Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Cholesterol drug shows promise to help reverse heart disease

New drug added to cholesterol-lowering statins proves able to shrink plaque that is clogging arteries

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  • Repatha costs $14,000 a year and insurers often won't pay.
  •  --- 
  • The drug is a good news to save life. But $14,000 a year is too steep - and what is the point of the drug in saving lives when many patients cannot afford it.
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    • Good drugs that save lives should be price such that the mass market can access with affordable prices. 
    • This will benefit the majority of the people - and serve the holy mission of medication to save lives. 
    • In addition, with economies of scale to the mass market - it will be able to recover cost from R&D and production - and yet earn a decent profit. 
    • This should be the holy mission and mundane goal of a drug company.

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