Friday, October 16, 2015

Ex-YMCA staff cried after Hong Lim Park incident

By | Yahoo Newsroom – 21 hours ago
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DRAGON  •  1 hour 43 minutes ago Report Abuse
quah you are a bad christian. a good christian will forgive .you have just send some one to hell and betrayed your own concience
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  • JJaneseeit
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    Janeseeit  •  50 minutes ago Report Abuse
    @Dragon... you got all the religions mixed up. Christian have no right to send anyone to hell. People who did not chose Jesus as their personal saviour goes to hell... Actually there is no hell, only bottomless pit and lake of fire. Hell is by the Buddhist...
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Can you prove that those people did not chose Jesus will go to hell?
    It is a serious statement - if you are not able to prove it.

    In Buddhism, it does not mandate people must believe in Buddhism to gain Enlightenment. As long as people understand the Universal Law and practice the 4 Noblepath, people can gain Enlightenment and enter into Nirvana - even though the person may not be a Buddhist.

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Hell is a place - reserved for sentinent beings that have extreme hatred, cruelty and viciousness and that have committed atrocities.

    No one will descend to hell just because someone don't believe in Jesus - unless you can prove it.

    At least we can prove that when someone committed murder, atrocities - will be put in a gallow for death sentence.

    Many people  don't believe in Jesus - and you mean all will go to hell? You have to prove this statement.
    Divity's motto :-

    "Leave no man behind" - such is the Universal Compassion.

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Why there is jihad, why there is holy war, why there is crusade - it is precisely because of Mutual Exclusiveness - believe me you go heaven, don't believe me you go to Hell.

    This is not Divinity - it sounds more like dictatorship.

    Divinity is Mutually Inclusiveness.
    Divity's motto :-

    "Leave no man behind" - such is the Universal Compassion.

    0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentricky l a second agoRemove
    It is precisely the Mutually Exclusiveness - that result in jihad, crusade and holy war - that many people die - descending to hell.

    For Divinity that is Mutually Inclusivness where Divinity motto is "Leave no man behind - no being is left behind to suffer, even the last grain of sand will be salvage ---- hence can aptly confer as "Universal Compassion" - where no beings in the Universe is left behind, not even the last grain of sand in the Universe.

    But if there is Mutually Exclusiveness - believe me go with me to Heaven, if not all go to hell ---- then is it "Universal Compassion" --- because majority of people, animals, insects, microorganism and other realms like Asura (Aliens or Titans), Hungry Ghosts, Hell beings etc. are not included.
    Then do you think the Divinity Compassion is BIG enough? Does not cover all Earth, not to mention the Universe.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
仁者无敌 - only with Universal Compassion which is Mutually Inclusive - can salvage all 6 realm sentinent beings.

No mutually exclusive ideology can salvage all sentinent beings - because "many will have been left behind - to suffer - in hell?"

Only a Mutually Inclusive Universal Compassion - with the Divinity motto of "Leave no man behind" - can successfully salvage all sentinent beings in the Universe.

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