Thursday, April 30, 2020

REACH - 67. PM Lee May Day Speech (SK)
1 May 2020 (12pm - 8pm)

[11:50 am, 01/05/2020] : Dear contributors,
Welcome back! ☺️
⏰ Our chat will be open from 12pm to 8pm today.
🗒 REACH is constantly taking note of all the feedback and suggestions shared on our WhatsApp chats, and will send them to relevant authorities for consideration.
Please be reminded to be respectful and considerate to others in this WhatsApp chat group. 🙏🏼
The topic will be posted shortly.
- Megan

[11:56 am, 01/05/2020] +65 8637 2164: COVID-19: Singapore working to resume ‘essential cross-border travel’ with South Korea, Australia, Canada and New Zealand

[12:00 pm, 01/05/2020] : ⏰ Our chat will be open till 8pm today ⏰
📢 Topic 📢
What suggestions do you have on restarting Singapore's economy "step by step" after the circuit breaker measures are relaxed?
Singapore’s economy will not restart all at once, but will have to open up “step by step” even after “circuit breaker” measures are relaxed, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Thursday (Apr 30) in his May Day message.
Mr Lee said that Singapore will progressively restart its economy after it brings down the number of new COVID-19 cases, but this will “not be straightforward”.
“We need to step up COVID-19 testing and speed up contact-tracing. And we must proceed cautiously, with safeguards, so infections do not flare up again,” he said.
“Some industries will open up earlier than others and recover sooner,” he said. These include sectors critical to keeping the domestic economy going and those that keep Singapore connected to the world and to global supply chains.
“Other sectors will have to wait, especially those which attract crowds or involve close contact with other people, such as entertainment outlets and large-scale sporting events,” said Mr Lee. “We must keep all these different industries intact, ready to resume business when conditions allow.”


[12:11 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

Don’t 'drop workers': Companies and workers should take the long view, says PM Lee in May Day message
30 Apr 2020 07:30PM
(Updated: 30 Apr 2020 08:00PM)
Industries that are thriving include medical services, biotech, food production and delivery, and information technology, and many of these firms are seeing stronger demand and hiring more people.

“We will help companies adapt to this new operating environment, and retrain workers for the new jobs available,” he said, adding that the Government will also look into ways to protect freelance workers.

The National Trades Union Congress has set up a Job Security Council to help match and train displaced workers for new job opportunities, and authorities will scale up SkillsFuture programmes, he said.
[2:52 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: ---

*Part (2a) Promote other Bright Economic Sectors - to stimulate Economic Activities and grow GDP*

But there are bright Economic Sectors that we can promote - to beef up the Economic Activities to keep the Circular Flow of Income going - and stir the multiplier effects :-
1. Medical, Pharmaceutical sector - produce more medicine (like vaccine, treatment drugs), medical equipment (eg. face masks, gloves, PPE, ventilators, swab, test kits, portable test booth, rapid test kits etc).

2. Healthcare sector - as more healthcare personnel are needed to fight the current virus pandemic, more jobs can be created for displaced workers by training them and put them into healthcare jobs as well as health support jobs.

3. IT (Digital Economy), eCommerce sector - rapidly transform traditional business to Digital business to create 2nd wing -- that will allow not only domestic consumers to order the goods and services --- but also allow overseas consumers to order the goods and services). This will have helped to support the ITM (Industry Transformation Map) objectives in double quick time.

4. Construction sector - ramp up construction of isolation facilities, and other government projects to create business activites for construction companies and its supporting companies.

5. eDelivery and Logistic sector - as more business transform their business into Digital business - demand for eDelivery and Logistics support will grow and create more eDelivery and eLogistics support business.

6. Local Food industry sector - this virus pandemics has cause many Countries to lockdown and reduce export of food such as vegetables, poultries, fish, meat, eggs etc and other food essential to Singapore.
Now this is the best time to ramp up of local food production in growing more local vegetables, poultries, fish, meat, eggs etc and ramp up local R&D of cell-cultured and tissue re-engineering of poultries, pork, beef and mutton and fishes.

The above Economic initiatives in Part 2a directed by the Government - can help to compensate for the Economic losses as highlighted in Part 2.

[4:48 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
*Phase 2 - Circuit Breaker ends - open up all non-essential business with social distancing in place to prevent re-infection* (1 Jun onwards)

1. With the opening up of all other non-essential businesses when circuit breaker end - many are domestic business, SMEs, retails, F&Bs etc --- those business and workers can resume business activites and work - to generate income.

2. We can restart construction activities - when all dorms and non-dorms foreign workers are certified fit for work and no longer infectious.

3. Bright and thriving industrial sectors - can go on full steam - though must still observe social distancing, wear face masks outside home, packet food, maintain personal hygiene by washing hands, split workers (some work at home, some work in office).

4. So the impact on these domestic business and workers --- will be slightly lesser - as they can still go on their business activities as usual.


[12:12 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Straits Times
30 Apr 2020  11pm
S'pore attends G-20 meeting stressing importance of digital tech in responding to Covid-19 pandemic

Mr Iswaran added that the Covid-19 pandemic had underscored the importance of investing in digital connectivity infrastructure and cyber security. "In that regard, 5G is the backbone of the digital economy," he said.

The *video-conference* was chaired by Saudi Arabia's Minister of Communications and Information Technology Abdullah Amer Al-Swaha.

Ministers from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, the European Union, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Spain, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, the United States, Vietnam as well as representatives from global organisations such as the International Telecommunication Union and Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development took part in the video-conference.

Third, he said technology is essential for enterprises to *go digital to strengthen business resilience*.

[4:48 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
*Phase 3 - Revive External Economy - where Trade is 3 times our size need Government to Government collaboration* (1 Jun onwards)

1. To revive our Economy, Business and Jobs - External Economy is our bulwark - for failing to focus on External Economy - it is not possible to ensure full employment.

2. The trick is - how to keep the virus at bay (while vaccine are still not ready, though treatment "Remdesvir" prove positive) -- while Government try to negotiate with other Government to resume trade and production?

3. Is it possible to *trade in goods and services by going online with minimum people contact* - but still ensure delivery of cargo by ships, planes, lorries, rail etc?

4. If our Government succeed to convince other Government to regain confidence and commence trading, manufacturing, logistics - then we can regain abot 3/4 of our Economy (as traveling, tourism and leisure, f&b for overseas tourists will still be in limbo).

5. Government collaboration can be in holding *virtual conferencing* to revive the physical activities all FTAs signed, revived the negotiation and talks on the RCEP, arrange safe trading and transporting of cargoes via ship, planes, lorries etc).


[12:12 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

30 Apr 2020 07:30PM
(Updated: 30 Apr 2020 10:21PM)
But PM Lee warned that the road to recovery will be “long and hard”.
“COVID-19 is this generation’s challenge. The virus is a tough enemy – invisible, but formidable. It is now our turn to prove that we are worthy of our forebears and up to the challenge before us. I have every confidence that we will prove more than equal to the task.”
[1:31 pm, 29/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(5) And our 5 pillars Total Defense = certainly prepare us for the quick ramping up of this healthcare facilities - to prevent swamping and overwhelming our hospital facilites ---- a good indication that Singapore 5 pillar Total Defense is working well in an Emergency, a Crisis - that hit us so suddenly with little warning.

(6) This virus pandemic is like a "stealth enemy" - that launch a sudden attack at us - that threaten our lives, our Economy, our Finance, our Social lives, our Business, our Jobs and keep everyone lock up in our home ---- a very "fearful enemy" ---- that if we put all our mind, our efforts together --- we can defeat this "terrible enemy" --- in which we can slow and stop if from attacking us --- but we have yet to find the right weapons to eradicate it.

(7) While awaiting for the "invention of the right weapons" to defeat it - we can only do ring-fence, prevent this terrible from "jumping host" to propagate and attack more people, while we keep ourselves afloat in our business, our jobs, our Economy and keep us semi-active in social lives.


[1:50 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

Today Online
Published 01 MAY, 2020
Covid-19: S’pore working to resume ‘essential cross-border travel’ with South Korea, Australia, Canada and New Zealand

SINGAPORE — In order to maintain global supply chains during the Covid-19 pandemic, Singapore will work on guidelines with four other countries to prepare for the resumption of essential cross-border travel.

Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing held a *video-conference* session with trade ministers from Australia, Canada, South Korea and New Zealand on Friday (May 1), where they reaffirmed their commitment to facilitate cross-border flows with each other, the Ministry of Trade and Industry announced in a press release.

The ministers also identified concrete actions to help lessen the impact of Covid-19 and will work together on the following:

_Resume essential cross-border travel while balancing public health considerations in line with efforts to combat Covid-19. The ministers committed to establishing guidelines to allow travel on an exceptional basis, in order to maintain global supply chains in accordance with national laws and regulations._
_Expedite customs procedures to reduce processing times, such as by using electronic means for customs processing to minimise face-to-face interactions._
_Refrain from restricting exports on essential items, such as food and critical medical supplies. They also agreed to guarantee that air, sea and land freight logistics networks will continue to operate._

Minimise the impact of Covid-19 on trade and investment, such as working closely with key multilateral economic institutions like the World Trade Organisation and sharing best practices.
In a speech during the video-conference on Friday, Mr Chan said that the lack of passenger flights has “also affected cargo capacities and led to a disruption in supply chain connectivity for essential goods for many countries”.
 “These initiatives will not only help us overcome the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, but also position us well for a swift recovery once the situation stabilises,” he said.
The ministers endorsed and launched a joint statement based on the one released on March 30 by the Group of 20 major economies, who had agreed to keep their markets open and ensure the continued flow of vital medical supplies, equipment and other essential goods.

