If this guy point his air pistol at someone, a police may have shot him - because the air pistol look like a real gun.
By pointing an air pistol at someone with the objective to intimidate is already a crime - as the air pistol pellet can pierce holes in the target board as display.
ricky l
22 seconds ago
This man is very lucky when the Police raid his flat to arrest him - did not bring along the Police commandos to raid his flat as he is deemed to be carrying a "gun" without no one the wiser is an air pistol but still can hurt.
The Police commandos would have shot him if he brandish his "gun" at the Police.
30 minutes ago
yup, can it penetrate human skin?
ricky l
1 minute ago
If someone point a gun or "look alike gun" at you and intimate you asking you for money, will you take chances it is not a real gun and not give him your money?