Indonesia expresses regret over haze: PM Najib

ricky l • Remove
I think President Jokowi is an honourable man and he is sincere to resolve the haze problem in Indonesia.Reply
Slash and burn is a cheap method of clearing land - but it cause $47 billion damages to Economies and big social cost - and it is hurting other industries which are making huge losses plus causing health problem to millions of people.
In addition, it is not hurting only Indonesians, it hurts its neighboring Countries - Singapore, Malaysia - and it is also affecting further afield - Thailand, Philippines and even Vietnam.
Indonesia need to resolve the haze problem - because the political cost, social cost and economic cost - will be too high for Indonesia if time to come.
ricky l • Remove
Always remember, under the Universal Law of Karma - we reap what we sow.
We may benefit now from slash and burn, but when the bad karma ripen and come, it will be tremendously unbearable - as what come around, goes around.
This is how the sentinent beings in Universe live - under the armbit of Universal Law of Karma.
Do good - reap good consequences.
Do bad - reap sufferings and pain.
ricky l • Remove
Imagine, hurting so many millions of people in own country and other neighboring countries ---- what will the impact of the negative karma will be?J
The karma will be very heavy - when it comes.
The only way to intercept and stop bad karma from arriving - is to have a strong political leadership will - to put right from wrong.
Do sustainable planting and clearing of land, put things right, save the Earth, save millions of people from not breathing and choking from haze ----- tremendous merit will come from this act.
Bad karma will be intercepted and will not ripen - good karma will come because a Wise Leader has insight and determine to put "wrong" right.
This is the hallmark of a Great Leader. A Wise Leader.

A Yahoo User • Report Abuse
@ricky - karma or whatever ma you may have, why wait for it to turn ripe ? They should come right now, or should have come some more than 10 years ago. Why let those indo pigs and corrupted indo govt officials enjoy with their ill gotten money now. Karma, if real, should come immediately and not wait for another 50 years to come, by the time, how many millions of people would have suffered .
ricky l • Remove
All human beings and sentinent beings - live because of our karma - including you and med.
We are born, we live, our well-beings, our death, our future are the result of our karma - good or bad or neutral.
The fuel of our karma - is the result of our thoughts, our speeches, our actions.
We do good, we reap good karma, we live a better lives.
We do bad, we reap bad karma, we live a miserable lives.
Karma is not linear. It is compounded by all lot of conditions. Only when the condition ripen will the karma of our thoughts, speeches, actions manifest.
Karma sometimes come immediately, sometimes come later in this life, but sometimes come only in future lives.
The more good things we do, we tend to live a better lives.
The more bad things we do, we will live a more miserable lives..
ricky l • Remove
Every thought - will have a consequence (karma).
Every speech - will have a consequence (karma).
Every action - will have a consequence (karma).
Newton law - every action will bring about an equal reaction in physic - but this apply aptly to physical matters - related to the 4 Great Elements.
But karma - related to the 5 mental aggregates are more complex, more compounded and not so simplistic of 1 = 1.
Conditions play a part in its manifestation. Compensating factors will delay its manifestation and compound its manifestation.
The calculation of karma - is as complex as computation of Universe manifestation of time, duration, weight of the thought, speech, action, the outcome of the karma committed, the compensating thought, speech and action that mitigate the karma etc.
Only a Buddha can precisely calculate the resultant karma. Even 4 other Saints of Arahat, Pacceka Buddha and Bodhisattvas - can only infer and predict karma - but not accurately calculate karma.
ricky l • Remove
As a rule of thumbs,
Most religions preach :-
Do good, reap good karma.
Do bad, reap bad karma.
Science preach :-
Every action, there will be an equal force of reaction.
Follow this principle, it cannot be wrong.
ricky l • Remove
Human live because of karma.
6 realm sentinent beings (heavenly, asura, animal, hungry ghosts, hell beings) live - because of karma.
That is why humans and 6 realm sentinent beings are called the 业报生.
We exist because of our karma.
When karma cease to operate on us, it means we have attained Enlightenment and the state we are in - is called Nirvana.
In Nirvana - Universal law of karma cease to operate, no more death, no more rebirth, no more sufferings, no more pain, no more miseries, no more sickness .....
ricky l • Remove
If someone say, I do not believe in karma, I will not reap any karma regardless of what I think, what I say, what I do -------- means the person is Ignorance of the Universal Law.
Is ignorance of why human exist in the first place.
Failure to understand the 12 dependant origination of life and its interwined karmic law that result in the vicious cycle of birth, life, decaying, demise and rebirth.
Failure to understand how 5 mental aggregate and 4 Great Elements transformed as a result of karmic outcome - to sustain a person's day to day life.
Simple eg., someone kill another person, he was caught and put to death for the crime he committed. His 5 mental aggregate from anger, turn into grieve (karma), he was executed - and his 5 mental aggregate and body of 4 elements - terminated in this world when he was executed - and through life continuum of relinking rebirth consciousness - will be rebirth into another realm through his karmic volition.
ricky l • Remove
No one with human form, with human body can be exempted from karma - not even prophets.
Karma is like shadow to a human - it follow where we go even after our death - unless Enlightened.
ricky l • Remove
Karma will still manifest to a person who attained Enlightenment of Nirvana - as long as he still possess a human body (that is why - body is a pile of garbage).
Only until his body passed away and enter into PariNirvana - karma officially cease to operate on him.
ricky l • Remove
Then a question come to mind. Why there are no karma in Nirvana?
Because "not even a stray thought, will arise in Nirvana".
Because no thought arise, no speech, no action - ie. why no karma.
People will ask, all humans will have stray thoughts.
Exactly, because as long as human as a nature have even 1 stray thought, karma will arise. And why human exist on Earth in Universe - is because of the 1st stray thought of LUST.
And it is this 1st stray thought of LUST - will trigger 12 dependant origination of life and its resulting karmic cycle of birth, life, decaying, death and rebirth.
Thus all Enlightened Beings know that :-
起心动念 – the very first stray thought – is the thought of lust of becoming – that trigger birth.
Then 万法因缘生 - the whole Samsara Universe and its Universal Law - arises and develop due to karmic volition.
Some religion simply say – God create Adam and Eve – and create human being.
But is actually the stray thought of lust – that pierce through the Universe (liken a sperm – 1 stray thought that pierce through the womb of Universe ---- hence Adam and Eve).
Enlightened Beings is able to see this upon Enlightenment – on how Universe and sentinent beings is first created.
But a prophet simply it by saying :-
Nirvana (God) – create Adam (stray thought) and Eve (Womb Universe) – or Mother Earth….
Sigh ----- this is too simplistic and misleading….. though somehow describe the Nirvana and Samsara Universe in a vague term.
It is more profound than this ….
ricky l • Remove
Then people will again ask, can human stop thinking - so that there will be no stray thoughts arising in a human mind.
The answer is, if a human force yourself to stop thinking - you may go insane.
A human by nature will have stray thoughts that arise naturally. A human by nature - thinks - and karma arise even with 1 stray thought.
Then, people will ask, then how to have no stray thoughts?
Gain Enlightenment and attain Nirvana - then stray thoughts will not arise in Nirvana Fruition. It is by nature when a person in Nirvana has no stray thoughts arising in a Nirvanic Mind.
Stray thoughts from outside the Nirvanic Fruition will attempt to pierce through the Nivanic mind - but will not be successful to do so.
Stray thoughts from outside - is the Samsara.
At this juncture, dualistic nature is realized - 色 & 空 is realized. The Heart Sutra (心经) is realized.
ricky l • Remove
空 (Emptiness) refer to no stray thought - but does not means Empty (nothing).
It refer to no stray thoughts arising in a Nirvanic Mind.
色 (Mundane Form) - refer to stray thought of lust of becoming - to trigger birth through 12 dependent origination of life.
ricky l • Remove
空 (Emptiness) - has no consciousness of 5 mental aggregate of 5 sense-hearing, sight, taste, touch, smell, no perception, no judgement, no mental formation, no feelings ----- as there is not a single stray thought arising.
This is the exact experience - as describe in the Heart Sutra (心经). A Nirvana Mind State.
Hence, no karma, no birth, no death, and the whole matter of human body - become the body sariras - as the body has no consciousness of the mundane world. At this juncture, Dharma Protectors will need to have a constant lookout of this meditator - to ensure he will not exceed 1 week in meditation - else he will turn into a body sariras - and live thousands of years at this state - while passing away to PariNirvana - without food and water.
ricky l • Remove
Only when this meditator emerge from his Nirvanic state, will he slowly regain his mundane consciousness and human stray thoughts will slowly re-emerged - and this meditator will again live like a human due to his mundane karma - when stray thoughts arise in him again.
So if someone say - I don't believe in karma --- then you don't answer the Universal Law of Karma.
You don't understand how human exist.
You don't understand why you exist in the first place.
People tend to act with impunity - because precisely people is Ignorance of the Universal Law.
ricky l • Remove
So who will experience what is described in Heart Sutra (心经) in its entirety - A Nirvana Mind State?n
A Arahat. - 1 time perfection.
A Pacceka Buddha. - 1 time perfection.
A Bodhisattva. - 2 time perfection.
A Buddha. - 3 time perfection.

