China may do away biz with Singapore and give Malaysia more opportunity in future.
Sima Yi30 minutes ago
Singapore no scare one because waiting for TPP
ricky l32 seconds ago
When you say China will do away in business with Singapore, i think you are very naive.
(1) China export to Singapore is $44.3 billion. Singapore export to China is $33.2 billion.
Do you think China will do away business with Singapore?
(2) Singapore is a bridge between China and US and the West - in which both sides trust. Singapore is also a trusted bridge between China and ASEAN.
Do you think China do not understand Singapore pivotal position?
China's opening up to economic integration and political integration with the World and Singapore play a major role in attracting foreign investment into Sino-Singapore Eco-City in Tianjin, Suzhou, Chongqing etc. -- cannot be underestimated.
And the top Chinese leaders know that.
So no need to instigate and play China against Singapore or US against Singapore. Top leaders are not stupid.
ricky l22 seconds ago
Do you know why West and Russia - are now turning into a Cold War? Because there is no trusted bridge to bridge West and Russia interest in East Europe, in Syria --- thus now it turn into 2 Cold Bloc war.
Asia Pacific cannot be turned into 2 Cold Bloc War - US versus China or ASEAN versus China.
Thus Singapore play an important pivotal trusted bridge - to bridge ASEAN interest and China interest, also a pivotal trusted bridge between China interest and US interest.
Well if you don't know, top leaders of the various Countries know. A bridge was previously make - to link the high level and all level dialogue and communication between US and China - kickstart by President Obama Administration and President Xi Jing Ping - to ensure no 2 Cold Bloc War manifest in Asia Pacific Region.
ricky l22 seconds ago
To ensure no war break out in Asia Pacific region - between China versus ASEAN or China versus US and allies ---- Singapore must play this trusted pivotal bridge.
ricky l43 seconds ago
If Singapore ever fall into China Bloc or fall into US Bloc ---- and the pivotal trusted bridge breaks ---- it will mean falling into 2 Cold War Bloc of Russia Bloc versus US and West Bloc ---- and war will break out in Asia Pacific region --- like war break out in Ukraine and Syria Aleppo.
Singapore must be steadfast to maintain this pivotal trusted bridge between China versus US and China versus ASEAN ---- else war may break out between China versus US and allies or China versus some ASEAN countries.
If you got no wisdom, now teach you wisdom - before you anyhow comments.
ricky l22 seconds ago
And if war breakout between China versus US and allies or with some ASEAN countries --- World War 3 will break out as China will bring in Russia ---- and then all hell break loose.
Thus Singapore play a very important Bodhisattva role to bridge between China with US and China with ASEAN ---- to prevent regional war and even World War 3.
I think Donald Trump don't understand this.
thethethe58 minutes ago
LHL try to be smart talking rubbish, now China will take action against Singapore... The Kra Canal will implement for sure.
Flak45 minutes ago
Indeed he and his foreign Minister screw up relationship with unwise move !!
Kra Canal is easy said that done.........the obstacle are significant and the investment are huge (just to save a thousand miles/km distance)
thethethe36 minutes ago
Its just a one time cost, and its goes all time profits.
ricky l32 seconds ago
The kra canal is not as simple as it sounds.
(1) Thailand politics will be a major obstacle to approve kra canal - because effectively it will cut Thailand, a Country into half - North and South Thailand will be physically detached. This will make governance much more difficult given the different political affiliation between North and the South. Thus political costs will be extremely difficult.
(2) The project cost is tremendous and saving may be too little to cover the project cost - because travelling time save only a few days of sea travelling time. This is unlike similar projects in other continent where the saving is tremendous where travelling time can be cut by months.
(3) Environmental impact around the surrounding areas will be tremendous as it is not possible to dispose off the sands being dredge out. In addition, the ecosystem around the areas will be adversely impacted which have adverse economic cost.
ricky l22 seconds ago
Freight cost are so competitive and so low now ---- look at Hanjin, look at NOL.
So by investing multi-billion dollars to dreg a canal to save a few days freight travelling which is translated to peanuts - where an effective and efficient system can overcome it.
Dregging a multi-billion dollars canal become a big lost venture - where the capital cost cannot be recovered and freight charge yet still cannot be competitive.
ricky l22 seconds ago
Also if Thailand is cut into half ---- the North Thailand will not be able to control South Thailand easily nor deploy their troop when South Thailand are now experiencing insurgency as well as demand for autonomy.
North Thailand troop will have to come down to South Thailand by ships instead of by land.
Then to transport thousands of troops from North Thailand to South Thailand, how many ships does Thailand need to deploy? Hundred over ships to bring in thousand of troops as well as hundred over ships to bring in tanks, jeeps, military lorries etc?