[4:48 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
*Phase 3 - Revive External Economy - where Trade is 3 times our size need Government to Government collaboration* (1 Jun onwards)

1. To revive our Economy, Business and Jobs - External Economy is our bulwark - for failing to focus on External Economy - it is not possible to ensure full employment.

2. The trick is - how to keep the virus at bay (while vaccine are still not ready, though treatment "Remdesvir" prove positive) -- while Government try to negotiate with other Government to resume trade and production?

3. Is it possible to *trade in goods and services by going online with minimum people contact* - but still ensure delivery of cargo by ships, planes, lorries, rail etc?

4. If our Government succeed to convince other Government to regain confidence and commence trading, manufacturing, logistics - then we can regain abot 3/4 of our Economy (as traveling, tourism and leisure, f&b for overseas tourists will still be in limbo).

5. Government collaboration can be in holding *virtual conferencing* to revive the physical activities all FTAs signed, revived the negotiation and talks on the RCEP, arrange safe trading and transporting of cargoes via ship, planes, lorries etc).


[2:13 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

[2:14 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
China vaccine is ready.
Now asking for volunteers to try.

[2:19 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Chinese vaccine is successful in monkeys.
Now need volunteers in human.

[2:41 pm, 01/05/2020] : Can be trusted!,

[2:42 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Don't know.

[2:38 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

[2:39 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
A dozen approved drugs could be effective against covid-19.


[3:01 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Unfortunate to have absence of global leadership when 3  major crisis hit the world.

One is self induced global trade war,

 Another is self induced global warming and

3rd is virus pandemic.

This make up what an ancient wise man described as  - 小三灾。

[3:02 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Crisis that match the 1930 Deep Depression.


[5:10 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Too many samples to test and staff burnout in testing the covid-19.


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

REACH - 66. Help those in financial crisis (SK)
30 Apr 2020 (12pm - 10pm)

[11:07 am, 30/04/2020] : [Sent by – 30 Apr]
COVID-19: Safe distancing at retail establishments
Temperature screening and collection of particulars (for contact tracing purposes) at supermarkets, malls, wet markets
If you are visiting a supermarket/mall/wet market:
 👝 Bring along your NRIC, or any other official photo ID with barcode for scanning (eg. Passion Card, Driver’s License)
😷 Wear a mask at all times
🚶‍♀ Go alone
↔ Observe safe distancing: keep at least 1m away from others

[12:02 pm, 30/04/2020] : Dear contributors,
Welcome back! Our chat will be open from 12pm to 10pm today.
REACH is constantly taking note of all the feedback and suggestions shared on our WhatsApp chats, and will send them to relevant authorities for consideration.
Please be reminded to be respectful and considerate to others in this WhatsApp chat group.

[12:02 pm, 30/04/2020] : Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will deliver his May Day Message today at 7.30pm.
In his Facebook page, he shared, “We can’t hold the usual May Day Rally tomorrow because of COVID-19. Instead, I will broadcast my May Day speech tonight at 7:30pm. You can watch it here on my Facebook Page, the PMO YouTube channel or on free-to-air TV.
In this crisis, it is vital for our unions, employers, and the Government to work together to help workers and families overcome these difficult times.”
Many of us are affected by the crisis. It is important that all of us work together to help affected workers and families overcome these difficult times.
📢 Topic 📢
How can we help others who are facing financial difficulties during this crisis?

[12:09 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
1. Help to secure temp jobs or contract jobs available for those who urgently need finances to tide over the crisis.

[12:14 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
US trial using Remdesvir show positive results against covid-19 as larger patients group are involved in the trial as opposed to China Wuhan smaller trial that doesn't show positive results.
China also terminated the trial early.

Bobby Tan
[12:15 pm, 30/04/2020] : Sponsored skill upgrade course for them so that they are ready for next job once the CB is over.

[12:16 pm, 30/04/2020] :

[12:27 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
1. Undergraduates graduating this year will need help to secure jobs.

2. Those affected by the virus crisis who lose their jobs will need jobs.

3. Thus targeted portal to categories them and help them to seek jobs become important.

4. Eg. The earlier announce getting organizations to participate in co-fund internships for newly graduate internships for 1 year before offering a full time job.

5. Getting Organisations to offer temp, contract jobs who are still thriving to those who lose their jobs to the virus pandemic through the portal can help those who seek help - will quickly help those who need jobs secure the temp or contract jobs - so that they will have incomes to tide over the crisis.

[12:30 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Important to establish the trade tie with 2 Asian Giants - China and India - on how to resume trade and travel amidst the virus pandemic - safely but not impeding business and trade.                                                                                      

[12:37 pm, 30/04/2020] :

[12:40 pm, 30/04/2020] : just helping to jolt everyone’s memory abit, DPM heng actually announced 2 things about SGUnited jobs when he delivered the Resilience Budget.
other than SGUnited portal for jobseekers, he also shared about SGUnited traineeship programme

Bobby Tan
[12:50 pm, 30/04/2020] : Government besides helping people who lost job due to covid-19, Government should also help those who lost job last year but still unemployed especially now worst as affected by covid-19.

Poh S Lim
[12:53 pm, 30/04/2020] : I have read a lot of good reviews about remdesivir treatment for Covid-19 and hopefully this is the main treatment drug that will bring down the number of fatalities
[12:56 pm, 30/04/2020] : Continuing stimulus packages to businesses to help them jumpstart once the covid-19 pandemic ebbs and circuit breaker eases

[12:56 pm, 30/04/2020] : agree

Poh S Lim
[12:59 pm, 30/04/2020] : It’s a virtuous cycle because businesses that survive this pandemic will be able to contribute to government revenue, if businesses fail, government revenue will be depleted

[1:10 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Good programme to help those graduating this year.

[1:12 pm, 30/04/2020] : yea, think not many businesses will
be doing large scale hiring this year, so it’s good there’s this traineeship programme
and also public sector also doing hiring
[1:13 pm, 30/04/2020] : there’re still a few sectors hiring tho, like biomed, chemical and logistics
can check out e2i
or join the 2 telegram channels i shared previously ^^
[1:13 pm, 30/04/2020] : here, telegram channels for job alerts

[1:34 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

[4:48 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

3 Phase Approach to keep virus at bay and revive our Economy, Business and Job

*Phase 1 - Keep virus at bay* (From now to 1 Jun)

_Circuit Breaker_
1. Virus directly threaten people's lives and infect many people making people sick.

2. Hence, this circuit breaker that will only end in 1 Jun - is to let the virus subside - as virus cannot jump host - while we attempt to ramp up testings to identify all possible infected people, isolate them, treat them so that community are safe.

3. Only when virus are control - and no longer active in our Community - can we revive our Economy.

_Impact on Business_
4. However, during this Circuit Breaker period - many non-Essential business cannot open (this is short term) - and workers in such business will not be terminated - but income temporarily affected - and Government Solidarity budget of $600 per individual can help to cushion the loss in income - and still can put food on the table and not go hungry.

5. After Circuit Breaker ends - some business like travel, leisure, tourism, f&b that cannot dine-in, manufacturing and services that depend on manufacturing and trade will still be affected --- unless other Countries have their virus infection under control.

_Impact on Workers_
6. Workers from travel, leisure, tourism - some have lose their jobs and now need to look for other jobs. Some are Singaporeans and some are PRs.

7. Another group of workers are those from the manufacturing, trade, and service sectors that depends on the other Countries reciprocal activities like consumer demand, manufacturing of parts, trade and services --- will also be affected ---- as if other Countries have still not control their virus threat - they will still maintain in a lockdown or partial lockdown state - and their workers will not be able to come out to work or consume.

8. To help this group of Singaporeans and PRs who may face longer term unemployment - by getting them to register with the VIrtual Portal to help workers find new jobs (PMETs/ non-PMETs) - will be urgently required as they lose their income and cannot sustain for long - as they need to put food on the table and pay bills.

9. Thus any jobs - eg. temp jobs, contract jobs, co-fund jobs, interships, traineeship jobs or even full-time jobs etc that are available in the Economy - will need to be open up to these groups of people who have lost their jobs.

[4:48 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
*Phase 2 - Circuit Breaker ends - open up all non-essential business with social distancing in place to prevent re-infection* (1 Jun onwards)

1. With the opening up of all other non-essential businesses when circuit breaker end - many are domestic business, SMEs, retails, F&Bs etc --- those business and workers can resume business activites and work - to generate income.

2. We can restart construction activities - when all dorms and non-dorms foreign workers are certified fit for work and no longer infectious.

3. Bright and thriving industrial sectors - can go on full steam - though must still observe social distancing, wear face masks outside home, packet food, maintain personal hygiene by washing hands, split workers (some work at home, some work in office).

4. So the impact on these domestic business and workers --- will be slightly lesser - as they can still go on their business activities as usual.

