Is Stephen Hawking Right About Hostile Aliens?

ricky l • Remove
There are 10 realms in the Universe.Reply
6 realms - are considered to have the potential to be "hostile" or "aggressor" - because they have not eradicate 3 inherent unwholesome roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Hatred and Greed/Attachment to Self (Self-centred).
Of all 6 realms, the least hostile are heavenly realm beings - in particular the formless heavenly realm beings follow by form heavenly realm beings. Sensual desire heavenly realm beings are still capable of waging war - as their sensual desires can manifest quickly - as compare to the other 2 higher heavenly realms - where their sensual desire are either suppress or it sublime.
Only 4 realms - are considered "non-hostile" or "Compassionate" - because all their 3 inherent roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Hatred and Greed have been eradicated. Their inherent nature is No-self, Compassion and Panna Wisdom.

ricky l • Remove
But the next realm that will rule Earth is likely to be the Asura realm (or the realm of Titans) - whose nature is Jealousy - with higher intelligent than mankind.
The Asura realm - can overcome human beings with their intelligence and physique.
In fact Asura realm - is predicted not only to overcome human beings - but will openly wage war with the next higher realm - the Sensual Desire Heavenly realm.
But Sensual Desire Heavenly realm - will eventually dominate and Asura realm will be subdue.
ricky l • Remove
For example, animal realm is capable of organising themselves to fight their prey - so that they can feed on them.
Eg. workers ants can organise to wage war and overcome bigger prey to feed on them.
Lions work in a pack - to prey on ox, giraffe, etc.
Humans organise in Blocs to fight war - to missile, to bomb, to shoot, to tank bang - one another in hatred, greed, ignorance of Universal Law of karma
Likewise Asura realm - will also organise themselves to wage war (where their primary enemy is the Sensual Desire Heavenly realm - due to their extreme jealously on the Sensual Desire Heavenly realm for enjoying maximum mundane sensual pleasure) - where Asura realm is being deprived off.
Asura realm - slaving over human realm (is like human slaving animal realm) - where human is not Asura primary target for domination.
ricky l • Remove
So Stephen Hawkings prediction of hostile aliens - is not without basis.
The next dominant realm - is indeed the Asura realm (or in English term - the realm of the Titans) - who has a higher intelligent and stronger physique than humans.
Not sure whether human should confront Asura realm - with guns, missiles or bombs? I think human may not stand a chance with Asura beings.
Compassionate approach rather than confrontational approach to communicate with Asura beings - may stand a better chance for human to survive - if Asura decide to descend to Earth.
Human confronting Asura with weapons - may bring destruction to Human mankind.
ricky l • Remove
Worst come to worst, human can coexist with Asura beings - as long as human is not confrontational with Asura beings.
Just like animals can coexist with Human beings - as long as animal realms are not hostile to human.
Aggressive animals often face extinction when it threaten human beings.
Docile animals face a higher chance of survival and coexist with human beings.
Likewise, human beings should refrain from shooting Asura beings - should Asura beings descend into Earth.
Asura beings like human beings ---- can be preached to understand Enlightenment of Nirvana.
ricky l • Remove
Asura beings can be subdued by Universal Compassion and Panna Wisdom.
Don't use human intelligent to outsmart Asura beings. Asura beings will outsmart human beings hands down.
Only Panna Wisdom and Universal Compassion - can win over Asura beings.
ricky l • Remove
Because Asura beings - is still not capable of attaining supramundane consciousness.
ricky l • Remove
Why we are so sure Asura realm can easily overwhelm human mankind?
Also why are we so sure Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm beings can easily overcome Asura realm?
To give an example :-
(1) A pack of lions may be able to organize themselves to prey on a group of ox or a group of deer etc.
But a pack of lions when they face humans - will have no chance.
The pack of lions can be trapped, poison, shot down or mow down by humans.
(2) A colonies of ants can run ring around bigger insects or even larger animals.
