Monday, May 17, 2021

REACH 231 - Tighten measures, how you plan to adapt. Extend the 1st jab (SK)

17 May 2021 (11am - 7pm)


[9:46 am, 17/05/2021] +REACH: Dear contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind: 

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited.

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment.

4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.

5. Let’s protect each other’s privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all.

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies.

The topic will be posted shortly.

Thank you

Megan 😊

[10:00 am, 17/05/2021] +REACH: πŸ“’ Topic πŸ“’ 

All primary and secondary schools, as well as junior colleges and Millennia Institute, will shift to full home-based learning from Wednesday (May 19) until the end of the term on May 28, amid a rise in COVID-19 cases in Singapore. All centre-based tuition centres and enrichment classes should move activities online till June 13 or further notice. 

πŸ’¬ How are you adapting to the tightened measures? How can we as a community remain vigilant in the fight against COVID-19? 

Making the announcement at a virtual press conference (May 16), Education Minister Chan Chun Sing said that pre-schools and student care centres will remain open to support families who require their services, but encouraged parents to keep their children at home where possible, if they are able to do so. 

At the press conference, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung also said that Singapore is studying the possibility of spacing out the time between two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine for the next phase of the national vaccination exercise, so that more people can receive the first dose. 

He said that experts overseas and in Singapore believe that the two doses of the vaccine can be spaced further apart - up to six to eight weeks instead of three to four weeks currently - without affecting their efficacy. 

"This is a strategy for phase two of our vaccination exercise moving forward," Mr Ong added. More details will be announced soon once they are finalised. 






[10:03 am, 17/05/2021] +Neeyor: Why is vaccination rollout so slow in Singapore? Can it be made faster?

[10:05 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: instead of asking why vaccine slow

[10:05 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: i will say WHY SINGAPOREANS SOOO SLOW AND STUBBORN still dun wan to mask up well !

[10:06 am, 17/05/2021] +Wilson Leong: I hoped that government can help us retailers as no one visited the mall.

[10:06 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: basic process cannot follow

[10:06 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: They are looking to speed it up by slowing the gap between does

[10:06 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: no one ones this also phv and taxi are badly hit too

[10:06 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Doses

[10:07 am, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: ya lor, can drive up communication effort on basic hygienic like how to wear mask, hand washing, reach home shower

[10:07 am, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: how to wash hand, the 7 or 9 steps

[10:08 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevin: How come dine in not allowed but retail still open? Make no sense. People cannot dine in but people can go shopping, and if crowd is formed then there will be possibility of being tested positive. I think this make no sense

[10:09 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevin: Why not close retail too?

[10:09 am, 17/05/2021] +Neeyor: We still need 2 doses fire protection Soo this is a delay tactic at best,PR tactic at worst. We could have done a much faster job of vaccinating all economically viable folks. 

I wonder if there are major supply issues that we are not made aware of. Otherwise there is no reason to have not done Mass vaccinations and not have such a huge second wave

[10:11 am, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: so gov no need give money to retail lor, also for ppl who want to purchase anything other then online when it's a CB.

[10:11 am, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: with the no dine-in and 2 to a grp, not many ppl who go retail

[10:11 am, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: *will go retail

[10:12 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Need to wear masks in retail, not when dining

[10:12 am, 17/05/2021] +Dong Liang: When you dine in you remove the mask but when you go shopping, the mask is still on. So the risk is low.

[10:13 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Thanks for clarification on taxis and staycations over the weekend @REACH Singapore , glad to see logic prevailed!

[10:14 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Also we may be facing a worse problem than anticipated so these tough measures are the right thing to do. However, let's hope someone is checking there are no obvious gaps. Also glad to see the vaccine being being rolled out to FDW.

[10:14 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Maybe they were not in the original calculation, hence the need to spread the dose.

[10:14 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: However the vaccine approach I the UK has worked, so far.

[10:15 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: There is a logic to getting people 1 dose as soon as possible

[10:15 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Reduce the spread and symptoms as quickly as possible across as many people as possible. Buy time to then do a second dose.

[10:16 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Also new vaccines are coming so another booster in 6 months months might be needed anyway.

