Leaderless Democratic Party in dire straits after GOP sweeps
ricky l13 seconds ago
Honestly, Democrats did not do a bad job.
For the last 8 years, jobs have been created. Economy from deep recession improve and now humming with reasonable growth.
The World are more peaceful short of ISIS terrorism.
The underlying root cause that result in this election outcome is due to "the adverse impact of Raw Capitalism" - the same light that drive Brexit, Arab Spring.
There must be a new evolve Economic System to replace Raw Capitalism - that translate to 99% sufferings (in Hell) vs the 1% enjoying (Heavenly Bliss) of immense wealth.
It will bound to boomerang back ---- whoever the Government is.
The World Global Economic System has come to a turning point - the turning point of Capitalism.
It is the Universal Law of Karma - where a rocket reach the upper limit of Capitalism - will cause the tipping over - where the bottom of Universal System will takeover (like Brexit, like Occupy Wall Street, like Arab Spring) - when the tip of the pyramid has expire its blissful karma.
The "Loud Bang" of the thunder and lightning - Divinity signal and convey this at the precise moment, the second - that trigger this ---- and no matter how enormous effort to rescue the Establishment - it can't be done - because the ripening of the tipping point has come - under the Universal Law of Karma - against the ugly ripening of Raw Capitalism.
Thus, unless an evolving new Economic System that benefit everyone in the Economy to replace the Raw Capitalism, the tipping over (Brexit, Occupy Wall Street) will continue to manifest.
ricky l11 seconds ago
The World - the World Governments, the Economists, the Financial specialists, the Technologists etc --- got to brainstorm, got to determine what this new Economic System must be - to replace the Raw Capitalism ----- that grow jobs - decapitated by disruptive technologies, automation, robotics --- causing so much underlying anger, hopelessness, despair, frustration, fear .... that are manifesting.
US must drive the United Nation (UN) effort to evolve this new Economic Model.
Else many more Government will continue to fall like a domino effect - if the underlying Economic Model is not correct to feed the World Population.
Divinity did convey this message ---- this is not a joke. The tipping point has come --- "what goes up will come down".
Transform or sufferings will follow suit.
ricky l1 second ago
Else :-
(1) Government throughout the World fail.
(2) Business throughout the World fail - no where to run.
(3) People in the World fail.
ricky l11 seconds ago
80% of the jobs are been disrupted by disruptive technologies, automation, robotics.
Imagine the number of jobless in each Countries --- can Government, Business, People survive in such Economic Model?
Business can produce, but no one to buy products - because majority are jobless - no income to buy.
Then what happen :-
(1) Government fall
(2) Business fall
(3) People fall
All fall.
ricky l31 seconds ago
The following is posted in :-
Friday, December 12, 2014
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
For the next decades and the next centuries, the World need to tweak the World Economic System - and cannot rely on the current "Raw Capitalism" = in which the main emphasis is "Competition, Intense Competition" - to "kill all competitors" - "winners take all system" --- where the "sole survivors will be those at the apex - and those in middle-class and lower-class will be eliminated" - due to business restructuring, retrenchment, ---- that lead to Economy volatilty, leading to increasingly wider and wider social divide, income divide - that will bring about social instability, economic volatility, job lost, wage stagnation, job instability, high stress level etc - that will bring about "equal miseries" - if the winner that form the apex thinks that they are the "final winners".
The majority losers - will take their miseries to the "winners" - and pull them down - since "you are ok", "i am not ok".
We are already witnessing many World events that are unfolding - across the continents and in many countries :-
(1) Arab Spring - where so many countries embroild in civil wars and a breeding ground for terrorism.
(2) Long ruling Governance losing grounds or fast changing of hands in Governance.
(3) Social unrest in so many cities - across the continents - Wall Street, Arab spring, Chrysatemum movement, demonstration etc.
What is the main cause - that trigger all this ---- the flaw "Raw Capitalism" - that cause the Society to form a very long elongated Pyramid.
Raw Capitalism = Competition = the strongest, the sly, the fittest survive = i ok, you not ok is ok.
