Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Thai Buddhist monk horror film banned on fears it could 'destroy' faith

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Monks in monastic life have to adhere to Vinaya rules (the rule of precepts on how to conduct themselves in a monastic life). There are 100 over precepts or discipline - to cultivate morality.

If what describe in this article is true, some monks have broken the Vinaya rules and need to disrobe - so that it will not cause the disciples to lose faith in Buddhism.

Unenlightened monks are likely to succumb to desires and temptation - thus will need to follow strictly to VInaya rules to cultivate morality.

Enlightened monks will not err - because they will know what they do, will reap what they sow.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Temples will also need to tighten recruitment process in accepting disciples as Monks and Nuns.

Good character, potential to observe Vinaya rules, diligent in cultivating Buddhist values and meditation - should be used as benchmark to recruit Monks and Nuns.

Only then will be possible to keep a high standard in Monkhood. 

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