[10:16 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevin: Now trend is all buy online. Shop online enjoy online price

[10:17 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: I do wonder why only 90% of front line were vaccinated though, how is the programme being prioritised? I could have waited for my vaccine.

[10:18 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: My friend's daughter was at the school where the home tuition case was identified.  Although on HBL already, they were not given SHN. Odd...

[10:21 am, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: I know la, but some things I prefer to see in person first. like shoes or clothes

[10:21 am, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: then buy online, if it is cheaper.. lol

[10:24 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: At that rate there soon won't be any shops left to try things on and see in person!

[10:25 am, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: well, due to the competitions, sometimes shops are cheaper then online..

[10:25 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: That's true!

[10:26 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: thus the govt is good in this approach

[10:26 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: We all know what to do and have had 1 year of practice. Clearly things slackened off, for good reason. There were no community cases. The whole point of the measures were to enable us to get back to normal.

[10:26 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: restrict movement but ppl dun understand all stay home instead

[10:26 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: but when really lock down they wanna come out

[10:27 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: wth is wrong with singapore

[10:27 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: in today period , if no one wants to come out (except supermarket robbing) then the ecnomiy is still going down

[10:29 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: take the appropriate action > go out when need / buy your stuff / use taxi pr phv to isolate yourself as much as possible

[10:29 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: support ur nearby food stores

[10:30 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: and debunk those who say is a lock down

[10:30 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: is NOT a lock down

[10:30 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: also debunk those who say vaccine no need mask / cover mouth is enuff ....

[10:32 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: we need people corporation here

[10:32 am, 17/05/2021] +xxxxxxxx: Immigration should have a tighter scrutiny, and shn longer period for all coming into the country

[10:33 am, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: u mean 21 days not enough?

[10:33 am, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: Maybe should test 40 days later, based on data some tested positive sometime later

[10:33 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: no point to bang on this is too late the line had been breech , border can only further enhance, now is an inland situation that needs control and remediation

[10:37 am, 17/05/2021] +xxxxxxxx: Yes something of  test again after a period as this is an ongoing issue affecting the community as our country needs ppe coming into singapore every single day.

[10:47 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: like that put them on island better right let them camping there and even if infect is outside of main land hahahaha

[10:48 am, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: I mean 21 days, maybe WFH, minimise go out

[10:48 am, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: 40 days, do a test just to double confirm

[10:48 am, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: after 21 days

[10:48 am, 17/05/2021] +Sam: The only bottle neck we have is the supply of vaccine. We have secured enough vaccine for all but we do not all the supplies at one go. That's why they are controlling the registration. Once a new batch of vaccines is cleared to be delivered, vaccination more slots will be opened.

[10:49 am, 17/05/2021] +xxxxxxxx: Is sinovac comin in

[10:49 am, 17/05/2021] +Rama: Yes

[10:53 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: still evaluating i think

[10:54 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: heard now the review are gaining traction

[10:54 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: for sino

[10:54 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: it might be slow but the effect are better

[10:54 am, 17/05/2021] +Fulgrim: That's what the lazarus  and St John's islands are for ...

[10:55 am, 17/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Real life results, better than any clinical trial imo

[10:55 am, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: πŸ‘πŸ™

[10:55 am, 17/05/2021] +Fulgrim: I think Singaporeans hear this until sian liao

[10:55 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: haoya dun say mah let ppl guess which island they go .. maybe for green peace lover can go to semakau hahahhaha

[10:56 am, 17/05/2021] +Fulgrim: There will always be some weirdos and Karens

[10:56 am, 17/05/2021] +Fulgrim: But these pple cannot be changed one

[10:56 am, 17/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Majority are OK

[10:56 am, 17/05/2021] +Valli: Agree

[10:56 am, 17/05/2021] +Fulgrim: If really want to to prevent then full cb

[10:56 am, 17/05/2021] +xxxxxxxx: Something of that as many carrier are show no sympton during shn, thats the crucial issue, so maybe like a after test is impt to safeGuard the whole country

[10:56 am, 17/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Reduce risk

[10:57 am, 17/05/2021] +Fulgrim: I m sorry but half assed measures are difficult now esp since latest info reveals that the new mutations are airborne and much more virulent and Infectious

[10:57 am, 17/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Nurses and ica all wear ppe also kena

[10:57 am, 17/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Nurses vaccinated Somerset

[10:57 am, 17/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Somemore

[10:57 am, 17/05/2021] +Fulgrim: I think half measures will no longer work anymore

[10:58 am, 17/05/2021] +Fulgrim: I know u Don like it but a lock down will probably be the only way

[11:02 am, 17/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: I’ve been thinking no way for another CB but based on the numbers recently and keep having new clusters weekly, I have to agree reluctantly that another CB might be needed.

