Trump Accused Of Gun Threat Against Clinton
Cordelia Lynch, US Correspondent10 August 2016
Trump ignites new firestorm: Gun backers might stop Clinton
Donald Trump sets off a fresh political firestorm by suggesting gun rights supporters might find a way to stop Hillary Clinton if she's elected and nominates anti-gun Supreme Court justices

Ricky L • Remove
Donald Trump ignited a fresh political firestorm Tuesday by declaring gun rights supporters might still find a way to stop Hillary Clinton, even if she should defeat him and then name anti-gun Supreme Court justices. Democrats pounced, accusing him of openly encouraging violence against his opponent.Reply
Actually Donald Trump statement is indeed a verbal threat to incite gun rights supporters to "stop" Hillary even after she is elected.
Donald Trump will want to elaborate what did he mean "stop" - even if Hillary is elected?
If it is not tantamount to threat, then what it is?
Donald Trump is a character - that is completely unfit to be the President.
Ricky L • Remove
Donald Trump is a sore loser and he will not hesitate to incite violence once he sense he is losing or not in favour of him.
He told his supporters to punch protesters and willing to pay the legal costs for those who do it.
He is divisive and incite violence among groups.
And now, he is willing to incite the gun group to commit violence.
Donald Trump is not only a clown, but is becoming a dangerous clown.
Ricky L • Remove
Donald Trump is willing even to sacrifice National Security - by inciting foreign power hackers to hack his own Country IT resources, systems and networks.
Donald Trump will not hesitate to go at great length to incite violence and unscrupulous ways to get what he want.
Donald Trump is a dangerous clown.
Donald Trump is definitely unfit to be the President of USA.
Ricohflex • Report Abuse
1 ReplyOf course Trump meant to goad the lunatic fringe among his supporters to gun down Hillary.
It is very clear.
When replaying the video, the CNN anchor Don Lemon missed out the extremely important line of what Trump said.
The first few lines were:
“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”
The last line was "But...but that would be a horrible day"
This last line is saying that the day Hillary is gunned down by the Second Amendment people, would be a horrible day.
Trump is telling some of his gun rights advocates supporters to assassinate Hillary.
There is no doubt about it.
PioneerForJUSTICE • Report Abuse
#manypeoplearesaying .......Reply
".... he said everyone in his audience knew he was referring to the power of voters ..."
- Ricky L • Remove
He is trying to find excuses to explain his way out.
Normally, a person's 1st instinct accurately reveal his real intention - and is blurted out without filter in his 1st instinctive speech.
Donald Trump is a dangerous clown that no one should trust him.
Imagine he has his hand onto the nuclear weapons - instinctively he will press it the moment he don't get his way --- and even if he regret it later, it will be too late. The missile is already in flight.
The only way to stop Donald Trump - is to defeat him in the election.
You cannot trust a clown, what's more a dangerous one.
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