everyone will act with impunity without karma. -
- ricky lAct appropriately, proportionately.
- NickThe Iraqi army is always advancing but never toward ISIS.
- ricky lBecause ISIS blend in into the civilians - Iraqi army will not know who is ISIS and who is civilian - until ISIS brandish their guns or blow themselves up with suicide vests.
Or ISIS disappear underground into their complex web of tunnels.
This is a war of patience, a war of inch-by-inch incremental gain --- until the war is gain completely.
Slow and steady win the race.
There is no need to rush. - Jesse2013Exactly how Russia carried out its air campaign against Aleppo. In Iraq those fighting ISIS are trying to save their own people. Russia had no such problem since they are not Syrians. In Syria, Russia will leave a legacy of hate toward Russians. In Iraq, the US and allies will be remembered for their help and their restraint where civilians are concerned.
- ricky lA planeload that carry military band to celebrate Aleppo victory = did crash.