[11:04 am, 17/05/2021] +65 9847 9001: Not sure if your phone has a virus because this is what I see🀣

[11:04 am, 17/05/2021] +Valli: We don’t need a lockdown. 

Following SMM, restrict movement of people, go out only if necessary, schools & learning institutions going HBL, WFH , can help during this time to bring down cases.

[11:21 am, 17/05/2021] +Neeyor: Maybe they should have approved JnJ and AZ vaccines just to spread the risks of supply.

[11:22 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: hurh JNJ !

[11:22 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: that one even in usa kenna block u still wanna use

[11:22 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: dun for the sake of prevention but ppl lives at risk

[11:22 am, 17/05/2021] +Murphy Choy: Whatsapp has a sync error.

[11:22 am, 17/05/2021] +Murphy Choy: Please restart.

[11:23 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: is a one way direction, there is no retake no add on life

[11:23 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Yes, agreed

[11:24 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: More frequent testing

[11:24 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Both are important

[11:25 am, 17/05/2021] +Neeyor: I'm just intrigued that immigration is coming up now because India is suffering from an outbreak. I didn't see just calls for border control when US and EU were having uncontrolled spreads. No one was standing outside ICA holding placards for sure. 

I personally know at least 10 people who came in and out of US, UK and Spain end of last year. Some tested positive upon return and some didn't. But there was no hysteria around border control then. 

The argument is that "we are not racist, only concerned". Maybe, we are both.

[11:26 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: ehh now talk about virus reh u need to bring this up

[11:27 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: den why not talk about china

[11:27 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: I thought there were border controls then too? Only PR and Cit and WP....

[11:27 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: in fact i think we did block uk flts for a very short while

[11:27 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: and some euro flts

[11:27 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: us flts were not block

[11:27 am, 17/05/2021] +Stella Yip: Many tuition/enrichment centres will bleed. Last year G got rent subsidy and salary subsidy to help them, this year also will give help to them? Or nothing??

[11:27 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: but bottom line is dun care what flits which countries enhencement needs to be beef up at the border land sea or air

[11:28 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: espically the commercial one , we might have confident in our SQ but can you guarantee others

[11:28 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: no news

[11:28 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: same for taxi and phv

[11:30 am, 17/05/2021] +Stella Yip: Nothing for them too? 😨πŸ₯Ί

[11:30 am, 17/05/2021] +Poh S Lim: Yes, I’ve observed many empty taxis cruising around looking for customers since yesterday. I feel sad for them, it’s like last year’s situation for them again

[11:32 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: 0 company only subsidy extra 5 dollrs ...

[11:32 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: u see outside now sooo dead ... cover rental is the max lucky one can earn 10 dollars after business exp

[11:32 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: is worst den last year cos govt + company subsidy almost 0 rental

[11:33 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: now still need to pay phv 40+ rental taxi 90+ rental

[11:33 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: best part taxi all over at taxi stand ppl still choose phv

[11:33 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: wth

[11:35 am, 17/05/2021] +Stella Yip: Hope G offer at least the same package as last year. Many have not recovered from last year, but survived thanks to G help. So now kena again, very jialat.

[11:35 am, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Yes, we should open as much as possible but have measures in place to ensure people are not free to roam while infected, and that passengers are protected from each other.

