Trump: Obama Is The Founder Of ISIS
Sky videoAugust 11, 2016
ricky l24 seconds ago
Donald Trump is running out of ideas - and make all sort of accusations.
Donald Trump deserved to lose in the election - and hope he lose big.

Boon Ghee1 hour ago
I am not sure if Trump is 100% right but I believe Obama , Hilary Clinton and at least some government officials are responsible directly or indirectly , in small parts or big parts , for the rise of terrorism activities worldwide .
Obama , together with Hilary , created a lot of problems for US and the world : one of those is to make the terrorists and other countries : rouge ones , enemies of US and even allies of US lose more and more respect for US . There are allies of US who are now doubting if they can trust the US Government fully : thanks to Obama and Hilary , the two main players responsible for all this mess .
NOW , let's see if Obama and his gang are going to sue Trump or not . Trump had made a very serious statement . If they do not , the picture should be very clear to those who support Hilary they have been deceived all along , in self-denial , etc . Some are supporting Hilary , perhaps for some other reasons .
Fortunately , not all are blinded . I pray that all truth will be known before the election so every American will know in his / her heart who is the right candidate to choose . I pray that God bless USA , open her eyes , so everyone knows exactly what is going on . Who to support , who to kick out . Amen
- ricky l2 seconds agoricky l2 seconds agotravelman_63 hours ago