Israeli man shot dead after being mistaken for 'terrorist'

ricky l • Remove
Now both the Jews and the Palestinians have to live in fear - day by day - as no one is certain will they be killed the next day by someone who live around them.Reply
It is a terrible scenario - where life live in a tether.
The only way to end this - is to have a political will to strike a Peace Deal - to end decades and centuries of biblical hatred.
Only with Wisdom, Political Will, Give-and-Take can end this.
Fool hardy and unyielding disposition - cannot end decades and centuries of biblical hatred.
ricky l • Remove
Both sides refuse to yield one inch - the karma is more death, and everyone living in fear every day without respite.
This is a mental torture - a torture that has last decades and centuries since biblical times - and no sign of ending.
But if both sides - are willing to relent - are willing to "give-and-take" - are willing to yield one inch by both sides ---- then it is possible to end the decades and centuries of biblical decades - and live in co-existence, in harmony, in peace and consequently in prosperity.
Now is liken to "living in hell - everyday, fearful of live and death everyday".
Where conversely - it can be turn in to a "living heaven - everyday, just by changing the mindset".
ricky l • Remove
Open your heart and mind (both sides) - you see HEAVEN.
Close your heart and mind (both sides) - both see HELL.
Now, both sides in HELL or in HEAVEN?
So many decades and centuries since biblical times - both sides are still living in HELL - where lives are not guaranteed everyday.
Do you know that in many parts of the World, people are living in peace, in harmony, in prosperity?
Why Middle East is so deprived?
Because, people are not opening their heart and mind - to be Mutually Inclusive.
People prefer to close their heart and mind - to be Mutually Exclusive.
To open heart and mind - to be Mutually Inclusive - you will live in HEAVEN.
To close heart and mind - to be Mutually Exclusive - you will live in HELL.
No need to pray to Divine Beings - to aspire to Heaven ---- just open your heart and your mind, be Mutually Inclusive - you will live in a Living Heaven.
ricky l • Remove
Few years ago, when the US Secretary of State Kerry visited both sides - to coax both sides to seal the Peace Deal, both are hard-headed and refused to seize the golden window opportunity to secure a Peace Deal - to ensure Peace, Harmony and Security - that will end decades and centuries of biblical hatred.
Now, both sides reap the karma - of living in a "Living Hell".
There is not Perfect Deal - where both sides want to reap the maximum benefits for themselves.
There will only be a compromise - give-and-take deal - whereby both sides will win-some-and-lose-some.
But overall, both will have a Win-Win outcome in the longer term.
Luckily, the Iran Nuclear Peace Deal is signed - though not perfect - but will be a sustainable deal that will ensure there will be no outbreak of "Nuclear War". It is a compromise deal, give-and-take deal - whereby both sides will win-some-and-lose-some. But overall, there will be Peace and no nuclear war.
ricky l • Remove
In Middle East, where Countries that use to enjoy so much prosperity have now enter into some proxy wars or Countries split by civil war ----- one way or another - is because of what reason?
Because :-
To close heart and mind - to be Mutually Exclusive - there will be WAR.
To open heart and mind - to be Mutually Inclusive - there will be PEACE, HARMONY, PROSPERITY ........
This outcome is not determined by Divine Being - but this is the result of Universal Law of Karma.........
We reap what we sow - how we think, how we speak, what we do.
And karma will follow us like shadow.
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