Trump ally Christie calls criticisms of slain soldier's family "inappropriate"
ReutersAugust 3, 2016
ricky l33 seconds ago
Even Christie that is helping to assemble the professional governance team for Donald Trump is distancing himself from Donald Trump.
Both Christie and Pence should dump Trump --- because Donald Trump is neither to be able to work well with both as Donald Trump's has completely different views from both men and their professional team.
Donald Trump will be crashing and sink US.
Both Christie and Pence should pull themselves out early from Donald Trump before Donald Trump sink both of them and there go their career future.
Never associate with a fool --- because a fool will sink bringing the Wise down.
ricky l30 seconds ago
Imagine when Donald Trump bring an economic disaster or military disaster to US --- when he refused to listen to Christie or Pence and their professional team ---- but go ahead as foolhardy causing catastrophe, Chrisite or Pence being his governance team cannot be absolved from responsibilities.
As a result, Chrisite and Pence will sink with Donald Trump - for being a fool.
Donald Trump has Trump House. He can still go back to Trump House.
But Christie and Pence career future - will be ruined by Donald Trump.
So it is wiser for Christie and Pence to pull out now before it is too late --- as Donald Trump is really a political fool that is not worthy of support.
He is already messing up his campaign. What make you think he will not mess up the whole America governance --- looking at his temperament?
Don't trust Donald Trump ---- he is a "walking bomb" that will detonate at the wrong time and bringing everyone down with it and US will crash by him.
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