[4:48 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
*Phase 3 - Revive External Economy - where Trade is 3 times our size need Government to Government collaboration* (1 Jun onwards)

1. To revive our Economy, Business and Jobs - External Economy is our bulwark - for failing to focus on External Economy - it is not possible to ensure full employment.

2. The trick is - how to keep the virus at bay (while vaccine are still not ready, though treatment "Remdesvir" prove positive) -- while Government try to negotiate with other Government to resume trade and production?

3. Is it possible to trade in goods and services by going online with minimum people contact - but still ensure delivery of cargo by ships, planes, lorries, rail etc?

4. If our Government succeed to convince other Government to regain confidence and commence trading, manufacturing, logistics - then we can regain abot 3/4 of our Economy (as traveling, tourism and leisure, f&b for overseas tourists will still be in limbo).

5. Government collaboration can be in holding virtual conferencing to revive the physical activities all FTAs signed, revived the negotiation and talks on the RCEP, arrange safe trading and transporting of cargoes via ship, planes, lorries etc).


[4:56 pm, 30/04/2020] : Preparing for a changed work life after coronavirus: President Halimah Yacob in May Day message
Society will see major changes to work, the workforce and workplaces after the coronavirus crisis, President Halimah Yacob said in her May Day message on Facebook on Thursday (April 30).
She added: "Companies and workers should take full advantage of this period to plan, rethink their strategies and ramp up workers' skills to prepare for work after Covid-19."
Madam Halimah also commented on this year's unusual May Day celebrations with social distancing measures and activities either taken online or cancelled.


[5:11 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:


[6:47 pm, 30/04/2020] : Reach can feedback to the relevant authority if the CB is lifted can the FWs be isolated at their  respective places for  at least one-month and not  to loiter around if there  is a possibility of second relapse since they  take  up most of the cases.

[7:07 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
SKorea medical experts confirm that there are no reinfection after certified fit - they are false positive.                                                                                                                      
A clinical expert panel on Wednesday also concluded that recovered coronavirus patients who later tested positive for the virus again were not “reactivated” or reinfected, but were false positives.


[8:19 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Singapore’s economy will open up 'step by step' as COVID-19 cases fall: PM Lee
30 Apr 2020 07:30PM
(Updated: 30 Apr 2020 07:45PM)
“Some industries will open up earlier than others and recover sooner,” he said. These include sectors critical to keeping the *domestic economy* going and those that *keep Singapore connected to the world and to global supply chains.*
[4:48 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
*Phase 2 - Circuit Breaker ends - (1 Jun onwards)*

1. With the opening up of all other non-essential businesses when circuit breaker end - many are *domestic business*, SMEs, retails, F&Bs etc --- those business and workers can resume business activites and work - to generate income.

[4:48 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
*Phase 3 - Revive External Economy - where Trade is 3 times our size need Government to Government collaboration* (1 Jun onwards)

1. To revive our Economy, Business and Jobs - External Economy is our bulwark - for failing to focus on External Economy - it is not possible to ensure full employment.


[8:28 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
30 Apr 2020 07:30PM
(Updated: 30 Apr 2020 07:45PM)
PM Lee said that Singapore will progressively restart its economy after it brings down the number of new COVID-19 cases, but this will “not be straightforward”.
“We need to step up COVID-19 testing and speed up contact-tracing. And we must proceed cautiously, with safeguards, so infections do not flare up again,” he said.

[4:48 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

3 Phase Approach to keep virus at bay and revive our Economy, Business and Job

*Phase 1 - Keep virus at bay* (From now to 1 Jun)

_Circuit Breaker_
1. Virus directly threaten people's lives and infect many people making people sick.

2. Hence, this circuit breaker that will only end in 1 Jun - is to let the virus subside - as virus cannot jump host - while we attempt to ramp up testings to identify all possible infected people, isolate them, treat them so that community are safe.

3. Only when virus are control - and no longer active in our Community - can we revive our Economy.

[8:37 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
30 Apr 2020 07:30PM
(Updated: 30 Apr 2020 07:45PM)
“Some industries will open up earlier than others and recover sooner,” PM Lee said. These include sectors critical to keeping the domestic economy going and those that keep Singapore connected to the world and to global supply chains.
“Other sectors will have to wait, especially those which attract crowds or involve close contact with other people, such as entertainment outlets and large-scale sporting events,” said Mr Lee. “We must keep all these different industries intact, ready to resume business when conditions allow.”


He cautioned that the tourism and aviation industries will take much longer to recover, because international travel will remain restricted as long as COVID-19 is still a problem around the world.
READ: Singapore’s aviation and tourism recovery will be very slow after COVID-19 but long-term outlook remains bright

[4:48 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

_Impact on Business_
4. However, during this Circuit Breaker period - many non-Essential business cannot open (this is short term) - and workers in such business will not be terminated - but income temporarily affected - and Government Solidarity budget of $600 per individual can help to cushion the loss in income - and still can put food on the table and not go hungry.

5. After Circuit Breaker ends - some business like travel, leisure, tourism, f&b that cannot dine-in, manufacturing and services that depend on manufacturing and trade will still be affected --- unless other Countries have their virus infection under control.

_Impact on Workers_
6. Workers from travel, leisure, tourism - some have lose their jobs and now need to look for other jobs. Some are Singaporeans and some are PRs.

7. Another group of workers are those from the manufacturing, trade, and service sectors that depends on the other Countries reciprocal activities like consumer demand, manufacturing of parts, trade and services --- will also be affected ---- as if other Countries have still not control their virus threat - they will still maintain in a lockdown or partial lockdown state - and their workers will not be able to come out to work or consume.

[4:48 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
*Phase 3 - Revive External Economy - where Trade is 3 times our size need Government to Government collaboration* (1 Jun onwards)

1. To revive our Economy, Business and Jobs - External Economy is our bulwark - for failing to focus on External Economy - it is not possible to ensure full employment.

2. The trick is - how to keep the virus at bay (while vaccine are still not ready, though treatment "Remdesvir" prove positive) -- while Government try to negotiate with other Government to resume trade and production?

3. Is it possible to trade in goods and services by going online with minimum people contact - but still ensure delivery of cargo by ships, planes, lorries, rail etc?

4. If our Government succeed to convince other Government to regain confidence and commence trading, manufacturing, logistics - then we can regain abot 3/4 of our Economy (as traveling, tourism and leisure, f&b for overseas tourists will still be in limbo).

5. Government collaboration can be in holding virtual conferencing to revive the physical activities all FTAs signed, revived the negotiation and talks on the RCEP, arrange safe trading and transporting of cargoes via ship, planes, lorries etc).


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

REACH - 65. Ramp up Isolation and Community Facilities (SK)
29 Apr 2020 (12pm - 8pm)

[11:11 am, 29/04/2020] : [Sent by – 29 Apr]
COVID-19: Increasing healthcare capacity
🏥 Range of facilities include:
Swab Isolation Facilities (4K beds available)
For those waiting for swab test results
Community Care Facilities (20K beds by end-June)
For those with mild/no symptoms
Step-down Community Recovery Facilities (10K beds by end-June)
For those well at day 14 of illness
👨‍⚕👩‍⚕ Expanding healthcare capacity
- Non-urgent elective procedures postponed
- ⬆ Isolation wards, ICU capacity
- Public hospitals collaborating with private hospitals to provide treatment capacity
- Private sector healthcare workers, retirees, volunteers tapped on
- Teleconsultations, health apps for follow-ups used

[12:01 pm, 29/04/2020] : Dear contributors, welcome back! This chat will be open till 8pm today 😃
📢 Topic 📢
The Taskforce has put in place a comprehensive medical plan to tackle Covid-19. There are tiered facilities to care for infected patients according to their medical needs.
This national medical plan was able to be executed within a very short timeframe because of strong public-private partnerships; this enables us to take care of all infected patients and ensure we have sufficient healthcare capacity for the longer term.
We are on the fourth week of the Circuit Breaker. People have been trying their best to adjust to all the safe distancing measures. Overall the number of infected persons are dropping.
All this is the Singapore spirit and #SGUnited at work.
How do you feel about our efforts so far in our continued fight against COVID-19?


[1:31 pm, 29/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

(1) Notice that Singapore can ramp up :-
a. Swab Isolation Facilites (4000 beds) - wait for swab test
b. Community Care Facilities (20000 beds) - mild/no symptomps
c. Step down Community Recovery Facilities (10000 beds) - well at day 14 of illness

-- a total of 34000 beds prepared in a couple of 3 months.

(2) One thing come to mind, how Singapore can ramp up 34,000 beds, cupboard, mattress, pillows, tentage, electric fans, partition boards etc in a couple of month without placing import orders?

(3) Singapore must have tremendous experience in National Service (Army, Home Team) - to build up the above living facilities in such a short time - with all the above logistics ready.

(4) Certainly, calling up private sector medical personnel, retiree, previous healthcare staff and volunteers, converting normal wards to become ICUs etc --- help to provide the medical personnel to help Singapore in the fight for this virus.

(5) And our 5 pillars Total Defense = certainly prepare us for the quick ramping up of this healthcare facilities - to prevent swamping and overwhelming our hospital facilites ---- a good indication that Singapore 5 pillar Total Defense is working well in an Emergency, a Crisis - that hit us so suddenly with little warning.