[11:37 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: gold hill dig will be dust hill also at this rate see how they are supporting the so call health sector 18miilion ppl say not enuff want MOREEEEEEEEE

[11:37 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: dun we think we better rain storm on this ....and public health

[11:38 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: i mean brain storm

[11:38 am, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: hahah rain storm

[11:38 am, 17/05/2021] +Stella Yip: If die from covid, very sad. If die from no work, loans cannot pay, no $, no food then is 😭

[11:42 am, 17/05/2021] +Stella Yip:

[11:43 am, 17/05/2021] +Stella Yip: We love the big picture. We all want to be part of this wonderful future. We hope we all survive to see this. We hope G save us like G saved us last year, no one is left behind.

[11:48 am, 17/05/2021] +Suma pamu:

[0:02 pm, 17/05/2021] +~Yu: πŸ‘

[0:03 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: This India strain cause spread more easily then the rest

[0:04 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: So it became the limelight

[0:19 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevin: Where is 1 metre distancing? Please advise

[0:22 pm, 17/05/2021] +YT: Where is safe distancing ambassadors? Please advise

[0:24 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevin: Not there

[0:31 pm, 17/05/2021] +YT: Maybe went for lunch break. 🀣

[0:34 pm, 17/05/2021] +Rama: No staggering of lunch break since more than one SDA?

[0:35 pm, 17/05/2021] +Simon: Poor SDAs. How they eat lunch nowadays?πŸ€”

[0:36 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: hahahahah i like that

[0:37 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: before  peak and after peak hours no need to teach them also on this bah

[0:37 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: like when u know when to visit your office toilet also ...

[0:37 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: not saying you are simon

[0:37 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: just giving a very realistic example

[0:37 pm, 17/05/2021] +Simon: I meant since no dine in as they are always on the beat

[0:41 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: like public transport personnel eat in the open under void decks

[0:41 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: carpark

[0:41 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: staircase landing

[0:41 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: anywhere is possible as long as dun get caught saf rule ;)

[0:43 pm, 17/05/2021] +Simon: Hope they have a proper office somewhere to do that though. But anyways, I’m sure all been arranged for them

[0:52 pm, 17/05/2021] +65 9746 5279: Just wondering... When travellers coming to Singapore and need to observe SHN... Were they transported to a designated place with official transportation or taking their own choice of transport, e.g. public transport?

[1:01 pm, 17/05/2021] +REACH: Form your own social bubble and stick to it to keep your family safe from Covid-19: NCID director

The nation's Covid-19 situation could be more dangerous than it was just before it entered circuit breaker last year, and people must go above and beyond what is being asked for to keep safe, said the National Centre for Infectious Diseases' (NCID) Associate Professor David Lye.

[1:04 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: based on the CB period is a shuttle, airport got taxi drivers waiting for 2-3 hours just for such job ... and is not cheap ... full ppe on and have to full disinfect

[1:04 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: is direct to the hotel designated den taxi will return to airport again

[1:04 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: now dun know

[1:09 pm, 17/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Using the word “Bubble” again!!!

[1:23 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

Part 1 - 2 opposite sides of the coin - Public Health Safety vs Economy

1. Public Health Safety versus Economy ---- is 2 opposite sides of the coin.

2. The moment if covid spread - human safety is impacted --- and people will scramble for lockdown ---- that will adversely affect Economy, Business and Jobs.

3. Hence, the solutions must be to solve the public health safety - by defeating the covid.

4. Only by defeating the covid - lockdown will not be required - and Economy, Business and Jobs can be saved.


[1:27 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevin:

[1:28 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevin: Poor thing..

[1:29 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Sure kenna by cdg for sitting in the boot

[1:29 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Anyway if picking up your kid frm school can use taxi

[1:29 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Minimize exposure

[1:37 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

Part 2 - Defeating the covid

1. There are no single silver bullet to completely defeat the covid.

2. There is one close one - that is proven in the real world - to be quite effective in slowing the spread of the covid, drastically prevent people from getting very sick and hospitalisation and preventing death ----- it is the mRNA vaccines and to some extent other vaccines.

3. Government just annouce spreading the 1st jab to as many people as possible - while holding the 2nd jab longer ---- as long as not reducing the effectiveness of the vaccines ---- could be the right solution.

(However, I will like to appeal that for those who have received confirmation for the 2 jabs --- must still proceed ahead ---- without the need to cancel their 2nd jabs. Else it will be quite messy and confusing for these people.)

