Thai Buddhist monk horror film banned on fears it could 'destroy' faith


Crystalskyes • Report Abuse
Religion is religion. God is Yeshua, which is the pure Truth. Repent of your sins which the bible says you deserve to go to Hell for, be Holy and bring glory to God. Pure and simple.1 Reply
Even Buddha is in Hell. No man can work their way into Heaven or self-attain godhood.
That is just human pride talking. Religion is all manmade. God cannot be touched even if you wanted to. God is invisible and can do all things and knows everything. I just know a bit but certainly more than people who worship pagan idols (buddha statues, the kabba etc.)
Even many so-called christians don't even know this much. If you are an adulterer and say you are a christian, you are a hypocrite liar and will be thrown into the lake of fire. I have come to the point where I don't even believe that 99% of the people who call themselves christians are actual followers of Christ anymore. To think God made you people.... it is so funny and pathetic at the same time.
ricky l • Remove
I bet you are not able to understand the characteristics of hell and the characteristics of Buddha (which is known as the Awakened One).
Let me explain to you - before you go on slandering a Buddha.
A Buddha is known as the Awakened One - which means He has fully attained Omniscience knowledge of the Universal Truth.
Universal Truth - does not refer only to the Physical Universe - but also refer to the other side of the coin, known as Nirvana.
All human beings and other 5 realms sentinent beings - dwell in this Physical Universe - subject to the Universal Law of Impermanence, Universal Law of 12 Dependant Origination of Life - birth, live, decaying, demising and rebirth, Universal Law of Karma - we reap what we sow.
6 realms sentinent beings dwell in the Physical Universe - because we have stray thoughts anchor in 3 unwholesome roots of Ignorance of the Universal Law, Greed / Attachment to Self or Ego and Hatred ----- where the 1st stray thought of lust of becoming - give rise to birth in the Physical Universe.
The stray thought invoke karma - and human (plus other realm beings) live in Universe -- with the pure reason of (we reap what we sow) - that is how we live our life called karma - where karma is the shadow that will follow us where we go.
Hell is the worst form of bad karma.
Nirvana - is the cessation of karma. Hence no birth, no death, no sufferings, no pain, no miseries - and no longer subjected to Universal Law of Impermanence, Karma, 12 dependent origination of life. This is where Buddha is.
So when you say Buddha is in Hell ----- you fail to understand what is Nirvana and what is Hell.
You slander the Buddha - with your Ignorance.
ricky l • Remove
Since you say that Buddha is in hell, which hell is Buddha in?
I bet you say there is only 1 hell.
ricky l • Remove
Well, let me explain to you what is the characteristics of hell.
Hell is a realm whereby sentinent beings committed karma that is extremely cruel, vicious, committing murder, arson and all sort of heinous crime where the sentinent beings nature - is evil and thus through the volition of karma will descend into hell.
Do you know that there are in total 168 hells?
There are 8 major Hells and the rest are minor hells?
1 major Hell has 4 sides with 5 minor hells - and hence in total 168 hells.
Of all the 8 major Hells - Avici Hell is the worst hell in terms of torment intensity.
Do you know that the characteristics of each major Hell - varies in torment?
Some hell are related to Hell of fire, some hell are related to extreme coldness, some hell are torment to the mental states, some hell are physical torture to the 4 elements of physical body.
I beg you don't know the characteristics of hell - then how can you comment that Buddha is in Hell?
ricky l • Remove
Do you know how we know what Buddha say - that are recorded in Sutra is true?
It is because, many people who has trained, practice and attained the Enlightenment of Nirvana - can vouch what Buddha say is true --- because the experience in Nirvana fit exactly what is recorded in the Sutra.
ricky l • Remove
So before you slander Buddha and misled others - you need to get your facts right and not hear from gossip or worst telling the untruth.
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