(6) This virus pandemic is like a "stealth enemy" - that launch a sudden attack at us - that threaten our lives, our Economy, our Finance, our Social lives, our Business, our Jobs and keep everyone lock up in our home ---- a very "fearful enemy" ---- that if we put all our mind, our efforts together --- we can defeat this "terrible enemy" --- in which we can slow and stop if from attacking us --- but we have yet to find the right weapons to eradicate it.

(7) While awaiting for the "invention of the right weapons" to defeat it - we can only do ring-fence, prevent this terrible from "jumping host" to propagate and attack more people, while we keep ourselves afloat in our business, our jobs, our Economy and keep us semi-active in social lives.

[2:11 pm, 29/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

(1) This virus pandemic hit Singapore at 3 fronts :-
a. Lives - Safety at risk
b. Economy - Business, Jobs, Trade, Food and Good supply impacted.
c. Social & Emotional Mental - Day to day living and our social interaction impacted

(2) a. Saving Lives - has strongly exerted tremendous pressure on our Healthcare services - in terms of hospiital facilities and bed as well as medical personnel working overdrive to treat and care for the pandemic patients.

- by categorising and segregating the patients according to their respective health conditions affected by the virus --- Singapore can allocated our scare health resources and personnel - without straining our hospital and medical personnel - at the expenses of our medical care.
i. ICU - need acute care
ii. Hospital wards - need medical attention
iii. Community Care facilities - for mild or no symptoms case to recover by themselves without the need for medical intervention and not infecting the Community.
iv. Step down Community Recovery facilities - for those who are well after 14 day but possibly with virus load
v. Swab Isolation Facilites - awaiting swab test result that may have virus load so as not to infect others.

- appropriate health officers can be assigned to the respective categories and relieve the load of doctors and nurses --- that need to care for patient that need medical intervention.

b. Economy - will require Government monetary policies, fiscal policies, regulatory policies to help the business and worker's jobs.

- But Singapore Economy is heavily dependant on trade which is 3 times the size of our GDP --- which means other Countries must also be like-minded to trade with us ---- in order for our Economy to recover.

- So meanwhile, Singapore will have to zero-in on those Economic sectors and Industry sectors that are bright and generate alot of economic activities - to grow our GDP to ensure we don't do badly in GDP numbers --- and at the same time secure jobs and ensure business survive ----- so that consumers will have pocket money to spend on retail and f&b --- to keep SMEs going.

c. Social and Mental well-being --- we will have to help people to adjust from normal lives to more restricted lives -- albeit observing social distancing, use electronic gadgets to communicate, stay more at home, work more at home, study more at home, less social interaction to prevent virus from "jumping host", eat out less, travel less, put on face mask etc.

- Human is a very adaptive living beings.

- Initially when social lives are affected, emotion and mental well-beings will be affected.

- But as we start to accept this is a new normal, human can adjust - to save our own lives and adapt --- until one day when vaccines are found and treatment developed ---- only then we can adjust back to our normal lives.

- But one aspect that affect people's mental emotion -- could be business, jobs and finances - that can make people nervous or desperate -- that can lead to more disputes at home. Thus there is a need to address this --- at least for 1 year and a half until vaccine recover and business gain confidence to resume full-scale business activities.


[4:13 pm, 29/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Wonder any official URL link that those local/PR who lose their jobs can seek help to look for alternative jobs?

[4:20 pm, 29/04/2020] : have! DPM announced about SGUnited jobs portal in late march
ntuc’s e2i can also help singaporeans with placement,
other than that, ntuc also has 2 telegram channels, one for pmet jobs and one for non-pmet jobs. here’s the non-pmet one, jobseekers can browse through and see if there’s anything suitable:
temp/contract/perm job opportunities for non-pmet,
for pmet jobs,
hope this helps!

[4:20 pm, 29/04/2020] : Thanks for sharing!

[4:21 pm, 29/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Thanks for the information.
Helping someone who lose the job in tourism sector.

[4:47 pm, 29/04/2020] : Thanks for helping to share!
[5:10 pm, 29/04/2020] :

[5:10 pm, 29/04/2020] : Fake videos being spread to create trouble in foreign worker dorms, risk 'serious' law and order incidents: Shanmugam

[6:42 pm, 29/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Everyone needs to be motivated and reassure that we are on the right path.
The testing did not slow down but ramp up from 2900 to 8000.
With so many tests but yet the number is going down and local transmission has been single digit for 2 days - is certainly good news for us.

[6:46 pm, 29/04/2020] : Agree


[7:39 pm, 29/04/2020] : Just wandering will they consider to tested the domestic helper in the shelter home.

[7:54 pm, 29/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(1) If foreign domestic workers are to be tested - they will be the last batch to be tested, the reasons being :-
- FDW work at home, if they are infected - they will have already infected all the family members they are serving.
- Their employers are the one that will be working - and will be the priority batch that will be tested - before they are released to Community to work.
- Given the fear that this FDWs may have interact with the dorm and non-dorm workers - but indication that so far, no FDWs are found to be infected from them as so far FDWs are mainly infected from their employers.
- Our FDW is about 201,000 - a big number - and priority should be given to those who are going to the Community - not those who are staying at home.
- Now with the circuit breakers on, FDWs are not allowed to go out in the weekend (for 1 month already) --- and if any infected cases will have surfaced by now.
- But so far no cases reported ---- so may indicate that FDWs is not a source of infection --- unless situation changes and warrant a thorough testings of FDWs.
- Bear in mind - we need to test close to 4 million people before workers, school children can be released after circuit breaker ends.
- By putting FDWs in front of everyone - doesn't sound right - and slow those people that need to go to Community to work and go to school --- whereas FDWs stay at home and ring fence within a household only - with little threat of spreading to wider community - provided that they cannot go out during weekend.

[7:58 pm, 29/04/2020] : I mean those fdw at agency...

[7:59 pm, 29/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
They should be tested before they join the employer, I thought should be logical.

[8:00 pm, 29/04/2020] : Agreed. But now they shd be residing somewhere in the maid shelter etc blar.. Heard that the place is also crowded type.

[8:00 pm, 29/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
That one got to ask MOM.
I don't know.

[8:01 pm, 29/04/2020] : Hi REACH Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan ☺

Monday, April 27, 2020

REACH - 64. Our Top Concern (SK)
28 Apr 2020 (12pm - 8pm)

[12:00 pm, 28/04/2020] : ⏰ Our chat will be open till 8pm today ⏰
📢 Topic 📢
We are now in the fourth week of the Circuit Breaker. Testing capacity has been ramped up to more than 8,000 tests per day, from 2,900 in early April. Together with everyone adhering to safe distancing measures, the overall situation is improving.
What are your top COVID-19 concerns at the moment?

[12:03 pm, 28/04/2020] : Singapore economy may shrink more than 4% this year if coronavirus outbreak drags on: MAS


[1:51 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

My close friend concern :-

Top covid-19 concerns:
(1) Unrest break out in dorms and isolation areas. We are seeing tens of thousands of people being confined within tiny spaces. Even families members have conflicts and siblings fight. How can we not be worried?

(2) Only a small number of patients have recovered. These numbers will drag resources down not just money but burning out support staff. Could airconditioned, enclosed environment and sedentary life favour the covid virus? Report said patients in isolation centre s are "clinically well" or convalescing or mild symptomatic. Could we not systematically schedule them to take a walk outside and be exposed to the goodness of sun just 10mins in the morning and 10mins in the afternoon?

(3) Youth is wasted on young. How many of the young are gainfully engaged during this time? Hope at least the students can quickly return to school.

[1:55 pm, 28/04/2020] : Your close friend is very intelligent

[1:56 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Thanks for your compliments on behalf of my friend.


[1:32 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

My concern are 3 fold :-

(1) There are still undetected infected individuals in our Community - that if Circuit Breaker ends - will come out to infect the Community.

(2) As announced and projected, our Economy may go down -4% - a very serious contraction - that will burn a hole in our National Finance.

(3) Business survival, Jobs and Salary of workers.

To address the above 3 concerns :-

*Part (1) Undetected infection in Community*

a. Ramp up test before opening Circuit Breaker and let people come out into Community

b. Categorised the following into batches for testing before releasing to the Community :-
i. Batch 3a - Essential Service workers
ii. Batch 3b - Workers that cannot work from home (note ;- All those workers that can work from home - will still need to work from home).
iii. Batch 3c - Pre-school children
iv. Batch 3d - All school children in Primary, Secondary, ITEs, JCs, Polys, UNIs.
v. Batch 3e - Nursing homes residents and staff.
(Note :- All dorms and non-dorms workers must be thoroughly tested and well before released to Comunity).
Only systematic testings to all that need to be released to Community must be tested - will ensure "virtual zero infection" to Community).

c. Maintain social distancing :-
i. All wear masks when out of home.
ii. No eat-in in food court, hawker, shopping centre, f&bs.
iii. Maintain social distancing of 1 metre in queuing.
iv. Regulate crowding in mall, or crowded areas.

d. My justification in adopting this approach is ---- unless Community is "Safe and Fit to Work" --- from infection -- then we are sure that an outbreak will not trigger another Circuit Breaker.
It is a mammoth and challenging task ---- but I think we can mount our resources to work towards it.