The new stretching of the vaccine arrangement - should ideally commence for those people who have not yet registered for vaccination.

4. Real life situation eg. Israel, US, Italy, UK, Spain, France --- have reported very positive outcomes after they exceed certain threshold of mass vaccination.

Singapore have not reached the mass vaccination threshold - experience by the these Countries ---- hence we are not able to see those positive outcomes experienced by these Countries.

5. In fact, we are experiencing the current 2nd wave of community spreading - which all the above Countries have subdue.


[1:38 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:

Italian real-world study shows Covid-19 infections, deaths plummeting after jabs

[1:38 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:

How the United States beat the Covid-19 variants, for now

[1:38 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:

UK prepare for major reopening of their Economy - but worry about the India double mutants.

[1:38 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:

France high vaccination rate - also produce good results.

[1:38 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:

[1:47 pm, 17/05/2021] +REACH: A post-Covid-19 Singapore is one that breaks new ground in the digital space to offer unlimited opportunities for its businesses and people, and collaborates closely with them to be sustainable and stronger together.

This is the vision put forward by the Emerging Stronger Taskforce, a year after it was launched last May to chart Singapore's post-pandemic economy.

*More articles on the report by the Emerging Stronger Taskforce (17 May) here: *

➡️ Task force proposes how Singapore can emerge stronger in a post-Covid-19 world

➡️ Emerging Stronger Taskforce: Set up industry-led partnerships that are not afraid to 'fail fast and fail forward'

➡️ Emerging Stronger Taskforce: S'pore can unlock "virtually unlimited opportunities" by playing to its strengths

➡️ Establish S'pore as carbon trading and services hub, seize green opportunities: Task force

➡️ Emerging Stronger Taskforce: As businesses transform, they must equip workers with skills for new roles

➡️ Strengthen S'pore's international partnerships, especially with South-east Asia: Task force

[2:08 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

Part 3 - Vaccinating the mass

1. Pushing the 1st jab to as many people as possible while extending the 2nd jab (but not excceeding its effectiveness) --- is a viable vaccination strategy to get the mass as quickly as possible.

2. Once the mass vaccination threshold is reached - even before reaching "herd immunity" - it will come to a point whereby mutated covid - can no longer able to transmit easily within the community ---- as can be seen in the real life situation in so many other Countries that have reached the mass vaccination threshold.

3. Preparing vaccination for the below 16 years old - will also be a good strategy to achieve the mass vacccination threshold while protecting the children in schools.

4. Once the mass vaccination threshold is reached -- eg. 60% - when we can see a positive impact of drastically reducing the spread of the covid regardless of the types of various mutants ----- our next target will be to achieve "Herd Immunity" ---- of at least 90% vaccination rate.

5. Singapore being a very open Economy - a regional air hub, a sea hub ---- cannot be opening and closing our borders (like now you can come in, oh sorry now you can't come in, now we open again, oh sorry we need to close again).

6. Singapore External Economy - 3 times the size of our GDP --- cannot sustain such shocks in the long run.

7. Hence, herd immunity of at least 90% vaccination rate - must be achieved --- to effectively stop the spread of covid within our community --- while opening our borders.

By achieving at least 90% herd immunity vaccination will :-

a. Protect everyone from infection, and if infected - will not succumb to more serious illness.

b. Blunt the ability of covid to spread - if a few succumb to more potent mutated strain of the covid.

8. Hence, I am toying with the idea of "Compulsory Vaccination" - the like of compulsory vaccination - such s BCG vaccination and other vaccination to prevent smallpox, measles, polio, diptheria, chickenpox, tubercuolosis etc ---- that will cause serious public health safety to the whole community.

9. Covid-19 pandemic --- is as serious as the above disease, virus and bacteria pandemic - that will seriously cause harm to public health safety and warrant serious consideration for " Mandatory Vaccination " ----- so that Singapore can :-

a. Ensure everyone's health is safeguarded from covid-19

b. Economy can be open up - to safeguard our Businesses and Jobs

10. In fact, I think compulsory vaccination should be considered- for those who are medically eligible but refused to vaccinate either out of fear or out of misguided ignorance.

