REACH 236 - Views on further tightening border measures & vaccinating 12 - 15 years old (SK)
28 May 2021 (11am - 7pm)
[10:01 am, 28/05/2021] +REACH: Dear contributors,
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Megan 😊
[10:03 am, 28/05/2021] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢
From 11.59pm on May 29, Singaporeans and permanent residents (PRs) will have to test negative for Covid-19 before returning to or transiting through Singapore, as the country further tightens its border measures to manage the risk of imported cases and virus transmission in the community.
Tightened measures have also been introduced in the community, and vaccination roll-out ramped up - with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine authorised for use for children aged 12 to 15.
💬 What do you think of the further tightened border measures to reduce the risk of imported cases? Parents, what do you think about vaccination for kids between 12 and 15-years old as part of the nation's efforts to protect Singapore and Singaporeans against COVID-19?
All travellers will have to present a valid negative COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test result within 72 hours before they depart for Singapore. They will have to show their results again upon arrival in Singapore, before taking a PCR test and serving a 21-day stay-home notice (SHN).
The Government has lengthened the SHN period for travellers from higher-risk countries or regions, and stopped accepting new entry applications for work pass holders from higher-risk areas for now. Long-term visit pass holders and short-term visitors who have been in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka within the last 21 days have also been barred from entering Singapore.
[10:06 am, 28/05/2021] +Ken: Should have done long ago… 😅
Hopefully we can manage to prevent further spread. If not many business is not gonna make it
[10:08 am, 28/05/2021] +Ken: Vaccination done on Wednesday, first 2 days really no joke.
Tired, mild fever, arm pain.
Guess is one of the way we have to do to prevent further spread and help to get back to normal faster with locally high percentage inoculated
[10:11 am, 28/05/2021] +REACH:
[10:23 am, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Currently to stop further community spread, further tightening of the border measures is necessary.
2. But population need to ramp up our vaccination to protect ourselves - as we cannot close our borders perpetually - without incurring big impact to our economy.
3. The current foreign workers shortage in the construction sector already showing the negative impact - and many public projects are delayed not withstanding many private projects.
4. I support the vaccination of the age 12 to 15 years old to protect them as many students are infected in this current wave of infection.
5. The after effects of infection has long term damage to the patients.
[10:25 am, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Now in US, only 7 cases per day - after mass vaccination.
At peak was 250,000 cases per day.
[10:26 am, 28/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: I agree with PRs, Pass holders and other foreigners needing for negative test before returning or transiting. But Citizens should be tested upon arrival, we shouldn't let our own ppl stranded somewhere if they can't get a swab test. Anyway, Citizens got nowhere to run, swab and SHN until result is clear. If they commit any offense then charge them. My 2.14 cents.
[10:26 am, 28/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: No comments on kids vaccination as I'm impartial to it.
[10:27 am, 28/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: I agree with Danny. The virus doesn't care what race you are.
[10:28 am, 28/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Yet we cannot close our borders totally.
[10:28 am, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Closing borders entirely does not guarantee no infection.
2. Taiwan close their borders very well.
Now community cases exploded.
3. Australia also close their borders very well - but now Melbourne reported many cases of infection.
4. Hence vaccination is vitally important to protect local community.
[10:29 am, 28/05/2021] +Smiley face: All travellers will have to present a valid negative COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test result within 72 hours before they depart for Singapore. They will have to show their results again upon arrival in Singapore, before taking a PCR test and serving a 21-day stay-home notice (SHN).
What's the quality of these foreigns PCR tests?
Any lapses and FABRICATIONS at these foreign countries?
When these foreigners arrived into our Changi Airport (SPACE), are there RULES to REFUSE enter based on failed PCR tests at our side?
[10:29 am, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心: As vaccination pick up speed in many Countries, more Countries are eager to reopen travel - to reboot their Economy.
[10:31 am, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
For countries that have done well in vaccination - many such countries are eagerly opening up their borders for tourists.
But they are inviting vaccinated overseas travellers.
[10:32 am, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心: EU allow inter-Bloc travel with vaccination certificate.
[10:33 am, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心: Every Countries in the World need to get vaccinated right away - to end the Global pandemic.
[10:33 am, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
New strains and Vaccination hesitancy are the greatest obstacle in helping the world reach herd immunity - and reopening of the world economy.
This problem is face by Countries worldwide - US, UK, Israel, Arab Countries, EU, Japan, Thailand, HK etc ---- Singapore to some extent.