[1:39 pm, 28/04/2020] : 👍

[1:39 pm, 28/04/2020] : 👏🏻👍🏻


[2:13 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

*Part (2) Projected severe Economic Contraction*

(1) Our GDP is $593.802 billion (PPP, 2019) - And by shaving -4% from the GDP means we will lose $23.756 billion.
*Part (2) Projected severe Economic Contraction*

(1) Our GDP is $593.802 billion (PPP, 2019) - And by shaving -4% from the GDP means we will lose $23.756 billion.

(2) How many business can afford to lose $23.756 billion? A whopping loss!

(3) Projected loss in business could come from the following sectors :-
a. Manufacturing --- as world economies are still affected and in lockdown or partial lockdown from the pandemic - and the demands for goods are in limbo.

b. Travel, tourism, leisure - as travel will still be in doldrum to prevent imported infection, travel will still be restricted - and tourists arrival will not be in huge number.

c. Knock on effect on external-oriented sectors :- Finance sector, Logistic, Shipping industry, Oil bunkering - as business borrowing from banks will fall due to fall in consumer demand; with lower trade - logistic business will be lower; as air freight and cargo demand fall - oil demand fall.

d. Knock on effect on internal-oriented sectors :- eg. retail, f&b - as economy fall, salary fall - lesser disposable income to spend in retail and f&b.

(4) This will be translated into lesser tax revenue for the Government to finance the Government Budget and hurt our National Finance.


[2:52 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: ---

*Part (2a) Promote other Bright Economic Sectors - to stimulate Economic Activities and grow GDP*

But there are bright Economic Sectors that we can promote - to beef up the Economic Activities to keep the Circular Flow of Income going - and stir the multiplier effects :-
1. Medical, Pharmaceutical sector - produce more medicine (like vaccine, treatment drugs), medical equipment (eg. face masks, gloves, PPE, ventilators, swab, test kits, portable test booth, rapid test kits etc).

2. Healthcare sector - as more healthcare personnel are needed to fight the current virus pandemic, more jobs can be created for displaced workers by training them and put them into healthcare jobs as well as health support jobs.

3. IT (Digital Economy), eCommerce sector - rapidly transform traditional business to Digital business to create 2nd wing -- that will allow not only domestic consumers to order the goods and services --- but also allow overseas consumers to order the goods and services). This will have helped to support the ITM (Industry Transformation Map) objectives in double quick time.

4. Construction sector - ramp up construction of isolation facilities, and other government projects to create business activites for construction companies and its supporting companies.

5. eDelivery and Logistic sector - as more business transform their business into Digital business - demand for eDelivery and Logistics support will grow and create more eDelivery and eLogistics support business.

6. Local Food industry sector - this virus pandemics has cause many Countries to lockdown and reduce export of food such as vegetables, poultries, fish, meat, eggs etc and other food essential to Singapore.
Now this is the best time to ramp up of local food production in growing more local vegetables, poultries, fish, meat, eggs etc and ramp up local R&D of cell-cultured and tissue re-engineering of poultries, pork, beef and mutton and fishes.

The above Economic initiatives in Part 2a directed by the Government - can help to compensate for the Economic losses as highlighted in Part 2.

- Note:- These can only be done when Circuit Breaker ended and local transmission come to "Virtual Zero" - thus systematic testings to ensure the community spreading is "zero or virtual zero" is so important.


[3:27 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(1) In Part 2(a) - forget to mention ramping up Digital Banking, Digital Insurance and other Financial Serives --- to help to finance eCommerce and eDelivery services --- as many business have transformed to Digital Business.

This will help to add another dimension to our Economy and fuel the Digital Financial Service to grow our business and tap not only the Domestic business but also Overseas business - as well as attract overseas consumers to buy goods and services via our eCommerce Digital platform.


[3:12 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

*Part (3) Business survival, Job loss or Salary cut*

(1) In lieu of projected severe economic contraction - that will impact business survival, job loss or salary cut --- Government strong intervention will be required to prop up business, keep jobs, create jobs, maintain salary or prevent drastic salary cut.

(2)a. Business Survival for those Economic sectors (highlighted in Part 2) that are hit by the virus pandemic - can be given assistance to cushion the impact of the business loss such as :-
- financial assistance to co-fund wage payment
- financial incentive to further transform business
- training incentive to help workers to be trained to manage, run and operate transform business
- collaborate with like-minded Countries to keep trade open, business open and investment open - in ASEAN, RCEP, all other current FTAs with all the respective Countries in the World.

b. Job loss - Government should actively :-
- encourage organisation and business to continue to keep and maintain workers by subsidising or co-fund wages of workers.

- create new jobs for displaced workers like :-
i. creating internship with like-minded business and co-fund wage payment,
ii. train-and placement with like-minded business,
iii. job trainee scheme with like-minded business,
iv. put displaced workers in growing Economic sectors highlighted in Part 2(a).

c. Maintain salary, Prevent drastic salary cut
- financial assistance to co-fund wage payment
- training incentive to help workers to be trained to manage, run and operate transform business that show growth prospect - so that it value-add to business and help to grow business and profitability.


Elena Woo
[3:22 pm, 28/04/2020] : Higher salary subsidy from govt for Singaporean employees. We must also prioritize our own citizens first. This is because to minimize the employers to layoff singaporean staff first.

[3:29 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Singapore citizens first then PRs.

[3:30 pm, 28/04/2020] : Yes

[3:31 pm, 28/04/2020] : Yes pls. Super disappointed to hear news from MNCs like Mcdonalds about longer operating time due to lack of Malaysian manpower. This shouldn't be the case
[3:32 pm, 28/04/2020] : (Granted, the roles are paid pretty lowly by SG COL levels)

Elena Woo
[3:25 pm, 28/04/2020] : Job support scheme of 25% wage subsidy for all other sectors from Jun onwards may not be sufficient for companies to sustain their business. The percentage should be increased for all other sectors.

[3:30 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
If our Singapore government got budget  - yes.
But Minister of Finance needs to work out the sum.

Elena Woo
[3:33 pm, 28/04/2020] : And I have heard some companies have let go of Singaporeans first before the foreign workers.
[3:33 pm, 28/04/2020] : This is sadder.
[3:50 pm, 28/04/2020] : But being majority of the public, they may not do so.
1. They think report to MOM no use. Because the company may say the person's role no longer needed or the person underperformed and usually the company has disclaimers in their employment contract.
2. Secondly, most private companies dun have union groups. Staff cannot find a union representative to fight for them.
3. Some dunno how to fight over such unfair treatment.
4. Some companies may play "layoff half of Singaporeans and maybe only 1 or 2 foreign workers to state their decision is not targeting at singaporeans only"
[4:00 pm, 28/04/2020] : But i think more impt at this point of time is on the termination and layoff of Singaporean staff during and post this period.
[4:01 pm, 28/04/2020] : How to ensure employers dun squeeze thru loopholes
[4:02 pm, 28/04/2020] : I mean if the company fold up, no choice right? But if they layoff majority of their Singaporean staff and retain mostly PRs and foreigners... then how?
[4:03 pm, 28/04/2020] : And if they argue on grounds of underperformance or roles not needed...😱

[4:07 pm, 28/04/2020] : Economics is at work. Its trying times during Covid. Most of the things are stand-still. Oil tankers are around the Singapore with no buyers. Shops that sells commodities have no use. No one goes shopping anymore. It seems that lay-offs or retrenchment is inevitable. Govt tried to cushion impact by subsiding 75% of the wages or up to $4600. I think they have done enough. But is it good enough for the businesses to stay afloat, we have yet to see. And when many companies are not doing well, we hear stories like that, but the investigations for these cases are exhaustive and many falls into grey areas as you said. Would it be better if we channel our resources like setting official dabao-hawker websites to keep businesses afloat?

[3:32 pm, 28/04/2020] : [Sent by – 28 Apr]
As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed an additional 528 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore.
Majority are Work Permit holders residing in foreign worker dormitories.
Of the 528 cases, 8 are Singaporeans/PRs.
MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

REACH - 63. Move to Isolation Facilities (SK)
27 Apr 2020 (2pm - 8pm)

[2:03 pm, 27/04/2020] : A total of 10 halls at Singapore Expo are being converted into temporary isolation facilities for Covid-19 patients, with four already completed and occupied, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in a Facebook post on Sunday (April 26).
"With many more Covid-19 cases, mostly mild, we urgently needed a solution to house the large numbers, and not let our hospitals get swamped," Mr Lee wrote.
📢 Topic 📢
What are your views on the conversion of locations such as the Singapore Expo, Changi Exhibition Centre and Tanjong Pagar Terminal into temporary isolation facilities to allow our hospitals to focus on more serious cases?


[2:05 pm, 27/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Part 1 - Aggressive Testing

26 Apr 2020 06:20AM
(Updated: 26 Ap dor 2020 08:43AM)
Mr Gan has also said that as the country eases circuit breaker measures, it will need to increase testing capability, to make sure that there is no community spread of the virus.
“In order to make sure that there's no transmission in the community, we need to test a lot more,” he said at a virtual press conference held on Tuesday by the multi-ministerial task force tackling COVID-19.
Mr Chan made a similar point in on Thursday, saying: "We hope that in a month's time we will be able to progressively reopen the economy with much more testing for the entire population and at the same time to take on additional safe distancing measures."

