Saturday, November 5, 2016

LORD TURNER: ‘We may be at a turning point in the nature of capitalism’

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  • Yes the whole World is at the turning point of Capitalism - where the ugly head of Capitalism is benefitting only a few minorities where the majorities are left out from the Capitalism Economic model - because of disruptive technologies and robotics that take away majority of the jobs. 

  • Unless a new way to share wealth from the Economic model is baseline for the whole world - disastrous outcome such as Brexit and Donald Trump syndrome will manifest worldwide ---- causing catastrophic consequences to the World Economy, Social order and Political mayhem.
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    • Posted in :- Saturday, July 5, 2014 
    • ricky l 0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this comment ricky l • a second agoRemove Raw Capitalism is the world of jungle - where the fittest (the intelligence) will kill the rest. There is no element of Compassion. Planned Economy is the needed element - that will help to introduce Compassion into the ruthless system of Raw Capitalism - to make the system more wholesome by helping those who have been routed. 

    • And this Hybrid - should be known as Socialist Capitalism (Intelligent + Compassion) But has the World arrive to introduce Socialist Capitalism? I think still a long way to go - looking at the very rich Capitalists and the jobless trying to look for job. 
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    • ricky l 0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this comment ricky l • a second agoRemove 
    • Where the ruthless elimination is the characteristics of market competition, the socialist element of planned economy should come in as "catchment reservoir" to "catch" those who are routed by the ruthless competition and go out of jobs. The planned economy could be Government projects aim to create jobs for the unemployed to ensure the jobless continue to have jobs and earn income to feed themselves and their families - so that they will not be left in a lurch.

    •  Such planned economy - will be more superior than Dole or handout to Jobless as it is also an Economy that will have multiplier effect to the Larger Capitalist Economy - and will contribute to higher Economic output - than if entirely leave the job market to the private sector. It is also a more Compassionate Socialist element to the Ruthless Raw Capitalism - where ruthless elimination of competition is its characteristics.

    •  ricky l 0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this comment ricky l • a second agoRemove

    •  In fact, if I am a Corporate Leader, I will participate in the "Socialist" Element by setting aside certain percentage of the profit - to perform the "Socialist" or "Planned Economy" role - to help the Government to set up the "Catchment Reservoir" to plan and implement the "Government Projects" - to create jobs for the unemployed and jobless - being routed by the market competition, by the retrenchment due to business restructuring, by cost cutting thus retrenching workers and staff. 

    • By doing so, there are few wholesome outcomes :- 
    • (1) Spiritually, Corporate Leader can help to accumulate good merits for themselves and accumulate good karma - to negate their negative karma for chopping workers and cause unemployment to prop up their Corporate profits and hence boost their own earnings at the expenses of more unfortunate workers and staff who have to sacrifices themselves. 

    • (2) By investing some of their profit into the "Socialist cause" of helping the Government to create jobs for the jobless, unemployed or retrenched - the Corporate Leaders are performing a "Cocial Entrepreneur" role - a holistic act. 

    • (3) By investing in the Socalist projects, the Corporate Leaders are also boosting their mainstream business, because any profit make by these unemployed, jobless and retrenched worker, it will help to boost the Corporate Leader's mainstream business bottomline and open up a new business line for them. 

    • (4) By helping the Government to perform the "Socialist role" - the Government can grant tax rebate to the Corporate Leaders and will help to boost the Corporate Leaders' mainstream business bottom line with the reduction in corporate tax. 

    • (5) The Government can legislate law - either Worldwide through UN to jumpstart this "Socialist Capitalism" Concept - known as "Sun Wheel Socialist Capitalism" Concept - because the Sun Wheel - inherit the 3 Wholesome Values of No-Self, Compassion, Panna Wisdom - for the World to adopt - to boost World Economy and at the same time - add an important element of "Compassion" into the Raw Capitalism or Market Economy - the Socialist Aspect ---- to create jobs for the unemployed, jobless, retrenched to help to alleviate the World poverty and help those jobless to get back into the job market to earn income in order to feed themselves and to feed their families. This smaller "Economic wheel of socialism" is an analogy of bicycle wheel - that also pull along the "Larger wheel of Capitalism or Market Economy" - and make the World Economy even more vibrant. 

