Monday, August 22, 2016

ricky l

The Latest: Clinton says floods require national response

Associated PressAugust 22, 2016
Republican Party chairman Reince Priebus (ryns PREE'-bus) said Sunday that "Donald Trump has been disciplined and mature. And I think he's going to get this thing back on track."
This is not true - as leopard will not change his spots.
Donald Trump cannot be disciplined and mature - as he must possess the quality of a leadership.
If his views, policy judgement and decision are mostly wrong all the time, how to entrust a President role and Commander-in-Chief role to him?
He will mostly be a puppet or worst, he ignore everyone else and go on his own jeopardising US and the World.
Republican cannot risk a dangerous man like Donald Trump to be the President and worst, Commander-in-Chief who is the person on the button of nuclear weapons.

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