[6:30 pm, 25/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
My close friend comments :-
(1) UK targets to do 100000 tests per day.
(2) What it means is that the longer we delay aggressive testing the more we have to do to catch up because the silent spread is exponential on a daily basis.
(3) In mar south Korea started aggressive testing on a scale of 10000 per day. Our DMS on the contrary said yield little result.
(4) But every asymptomatic case that slip by can turn into a thousand cases in 10days. When it quietly spread until beyond control, we are finished.
(5) Really hope sg is doing aggressive testing.

My comments :-
(1) Yes. Your suggestion of aggressive testing is the right strategy to weed out the unlink cases in Singapore - which remain a stealth reservoir in the Community that are stealthly and silently infecting unsuspecting people in the Community.

My close friend response :-
(1) It's about maximising outcomes, minimising disasters. unless we are poor and cannot afford it. Economic shut costs much much more.

My comments :-
(1) Aggressive testings is the right approach, but to test all 5.6 million residents in Singapore at one go - is a very challenging and daunting tasks.

(2) Thus we need to priorities our testing, I suggest that :-
a. Batch 1 - Dorms for foreign workers are now undergoing aggressive testing. Majority of the infected people have been identified.

b. Batch 2 - Foreign workers outside the dorms are undergoing tests now concurrently - and this form the 2nd largest group after the dorms reported every day.

c. Batch 3 --- Note :- the community local transmission and the unlink cases that are reported everyday --- are coming from this group.
But this group are all the residents in Singapore - citizens, PRs, Long Term Pass Holders. --- which form about 3 to 4 million people.
To conduct aggressive testings to this large pool of people to weed out the 30 to 20 over cases --- will be a challenge.
So I suggest we do the following :-

(i) Batch 3a - Test all essential workers that are working now - as some unlink cases come from this batch - about 300,000 workers.

Batch 3b - Test all nursing homes - where some unlink cases - have been uncovered through this batch - number unknown - but not a big number, I guess.

Batch 3c - Test all pre-school students and staff who will be attending pre-school once circuit breaker ends - as some cases also come from this batch - number unknown --- but i guess quite a big number.

Batch 3d - Test all workers that will be going to work for non-essential services when circuit breakers end - as few cases are reported from this group - a big number - potentially about 1 to 2 million workers?

Batch 3e - Test all school going children eg. primary, secondary, JCs, IHLs - that need to go to schools and pose a risk of cross infection - before circuit breaker ends - potentially about 1 to 2 million students?

(ii) Note :- by testing all the Batch 3a to 3e ---- if there is any discovered cases --- their family members or those living with them or come into with them will be tested --- and these will have weed out the unlink cases.

(iii) Can we take the risk of not testing all those staying at home --- yes i think we can --- because if the above batches are tested - with no infection - very likely that those stay at home are not infected.

(iv) If anyone of the tested batchs have people infected, then likely that those stay with them will be infected - and this stay at home can be tested.

(v) Believe in this way --- we have a systematic aggressive way of testings to weed out all the unlink cases in the Community.

My close friend contribution :-

Pleased to see that community cases are dropping. The next step is enlarged the test criteria for the community to institute testing for
(1) those under quarantined/SHN before lifting their movement restrictions. When the community cases start to clear up, there is no reason to release those close contacts without testing them.
(2) occupationally higher-risk groups should be tested once they showed symptoms e.g. Public facing personnel, healthcare support workers etc

The foreign workers new cases appear to be sliding but the absolute number is still high means infection rate potentially still very fast. There will be some way to go before we see lower numbers. Once the symptomatic workers are segregated, we can practise random testing supposedly healthy group to check on the infection rate. E.g.. Sample x number of workers everyday picking from different floors and different blocks to monitor the infection level.

[2:05 pm, 27/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Part 2 - Sneaky Virus

26 Apr 2020 06:20 TVAM
(Updated: 26 Apr 2020 08:43AM)
To beat 'sneaky' coronavirus, test more and lift circuit breaker gradually when time is right: Experts
Dr Chlebicki pointed out  :- “This virus is quite sneaky and it will uncover any blind spots sooner or later,”.

[6:31 pm, 22/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(6) So it is important to be on guard all the time and should not allow a lapse of complacency to derail all the efforts of tackling the virus - as this virus will pounce given 1/2 chance.

[3:23 pm, 22/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(2) He say when a person tested negative for 4 days, the next 4 days, virus load could then surface indicating that he could be infected and able to start infecting others.
(3) This virus is a very sneaky enemy.

[2:06 pm, 27/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

26 Apr 2020 06:20AM
(Updated: 26 Apr 2020 08:43AM)


Even if the signs are all positive, there may not be an immediate lifting of all the measures enacted during the circuit breaker period.
“I actually hope we will have a graduated easing of the different measures,” Prof Teo said.
Mask wearing and safe-distancing requirements, for example, are likely to remain for the foreseeable future even after Jun 1, along with restrictions on large gatherings, said Prof Teo. School may resume but workers from sectors that do not require them to be physically present are likely to continue working from home.
“F&B outlets may need to endure further hardship for a while longer by allowing for only takeaways and delivery, and not dining in – but a bright spot will be bubble tea outlets and McDonald’s should be able to resume takeaway and delivery options,” he added.
[2:57 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
If local transmission drops consistently to single digits and to zero for consecutive period of time, and when circuit breakers period end ---- suggest that the following are the recommended social distancing measures will still need to be put in place.

The reasons being :-
a. No vaccines are available yet.
b. Even for those who have been infected, signs show that they can be re-infected again as their anti-bodies does not guarantee no subsequent infections - whether by the same strain of virus or different mutated strain.
c. Standard treatment are still not available.

Thus the following social distancing measures will still need to be put in place - when circuit breaker period end :-

(1) Compulsory for all to put on reusable washable face mask when step out of the home.
Everyone at work and in schools - need to put on face mask - to prevent cross-infection among different family household.
The resusable washable face mask --- must be the last line of defense as "Personal Social Distancing Tool" - the last mile protection.

(2) 1 metre apart queuing as social distancing measure must also be in place - in public areas (except PT such as bus or MRT - maybe difficult - and have to rely on face mask as the last mile "Personal Social Distancing tool").

(3) Maintain personal hygiene - by washing hands with soap or sanitizer make widely available.

(4) For crowded areas like mall, supermarkets etc ---- crowd control will still be required.

(5) Eat-in in food court, coffeshop, restaurant - must still be disallowed.
Only allow "ta bao" (packet breakfast, tea-break, lunch or dinner) even when circuit breaker ends. Because when we eat, everyone needs to remove their mask.
And then You eat, I eat. You talk I talk, saliva drop ---- and it defeat the purpose of wearing mask - and if anyone infected - community spreading will start again - as it is the most likely source of cross infection --- that will make contact tracing very difficult - as many strangers meet.

(6) When slowly opening place of worship - all the above social distancing measures must be implemented.


[2:06 pm, 27/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Part 4 - No Model in the World that Singapore can follow

26 Apr 2020 06:20AM
(Updated: 26 Apr 2020 08:43AM)

When asked if there are models around the world which Singapore can look to, Prof Teo said that many countries are experimenting and taking tentative steps.
“I do not think there is a rule book that countries can follow,” he said.

[7:23 pm, 25/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
No government in the world can claim they do well in this virus pandemic - not China, not US, not Japan, not SKorea, not even Taiwan when their warships saga penetrated.

So I suggest not to blame and point fingers in the midst of a prolong battle with a stealth and difficult to defeat enemy but keep providing good workable suggestions.

[2:06 pm, 27/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Part 5 - Different segments as potential hotspots

26 Apr 2020 06:20AM
(Updated: 26 Apr 2020 08:43AM)

Prof Teo said that potential hot spots could be “vulnerable and often-overlooked population segments”, including care homes, nursing homes and orphanages.
“Equally we need to think about other population segments such as prisons, military camps and outfits, mental health institutions … as well as an often-overlooked group such as commercial sex workers,” he said.
“Only by confronting some of the realities that societies have, can we, and other countries, properly and systematically identify any high-risk segment and put in place plans to protect these people.”

[6:30 pm, 25/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
My comments :-
(1) Aggressive testings is the right approach, but to test all 5.6 million residents in Singapore at one go - is a very challenging and daunting tasks.

(2) Thus we need to priorities our testing, I suggest that :-
a. Batch 1 - Dorms for foreign workers are now undergoing aggressive testing. Majority of the infected people have been identified.

b. Batch 2 - Foreign workers outside the dorms are undergoing tests now concurrently - and this form the 2nd largest group after the dorms reported every day.

c. Batch 3 --- Note :- the community local transmission and the unlink cases that are reported everyday --- are coming from this group.
But this group are all the residents in Singapore - citizens, PRs, Long Term Pass Holders. --- which form about 3 to 4 million people.
To conduct aggressive testings to this large pool of people to weed out the 30 to 20 over cases --- will be a challenge.
So I suggest we do the following :-

(i) Batch 3a - Test all essential workers that are working now - as some unlink cases come from this batch - about 300,000 workers.

Batch 3b - Test all nursing homes - where some unlink cases - have been uncovered through this batch - number unknown - but not a big number, I guess.

