Britain could still change its mind over EU divorce, says man who drafted Article 50
ricky l22 seconds ago
Actually this could be the 2nd chance to consider whether UK should Brexit - given the economic consequences that UK have to face.
ricky l22 seconds ago
Thinking aloud, Singapore has very stark similarities to situation like Brexit in UK and Donald Trump phenomenon in US.
(1) Singapore is adopting Capitalism Economy similar to UK and US. Everything are being left to market economy. Business come and go, jobs are created and loss very rapidly.
(2) Singapore is cosmopolitan where our demography is similar to US and UK - where all have local workers of multi-racial complemented by many migrants.
(3) Singapore is a developed country similar to UK and US - where we face challenges like disruptive technologies, robotics that take away jobs.
(4) Singapore is currently experiencing job loss due to Economic slowdown, business and economy restructuring, disruptive technologies, robotics, retrenchment of PMETs (for UK, US - middle income educated workers), and blue collar workers (for UK, US - blue collar workers).
The Brexit in UK and Donald Trump phenomenon in US - reflect the underlying frustration of middle income workers and blue collar workers who are losing their jobs - blame it on Establishment, Elites, Wall Street, for turning jobs away from them - and they are throwing their frustration on the Government and blaming it on Free Trade ---- even voting for Brexit and Donald Trump - that will result in Lose-Lose outcome for the whole Country.
There is an urgent needs to ensure that Government should seriously look at ways to share the fruits of Economic Growth with the middle income workers (PMETs) and blue collar workers as well as for the rest of the citizens - from gains in the Capitalist Economy.
And these responsibilities are not only lie with the Government, but also business leaders, business, enterprises, bosses, towkays, elites that have benefited from the Economy.
Else it end up like Brexit in UK or the Donald Trump in US who are so close to winning the Presidency (hopefully he lose it come election).
ricky l22 seconds ago
Many Singaporean PMETs and blue collar workers have dropped out of the workforce - in midst of business and economic restructuring - and the Brexit and Donald Trump phenomenon is forming.
There must be ways to identify such workers who are encountering difficulties or for some who may have given up hope - to pull them back into the workforce to prevent Brexit and Donald Trump from festering.
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