North Thailand will lose South Thailand in no time.
Thus this military consideration will have put a brake on the kra canal.
ricky l22 seconds ago
That is, cutting Thailand into half will mean as good as losing all the provinces in Southern Thailand to the insurgencies - which until now have been facing unrest for the past half a decade. A critical military strategic mistake.
ricky l22 seconds ago
Also Travel by high speed rail and land from China, Thailand, Malaysia to Singapore will no longer be possible. Travel, tourism etc by land will be cut off.
The canal with high project cost with minimal benefit versus all the above consideration mention above - will make kra canal an extremely risky venture --- that may even be jettison one day if approve.
thethethe1 hour ago
Don't be silly, Singapore is just nothing to them. Just step it just like a small ant.
ricky l22 seconds ago
Singapore is the only Country invited by China to jointly build their Eco-City one after another. This is the level of trust China place on Singapore.
Singapore is not a small ant or a little red dot. Singapore is an influential mover with Wisdom that can resolve many biting problem.
Singapore is invited by the US President to address the US Congress even though Singapore is a small ant or a little red dot.
Singapore is invited into many international forum like OECD even though Singapore is not a member.
Because Singapore talk sense, pragmatic, able to solve difficult problem in a peaceful, sensible ---- WIN-WIN manner.
ricky l22 seconds ago
Singapore is one of the early distributor of yuan financial centre for China --- that is how China has trusted Singapore to help China promote its financial system and trade.
So is Singapore a small ant or a little red dot - that China will write us off?
Singapore is a trusted partner both for China, for US and for ASEAN.
And Singapore must play a pivotal role to ensure peace must prevail and dispute can be resolve in a cool, calm, sensible manner.
ricky l22 seconds ago
I can tell you something very frankly ---- China is very close to starting a war with Philippines and US - if not because the case is put forth to International Court - because both sides stood their ground very hard.
ricky l22 seconds ago
The settlement of the case put both sides - into a more level cooling head - to start peaceful negotiation. Else a regional war will have already broke out.
ricky l32 seconds ago
China is also facing alot of trade pressure from US and the West - which force China to have to restructure its Economy now from export-oriented Country into a more domestic consumption driven Economy.
And China intend to push more trade with ASEAN - from the current few hundred billions to at least 1 trillion dollar,
China is pragmatic and will definitely not do business away with Singapore.
And China and Singapore relationship is very strong as China know Singapore is providing values to China.
China top leaders still want Singapore to be their bridge between China and ASEAN in case you don't know.
And China also trust Singapore as a bridge between China and US - in case you don't know.
ricky l22 seconds ago
China need to recover the multi-billion trade loss to US and EU - by increasing more trade with ASEAN by trying to up trade past 1 trillion mark with ASEAN.
Do you think the China top leaders will listen to you - to stop trade with this, with that?
Of course not as China is pragmatic.
China is undergoing economic reform and restructuring into a domestic consumption economy as 1 engine for growth while at the same time trying to grow trade with ASEAN to compensate for trade lost with US and EU.
Only through trade with ASEAN can China maintain high economic growth so as to sustain business, jobs and repay public debt.
So do you think China leaders will listen to you to do away with trade and business with this and with that?
Of course not.
China know that Singapore is its true friend that will bring value to China and as a result Singapore will also benefit.
stormbringer1 hour ago
3the, its the other way round. SG give biz to
stormbringer1 hour ago
3the, its the other way round. SG give biz to
ricky l22 seconds ago
When Li Ka Shing start to sell and withdraw his investment from China, Singapore announce that it will continue to invest in China - and Chongqing is the latest Eco-City in which Singapore has put heavy investment in - to shore up confidence in China's economic reform.
This is against the backdrop of yuan depreciating many fold, property bubble building up, public debt increasing, more load default.
Singapore believe that China is doing the right step to stabilise the yuan, putting measures to curb the property bubble, allowing unprofitable enterprises to fail without artificially giving them easy credit and cause higher bank risk, allow market forces to operate more freely to ensure efficiency.
Singapore did not forsake China and in fact is a strong business partner to China when China is going through a difficult period of economic reform and restructuring.
In addition, Singapore did play a pivotal role in bridging ASEAN with China despite the trying time of maritime dispute - to ensure both sides remain level-headed without resorting to force. This allow trade, business to be discussed between ASEAN and China.
So what do you think Singapore is doing?
Maintain an even keel between ASEAN and China.
Maintain an even keel between US and China.
So that there will be no miscommunication - as Singapore play the role of an honest broker.