But a colonies of ants will stand no chance when Humans decide to eradicate the ant colonies.
Likewise, Humans to Asuras - is like a pack of lions or a colonies of ants to Asura realm beings. Asuras will outdo and outsmart Humans. Human mankind stand no chance against Asuras - if humans decide to fight Asuras.
Likewise, Asuras beings - will also stand no chance to confront Sensual Desire Heavenly realm beings.
Thus Human mankind must not make the mistake to fight Asuras.
Only Universal Compassion and Panna Wisdom can win over Asuras - if Asuras decide to descend to Earth.
Asuras are similarly subject to the Universal Law of Karma - as if they turn violent and resort to force - they will be subjected to bad karma like humans and all 6 realms sentinent beings.
And 1 more thing, Asura realm beings have much longer lifespan than human beings that normally last up to 100 years.
- ricky l • Remove
When Asura laugh at religion, people who acquire supramundane consciousness will laugh at Asura.
Asura will pursue and try to learn on how to acquire supramundane consciousness.
All 6 sentinent beings - prized the acquisition of supramundane consciousness - Asura beings will have similar desire.
Why? Because Asura still subject to the sufferings of birth, live, decay, demise and rebirth - the vicious cycle of 12 dependant origination of life. When Asura beings are decaying and demising - Asura beings will be as fearful as human beings - as they are fearful to die too.
Same as heavenly realm beings - as most heavenly beings has not reached the state of decaying and demising - because their lifespan as long as the lifespan of Universe - aeons like infinity.
But heavenly realm beings - even the highest formless heavenly realm beings - that is equivalent of the lifespan of Universe - will one day demise. That will come the day where the formless heavenly realm beings will be visibly shaken - even though the have attained sublime supramundane consciousness of heavenly realms - but not yet able to eradicate the sublime 3 inherent roots of Ignorance of Universal Law (karma), Greed/Attachment to Self and Hatred (for losing his life) and (his sublime attainment).
Ie. no 6 realm sentinent beings (including Asura beings or Aliens) - is not without fear - because they are still attached to Ego of self.
Thus human must not confront Asura - with weapons - because once Asura sense that human beings are hostile towards them and want to threaten their lives, Asura will wage war with human beings.
Only Supramundane consciousness of Universal Compassion, Panna Wisdom and No-Self - can win over Asura - and stop Asura beings from threatening human mankind. - ricky l • Remove
Knowing the characteristics of Aliens or Asura beings - and behave appropriately will save human mankind one day.
Failure to understand the nature and consciousness of Aliens or Asura beings - will lead human mankind to tackle Asura beings inappropriately or confront Asura beings - then human mankind will mark our own demise.
The moment animal realms attack human, human turn back and eradicate the animal realms.
Same thing will happen, when Asura show interest in Earth and start to descend into Earth.
Asura beings are far more advanced in intelligent, in technology and in physique over human beings. - ricky l • Remove
Asura beings are liken human looking at ants colonies waging war.
Human can destroy ants colonies by spraying insecticides or start a fire to burn the ant colonies or other means.
Similarly, when Asura beings sense that human is plotting to attack Asura beings, Asura can do what human do to ant colonies.
Human cannot fight Asura beings - and Asura beings will beat human beings hands down. - ricky l • Remove
But if Aliens or Asura laugh at religions, religions can laugh back at Asura, because Asura is not able to solve the mystique cycle of Asura's birth, lives, decaying, demise.
They will seek reverence if human beings can preach to them the formula to break Asura's cycle of birth, lives, decaying, demise - that demarcate their sufferings and pain. - ricky l • Remove
All 6 realm sentinent beings - are subject to karma - hence face birth, live and death.
But once Asura learn that - there can be no karma - no rebirth and death ---- Asura beings will have tear flow down their cheek like human - and will seek reverence to learn such technique to end their vicious cycle of sufferings.
This is the only way to save human mankind - when Asura descend on Earth.
