ricky l • Remove
Who is Jesus?Reply
The disposition and characteristics of Jesus is similar to a Bodhisattva.
Based on Jesus relevation as documented in the bible, he could have :-
(1) attained Nirvana Fruition - eg. forbidden fruit (Nirvana Fruition), adam and eve (1st sray thought that trigger 12 dependant of origination).
(2) he say he see gods - but actually he attained Samadhi Jhana and basked in Nirvana Fruition of no karma, no birth, no death, eternal peace and bliss.
(3) he say that God will save human beings and return to the Father. Which in actual fact, there are 2 realms of Nirvanic Beings that possess the Universal Compassion and make Bodhi Vows to salvage Samsara beings to return to Nirvana.
There are 4 Nirvana beings :-
(1) Arahat
(2) Pacceka Buddha
(3) Bodhisattva
(4) Buddha
Only Buddhas and Bodhisattvas make Bodhi Vows to salvage sentinent beings under the Mahayana practice. Arahats and Pacceka Buddhas under Theravada practice will not make Bodhi Vows.
ricky l • Remove
When Jesus say - there is a Supreme Divine being to salvage all mankind.
What Jesus mean :-
There are 2 realms of Nirvanic Beings have made Bodhi Vows to salvage samsara beings - Buddhas and Bodhisattvas with different Bodhi Vows.
There are a Nirvanic Being that make this Bodhi Vows :-
(1) If 10 directions 6 realms sentinent beings do not attain Emptiness, I Vow not attain Buddhahood.
(2) Only if 10 direction 6 realms sentinent beings are salvaged into Nirvana, will I fulfil and complete by Bodhi Vows.
(3) Wish 10 direction 10 realms bless and support my Bodhi Vows.
ricky l • Remove
When Jesus say there is only 1 God who create a heaven with all sons.
What Jesus meant is :-
There is only 1 Nirvana or known as 一真法界 = where countless, infinity 4 realms Nirvanic Beings dwell in.
And it is a State of "One-in-All, All-in-One" - that is Mutually Inclusive. It is like a Dharma Wheel. Its inherent 3 values are No-Self, Compassion and Panna Wisdom --- the exactly opposite of Ignorance of Universal Truth, Greed/Attachment to Ego and Hatred --- that are found in Humans and 6 realm Samsara sentinent beings.
When there is only 1 Buddha in Nirvana, the whole of Nirvana is 1 Buddha.
When there is infinite, countless Buddhas and Nirvanic Beings in Nirvana, the whole of Nirvana is infinite, countless Buddhas and Nirvanic Beings.
ricky l • Remove
Why are we in Universe Samsara and how do we come down to Earth and Universe to suffer - birth, life, decaying, death and rebirth in a vicious cycle.
Many, many aeons years ago :-
(1) We are in Nirvana.
But then, one Nirvana being is unable to maintain his Samadhi Jhana in Nirvana Fruition. 1st stray thought of lust slowly pierce through his Nirvana Fruition as the Samadhi Jhana force weaken and arise within the Nirvana Fruition.
The 1st stray thought - give rise to the 1st karma of birth and kick off the vicious cycle of 12 dependant origination of life.
The Physical Universe in a Big Black Hole can no longer hold the energy mass when the 1st Nirvana Being's 1st stray thought kick off the 1st thought of lust - and trigger the karma (as there need to be a physical place) to hold the Being with karma - and thus Universe is formed when the Big Black Hole explode in a SuperNova explosion.
Thus this Nirvana being with the 1st stray thought of lust - create the 1st Universe - as his Nirvana fruit, forbidden fruit, is violated with the sin of 1st stray thought of lust (adam and eve).
So Jesus refer to this Nirvana being (as God) and create the Universe.
ricky l • Remove
When this Nirvana being fall into Samsara Universe and begin the vicious cycle of birth, live, decaying and death, other Nirvana Being arise with immense Universal Compassion to rescue and salvage this Samsara Being - and thus one by one, more and more Nirvana beings begin to be reborn into Universe, the Earth.