Batch 3c - Test all pre-school students and staff who will be attending pre-school once circuit breaker ends - as some cases also come from this batch - number unknown --- but i guess quite a big number.

Batch 3d - Test all workers that will be going to work for non-essential services when circuit breakers end - as few cases are reported from this group - a big number - potentially about 1 to 2 million workers?

Batch 3e - Test all school going children eg. primary, secondary, JCs, IHLs - that need to go to schools and pose a risk of cross infection - before circuit breaker ends - potentially about 1 to 2 million students?

(ii) Note :- by testing all the Batch 3a to 3e ---- if there is any discovered cases --- their family members or those living with them or come into with them will be tested --- and these will have weed out the unlink cases.

(iii) Can we take the risk of not testing all those staying at home --- yes i think we can --- because if the above batches are tested - with no infection - very likely that those stay at home are not infected.

(iv) If anyone of the tested batchs have people infected, then likely that those stay with them will be infected - and this stay at home can be tested.

(v) Believe in this way --- we have a systematic aggressive way of testings to weed out all the unlink cases in the Community.
[2:06 pm, 27/04/2020] +65 9661 0607: Right move or else our hospital will not be able to handle!
[2:08 pm, 27/04/2020] +65 9722 9465: Good move so that capacity in our public hospitals can be use for more serious cases

[2:11 pm, 27/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
The above 5 part approach will generate alot of mild asymptomatic cases in the thousands that will overwhelm the hospital resources.

Thus setting up mass isolation facilities to commensurate with aggressive testing will be required as more mild asymptomatic cases will be uncovered and need to isolate them with no active medical intervention required.

This is in preparation for opening up the circuit breaker measures while ramping up the testing.

[2:12 pm, 27/04/2020] : Agree

Elena Woo
[5:14 pm, 27/04/2020] : I have been suggestive for community testing weeks ago... 🤷🏻‍♀️

[6:53 pm, 27/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(1) When planning to conduct aggressive testing in community, which is about 4 million or more people - there is a need for the Government to plan ahead to beef up the supporting infrastructure such as :-
a. Sufficient medical personnel to conduct the tests
b. Sufficient test kits to conduct the tests.
c. Sufficient lab capacity to determine the test result
d. If diagnose positive, enough hospital resources, isolation facilities to house them - we are talking about ramping up spaces, wi-fi, bed, toilet, security, medical care, logistics, food, medicine, ambulance services etc
e. preempt false negatives test result
f. ramping up construction and setup isolation facilities, activate private medical resources (eg. SingExpo - from Raffles Medical Group) etc.

(2) All the above require tremendous planning, resources, personnel and logistic not to mention money to do it --- and at the back of the mind --- not to overwhelm ICU and ventilators in hospital --- that are required to save lives.

[6:27 pm, 27/04/2020] : MP Seah Kian Peng explains visit to market after Facebook post on 'playing role of safe distancing ambassador'
Member of Parliament Seah Kian Peng has explained why he was out and about at his constituency on Sunday (Apr 26), after netizens questioned his Facebook post that said he was "playing the role of a safe distancing ambassador".

[7:14 pm, 27/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(1) I am not trying to defend MP Seah for visiting NTUC, the wet market and feel the pulse of how the food supply is being provision to the supermarket and markets.

(2) The reason being, many people have noticed that quite a number of food like noodles, vegetables, fruits, eggs, chicken, pork and some essentials like toilet paper, detergents, softeners etc --- are quickly being snapped out and though there are attempt to quickly re-supply and re-fill the stocks --- the situation are no longer the same before the virus pandemic hit.

(3) As Chief of NTUC, who has direct responsibility in working with international suppliers for food and essential, working with the Minister MTI to negotiate food and essential supplies - to ensure the people like us - have access to essential food and goods ---- it is not too much for this MP to visit the NTUC supermarket, markets and talk to people (with face masks and safe distancing) ---- to feel the ground.

(4) This MP is not an ordinary MP --- but is also an important person to ensure the ground has sufficient essential food supply and good supply --- to prevent hoarding, insufficient good and food --- and he can only get this information by walking the ground and talk to relevant people --- with safe distancing and face mask.

(5) So let us not be harsh in the criticism --- if we emphatise with his role as NTUC Chief.

[7:25 pm, 27/04/2020] : Understand

[7:31 pm, 27/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(1) We are lucky that NTUC has no "run out of stock" or "empty shelves for food and essential goods" --- and even though when such instances do occur --- they are quickly replenish --- due to NTUC good planning, stockpiles and smart sourcing from hundred and thousands of suppliers from many Countries.

(2) We should be grateful and give him as well as MTI the due credit --- to keep our food and good supplies in good stead - despite many lockdown all over the World.

[7:35 pm, 27/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(1) We must be careful not to shoot down the Generals and frontliners who are working very hard at the frontline - to protect us and keep us going.

Ron Ho
[7:36 pm, 27/04/2020] : What you said is absolutely correct and apt. Kian Peng is chief of Fairprice and has to see the ground for himself. Fully support his actions. He is a good man, excellent MP and full of heart for the people.

[7:38 pm, 27/04/2020] : Agree

Ron Ho
[7:44 pm, 27/04/2020] : Let me quote some data from CNA report attached and ST this evening. ST said that we have 323,000 FW living in dorms. ST said 11,419 tested positive and they said this is 3.5% of the FW population in Dorms (this % is not relevant in my opinion). CNA said ,according to Mr Gan, we are testing around 3000 daily and have tested some 21,000 FW. Hence, if I put the two sets of reports together, 21,000 tested and 11,419 found infected. This means infection rate is 54% (not what 25% we estimated it to be before). Obviously, we have a problem of having no isolation beds for those tested positive. If we increase testing, we will run out of beds. If we dont, we run the risk of more spreading of infection due to no isolation. That is how I read it. Hope REACH can get authorities to provide, daily, how many tested among FW and how many positive so we dont have to calculate the data and may perhaps be wrong.


[8:21 pm, 27/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Part 1 - Testing of Essential Service workers

27 Apr 2020 07:59PM
(Updated: 27 Apr 2020 08:08PM)
Scaling up the capacity to test for COVID-19 will be a “key enabler” for Singapore to move beyond the “circuit breaker” period, said Minister for National Development Lawrence Wong on Monday (Apr 27).
Speaking at a press conference, Mr Wong said that authorities are starting to test essential workers - such as those in healthcare and in nursing homes - more regularly, particularly those who work with the vulnerable and senior citizens.
Describing this aspect of testing as “critical” as Singapore plans for a phase beyond the circuit breaker, Mr Wong said: “Eventually we will want to gradually relax our restrictions as our community cases come down and resume activities. This needs to be done in a safe manner without us risking new infection clusters from forming.
[6:30 pm, 25/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
c. Batch 3 --- Note :- the community local transmission and the unlink cases that are reported everyday --- are coming from this group.
But this group are all the residents in Singapore - citizens, PRs, Long Term Pass Holders. --- which form about 3 to 4 million people.
To conduct aggressive testings to this large pool of people to weed out the 30 to 20 over cases --- will be a challenge.
So I suggest we do the following :-

(i) Batch 3a - Test all essential workers that are working now - as some unlink cases come from this batch - about 300,000 workers.

My close friend response :-
(1) It's about maximising outcomes, minimising disasters. unless we are poor and cannot afford it. Economic shut costs much much more.

[8:25 pm, 27/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Part 2 - Maintain Social Distancing

27 Apr 2020 07:59PM
(Updated: 27 Apr 2020 08:08PM)
While testing is a key component of Singapore's strategy, Mr Wong stressed that it “cannot be a substitute” for personal responsibility like practising good hygiene and taking safe distancing measures seriously.
For essential workers, they must continue to take precautions, he added. This includes minimising contact with colleagues throughout the day.
Thus the following social distancing measures will still need to be put in place - when circuit breaker period end :-

(1) Compulsory for all to put on reusable washable face mask when step out of the home.
Everyone at work and in schools - need to put on face mask - to prevent cross-infection among different family household.
The resusable washable face mask --- must be the last line of defense as "Personal Social Distancing Tool" - the last mile protection.

(2) 1 metre apart queuing as social distancing measure must also be in place - in public areas (except PT such as bus or MRT - maybe difficult - and have to rely on face mask as the last mile "Personal Social Distancing tool").

(3) Maintain personal hygiene - by washing hands with soap or sanitizer make widely available.
[8:34 pm, 27/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: ---
Part 3 - Safeguard against unlink cases in the Community

27 Apr 2020 07:59PM
(Updated: 27 Apr 2020 08:08PM)
Health Minister Gan Kim Yong noted that the presence of unlinked cases means that there is still underlying COVID-19 transmission in the community that has not been detected.
“Because these cases have to come from someone, and that someone has not been identified. And therefore, we have to bear in mind that they will always be transmission that is ongoing in the community," he cautioned.
While there may “still be some risks” with undetected cases in the community, Singapore has to manage and reduce the risk before the circuit breaker measures can be opened up or reduced, he added.
“Even as we remove the circuit breaker measures, we need to do it progressively. We need to do so in a safe way to prevent the resurgence of new cases and new clusters, which will be another problem again,” said Mr Gan.
[2:57 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
If local transmission drops consistently to single digits and to zero for consecutive period of time, and when circuit breakers period end ---- suggest that the following are the recommended social distancing measures will still need to be put in place.
(1) Compulsory for all to put on reusable washable face mask when step out of the home.
Everyone at work and in schools - need to put on face mask - to prevent cross-infection among different family household.
The resusable washable face mask --- must be the last line of defense as "Personal Social Distancing Tool" - the last mile protection.

