Sodom: Has Biblical City Of Sin Been Found?

ricky l • Remove
The Universe is not just the Physical Universe.Reply
There is always 2 sides of the coin - under the Law of Relativity.
(1) There are Form and Formless - Universe & Nirvana (note :- there is also a Formless Heavenly Realm)
(2) There are Physical State (Universe) and there are Mental State (Nirvana) - Perfect State and Samsara - Imperfect State.
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(3) There are Divinity (Supramundane) and there are Mundane.
(4) There are Mundane and there are Paranormal (Woeful State).
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(5) There are Karma (in Samsara) and there are cessation of Karma (in Nirvana).
(6) There are vicious cycle of rebirth (12 dependant origination of life) (in Samsara) and there are cessation of birth, death, decaying and demise (in Nirvana).
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(7) There are dimensions we see in Earth and there are "Parallel Universe" - where we see all 10 realms on Earth (when we are Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana Fruition).
(8) There are life in Earth and there are life in Outer Space.
(9) There are mundane life (operated by our own karma) and there are body sariras (when a person is in Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana Fruition) - where all karma cease to operate - where the human body is not able to operate in mundane life when karma cease.
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(10) Even a stray thought - trigger karma and sentinent beings' life (in Samsara) and when stray thought no longer arise - karma cease to operate (in Nirvana).
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Why do humans, animals and other 6 realm beings operate in Universe ---- because of :-
(1) The arising of 1st stray thought of lust - of becoming of rebirth. Christianity call this sin - from Adam and Eve - the forbidden fruit.
The actual explanation is :-
(1) All beings are in Nirvana Fruition (yes the Dharma Wheel look like a fruit - a Pure Fruit - a Fruit of Pureness - forbidden from sin - where no stray thoughts of Ignorance of Universal Truth, Hatred, Greed/Attachment to Ego or Self will taint it).
(2) But the moment when Jhana Samadhi that hold the Nirvana Fruition weaken to a point where - the 1st stray thought of lust - penetrate the Fruition (in physical term - sperm penetrate the womb - in Samsara) - as seen by Nirvana Dharma wheel - where exterior 1 stray thought pierce through and arise in the Nirvana Fruition - the Forbidden Fruit (Adam and Eve effect arise) - and a Sin is created - the 1st life form arise and Universe arise.
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Now, how is Universe created?
Is there only 1 Universe?
Let answer the easier question - is there only 1 Universe?
Universe is infinity. And there are "Parallel Universe".
eg. 0, 0.1..............0.9999999.... - 1 Universe
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Now before explaining how Universe is created, let us explain how mundane gain Enlightenment of Nirvana.
The Enlightenment Process (in mental state) - will explain how Universe is created (in physical state) - under the Law of Relativity............. 999999999999............- infinity Universe.
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In mundane, when a meditator meditate - in Anapanasati (Concentration Meditation) and in Vipassana (Insight Meditation) (Note:- Jesus meditate for 12 years during his young and middle age. Mohammed also meditate in cave).
The following series of Enlightenment stage take place :-
(1) 1 pointedness concentration is attained in 1 pointedness nimitta (I should skip the detail consciousness and mental state - because it will be too profound for anyone to understand - as all the mundane consciousness in human are transformed into supramundane consciousness - that transcend the various form heavenly realm and formless heavenly realm in clarity.
This process is liken the phenomenon of the Universe Black Hole - where are celestial body are sucked into a Black Hole - into a mass energy with no matter and light - and only Energy.
The 1 pointedness concentration - is a similar phenomenon - where all mundane consciousness are sucked into the 1-pointedness nimitta - where each consciousness transformed from mundane to supramundane.
When this happen - all human 5 mental aggregates attained "Emptiness".
It is not Nothingness - because though empty - it is not really empty - just like Black Hole - it is empty, but it has mass energy.
Now this explain the 1st Origin of Universe - in BIG BLACK HOLE.
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Now in Jhana Samadhi of 1 pointedness of nimitta - when it cannot hold the mass energy further - it will "explode" into a supernova energy - where it will expand outwards - on and on until it cover the whole country, whole Earth and until the whole Universe - liken the Dharma Wheel - SuperNova explosion - until it enwrap the entire Universe.
Likewise, when the Black Hole cannot hold the energy further = it will have a BIG SuperNova explosion of energy mass that spew up and form the celestial body of stars, suns, galaxy, solar system, planets and moons.
So when Bible say God create Universe in 7 days -------
The most accurate statement is from Jhana Samadhi evolve into Nirvana Fruition - it take 7 days to evolve from black hole into Supernova explosion that enwrap the Universe.
The black hole supernova explosion into Universe - is the similar phenomenon.
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Why Jesus statement is not accurately recorded in the bible - because the actual mental states transformation and the physical state transformation are too profound, too complex, involves too many minute detail ----- that at that time, no disciples are able to accurate articulate or write it down in detail - to reflect the true states.
Thus, when it is recorded - it become too diluted - and it sounds like fairy tale, and it has become too unbelievable :-
"God create Universe".
"God create Adam and Eve - and Adam and Eve sin by eating forbidden fruit".
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Now, bible say :- "God punish people who sin in Judgement day".
The more accurate statement should be - Karma, the Universal Law of Karma.
Karma in the Universal System - where this is how it operate ---- "We reap what we Sow". No one punish or reward us. We decide our own fate - in past lives, in this lives and in future lives.
All 6 realms of sentinent beings are subjected to law of karma.
(1) Heavenly realm
(2) Asura realm (the realm of the Titans - or scientist called it Aliens from outer space).
(3) Human realm
(4) Animal realm
(5) Hungry Ghost realm
(6) Hell realm
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