Was Einstein wrong? Physicists challenge speed of light theory
The Guardian•
ricky l
42 seconds ago
The Black Hole and the SuperNova explosion of Big Bang - that create the Universe - according to Science - mirror the Jhana Samadhi and Attainment of Nirvana Fruition during a Supreme Enlightenment.
The Dharma Wheel on the extreme left - depict the entire process.
Buddha after Supreme Enlightenment - say Dharma Wheel is to be revered.
Those who have attained Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana Fruition - achieving the Dharma Wheel phenomenon can also vouch what the Buddha say, can also vouch how the Universe is created and formed by Black Hole & Big Bang.
Thus when major religions say Universe is created by "God" - it actually means Black Hole and Big Bang phenomenon.
Those who attain Enlightenment of Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana Fruition - experience the same phenomenon.
ricky l
28 seconds ago
1. The centre core of the Dharma Wheel - depict Jhana Samadhi (1 pointedness concentration) of nimitta - tremendous suppression of 5 mental aggregates of consciousness, feelings, perception, mental formation and judgement & 4 Great Elements of matter, air, temperatures and liquidity (This is liken the "Black Hole" in the Universe --- tremendous compression of mass and light).
2. The spoke - the massive explosion of nimitta light - that expand 10 direction outwards in speed of light so fast that it will reach the fringe of the Universe (Similar to the Big Bang supernova explosion that form the Universe).
3. The circumference that enwrap the entire Universe around the fringe of the Universe - to form the Dharma Wheel (The stabilisation of the Universe - that Earth and other celestial bodies are formed today).
4. The spike on the circumference (are the illusion) that will cause rebirth of another new Universe.
--- The above is the phenomenon experience by a meditator that attained the Enlightenment.
ricky l
4 seconds ago
When some religions say "God create the Universe - it did not say how the Universe is created".
But the above meditation phenomenon experienced by meditator that attained Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana Fruition of Supreme Enlightenment, specifically the Dharma Wheel on the top left - experience by attained meditator and by the Buddha who experienced and request His disciples to revere Dharma Wheel ----- is now verified and confirmed by scientists.
ricky l
25 seconds ago
But what we see is only 2 visions :-
(1) Nirvana --- that represent No birth, no death, no sufferings, Eternal - Permanent, Eternal Bliss, no karma where karma cease, outside the physical samsara Universe (ie. outside the Universe but enwrap the Phsyical Universe).
(2) Universe --- that represent birth, living, decay, death, rebirth - nothing is permanent, nothing is eternal (the Law of Impermanent apply), lives in Universe is rule by Univeral Law of Karma, and all lives and matter occur within the samsara Universe.
So when some religions say God create Universe --- are they refering to Nirvana create Universe?
But there are dualism or law of relativity.
Where there is Universe, there is Nirvana (is it some religions refer to God?)
ricky l
4 seconds ago
Where science can measure and prove the Universe and creation of Universe, Science cannot measure and prove Nirvana.
Only a meditator that attained Supreme Enlightenment can prove Nirvana.
Was Einstein wrong? Physicists challenge speed of light theory
The Guardian•
The speed of light in a vacuum has been considered one of the fundamental constants of nature since Einstein’s theory of general relativity was published a century ago. But João Magueijo, of Imperial College London, and Niayesh Afshordi, of the University of Waterloo in Canada, propose that light tore along at infinite speed at the birth of the universe. Now the pair have described for the first time how scientists can test their controversial idea
Theory challenging Einstein's view on speed of light could soon be tested
New paper describes for first time how scientists can test controversial idea that speed of light is not a constant
The newborn universe may have glowed with light beams moving much faster than they do today, according to a theory that overturns Einstein’s century-old claim that the speed of light is a constant.
João Magueijo, of Imperial College London, and Niayesh Afshordi, of the University of Waterloo in Canada, propose that light tore along at infinite speed at the birth of the universe when the temperature of the cosmos was a staggering ten thousand trillion trillion celsius.
It is a theory Magueijo has being developing since the late 1990s, but in a paper published on Monday he and Afshordi describe for the first time how scientists can finally test the controversial idea. If right, the theory would leave a signature on the ancient radiation left over from the big bang, the so-called cosmic microwave background that cosmologists have observed with satellites.
“We can say what the fluctuations in the early universe would have looked like, and these are the fluctuations that grow to form planets, stars and galaxies,” Afshordi told the Guardian.
The speed of light in a vacuum is considered to be one of the fundamental constants of nature. Thanks to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, it was stamped in the annals of physics more than a century ago at about 1bn km/h. But while general relativity is one of the cornerstones of modern physics, scientists know that the rules of today did not hold at the birth of the universe.
Thanks to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, the speed of light in a vacuum is considered to be one of the fundamental constants of nature. Photograph: Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Magueijo and Afshordi came up with their theory to explain why the cosmos looks much the same over vast distances. To be so uniform, light rays must have reached every corner of the cosmos, otherwise some regions would be cooler and more dense than others. But even moving at 1bn km/h, light was not travelling fast enough to spread so far and even out the universe’s temperature differences.
To overcome the conundrum, cosmologists including Stephen Hawking have proposed a theory called inflation, in which the fledgling universe underwent the briefest spell of the most tremendous expansion. According to inflation, the temperature of the cosmos evened out before it exploded to an enormous size. But there is no solid proof that inflation is right, and if so, what sparked such a massive period of expansion, and what brought it to an end.
Magueijo and Afshordi’s theory does away with inflation and replaces it with a variable speed of light. According to their calculations, the heat of universe in its first moments was so intense that light and other particles moved at infinite speed. Under these conditions, light reached the most distant pockets of the universe and made it look as uniform as we see it today. “In our theory, if you go back to the early universe, there’s a temperature when everything becomes faster. The speed of light goes to infinity and propagates much faster than gravity,” Afshordi said. “It’s a phase transition in the same way that water turns into steam.”
Scientists could soon find out whether light really did outpace gravity in the early universe. The theory predicts a clear pattern in the density variations of the early universe, a feature measured by what is called the “spectral index”. Writing in the journal Physical Review, the scientists predict a very precise spectral index of 0.96478, which is close to the latest, though somewhat rough, measurement of 0.968.
Science can never prove the theory right. But Afshordi said that if measurements over the next five years shifted the spectral index away from their prediction, it would rule out their own theory. “If we are right then inflation is wrong. But the problem with inflation is that you can always fine tune it to fit anything you want,” he said.
David Marsh, of the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at Cambridge University, is not giving up on inflation yet. “The predictions of inflation developed by Stephen Hawking and others more than 30 years ago have been tested by cosmological observations and faced those tests remarkably well. Many scientists regard inflation as a simple and elegant explanation of the origin of galaxies in the universe,” he said.
And while other theories might also look promising, Marsh said there were elements of Afshordi and Magueijo’s that were not well understood. “It remains to be seen how robust the predictions are when all the theoretical issues have been addressed,” he said.
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