    • If UN and the World can put the act together by legislating and coining this "Sun Wheel Socialist Capitalism" Concept - the problem of jobless, retrenched and unemployed in many Countries will be solved.

    •  ricky l 0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this comment ricky l • a second agoRemove 

    • And the Hybrid "Sun Wheel Socialist Capitalism" - will truly be a "Mutually Inclusive" Economic System - that will not only encourage Entrepreneurship, Meritocracy - to strive for their best - to earn a good earnings for themselves. (This represent the Panna Wisdom of the Sun Wheel".

    •  But also foster the "Compassion" + "No Self" elements of the Sun Wheel - by becoming a "Socialist Entrepreneurs" - by creating jobs for their retrenched, jobless, unemployed - by investment (not donation, not giveawy) - but investment that will further attract Return On Investment (ROI) for their joint venture with the Government to create jobs and another "Socialist Economy". Thus the "Sun Wheel Socialist Capitalism" is truly a "Win-Win-Win-Win" Economic System - a more superior Economic System than Raw Capitalism or Market Economic system and the Planned Economic System. 

    • 1st Win - Government Win - less political pressure from the jobless and less poverty thus less social welfare expenditure. 

    • 2nd Win - Corporate Leaders - social business can help to bring in better bottomline, can help those jobless and retrenched, good socialist cost, more tax rebate and boost further profit. 

    • 3rd Win - Staff and Workers got jobs, got income, reduce poverty. 

    • 4th Win - Economy of hybrid Socialist Capitalism + Market Economy - will contribute to higher GDP growth to the Country. 

    • ricky l 0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this comment ricky l • a second agoRemove 

    • If not, Singapore can start a Pilot Project, a Proof-of-Concept for this "Sun Wheel Socialist Capitalism" Concept by :- (1) Set aside S$1 billion as venture capital fund - with contribution from Corporate Leaders and Government top up. 

    • (2) Each Ministries or Statutory Boards coin some Government Projects - that have "Silver Industry" in mind - that will tap on most if not all the various professional and technical skills of the Economy eg. Engineering, IT(network infrastructure, data centre, DR, consultancy, hardware, software), Finance, Accounting, HR, Healthcare, Social Service, Hospitality, Construction, Aerospace engineering, Marine engineering, Energy specialist (traditional or Eco-Friendly), Food & Beverages, Retail Service etc. 

    • (3) Set aside 1 or 2 large industrial sites build to house these people for these projects. 

    • (4) Training programme to train, on-job-training etc for those that need training to work on the projects. 

    • (5) Run by Government Appointed Agencies like e2i or WDA - who will provide the training and allocate the right manpower resources to the projects. 

    • SWOT Analysis & Cost & Benefit Analysis :- Advantages of the above proposed policy to resolve the Unemployed Singaporeans especially those 40 and above :- (1) The $1 billion venture capital fund set aside for this purpose are "Investment" not "Expenditure or Donation - which are social welfare expenditure - that once give away, cannot take back. This amount to $8 billion for Pioneer Generation Package + $4 billion CPF MediShield Life = $12 billuon". Comparatively, the $1 billion venture capital fund is a much smaller amount, is an investment (not an expenditure) and has the potential to reap Return On Investment (ROI). 

    • (2) Create a "small internal" Economy - that will trigger a Circular Flow of Income that will come with a "Multiplier Effects" on the "Larger Economy". That is, an analogy - a smaller wheel with chain that enwrap the larger wheel and both row together - like a bicycle chain - the Economy will surge and become even more vibrant contributing to a even higher GDP growth. 

    • (3) By 5 years or more - the $1 billion venture capital fund will have grow and earn back due to the "multiplier effects" - and this can be return and put back to the MOF coffer. 

    • (4) Unemployed Singaporeans especially those 40 and above PMETs and workers - very happy - got jobs, got income, can feed family. 

