World's first self-driving taxis debut in Singapore
ricky l5 seconds ago
If this technology mature, I think less people will drive cars.
The only problem is, this disruptive technology will cause redundancy in taxi driver's jobs.
Any solution to keep jobs for taxi drivers?
Look like disruptive technologies are making many people lose jobs worldwide.
That is why Brexit phenomenon, Donald Trump phenomenon is seen in UK and US.
No wonder Occupy Wall Street, Chrysathemum movement, Arab Springs phenomenon are manifesting.
Government all over the World must crack their brains --- how to secure jobs for their citizens --- else disruptive technologies, robotics, technologies will take away alot of jobs that are done by humans ---- and it will have a big social, political and economical impact on every Countries in the World.

ricky l2 seconds ago
Wonder if United Nation --- ever discussed how should Government all over the World with disruptive technologies should secure jobs for citizens of their respective Countries - to ensure a minimum standard of livings.
Should market economy the correct economic model for the World now - as robots, technologies are increasingly replacing humans and taking away their jobs.
When people did not have jobs, no income, how can they survive, consume goods, increase spendings and generate Economic growth for each Countries?
ricky l2 seconds ago
One way to help citizens of every Countries to secure at least their survival as subsistence of essential livings is to ---- allocate shares to every citizens on birth --- for enterprenuers, conglomerates, State Enterprises that employ disruptive technologies, robotics, drones replacing human jobs etc.
That is, UN mandate that 50% of the shares will be owned by conglomerates, MNCs, enterprenuers, State Enterprises etc - whereas 50% will be owned by the Government for allocation of share to each citizens.
Profits, dividend, share earnings etc will be used to allocate to each citizens to ensure that each citizens will have income for consumption and spendings.
This will ensure every citizens have income to feed themselves and their families.
The consumer consumption will generate Economic Growth.
Human realm will not be a slave or secondary realm to robots, to disruptive technologies or drones etc that have become dominant.
There will be no social upheaval where the rich that control the robots, disruptive technologies etc can still live in peace and coexist with the rest of the human races.
ricky l2 seconds ago
Assume there are 10,000 towkays that own robotics and dominate the whole Economy without employing human jobs producing eg. $450 billion of GDP.
Then 5.3 million people will be out of jobs.
The 10,000 towkays are billionaires living amidst 5.3 million jobless people. Will the whole country go into turmoil with so many people jobless and no income?
Also what will be consumer consumption be for 10,000 people versus 5.3million people with no income?
Consumer consumption will be very negligible. Social unrest worldwide will be the phenomenon. Brexit, Donald Trump phenomenon, Arab Spring - already reveal such phenomenon.
This will be the phenomenon worldwide - if not properly address.
ricky l2 seconds ago
So if the 5.3 million people are also shareholders of the 10,000 Enterprise operate by robotics, they will have monthly income from earnings of the $450 billion - and they can have consumption of goods and services --- and buyers of the 10,000 Enterprises of goods and services --- which will plough back into the Enterprises and at the same time generate Economic Growth.
How does this new Economic Model sounds?
A hybrid of Capitalism plus Socialism Economic Model.
But this model is only workable if mandated by UN --- where all Countries in the World must mandate 50% Enterprise share own and 50% citizen owned - to be successful.
Wonder why humans cannot work together to help human survive together?
Why should humans compete among themselves so badly and cause burnout among human mankind, war, conflict, competition that is totally unnecessary - if human are willing to cooperate to work for the common good.
Else it become a lose-lose outcome - where the rich cannot even enjoy their wealth when all the majority create social unrest due to poverty as there are no jobs for them.
ricky l2 seconds ago
Assuming :-
Every citizen are given $3,000 a month that works out to $36,000 a year.
$195 billion will be given a year to citizens.
The 10,000 towkays will share a $450 billion - $195 billion = $255 billion - a very hefty sum.
ricky l2 seconds ago
This new Economic Model will work - only if the few hundred Countries sign it in the UN.
Then the World will enjoy human realm enjoying the fruits of robotic realm serving them - and not human realm sufferings.
ricky l2 seconds ago
Why humans throughout the World are suffering under this current Economic Model?
Because of 3 inherent evil roots of human :-
(1) Ignorance --- unable to cooperate - but overly competitive.
(2) Greed - for more, refuse to work with others.
(3) Hatred - unable to work together.
Hence Human suffers and cannot enjoy economic fruits.
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