Thursday, August 4, 2016

ricky l

Trump's refusal to back House speaker angers Republican Party chief

One idea being floated was to have a senior adviser travel with Trump to help him stay on message.
Trump's vice presidential running mate, Mike Pence, said on Wednesday he endorsed Ryan as "a strong conservative leader," and was doing so with Trump's blessing.
See the above 2 statements, as a Presidential candidate, Donald Trump need "babysitters" to babysit Donald Trump - what he ought to say and what not ought to say.
This is very troubling as it means that Donald Trump is definitely not a Presidential quality.
A President must have a strong sense of what is right directions for US and the World --- but not one that keep engaging in the wrong and petty issues.
Donald Trump is a deficit to the Republican Party and he will be a deficit to US if he ever become a President - being misfit, unfit for the Presidential post.

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