(2) 1 metre apart queuing as social distancing measure must also be in place - in public areas (except PT such as bus or MRT - maybe difficult - and have to rely on face mask as the last mile "Personal Social Distancing tool").

(3) Maintain personal hygiene - by washing hands with soap or sanitizer make widely available.

(4) For crowded areas like mall, supermarkets etc ---- crowd control will still be required.

(5) Eat-in in food court, coffeshop, restaurant - must still be disallowed.
Only allow "ta bao" (packet breakfast, tea-break, lunch or dinner) even when circuit breaker ends. Because when we eat, everyone needs to remove their mask.
And then You eat, I eat. You talk I talk, saliva drop ---- and it defeat the purpose of wearing mask - and if anyone infected - community spreading will start again - as it is the most likely source of cross infection --- that will make contact tracing very difficult - as many strangers meet.

(6) When slowly opening place of worship - all the above social distancing measures must be implemented.

The reasons being :-
a. No vaccines are available yet.
b. Even for those who have been infected, signs show that they can be re-infected again as their anti-bodies does not guarantee no subsequent infections - whether by the same strain of virus or different mutated strain.
c. Standard treatment are still not available.

[6:31 pm, 22/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(6) So it is important to be on guard all the time and should not allow a lapse of complacency to derail all the efforts of tackling the virus - as this virus will pounce given 1/2 chance.

[3:23 pm, 22/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(2) He say when a person tested negative for 4 days, the next 4 days, virus load could then surface indicating that he could be infected and able to start infecting others.
(3) This virus is a very sneaky enemy.

[8:45 pm, 27/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Part 4 - Bring infection down to single digit consistently and to zero

27 Apr 2020 07:59PM
(Updated: 27 Apr 2020 08:08PM)
He added that authorities are trying to get the number of community cases down to a single digit.
"It is not there yet - not just single digit in one day but consistently over a period of time," he said. "If we all do our part, I am confident we can achieve this. When this happens, we will gradually ease up measures and resume activities."
[6:30 pm, 25/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
We put a caveat to the systematic testing.
If the community spreading and local transmission consistently drop into single digits to zero, then we suggest not begin with the systematic testing - as the Stay at Home and social distancing have shown 100% effective and can dispense with aggressive testing.

However, suggest that we should continue testing for those who are in dorm as well as those foreign workers who are not in dorm as they are still many reported cases.

[8:49 pm, 27/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Part 5 - One lapse will introduce 1 new cluster

27 Apr 2020 07:59PM
(Updated: 27 Apr 2020 08:08PM)
Mr Wong also stressed that individuals still need to exercise personal and social responsibility even after the circuit breaker.
“We should still try very hard to minimise our social interactions because it only takes one person, interacting in a group in close quarters with many people to cause another cluster from happening,” he said.
“While we can do more tests and we want to do more regular tests, testing is never going to be 100 per cent,” Mr Wong added. “It only takes that one person, that one missed test, that may be infected to cause new clusters from happening.”
[6:31 pm, 22/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(6) So it is important to be on guard all the time and should not allow a lapse of complacency to derail all the efforts of tackling the virus - as this virus will pounce given 1/2 chance.

[3:23 pm, 22/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(2) He say when a person tested negative for 4 days, the next 4 days, virus load could then surface indicating that he could be infected and able to start infecting others.
(3) This virus is a very sneaky enemy.

REACH - 62. When Circuit Breaker ends (SK)
26 Apr 2020 (12pm - 8pm)

[11:20 am, 26/04/2020] : [Sent by - 26 Apr]
COVID-19: Stay home. If you must exercise outdoors, go alone and in your neighbourhood
🏃‍♀Do not exercise with others, even family members in your own household
- You may remove your mask during strenuous exercise (e.g. jogging) but must put it on after
🚫🚗 All carparks at gardens and parks are closed
- Many vehicles parked along East Coast Park 👉 if you have to drive to a park to exercise, don’t
🌳 Check how crowded a park is:
🖥 Or, stay active through online fitness classes at home:

[12:01 pm, 26/04/2020] : Dear contributors, welcome back!
The chat will be open till 8pm today.
Yesterday, Singapore saw a dip in the number of reported cases. However the number of reported clusters has increased as well.
It is a challenging period for all of us as we continue to adjust to the tighter Circuit Breaker measures.
How can we ensure that everyone continues to play their part to stay home, so that we can achieve the intended outcome when Circuit Breaker ends?
Share with us how you have been spending time at home! 😊
#SGUnited #SGTogether

[2:57 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
If local transmission drops consistently to single digits and to zero for consecutive period of time, and when circuit breakers period end ---- suggest that the following are the recommended social distancing measures will still need to be put in place.

The reasons being :-
a. No vaccines are available yet.
b. Even for those who have been infected, signs show that they can be re-infected again as their anti-bodies does not guarantee no subsequent infections - whether by the same strain of virus or different mutated strain.
c. Standard treatment are still not available.

Thus the following social distancing measures will still need to be put in place - when circuit breaker period end :-

(1) Compulsory for all to put on reusable washable face mask when step out of the home.
Everyone at work and in schools - need to put on face mask - to prevent cross-infection among different family household.
The resusable washable face mask --- must be the last line of defense as "Personal Social Distancing Tool" - the last mile protection.

(2) 1 metre apart queuing as social distancing measure must also be in place - in public areas (except PT such as bus or MRT - maybe difficult - and have to rely on face mask as the last mile "Personal Social Distancing tool").

(3) Maintain personal hygiene - by washing hands with soap or sanitizer make widely available.

(4) For crowded areas like mall, supermarkets etc ---- crowd control will still be required.

(5) Eat-in in food court, coffeshop, restaurant - must still be disallowed.
Only allow "ta bao" (packet breakfast, tea-break, lunch or dinner) even when circuit breaker ends. Because when we eat, everyone needs to remove their mask.
And then You eat, I eat. You talk I talk, saliva drop ---- and it defeat the purpose of wearing mask - and if anyone infected - community spreading will start again - as it is the most likely source of cross infection --- that will make contact tracing very difficult - as many strangers meet.

(6) When slowly opening place of worship - all the above social distancing measures must be implemented.


[3:14 pm, 26/04/2020] : [Sent by – 26 Apr]
As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed an additional 931 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore.
Majority are Work Permit holders residing in foreign worker dormitories.
Of the 931 cases, 15 are Singaporeans/PRs.
MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.

[3:16 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Yesterday 7 SC/PR.
Today 15 more than double.
So still too early to end CB.

[3:20 pm, 26/04/2020] : Again, we need to see % positive from testing. If proportion of positive results is dropping that's a good trend. Otherwise without knowing, maybe they just didn't test as many on Friday so the numbers were lower...

[3:28 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: Agree.

[3:35 pm, 26/04/2020] : Anyone know where shd I report ppls who did not wear mask? Saw 1 zi char stall personnel is plucking the veg at the coffeeshop table. For oneservice app do not have this category n even one report under others, one needs to take at least a photo which is mandatory field. I would not want to risk of taking ppls of ppls without oerimission. Later, they come after me..

[3:37 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Instead of submit a photo of that person, submit a photo of the place.
A suggestion....

[3:38 pm, 26/04/2020] : Ok.. Hmmm.. Thanks for the idea. Take the coffeeshop name.

[3:39 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: Good idea.

[3:50 pm, 26/04/2020] : Submitted alr. Hope some ppls will come n check them...

[3:51 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Your job is done.
Now leave it to the authority to check.

[3:53 pm, 26/04/2020] : Oneservice app is 👍. I have reported 4 cases these 2 wk. Construction site opp my hse, accumulated water, muddy water flow out after heavy rain, dead bird at mailbox areas, pool of cig n beer cans at staircase landing...
At least now I dun need to send email to town council every time...

[3:54 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Ha ha ha.
Certainly keeping the authority busy...

[3:37 pm, 26/04/2020] : What abt sch? In fact the student desk are alr seated at a distance now. But sch must plan how to safe distancing during recess n PE lesson.

[3:39 pm, 26/04/2020] : Keep classes together, do not allow mixing of classes. At recess each class takes turns to get snack and returns to the classroom.

[3:39 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
School must take precautions and CCA must still be suspended until vaccines are found.

[4:37 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Animal kingdom now rule human races as virus kingdom rein supreme.

[4:37 pm, 26/04/2020] : Yes

[4:42 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Human supremacy in technology, science, AI now cannot defeat a virus invisible to human eyes.
When human make animals slave and destroy their habitat as well as slaughter their meat for food.
Now virus avenge and regain animal kingdom supremacy by keeping human at home and destroy human cells.
Certainly what comes around goes around.

[5:00 pm, 26/04/2020] : That is a conspiracy theory that implies the virus has intelligence and is in collaboration with animals (who also get the virus)

[4:55 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
[4:55 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Good invention as it helps to save more lives that account for Singapore lower death rate due to better detection and earlier medical intervention.