Indonesia, Israel, Arab Countries are taking tougher measures to make population comply.
US, EU are offering incentives and free gift.
[10:33 am, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心: Saudi taking tough measure on anti-vaxx group - that derail vaccination, propagate misinformation that cause vaccination hesitancy, prevent opening up and economic recovery. Many Gulf Countries are following the footstep of Saudi.
[10:35 am, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心: Balancing lives and livelihood - half-hearted lockdown - trigger covid surge (follow by slow vaccination).
[10:35 am, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心: People in China scramble to be vaccinated as fresh covid cases break out.
[10:38 am, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
So to conclude, based on so many case studies out there :- vaccination is currently the most potent solution to protect population within the Country.
And the most effective solution to defeat the covid pandemic - emerge from the crisis - and help us to reopen our economy and keep our business and jobs going.
[10:46 am, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
The long term effects of contracting covid - are very serious.
It can damage many of our vital organs.
So do protect ourselves, our family members and our young ones from covid - by vaccination.
Don't lottery our life and our loved ones away.
[11:03 am, 28/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: been telling ppl this
[11:03 am, 28/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: no one bother and in fact the Govt shld bring such news to ppl attentioned
[11:04 am, 28/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: imagine the kids are being affected how can we have a strong singapore core
[11:04 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben: Great to see these new measures. A bit confused why we didn't already have them.
[11:05 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben: As a parent I'm OK with my kid being vaccinated. I am not aware of problems with Pfizer.
[11:06 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben: I would like to see the use of tests to determine if people have the antibodies l, which is probably nie as useful as knowing if they are testing negative.
[11:07 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben: Still testing well
[11:08 am, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Study shows that immunity after vaccination can last much longer than a year.
Though anti-bodies at blood level drop, memory B cell laid dominant in the bone marrow - that will trigger an antibodies response if infected.
[11:08 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben: We should see this increase dramatically
[11:08 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben: Great job on delivering both doses
[11:09 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben: Yes managing outbreaks and increasing vaccinations is key. We can't keep borders closed and we can't keep locking down.
[11:10 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben: Fair questions, despite the🤔 tone 🙂
[11:12 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben:
[11:12 am, 28/05/2021] +YT: I support vaccination for children between 12 to 15 years old. Parents who refuse to get rheor children vaccinated should not be allowed to send their children to school when school starts. I recall during P1 registration, children need to have the necessary vaccinations before they can complete their registration. The Covid-19 vaccination should should be made mandatory.
[11:13 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben: Would be good to see vaccinated people have some benefit to being vaccinated. Currently there is none so little incentive if you believe you won't get infected.
[11:14 am, 28/05/2021] +YT: There was a letter circulating recently by some doctors who made known their personal preferences that children in this age group should not be vaccinated. Those doctors should be censured and a strong message should be sent by the government that anti vaxxers, whatever their agenda may be, have no place in this fight against the health crisis we are facing.
[11:14 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben: At least once the vaccine is rolled out to all ages.
[11:14 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben: Agreed, unless there is actual substantiated evidence
[11:15 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben: Remember the whistle blowers in China. The gov there censured them and look what happened.
[11:16 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben:
[11:17 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben: Yes personal preference is not a qualified position to publicise
[11:17 am, 28/05/2021] +YT: Anti vaxxers are often motivated by religious beliefs. Despite religious teachers and elders coming out to reassure their followers, anti vaxxers are still spreading unverified information to dissuade others from getting vaccinated. They have infiltrated chatgroups and may post seemingly innocuous messages but they all have the same theme. Don't trust the vaccines. Don't trust the government.
I hope the government is aware of such groups and act swiftly to nip them in the bud.
[11:17 am, 28/05/2021] +Sam: How does an infected Singaporean feel when he is not allowed to return home. How does the family of the infected Singaporean feel when the loved is denied entry? Of course we got to be fair to passengers of the same plane. But I guess, risk containment measures can be imposed to minimise the risk. For an asymptomatic infected person, I guess the risk should be already low. With enough distancing, and minimal contact, we should bring our people back.
[11:20 am, 28/05/2021] +~: Any preference for vaccine on ppe 50-55 age or ppe above 75
[11:21 am, 28/05/2021] +Valli: I was of the opinion that this has been implemented for all incoming travellers that they should be swabbed negative then allowed to come in , excluding citizens & PR
[11:34 am, 28/05/2021] +Valli: Should legislate
All those wanting to travel should get tested negative & have a vaccination cert.