11. For those people who are medically ineligible for mRNA vaccines that cause allergy, serious study should be made for other non-mRNA vaccines so that such group can also be vaccinated.


[2:11 pm, 17/05/2021] +Alex: Amazed none of the keyboard warriors have pointed out that he is not parked legally. 🀣

[2:22 pm, 17/05/2021] +REACH: Allow foreign workers into S'pore in safe and controlled manner, say construction firms

[2:22 pm, 17/05/2021] +Samantha: Should be inhouse mbs staff doing sda

[2:39 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevin: Bo bian la people hungry want to eat

[2:48 pm, 17/05/2021] +Girl waving hand: MOM need to start approving for new source countries for foreign workers

[2:51 pm, 17/05/2021] +Valli: *Priority & focus now on containing the spread of the virus. *

[2:51 pm, 17/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: That’s what we all are doing right now

[3:11 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:

England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland opening up after mass vaccination.

[3:45 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

1. If potent and virulent India double mutants variants can "spread like wildfire among unvaccinated people" ----- it is imperative that "Mandatory Vaccination" --- is the only viable option ----- if we, the Country as a whole can successfully emerge from the pandemic and completely defeat the covid-19.

2. There are no other options.

No if, no but...

[3:49 pm, 17/05/2021] +Rama: Task force charting Singapore’s post-COVID-19 recovery puts out 5 recommendations

[3:51 pm, 17/05/2021] +Dan: Hi Reach, please also take the people's social and emotional needs into consideration during this trying times. With HBL, people will have to juggle between their work and family at home. And when school holiday begins, children will have lots of free time, especially when outdoors become restricted. I hope MCCY can step in to bring in more activities, and to fill up this gaps for our children.

[3:51 pm, 17/05/2021] +Rama: πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ™

[3:51 pm, 17/05/2021] +REACH: Avoid narrow definition of 'Singapore core', says DPM Heng

"That test for us must be the commitment to Singapore, the commitment to the well -being of Singapore and of Singaporeans," said Mr Heng.

He was responding to a question at a virtual press conference by the Emerging Stronger Taskforce, on which term - 'Singapore core' , or 'Singaporean core' - most accurately captures Singapore's workforce policy, and what global talent will be needed to implement the task force's recommendations.


[4:18 pm, 17/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Numbers not out yet?

[4:18 pm, 17/05/2021] +CQ: nope... which usually indicates that the numbers are gonna be quite rabak

[4:20 pm, 17/05/2021] +Wilson Leong: [JUST IN] Covid-19 update in S'pore on May 17:


* Community cases: 21

* Dorm cases: 0

* Imported cases: 7

Total cases: 61,613

Of the 21 locally-transmitted cases announced today, 10 are linked to previous cases.

[4:22 pm, 17/05/2021] +Elena Woo: So many unlinked cases again.

[4:22 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: and Sundays, GPs and polyclinics are closed

[4:22 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: it will be the norm for the next few days

[4:23 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: takes a while to die down

[4:26 pm, 17/05/2021] +REACH: SG-HK travel bubble deferred again after Covid-19 cases spike in Singapore

The air travel bubble (ATB) to allow for quarantine-free travel between Singapore and Hong Kong will be delayed again, after a spike in Covid-19 cases in Singapore.


[4:28 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: can call it greenzone?

[4:28 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: dont call bubble la

[4:29 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: got invite all the religious head to pray over it??

[4:32 pm, 17/05/2021] +Rama: No need for balloons next time

[4:35 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: GZ not nice

[4:35 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: ST nice

[4:35 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: ?

[4:35 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Safe Transit

[4:36 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: but who are we to talk about feng shui

[4:36 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: the Hong Kong ppl are more expert in this field den us

[4:36 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: Safe Travel

[4:36 pm, 17/05/2021] +REACH: 21 new community COVID-19 cases in Singapore, including 11 unlinked

21 COVID-19 community cases were reported in Singapore as of noon on Monday (May 17). Ten cases were linked to previous clusters, while 11 had no links to other cases.

