11 Hungry Ghost Festival superstitions in Singapore
Erin KimbrellAugust 2, 2016
ricky l19 seconds ago
This article mention that Hungry Ghost reside in Hell and the Hungry Ghost festival release Hungry Ghost from Hell to roam Earth during this period is not accurate.
Hungry Ghosts do not reside in Hell. They coexist with us but in a different dimension - in the Hungry Ghost realm.
It is possible for Humans to see Hungry Ghost but not Hell beings when the frequency or channel synch.
Only Hell beings reside in Hell realm.
ricky l29 seconds ago
Buddha and his attained disciples (who attained Jhana Samadhi power) are able to see and interact with Hungry Ghosts and Hell realm beings.
This is documented in the Buddhism scripture.
Attained meditators with Jhana Samadhi power have similar capabilities - when they are in Jhana Samadhi or Phala magga (Nirvana Fruition).
ricky l19 seconds ago
Hungry Ghosts roam.
Hell Beings are locked up.
ricky l19 seconds ago
This article also mention that when see moth, means the deceased come back to visit their loved ones.
Actually moth is from animal realm - it is not from Hungry Ghost or Hell realm.
If moth visit, it means the deceased will have already reborn into animal realm after passing away from Hungry Ghost realm or Hell realm.
ricky l19 seconds ago
Hopefully the above will help to link up and correct the understanding of Hungry Ghost festival.
ricky l19 seconds ago
In fact during this period, recitation of repentant sutra and passing away to Pureland sutra will be the best way to salvage the lower realms and to be rebirth into a higher better realm.
地藏经 & 徃生咒 - 消灾解难 - the only way for Hungry Ghosts and Hell realm to repent, to burn out all their bad karma, to rehabilitate - so that they will be ready to be rebirth into a better realm.
ricky l19 seconds ago
As the Hungry Ghosts and Hell realm beings have suffered for a prolong period of time, during this period, they will be able to hear and receive the Dharma.
Their intense sufferings will motivate them to be want to be rebirth into a better realm.
Thus during this period reciting 地藏经 & 徃生咒 - 消灾解难 will be able to help to salvage them.
ricky l19 seconds ago
南无地藏王菩萨 - 消灾解难。
南无阿弥陀佛 - 十念徃生净土。
Buddhism is the only religion that aspire to salvage paranormal realms - the Hungry Ghosts realm and Hell realms.
- ricky l4 minutes ago
- ricky l2 minutes ago
- ricky l1 minute agoricky l19 seconds ago
ricky l19 seconds ago
So now why Buddhas and the Bodhisattvas (and the Arahats) - can see Hungry Ghosts and Hell realms beings ---- because of 2 reasons :-
(1) Samadhi Jhana power or Phala Magga (Fruition Nirvana) attainment &/or
(2) Their Bodhi Vows to salvage the Paranormal realm beings
ricky l19 seconds ago
When the article mention "superstitions" - it means when things cannot be scientifically proven or yet to be proven by science or seen by human beings - it mean superstitious.
But what happen it can only see or experience by some rare few and correspond to what the scripture documented ---- metaphysics (not science physics) ---- then will it consider superstitious?
Also metaphysics, psychology of supramundane consciousness not experience by mundane humans - but experienced by rare few ---- does it constitute superstitious?