Asura beings intelligent is far more advanced than humans - and they come from outer space.
If tell them technique that is fairy tale and not based on MetaPhysics - human will lose the chance to win over Asura. -
ricky l • Remove
If human tell Asura science, technologies and discoveries of Universe based on science, Asura will not be impressed and will have a lot to teach human beings.
Asura only lack knowledge in MetaPhysics - because the nature of Asura beings have great difficulties in spiritual cultivation to acquire supramundane consciousness as their mental aggregates are all mundane consciousness.
ricky l • Remove
Most important thing.
Do not threaten Asura beings by saying - Heavenly beings will punish them.
This will be the most serious taboo to Asura beings - their born enemies.
Where Asura beings' nature - is extreme jealously of Sensual Desire Heavenly beings - and they are born to fight the Sensual Desire Heavenly realm beings.
Any mention of Heavenly beings punishing Asura beings - will make Asura beings flew into rage - and Asura beings will lose their heads and turn monster - and mad destruction of Earth is possible.ricky l • Remove
Only Universal Compassion, Panna Wisdom and No-self - to preach non-attachment to sensual desires - will help Asura beings from gaining Enlightenment and eradicate karma of rebirth, live, decay and death ------ will slowly blunt their extreme jealously of sensual desires ------ and their instinct to wage war against the Sensual Desire Heavenly Beings ---- and prevent a catastrophe of "Heaven and Earth" - where Asura beings will wage war both sides - top and bottom.
Not sure at that time, will such fate come - to prevent such catastrophe. -
ricky l • Remove
In which place of the Universe, will many sentinent beings are capable of spiritual cultivation - and gain Enlightenment of Nirvana.
It is on Earth - thus Earth will be a magnet to attract 10 realms.
ricky l • Remove
When Asura descend on Earth, don't tell Asura which prophets say this or that. Or which Buddha say this or that. They will lose interest - because to Asura, all human form are weaker as compare to Asura.
Engage Asura beings with MetaPhysics on the onset and talk about Universal Law, the origin of Universe, the origin of life, the 12 dependent origination of life - and vicious cycle of rebirth, live, decaying and demise.
Don't make the mistake of doing good and go to heavens.
The moment heavens is mention - Asura beings will flew into rage and they will muster themselves to wage war - "top and bottom" - "Heaven and Earth". Because heavens (in particular Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm beings) are their born enemies. - ricky l • Remove
Engage Asura beings on supramundane consciousness.
Engage Asura on Jhana Samadhi of rupa and arupa.
Engage Asura on Nirvana Fruition of phala, magga, nama, rupa - and the dualistic law of form and formless.
Engage Asura on dualistic existence of Nirvana vs Samsara Universe, blackhole and supernova of 4 Great Elements and 5 mental aggregates of Emptiness.
All the above are knowledge that Asura beings are devoid off - and they will be thrown off track - as no matter how intelligent Asura is and how advanced their technologies is ---- they are not able to acquire the supramundane knowledge - and these will blunt their desires and jealously to wage war on human mankind and Sensual Desire Heavenly Realms.
If we are successful in doing so, we will be able to win over 2 higher realms - the Asura Realms and the Sensual Desire Heavenly Realms.
When these 2 realms are won over ------ "hostility" and "aggression" from the other 2 highest sentinent beings realms - of Form Heavenly Realms and Formless Heavenly Realms --- will be less dangerous - as these 2 realms has acquired supramundane heavenly consciousness - and they are very wary of bad karma - as their sensual desires are very well suppressed. Formless Heavenly realm has even eradicate the coarse form of sensual desires and left with only sublime forms of sensual desires.
Thus human mankind is approaching the crossroad of a potential catastrophe - when Asura beings arrived - whether will they wage a war of "top and bottom - Heaven and Earth".
Only Universal Compassion, Panna Wisdom and No-self - can save the burning of Heaven and Earth.
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