Samsara beings are not easy to overcome the sensual desires and temptation on Earth and Universe - thus not easy to go back to Nirvana. Thus religions are formed to remind Samsara beings of Nirvana.
But there are many variations to tell what is Nirvana - and most religions say there is a God, a Supreme beings - which it meant Nirvana.
ricky l • Remove
Nirvana is a State that coexist and interoperate with Universe Samsara.
When Nirvana at its Purest State, Universe is just a BIG BLACK HOLE.
The entire system conform to Dualistic States - under the Law of Relativity - 2 sides of the coin.
Where there is Nirvana, there is Universe.
Nirvana hold Enlightened Beings, the Awakened One. Universe hold Samsara Beings, the Ignorance Ones like us.
When Nirvana is at its Purest State (where all Beings are Nirvana Beings), Universe is a BIG BLACK HOLE with no Samsara Beings.
When Nirvana lost Nirvanic beings to Samsara, Universe is formed and Nirvanic beings succumb to sensual desires and temptation and rebirth into Samsara Universe to hold them.
Nirvana - is a state of no birth, no death, formless, no karma, is a state of permanency, eternal bliss, serenity, equanimity, peace, silencing of the mind where not even a stray thoughts arises. 3 inherent values permeates Nirvana - No-Self, Universal Compassion and Panna Wisdom.
Samsara - is a state of vicious cycle of birth, live, decaying, demise, rebirth - according to our karma where we reap what we sow, impermanency, we live a good life if we do good and we suffer, live in miseries if we do bad, and we have countless of stray thoughts. 3 inherent values permeates Samsara - Ego/Attachment to Self/Greed, Hatred, Ignorance of Universal Truth/Law. Though we also have Kindness and Compassion (but not Universal Compassion - because of attachment to self and ego), we have intelligent (but not yet Panna Wisdom unless we are Enlightened) and sometimes we are self-centred and sometimes we can make sacrifice for the good of others.
ricky l • Remove
No Nirvana Beings (Divine) - will punish sentinent beings - being possessing Universal Compassion.Reply
It is the karma system - that punish or reward - by the person's karma - we reap what we sow.
ricky l • Remove
What make up the karma system?
(1) Human legal system.
(2) Heavenly rule
(3) Universal Karma
Human legal system is the 1st system - that will dispense reward and punishment. Being human - where lifespan is 100 years and shorter, the legal law does not exceed the human lifespan of human. Judges is normally the person that administer judgement.
When human legal law does not sufficiently dispense justice or err in dispensing justice, Heavenly rule take over. The lifespan of heavenly rule - can run into aeons - depending on the lifespan of each heavenly realms. Kings of the heavenly realms dispense the judgement.
When heavenly rules are not able to adequately dispense the justice - as Universe exceed the lifespan of heavens - that run into infinity, Universal Karma will cover the inadequacy. Under Universal Law of Karma - no one dispense justice. It is the karma system that dispense the reward or punishment according to what we reap, what we sow.
It is like a mirror in the room, we throw a ball, it bounce back to hit us (bad karma).
If we smile at a mirror, the image in the mirror smile back at us (good karma).
Even human judges and kings of the heavenly realms - will be subjected to the Universal Law of Karma - as stray thoughts still arise in their minds - and hence karma will operate.
Myohmy • Report Abuse
Hush... don't compare different beliefs. it's like trying to tell the 4th world inhabitants how wrong it is to poop in public - they will think you are trying to destroy their value system.
- ricky l • Remove
It is not to ridicule other's beliefs - but rather to fill up the gaps and to link the beliefs to the Universal System, Universal Truth and the Universal Law - that is governing the Universe.