[4:36 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: Safe Countries

[4:36 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: ask them to create a good Feng Shui Name

[4:37 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: STC, Safe Travel / Transit / Transmit / Transxxxxx / Channel

[4:40 pm, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Which can only be achieved by ensuring the well being of all people living in Singapore, not just PR and Citizens....

[4:40 pm, 17/05/2021] +Ben: or corridor - travel corridor is nice :)

[4:51 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Not bad corridor

[5:12 pm, 17/05/2021] +xxxxxxxx: Bubble easily burst🀣

[5:27 pm, 17/05/2021] +Elena Woo: very true

[6:46 pm, 17/05/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

Thank you for your views so far, We want to HEAR MORE from you! πŸ€—

 ⏰ We will be extending the chat to 11pm today. ⏰

[6:47 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: Wah. Don't tell me got more news coming

[6:47 pm, 17/05/2021] +CQ: ooh..... extending to 11pm means got announcement coming...???

[6:49 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: 🀣

[6:49 pm, 17/05/2021] +CQ: maybe press conf happening now

[6:53 pm, 17/05/2021] +Boon: πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

[7:04 pm, 17/05/2021] +Ben: What's the topic again? πŸ˜‰

[7:10 pm, 17/05/2021] +Ben: What is the difference between "SHN in a dedicated facility" and Quarantine? Anyone know?

[7:12 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: Quarantine is at home?

[7:15 pm, 17/05/2021] +Ben: I thought quarantine was in a dedicated facility with no contact with anyone.....

[7:15 pm, 17/05/2021] +Anne:

[7:15 pm, 17/05/2021] +Ben: A friend was quarantined here in Singapore last year for 3 months.... <gulp> not allowed out the room at all.

[7:16 pm, 17/05/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

Thank you for your views so far, We want to HEAR MORE from you! 

We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!


[7:18 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: How come?

[7:19 pm, 17/05/2021] +CQ:

[7:19 pm, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Adapting to the measures by setting up video calls with my kids friends to avoid personal contact as much as possible, and things to keep him occupied while I try to work..... Already WFH so no difference in the set up here. Not sure how to be vigilant against a virus, but can avoid people, keep clean and encourage vaccinations. Try to not get depressed about the whole thing and adopt a can-do attitude.

[7:20 pm, 17/05/2021] +Alex: Maximum group size of 1?

[7:22 pm, 17/05/2021] +KS Foong: I think SHN are for those had not shown any symptoms. Test negative but still need further observation; and Quarantine refers to those had already showed symptoms or had tested positive. Quarantine must be done in a medical facility. SHN is place to provide isolation to stop potential transmission

[7:22 pm, 17/05/2021] +Rama: Expecting CB news!

[7:23 pm, 17/05/2021] +Ben: "All were identified through testing while they were in SHN facilities." - so I'm confused, when they say facilities, they mean at home?

[7:24 pm, 17/05/2021] +Ben: and how do they prevent contaminating others in the house. We always see numbers of people on SHN that are testing positive.

[7:25 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: Press conference by the multi task force got to do live. Like Taiwan

[7:26 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: Sometimes news company come out with news that are bits and pieces

[7:27 pm, 17/05/2021] +CQ: Yah.... I agree....

[7:28 pm, 17/05/2021] +Smiley face: Frankly, going forward, there may be a disincentive for a person (all age) to see a GP unless the condition is more than mere sneeze and cough.

It may become an unintended consequence.

The key is to track infectious people to contain further spreading of any disease, this case is covid.

[7:31 pm, 17/05/2021] +CQ: Depends on how the SHN is done. For people coming through borders, SHN is done at dedicated facilities eg hotels cos it's a fixed 14 (now 21) days. When you're unwell and you go see a doctor, the MC issued to you has the same effect as a SHN directive, but you're doing it at home.

The general distinction previously was SHN can go out to see doctor, QO cannot step out of the house at all. Currently the lines have blurred into each other. SHN at facility is as good as QO. SHN at home means you need to take necessary precautions at home to minimise interaction with family, although that's usually a "too late!" 🀭

[7:32 pm, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Thank you!

[7:32 pm, 17/05/2021] +CQ: I think the disincentive is more in terms of the MC quota which some companies still enforce..

[7:37 pm, 17/05/2021] +Smiley face: Not reporting sick can be a gap and crack in terms of identifying a covid patient.