Jacky • Report Abuse
@Ricky ... So who are in-charged in your karma reward and punishment system?
How about kamasutra?
ricky l • Remove
Why preach karma here?
Not preaching karma - is sharing information on karma.
Simple message to haze producers :-
Do good, refrain from bad. Because there will be consequences from the thoughts, speeches and actions.
Who in charge of karma reward and punishment system? No one in charge. It is the Universal System - will one basic principle - an action will bring about a reaction. Simple physics. Simple mental states.
Kama sutra - is not those sexual karma sutra. Though karma do start from the 1st stray thought of lust - of becoming and trigger birth - and start the vicious cycle of 12 dependant origination of life.
ricky l • Remove
Karma reward and punishment system - will cease to operate in a Nirvana state.
Karma reward and punishment system - operate in this mundane Universe - because of stray thoughts - that result in speeches and actions.
When there is even 1 stray thought - there will be karma.
In Nirvana state, Emptiness is the nature. Not even a single stray thought arises - hence no karma.
Nirvana state - is a state of Eternal peace, bliss, serenity, equanimity, with 3 inherent values of No-Self/No-Ego, Universal Compassion and Panna Wisdom - where karma cease to operate, no birth, no death, where sufferings, pain cease to operate.
ricky l • Remove
Because there is karma - there is a reward and punishment system - sentinent beings (including humans) - will suffer from up and downs of happiness and sufferings.
Some have more happiness and less sufferings due to good karma.
Some have more miseries and less happiness due to bad karma.
Both are not satisfactory state.
Thus only in Nirvana - where both unsatisfactory states cease to operate - because both states are transient, impermanent - which is a Sufferings.
Only Nirvana - is a Permanent State - where Universal Law of Impermanence cease to operate.
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