For both outgoing & incoming travellers.
Otherwise there is no end to containing this virus.
Does not make sense in letting in people who are infectious.
[11:43 am, 28/05/2021] +Smiley face: One may adhere to GOLD standards while others just merely pass....
[11:44 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben: Yes, in and out regardless of nationality.
[11:46 am, 28/05/2021] +Caleb:
[11:48 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben: Where do they go if they test positive, and how are the people they were in contact with handled?
[11:50 am, 28/05/2021] +Caleb: They should not fly in when they are infectious. Just like in Sg those that have covid are being bring to a place. And not allow to roam around Sg
[11:53 am, 28/05/2021] +Smiley face: REFUSE entry upon failed test results and immediate REPATRIATE next flight out, even if it was the last, following day 1st flight out!
Policy to look into?
[11:55 am, 28/05/2021] +Ben: Yes, exactly. Not sure why this wasn't in place immediately. How does an airline not insist on a negative test before boarding.
[11:55 am, 28/05/2021] +Smiley face: It is a fact that people fabricate their education diplomas, what's there to stop this behavior of cheating a swab test?
Singapore is ranked the BEST place to live in, this covid times. IS A FACT!
[0:03 pm, 28/05/2021] +Smiley face: Airlines only verify for negative test results. Simply a paperwork process and filling up the seats! Almost like an Import & Export business.
The challenge starts when the arrivals touch down into one's SPACE!
That's the beginning of this government to check and verify on the spot.
[0:04 pm, 28/05/2021] +Ken: Lol totally
[0:05 pm, 28/05/2021] +Ken: They are not a country… cannot set such rules.. you want then country to ban you? 🤣
[0:07 pm, 28/05/2021] +Vivian: Should have more dine in areas for people who needs it. Kreta Ayer - Kim Seng has implement this and it's job well done! 👍
[0:08 pm, 28/05/2021] +Vivian: Especially in town areas
[0:09 pm, 28/05/2021] +CQ: A lot of places have this, some malls took the initiative to start. This place isn't the first.
[0:09 pm, 28/05/2021] +Ben: UK now doesn't even allow UK national to enter without a negative test before boarding
[0:10 pm, 28/05/2021] +Smiley face: It will be logistical challenge to "send" a SWAB TEAM on the day flight back to country of origin to conduct on the spot tests.
One, one way flight out to the country of origin, may well be over 3 hours or more (12 hours work span), catching last flight out and back to home - a day trip! (for South Asia Countries, this case)
Two, there may be a risk of infecting members of this small SWAB TEAM?
Three, this SWAP TEAM will have to Q or SHN upon arriving back home.
[0:11 pm, 28/05/2021] +Vivian: I'm just saying as I seen a post from FB. Also should not limit to drivers only.
[0:11 pm, 28/05/2021] +Vivian: A lot of people really need an eating place. #makestheworldabetterplace
[0:16 pm, 28/05/2021] +Angelica: Then if they test positive where do they go?
[0:47 pm, 28/05/2021] +Caleb: Today is 28 liao
[0:47 pm, 28/05/2021] +REACH: Digitally altered banner of dine-in area for essential workers in poor taste: Josephine Teo
Communications and Information Minister Josephine Teo on Friday (May 28) has slammed as crude an altered image of a dine-in area set up in Lower Delta Road for taxi drivers and delivery riders.
[0:52 pm, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
I think our community cases are in the downward trajectory.
It has improved from 20 over cases.
[0:54 pm, 28/05/2021] +YT: Hopefully
But let's not count the chickens before they hatch. Or rather, let's not count those not detected yet before they are detected. There are obviously inconsiderate, socially illiterate people who are sick but choose not to consult a doctor. As long as there are such people around, no one is safe. Stronger messaging needed to tell/advice/remind people to be socially responsible and see a doctor when sick and not go to work or school or for that matter, shopping malls.
[1:10 pm, 28/05/2021] +Smiley face: MC to re-enter to schools or workplace...
[1:15 pm, 28/05/2021] +Smiley face: Being able to fully open up and secure are the TWO BEST UNFAIR competitive advantage a country has, importantly this covid times!
[1:16 pm, 28/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: my worry now is dorm and still have unlink
[1:16 pm, 28/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: our open clusters have risen to 35
[1:18 pm, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Thus our best protection is vaccination because it sprout everywhere.