    • (5) Government also very happy - $1 billion venture capital fund will have grow and earn back due to the "multiplier effects" - MOF coffer grow - MOF happy. GDP grow - MTI happy. Unemployed Singaporeans got jobs and happy - thus MOM, WDA, e2i also happy because Singapore Manpower situation solve almost overnight. Singapore overall business happy - because the internal economy that trigger "multiplier effects" give them more business - thus Singapore resident in Singapore happy.
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  • In other words, United Nation need to solve this Capitalism Model (Market Economy Model) - how to create jobs to feed every citizens in each Country given the advent of disruptive technologies and robotics that destroy jobs. 
  • How to redistribute wealth to all citizens in each Country. 

  • Else Brexit and Donald Trump syndrome - the destructive syndrome will arise in every Country and the outcome is :- 
  • - Government fall 
  • - Business fall 
  • - People fall 

  • And all cave inwards in a Global mammoth destruction - where no one enjoy the fruits of an Economy - to keep human beings alive through job creation.

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  • If nuclear is the technology that will wipe out mankind in World War 3. 

  • The turning point of Capitalism will wipe out jobs globally - that mirror nuclear destruction of human mankind in World War 3. 

  • Brexit will not solve this. Donald Trump syndrome will not solve this. 

  • They will make it worst. Collective United Nation Economists and Government need to come out with a new Economic Model to replace Capitalism. 

  • Only then this will solve this. 

  • A hint is that disruptive technologies and robotics - can be a slave to human mankind - to allocate a fixed subsistence sum of income to every human being for food, housing, medical, education, transport etc. - Planned Economy 

  • Then the other part of the income is through job - for luxury. - Capitalism 

  • Economy Hybrid Economy = Planned + Capitalism

LORD TURNER: ‘We may be at a turning point in the nature of capitalism’

Lord Adair Turner, the former vice chairman of Merrill Lynch Europe and ex-head of the Britain’s financial watchdog, is “increasingly worried” that advances in technology are undermining capitalism and stopping the global economy recovering from its “post-crisis malaise.”
In an interview with Business Insider, Lord Turner said: “We have an economic malaise where the capitalism system is not delivering as well or to enough people to maintain its legitimacy.
“There’s a certain sort of equality of citizenship that requires that everybody does OK. I think that may breakdown. I think it may breakdown because of the fundamental nature of technology. You have to be aware that the way that capitalism works will vary depending on the different stages of technology that we’re in.”

‘Huge returns for them and relatively low and precarious returns for an increasing percentage’

Lord Turner ran the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) in the mid-1990s, before becoming vice chairman of Merrill Lynch Europe from 2000 to 2006. He then served as head of the UK’s former financial watchdog the Financial Service Authority from 2008 to 2013, taking the jobs on the eve of the global financial crisis sparked by the US mortgage security bubble.
Lord Turner is now chairman of George Soros’ economic think thank the Institute for New Economic Thinking and this year authored “Between Debt and the Devil” on the global financial crisis.
He told Business Insider that businesses like Facebook, Uber, and Airbnb are focusing huge amounts of wealth in the hands of relatively few people and generating fewer jobs than previous technological breakthroughs. This is undermining the fundamental promise of capitalism that advances in technology and the wider economy will bring some benefit to everyone.
He said: “Look at Facebook — it now has a market cap of about $370 billion. It only employs 14,000 people and it had to do very little investment in order to get there. The reason is this technology has this extraordinary feature that once you develop one copy of software, the next billion copies don’t cost you anything.
This information and communication technology enables huge wealth creation with very little investment for some categories of people in the economy and creates jobs that are very low pay for others
“There’s zero marginal cost of replication. That is just completely different from the world of electromechanical machinery. Once Henry Ford had built one factory, if he wanted another he’d have to build it all over again. He had to put in lots of millions of stock.”
Technological innovations, such as industrialisation, have traditionally generated more jobs than they destroyed. But research by Citi and Oxford University earlier this year found a “downward trend in new job creation” from the 1980s onwards, with technology generated fewer, lower-skilled jobs than past revolutions.
The World Economic Forum has already forecast that 5 million jobs could be eradicated by technology by 2020 and 57% of all jobs across the OECD are at risk of automation, according to research by Citi and Oxford University.
Lord Turner says: “The problem is this: I think we probably are on the verge of a wave of automation and robotisation and the application of big data etc., which will tend to create an economy of huge returns for the people clever enough to create the software, do the big of data analytics, create the computer game, create the new business model or the data system that sits at the centre of Airbnb or Uber.
“Huge returns for them and, for a variety of reasons, relatively low returns and precarious returns for an increasing percentage of the population.”

