Wednesday, August 31, 2016

By Julie Steenhuysen
Posted in Sunday, August 28, 2016
ricky l3 seconds ago
But if the 41 female mosquitoes lay 100 eggs each, then there will be 4,100 female mosquitoes with zika virus.
Thus better search, find and eradicate this batch of zika carrying mosquitoes before they hatch more and more eggs.
他心通 confirm the Adult female mosquitoes can pass the Zika virus along to their offsprings :-
August 30, 2016
ricky lCHICAGO (Reuters) - Adult female mosquitoes can pass the Zika virus along to their offspring, U.S. researchers said on Monday, a finding that makes clear the need for pesticide programs that kill both adult mosquitoes and their eggs.

Adult mosquitoes can pass Zika to their offspring - U.S. study

By Julie SteenhuysenAugust 30, 2016

An Aedes aegypti mosquito is seen inside a test tube as part of a research on preventing the spread of the Zika virus and other mosquito-borne diseases at a control and prevention center in Guadalupe, neighbouring Monterrey, Mexico, March 8, 2016. REUTERS/Daniel Becerril/File Photo More

By Julie Steenhuysen

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Adult female mosquitoes can pass the Zika virus along to their offspring, U.S. researchers said on Monday, a finding that makes clear the need for pesticide programs that kill both adult mosquitoes and their eggs.

The findings, published in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, show that as with many related viruses, including dengue and yellow fever, Zika can be transmitted from female mosquitoes to their offspring.

Dr. Robert Tesh of the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas, a study co-author, said the fact that the virus can be passed along to mosquito offspring makes Zika harder to control.

"Spraying affects adults, but it does not usually kill the immature forms - the eggs and larvae. Spraying will reduce transmission, but it may not eliminate the virus," he said.

Although Zika generally causes mild disease in adults, it is a major threat to pregnant women because it has been shown to cause the severe birth defect known as microcephaly and other brain abnormalities.

The ongoing Zika outbreak was first detected last year in Brazil, where it has been linked to more than 1,800 cases of microcephaly, and has since spread rapidly through the Americas.

Aedes aegypti, the mosquitoes that carry Zika, lay eggs in small containers of water. Homeowners have been advised to dump out containers of water on their properties. When the water is dumped, the eggs cling in a ring around the water line, where they remain dormant until the next rain, when they can hatch.

Scientists studying Zika wanted to find out whether some of the offspring from these tropical mosquitoes might carry the virus, helping to perpetuate an outbreak during dry seasons.

To find out, researchers injected female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes raised in a laboratory with Zika. They were then fed, and within a week, they laid eggs. The team collected and cared for the eggs until they hatched into adult mosquitoes, and counted the ones that carried the Zika virus.

They found the virus present in one out of every 290 mosquitoes tested.

"The ratio may sound low," Tesh said, "but when you consider the number of Aedes aegypti in a tropical urban community, it is likely high enough to allow some virus to persist, even when infected adult mosquitoes are killed."

Tesh said the next step is to show that mosquitoes are actually passing Zika to their offspring in the wild.

Experts fighting Zika in the Wynwood neighborhood of Miami have announced aerial spraying campaigns using pesticides that kill both adult mosquitoes and mosquito larvae.

For homeowners in affected areas, Tesh advised people to dump standing water from containers on their property and scrub them thoroughly to remove eggs and larvae. They should also remove any objects from their yards that could collect water.

(Reporting by Julie Steenhuysen; Editing by Bernard Orr)

ricky l

Sheng Siong case: Accused considered kidnapping tycoon Peter Lim’s children

Erin Kimbrell
This kidnappers have really ill-intention - and is researching and targeting so many people.
If he succeeded, he will be a real menace to our Society - where we pride ourselves as a safe and secured place to dwell, do business, work and retire in.
A strong message must be sent to potential ill-intention people who have such similar plots.

Sports Hub hit by further senior staff departures

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
Sport Hub can organised MICE (meeting, conference, exhibition etc) for business delegates and then organised casual sports events at the stadium for networking, team cohesion, team-buildings etc to ensure continuous revenue.

Then premium booking is possible to sustain the Sport Hubs operation.

ricky l

Scientists Prove That Dogs Can Understand EXACTLY What We Are Saying

Yahoo News

This is known as 他心通。

Singapore Investors Face Losses as Bond Risks Spread

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
Singapore Saving Bonds is safe as it is guaranteed by the Singapore Government - and also interest rate is higher than most saving in banks.

Can also put into CPF - with high interest rate of about 3 to 5%. Can withdraw $5,000 at 55 years and if have sufficient amount put aside for minimum requirement, can withdraw the rest at 55 years old.

Both above are safe instruments to grow the saving.

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
Singapore Saving Bonds - 10 year bonds (no lock in - can withdraw principal and interest due - twice per year) use to fetch 2 to 2.85% during the heydays.

Now the interest rate is 1.75% for the new tranche. It has dropped quite alot --- but still higher than saving interest as compared to most banks.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Zika outbreak to have little impact on Singapore economy: analysts

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
Zika is not like Sars that is spread via-to-via human transmission through the air.
Thus quarantine Zika victims does not help.

Even if Zika victims are quarantine, mosquitoes without zika still can bite them and transmit zika by biting others.

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
The more potent ways to stop the spread of Zika - is to eradicate Aedes mosquitoes and their eggs.

Maybe after scotched-earth insecticide spraying to eliminate the Aedes in those affected areas, it could be time to introduce those male mosquitoes to mate with any remnant Aedes mosquitoes that are missed out --- so that their eggs will no longer hatched.

This will be an extension of "control testing" - outside the selected sites - due to this emergency events of zika invasion.

AP documents 72 mass graves in territory freed of IS

ricky l
When ISIS and its caliphate are finally defeated in Syria and Iraq, all ISIS leaders and members must be arrested and put into trial for war crimes.
ISIS must be answerable for committing such heinous atrocities and genocide.
This is the only way to appease the deceased who die a terrible death under the hands of ISIS.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Here are the disturbing reasons ISIS marketing is so effective

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
Religion = Holiness = Compassion.

ISIS = Evilness = Cruelty.

The above message - is simple enough to convey via social media --- to counter ISIS ideologies.