IS struggles to retain grip as it loses ground in Iraq
ricky l5 seconds ago
Yes, tightening the noose - capture street by street, town by town, city by city ---- the best way to defeat ISIS.
ISIS is wilting, crumbling away.
Consistent, persistent and determination to defeat ISIS psychologically, re-capturing the land and its caliphate, defeating their ideologies, defeat them militarily, tearing their social fabric and governance, cut off their supplies - logistics, recruits, manpower, weapon, food, water, finance etc.
ISIS will eventually be defeated.
ricky l1 second ago
Promoting violence, will in turn reap violence fruition.
Do good, Refrain from evil.
Think no evil, speak no evil, do no evil.
ricky l1 second ago
This is the Universal Law of Karma.
Do Good - reap Good Karma, Good Outcome.
Do Evil - reap Bad Karma, Bad Outcome.
ricky l11 seconds ago
Hajaj said the group's fighters appeared increasingly nervous as they watched news of IS loses elsewhere.
Hajaj said, was when he thought, "They're collapsing. They're finished."
The reliance on younger fighters in smaller communities could be a sign of overstretched manpower as the group's more veteran militants redeploy to Mosul or to neighboring Syria. Other factors could also be in play, like difficulties in finding new recruits and the effect of desertions.
For months, Iraqi troops, militias and Kurdish fighters have been clawing back territory town by town, making their way toward the northern city.
Well done !
ISIS in Iraq will be finished soon.
Mr. Salty6 minutes ago
Trump promised to kick ISIS #$%$, and Obama has pretty much already done it
- ricky l1 second agoricky l1 second agoricky l2 seconds ago