Competition - kills Cooperation that "Open and Expand Economic Pie", that "Open Opportunites", that "Expand Business, Investment, Business Profits, Create Jobs, Maintain Niches, Maintain Market Shares" - though Competition ensure "Market Efficiency". But extreme competition - will bring "very small winners" and "kill the rest".
So for the next decades into the next centuries, what should be the Economic Model for the World?
It should be a "Co-operative, Competitive Model" - this harness the best of the 2 Economic System :-
(1) "Co-operation" - open Economic Pie, open Business Opportunities, maintain individual niches - ensure every industries, every organisation there are sufficient rooms to survive, make decent profits, create and maintain jobs.
(2) "Competition" - ensure "market efficiency" - within the framework of "Co-operative competition" - without killing off one another's industries and companies - that keep a decent organisation profits and maintain jobs for the staff and workers.
Only then, it will ensure Society stability, harmony and prosperity - for every Countries in the World (because everyone has a job, can feed themselves, can feed their dependants, can feed their families).
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
- Instead of what we are witnessing now in every corners of the World ---- where social divide is acute, income gap is acute, social instability - due to high jobless rate, economic volatility, financial volatility, intense business competition, intense economic competition, raw capitalism rearing the ugly ahead and displacing many majorities and benefitting on the minorities - that lead to society incohesion, conflict and disharmony.
If the World want to see less turmoil, political instability, social incohesiveness, disharmony, festering of terrorist ideologism etc ---- then moving from "Raw Capitalism" toward "Co-operative, Competitive Economic Model" is the way to go.
What is the Fundamental Objective of a Society, of a Country ?
"Ensure every citizen can feed themselves and their families with a decent job and a decent pay - and live in a Society and coexist with others in an environment that is safe, harmonious, and peaceful."
"Not enriching a few individual - at the expense of others - which the current "Raw Capitalism" Economic System - has bring about this outcome" - where the adverse consequences will be political instability, economic volatility and social disharmony or disquiet. Where at the end of the day, the few individuals will also lose their wealth in a disharmonious society. So did "Raw Capitalism" serve the purpose?
In long term - no.
We are already witnessing increasingly - "equal miseries" mode.
Than in this case, shouldn't the World collectively tweak the "Raw Capitalism Economic System" to a "Co-operative, Competitive Economic System" - to ensure every Society, every Countries, every Industries and every Companies - have their own niches to feed every citizens?
ricky l
0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0Ricky L • a second agoRemove
So far :-
Many postings to date, many prophecy :----- has manifested, has indeed come true..........
Trump victory a 'wake-up call' ahead of Austrian vote

AFP NewsNovember 10, 2016

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Austrian presidential candidate Alexander Van der BellenMore
Donald Trump's stunning victory is a "wake-up call" against the rise of populism ahead of Austria's presidential election, candidate Alexander Van der Bellen said Thursday, three weeks before the poll.
The independent ecologist is running against Norbert Hofer who is striving to become the EU's first far-right elected head of state on December 4. Opinion polls suggest the race is too close to call.
Trump's triumph is "a wake-up call, not just for December 4 but beyond," Van der Bellen, 72, told a news conference in Vienna. "I don't want Austria to become the first western European nation where right-wing demagogues take power."
Like Trump and other populist groups in Europe, Hofer's Freedom Party (FPOe) has boosted support by stoking concerns about immigration and what it portrays as an out-of-touch elite.
The FPOe is consistently topping opinion polls ahead of the next scheduled general elections due in 2018 -- if Chancellor Christian Kern's unloved and fractious "grand coalition" lasts until then.
For the presidency, Van der Bellen narrowly beat Hofer in May but the FPOe got the result overturned due to procedural errors. A re-run set for October was postponed to December because of faulty glue on postal vote envelopes.
The largely ceremonial role of Austrian president still carries considerable cachet, and a victory for Hofer would likely be a major boost to the far-right both in Austria and further afield.
The softly spoken Hofer, 45, told the Kurier daily in an interview published Wednesday that he does not see any correlation between the US and the Austrian elections.
"Except: it shows that sooner or later elites who don't concern themselves with the people will be voted out of office by them," he said.
He added that his "statesmanlike neutrality" over the US election "was better than Alexander Van der Bellen with his wild insults against Trump."
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