MetaPhysics - is more than religion and divine belief. It goes into very finite detail and infinite details - that look into mental states like consciousness - mundane and supramundane - it is not talking about historical figures, who say this, who say that - but true Universal phenomenon of the mundane and supramundane.
By filling up all these phenomenon - will lend credibility to the belief system -- which all come back to same root - One Universal Truth and One Universal Law.
It is not easy to convince Christianity to believe in Buddhism.
It is not easy to convince Muslim to believe in Buddhism.
It is not easy to convince Hinduism to believe in Buddhism.
But it will be easier to convey One Universal Truth and One Universal Law - where all human beings, where all sentinent beings dwell in the Universe - under their armbit of religions - be it Buddhism, be it Taosim, be it Hinduism, be it Christianity, be it Islam, be it Aesthism, be it other religions ---- because everyone dwell in the same Universe and operate under the same One Universal Truth and One Universal Law.
This is the Universal Compassion of the Divine - to salvage all humans and other sentinet beings - to no more suffer in Samsara.
ricky l • Remove
Because all Nirvana beings - only has One Bodhi Vow.
To salvage all 6 realms sentinent beings to come back to Nirvana and no longer suffer in Samsara.
This Bodhi Vow will not end until the last sentinent being, until the last grain of sand in Samsara Universe - is salvage back into Nirvana.
ricky l • Remove
In other words, Universe will continue to exist and when demise, new Universe will be created - as long as even 1 sentinent being and even 1 last grain of sand is still in Samsara.
The job of Bodhi Vow - will not end - until the last sentinent beings (including the last biological cell or last being in Avici Hell) and last grain of sand is salvage into Nirvana ----- where no one will be left to suffer.
That is a famous analogy :-
"Leave no man behind" ----- this is the Universal Compassion of the Bodhi Vow (菩提心) - the Nirvana Bodhi Heart.
That means even Osama bin laden, General Yamashita, Hitler and other dictators that have committed atrocities - will also be salvaged from Eternal Avici Hell - when they have repaid all the bad karma, repent - and be rebirth into Nirvana.
All hells will be empty, including Avici Hell - the Greatest Hell.
ricky l • Remove
So when Christianity say - there is a god in us or human is a god-nature.
Christianity actually means - all humans and other 6 realm sentinent beings - has a Buddha-nature in us, has an Enlightenment-nature in us - that is capable of attaining Nirvana - a State where all 6 sentinent beings come from.
Christianity say God bring us back to heaven - which in fact we are all Nirvana Beings that have lost our ways - with the 1st stray thought of lust - that trigger birth into Samsara and trigger the creation of Universe to hold us in Samsara.
ricky l • Remove
Nirvana beings do not preach - believe in me, you will not go to hell else you will go to hell.
Nirvana beings believe - now you are not ready to believe in me. One day you will be able to believe in discourse of the Universal Truth and believe in me when you develop and progress spiritually. When you are more ready, you will believe in me and Nirvana beings will be able salvage you and help you to gain Enlightenment and enter into Nirvana.
ricky l • Remove
Why Nirvana beings are keen to preach the Universal Truth and Universal Law - to 6 realm sentinent beings?
Because sentinent beings are still anchor in the 3 inherent unwholesome root of Ignorance of Universal Truth, Greed/Attachment to Ego or Self, Hatred --- and this will bind them to the Samsara Universe - and is not able to return to Nirvana.
Only by preaching the Universal Truth and Universal Law - will allow 6 realm sentinent beings to deplete and finally eradicate their 3 inherent unwholesome root of Ignorance of Universal Truth, Greed/Attachment to Ego or Self, Hatred - to attain Enlightenment of Nirvana.
Only then, can 6 realm sentinent beings escape from Samsara Universe and enter into Nirvana - and "go home - of Eternal Peace".
Else the jobs of Nirvana beings will not be completed - and will continue to preach and preach - the Dharma of Universal System - because of their Bodhi Vows - to alleviate all sentinent beings from sufferings.
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