Friday, August 12, 2016

ricky l

No evidence Trump provided child care services for employees

"The first came months ago in Iowa, when the eventual Republican nominee touted his own record as a business owner during a candidate Q&A, telling voters he provided on-site child-care service for his employees.
When asked about on-site child care, employees at Trump's hotels and clubs across the country expressed confusion and explained the two programs are for guests and members only.
"No, there's no child care," said Maria Jaramillo, 36, a housekeeper at Trump International Hotel Las Vegas, where workers have been pushing Trump to sign a union contract."
Ha Ha so how do Donald Trump supporters make out of what Donald Trump says?
Donald Trump does not bother with facts -- he just say what his supporters want to hear.
And Donald Trump supporters will just listen to what he say foolishly and worship him like their Superman.

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