[1:18 pm, 28/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Agree. All must vaccinate
[1:18 pm, 28/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Even if one jab better than no jab
[1:36 pm, 28/05/2021] +Ken: Err just wait for more days to see bah
[1:49 pm, 28/05/2021] +Ben: correct - it reduces the spread, reduces symptoms, reduces hospitalisation and death. Let's roll it out quicker and to more people and worry less about those who don't want it. Once everyone who does want it has had it, then we focus on opening up and encouraging the remaining people to take it.
[1:49 pm, 28/05/2021] +Ben: This is a very simple policy to take, also the cheapest and puts our resources where needed most. Will get a lot of support from all the people keen to have the vaccine but currently not able to get it.
[1:53 pm, 28/05/2021] +Alvin Lim:
[1:53 pm, 28/05/2021] +Caleb: Now we have SINOVAC, the gov have not allow even for those with allergy and can't take the RNAs One
[1:54 pm, 28/05/2021] +Caleb: Isn't now emergency use?lol
[1:54 pm, 28/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: I’ve heard of some news that Chinese workers over here want this jab
[1:54 pm, 28/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Once approve they confirm rush for this vaccine
[2:04 pm, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend comments:-
1. So picture will only become clearer if all medically eligible adults are vaccinated by August.
2. In the meantime, phase 2HA can relax by 13 jun?
We still have to maintain good controls to win back likes of WEF, Shangri-la type of high profile international meetings.
3. Vaccination alone is only 1 aspect.
Bloomberg has several criteria in their covid resilience ranking.
[3:23 pm, 28/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Jobs Support Scheme extended to retailers, gyms and arts sector
[3:24 pm, 28/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: $800 million Covid-19 support package to help firms and workers, including enhanced wage subsidies, rental relief
[3:32 pm, 28/05/2021] +REACH: $800 million Covid-19 support package to help firms and workers, including enhanced wage subsidies, rental relief
An $800 million support package that includes enhanced wage subsidies under the Jobs Support Scheme and rental relief will be rolled out to help businesses and workers cope with the impact of tightened Covid-19 restrictions.
Announcing the measures on Friday (May 28), Finance Minister Lawrence Wong said affected gyms, fitness studios and performing arts and arts education centres will get 50 per cent of salary support for local employees under the Jobs Support Scheme (JSS).
[3:33 pm, 28/05/2021] +REACH: Likely no need to further tighten Singapore's Covid-19 rules as community cases have stabilised: Lawrence Wong
Prevailing measures to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus have been working so far as the number of new community cases have stabilised, said Finance Minister Lawrence Wong on Friday (May 28).
"Therefore, we do not think there is a need for further tightening in our overall posture," he said, adding that Singaporeans will still need to remain vigilant and play their part by minimising their activities and movement outside of their homes.
[3:36 pm, 28/05/2021] +Caleb: 👍
[3:43 pm, 28/05/2021] +Smiley face: Some thoughts to share with all....
Our Singapore:
Singapore's covid strategies for the next 2 years are OPEN LOGISTICAL AND TRANSITS using digital technologies to pack the new covid order. There will be a reshuffle in terms of the competitive nominal roles of each country and inter-competiveness. Singapore is well aware of its challenges and opportunities moving into 2023 and beyond. Singapore has the means to financial capital, technological capital (includes Fintech) and political capital to leverage Asean as a whole to a new level of playing field with the superpowers of the world.
The last 15 months of covid invasions have brought about a significant digital commerce opportunities across the world and this instant Asean.
[3:50 pm, 28/05/2021] +REACH: 15 new COVID-19 community cases in Singapore, including 4 unlinked infections
[3:50 pm, 28/05/2021] +Smiley face: "... play to win..."
United, We Fight On this (covid)
[4:01 pm, 28/05/2021] +Rama: We are doing well
[4:17 pm, 28/05/2021] +REACH: How better ventilation in buildings could help stem the spread of COVID-19
Improving ventilation and the flow of fresh air inside buildings could help to prevent the concentration of aerosol particles, though experts that CNA spoke to had differing views on how effective this would be in reducing COVID-19 transmission.
[4:35 pm, 28/05/2021] +Smiley face: Summary
Situational (open, partial or confined), airflow, velocity (seasonal), ventilate and importantly the physical distance and VOLUME (lxbxh) speaks the loudest!
Identifying the range of variables and challenges, we can proceed to check and eliminate these pointers to solve an existing problem or issue with a higher confidence of positive outcome.
