Wednesday, November 23, 2016

This is What President Trump Means for Singapore

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  • The RCEP trade deal is projected to achieve a whopping US$100 trillion dollars by 2050. 
  • And the RCEP trade deal in dollar benefit far exceed the TPP dollar amount. 
  • This is because the RCEP members is close to 3 billion people, 45% of the World population - already amassing 40% of the World Trade. 
  • RCEP members form the largest trading region in the World. 
  • US by withdrawing from TPP ---- is a tremendous strategic loss ---- economically and politically. 
  • US by doing bi-lateral trade with the 11 TPP members will no longer have the economic mass and strategic significance. 
  • China together with Asia-Pacific Countries will surpass US when the RCEP trade deal come into effect next year.
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    • The only thing we feel uncomfortable about is that - we are so used to the US systems, products and services as well as US way of doing work. 
    • We need to adjust the Asia Pacific ways of doing work and of course China way of doing work when we switch over to RCEP.
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      • So TPP without US is a strategic loss to us. But without US, we can still pull in other 11 TPP members. 
      • Strategically, we will have pull in 2 strategic regional partners into Trans-Asia Pacific :- 
      • (1) Trans-Northern America - eg. Mexico, Canada 
      • (2) Trans-Latin America - eg. Peru, Chile 
      • Thus the TPP (minus) is still a good deal even without US --- because we will be able to infuse the trade deal benefit from TPP (minus) into RCEP ---- bridging the Trans-Northern America and Trans-Latin America trade benefits into RCEP trade benefits ---- as capital, goods and services flow. 
      • Thus Asia-Pacific, Northern America and Trans-Latin America ---- will be the biggest beneficiaries. US will be the biggest loser ---- economically, strategically and politically --- with self-inflicted loss.
        So we need to know from now on how to 吟诗,做对。
        And not reciting poems.

      • 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。
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      • So instead of saying "router" We should used "陆游器“。

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