Saturday, November 19, 2016

ricky l

Obama faces tough questions on Trump on last foreign trip

"But there are 11 other countries in TPP and I think that it is possible that they will agree to go ahead and pass TPP," he said in an interview, adding that they could "tweak" the agreement to keep it alive without the US.
Some allies are turning their attention to a rival Chinese-backed free trade agreement.
Japanese leader Shinzo Abe, who took domestic political risks to back the US trade deal, visited Trump in New York on Thursday to hear from the president-elect himself.
Good that TPP will still be kept alive even US may not express interest.

The 11 TPP members (without US) - will still be a marketplace big enough for all the 11 TPP members.

It is an aggregate Economies of a multiple trillion dollars for the 11 TPP members even without US Economy.

Still good money for all the 11 TPP members to proceed.

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