‘One of the things is it does seems to be driving inequality’

Multi-billion dollar tech platforms like Airbnb and Uber pitch themselves as part of the “gig economy,” which they say helps people earn extra money through either flexible work or renting out their assets.
But British economist Guy Standing argues that most of the people who work on these types of platforms are part of what he terms the “precariat” — low-paid workers with precarious job security.He claims these types of platforms that connect workers with employers are part of a wider trend of low-paid agency work.
Employment lawyer Nigel MacKay speaks to the media after Uber lost a tribunal case on the employment rights of drivers at the Central London Employment Tribunal Service
Employment lawyer Nigel MacKay speaks to the media after Uber lost a tribunal case on the employment rights of drivers at the Central London Employment Tribunal Service.
Tech platforms’ role in society has been in focus recently, with a British employment tribunal ruling that Uber drivers were in fact staff rather than freelancers on the platform. As a result, they are legally be entitled to things like holiday pay and sick pay.
Lord Turner says: “I think we’re just at the beginnings of understanding what deep things this [technological change] does. One of the things is it does seems to driving of inequality. This information and communication technology enables huge wealth creation with very little investment for some categories of people in the economy and creates jobs that are very low pay for others.”
Lord Turner thinks this tech-driven inequality has contributed to the popular resentment for elites and mainstream politics that drove the Brexit vote and support from Donald Trump in the US elections.
He says: “I think we may be at a turning point in the nature of capitalism. Our assumption for the last 200 years has been that although there are ups and downs year by year, broadly speaking decade-by-decade capitalism delivers an increase in GDP per capita and although it’s not an equal system, some people do better than others, on average over a couple of decades everybody does OK.”

‘I am increasingly convinced and worried there are more fundamental forces at work’

Lord Turner suggested that a solution the tech-driven equality could be a universal basic income — a flat wage paid to all citizens that is enough for them to live on. Experiments with this are beingcarried out in Holland and Kenya.
An alternative could be that the government ensures people are paid a “living wage” for essential human roles such as health and social care, Lord Turner says.
He told BI: “There are many jobs that we need to do in our society, care etc., that you can’t automate and you wouldn’t want to automate. They need to be done but it may be that if you leave those entirely to the private sector or the state in trying to buy them, using competitive bidding processes to continually drive the price down, those things where we do need people to do the job will be at rates so low that it doesn’t give people enough income and dignity.
debt and the devil
Lord Turner’s book Between Debt and the Devil.
“Does that mean that we just have to accept that the state has to say through the social care system and health care system it’s going to employ people and pay people at a rate which it considers reasonable — a living wage or whatever — rather than at the lowest rate at which it can put it out to competitive bidding?”
But Lord Turner added: “I think it’s a fundamental social issue that we will increasingly have to debate and I think we don’t really know what the policy leavers there are.”
Lord Turner believes that finding a solution to the problems presented by the new tech economy are essential not just to repairing global trust in capitalism but also in repairing the global economy itself.
Lord Turner argued in his book, “Between the Debt and the Devil”, that the global economy’s painfully slow recovery from the 2008 crisis has been caused by the huge debt overhang created by a half century of loose credit conditions in the run up to the crash.
But he told BI: “Whereas soon are 2008 I felt our problem was fundamentally just an enormous debt overhang generated by an out of control credit boom, I am increasingly convinced and increasingly worried that there are some more fundamental forces at work which is why it’s taking so long to get out of, and why we’re still not out of, this post-crisis malaise.”

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