Ventilation is like a Social Distancing initiative! SPACE is a nature given, free (not in a modern economics of space)!
There is need to qualify and quantify a given SPACE from private to public whether is a toilet, a room, a building or a populated city!
[4:40 pm, 28/05/2021] +jimmy chew: Can I clarify. Friends were saying that if you use token. You need to call MoH to find out if you are infected if you passed those areas. I thought the token will trigger by trace together app to show if I am near an infected person because all is linked by nric?
[4:51 pm, 28/05/2021] +REACH: Singapore planning for possibility that Covid-19 becomes endemic here
Singapore has started planning for the possibility that Covid-19 may become endemic here, said Finance Minister Lawrence Wong on Friday (May 28).
[4:54 pm, 28/05/2021] +REACH: Rental rebates to be passed directly to tenants in privately-owned commercial properties
Small and medium-sized enterprises as well as non-profit organisations (NPOs) in privately-owned commercial properties can expect to receive cash payouts directly from the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (Iras).
[5:11 pm, 28/05/2021] +CQ: Can this be made into a BCA requirement or something please? Sick Building Syndrome is a thing. There are so many offices where the flu bug just keeps making its round over and over and over that you fall sick again before you can even recover from an earlier round. And this was accepted as commonplace! It shouldn't have to take a pandemic for this to change, but now that we're here, please make this a thing...
[5:24 pm, 28/05/2021] +Caleb: But current measures may extend?
[5:33 pm, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Luckily we don't have to dig into past reserves - but funded through reallocation of spending.
2. Also look like this round of budget is more targeted to those business sectors and jobs that are impacted and need help.
[5:41 pm, 28/05/2021] +Kevin: No please don’t
[5:42 pm, 28/05/2021] +Kevin: It will harm hawkers business
[5:44 pm, 28/05/2021] +REACH: S'pore will not dip into reserves to fund new Covid-19 support package, says Lawrence Wong
Singapore will not dip into its reserves to fund a new $800 million Covid-19 support package, said Finance Minister Lawrence Wong on Friday (May 28).
[6:02 pm, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心: Promising oral drug to cure covid-19 - coming out. Alternative to vaccination.
[6:02 pm, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Very promising oral treatment drugs by various pharmaceutical companies on the way.
- Merck
- Pfizer
- Roche
- Atea
2. All undergoing human trials showing very promising results.
3. They are oral polymerase inhibitor - that prevent covid virus from replication.
4. Given when patients got infected.
5. Trials show that virus in the body are gone within 5 days.
6. If successful, covid-19 become bad cold that can be treated by oral drugs.
[6:02 pm, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
7. Covid virus not able to cause damage to human organs - as oral polymerase inhibitor prevent covid virus from replication.
[6:05 pm, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
8. However, vaccination as the foundation of protection for everyone is necessary.
9. Relying on such oral polymerase inhibitor pill - when infected - though can heal - could also cause harm to our organs if the infection is asymptomatic - and if not detected early.
[6:20 pm, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Thus if covid-19 is endemic - that's it will stay in this world for good - and not going away like any seasonal common flu or common cold - and will flare up time and again :-
- Mandatory vaccination will be the most likely option that the government has to consider.
- Without mandatory vaccination, those unvaccinated people will get serious illness or even death - as vaccination give protection to vaccinated people and build up their immune system.
2. Opening up our borders and economy will be inevitable - for our economy to recover and revive business and people's jobs.
3. Promising oral polymerase inhibitor pill - will be on our radar after human trials are over - and if effective - will become our treatment drugs against covid-19.
4. Then we truly can go back to pre-covid state - and relive our normal lives.
[6:35 pm, 28/05/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
5. To summarize:-
- we cannot solely rely on vaccination alone - but mandatory vaccination as the foundation for protection is required for everyone.
Without the vaccine protection - the person if infected with covid-19 can fall very sick or even death.
- we need treatment drugs for covid-19.
The current ongoing human trials for oral polymerase inhibitor pill develop by few pharmaceutical companies looks very promising.
6. With both vaccination and treatment drugs complementing one another - Singapore can safely and confidently prepare ourselves for the covid endemic - without having to take drastic lockdown measures.
7. In endemic stage, we will just treat covid-19 as any harmless seasonal flu - provided mandatory vaccination is enforced on everyone and oral polymerase inhibitor pill are ready.
[6:47 pm, 28/05/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
[6:50 pm, 28/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Gdnite Megan
[7:01 pm, 28/05/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
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