Thursday, August 18, 2016

ricky l

Donald Trump rattles Republican consensus in Utah

David Irvine, a former Republican state legislator and retired brigadier general, said voting for Johnson or McMullin is as useful as voting for "Donald Duck." He's instead risking scorn by crossing party lines to vote for Clinton because he thinks Trump is temperamentally unsuited and woefully unqualified to make vital national security decisions.
Ay, i use Donald Duck first.
March 22, 2016
Donald, you are disastrous in your foreign affair policy. If Donald Duck become the President of USA ---- Donald will make USA the N Korea of the World --- the most isolated country in the World.
Let Donald Duck run as independent.
August 18, 2016
ricky l5 seconds ago
So now Donald Duck catchphrase is catching on.
Some more catchphrase.
Donald Duck is a Donald Dumb.
Dump Trump because Trump is Dumb.

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