MOE should come up with a directive for  students who are absence or being told to go home rest.

These students must seek a GP certification that he or she is covid negative before returns to physical schooling.

[7:37 pm, 17/05/2021] +Rama: Agree

[7:40 pm, 17/05/2021] +CQ: Not just MOE though... I think it should be across the board. The adults seem to be the ones sniffling or getting a fever but not seeing a doctor until 3 days later.

[7:41 pm, 17/05/2021] +Smiley face: Same goes for adult world.... Company, corporation anf public entities should enforce this certification before the staffs return to the workplace.

There maybe a disincentive for some people NOT to see a GP! IMAGINE if this person tested and he or she is covid positive, his or her family will be under immediate Q abd etc.

[7:41 pm, 17/05/2021] +CQ: πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

[7:42 pm, 17/05/2021] +Smiley face: Key is IDENTIFY infectious people SOONEST.

It is very tough to seek this almost impossible task. 


[7:46 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

Then all the more Government should enforce Mandatory Vaccination!

[7:48 pm, 17/05/2021] +Rama: This is  a sensitive area due to religious belief amongst own perception.

[7:49 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

Just pitch it in similar manner like BCG vaccination, smallpox vaccination etc.

[7:49 pm, 17/05/2021] +CQ: I think right now it's not that people don't want to vax, the limiting factor seems to be one of supply rather than lack of demand. Like for me and my hubby, we want to vax but it's not our turn yet

[7:50 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

I met a couple of people and ask whether they have registered for vaccination or not they say no.

They are more hesitant to vaccinate than want to vaccinate.

This is my worry.

[7:50 pm, 17/05/2021] +Rama: Worth a try  but not sure how far it will go

[7:50 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: Maybe gov can release the SINOVAC then later the rNA ones when they are available. 

As now is a pendamic

[7:51 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: Meaning jab SINOVAC, when there are stocks for rNA ones they can jab too

[7:51 pm, 17/05/2021] +Rama: There is a higher cost to pay  than not being vaccinated

[7:52 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 


If people can accept and think rationally - we can beat the pandemic faster.

[7:52 pm, 17/05/2021] +CQ: But even so, it's not a case where the vaccination centres are languishing and wasting the vaccines like what's happening in the US. If that was the case, the govt would have opened up for more people to register for their vaccines which they have not done. Thus I'm deducing that there's probably still a good balance of supply vs demand.

[7:52 pm, 17/05/2021] +Rama: I am with you

[7:54 pm, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Yes big flaw in the system.

[7:58 pm, 17/05/2021] +Rama: Many TTSH staff members face discrimination after COVID-19 cluster emerged: Healthcare Services Employees’ Union

[7:58 pm, 17/05/2021] +Rama: SFA seeks views from public and industry on master plan for Lim Chu Kang food hub

[7:59 pm, 17/05/2021] +Elena Woo: But u have to see the actual reality. Many employers penalise staff for taking mc.

[8:02 pm, 17/05/2021] +Smiley face: The unintended consequence that I'm concern is the INDIVIDUAL not seeking doctor's help. Thus there maybe a lapse in IDENTIFYING a potential MILD symptom covid person.

Thats the hair that broke the camel's back....

We need to QUALIFY & QUANTIFY in this covid issue

[8:03 pm, 17/05/2021] +REACH: Many TTSH staff members face discrimination after COVID-19 cluster emerged: Union

Discrimination against healthcare workers has increased since the COVID-19 outbreak, with many Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) staff members encountering problems when the hospital emerged as a cluster, said the Healthcare Services Employees' Union (HSEU).


[8:03 pm, 17/05/2021] +Rama: Lone wolf is an issue

[8:04 pm, 17/05/2021] +Smiley face: History does not repeat itself in the same way each time, but certain trends and consequences are constants. If you do not know history, you think short term. If you know history, you think medium and long term.

—Lee Kuan Yew

[8:05 pm, 17/05/2021] +Rama: Well said

[8:06 pm, 17/05/2021] +Smiley face: SARS 2003

[8:22 pm, 17/05/2021] +Elena Woo: Was wondering why doesn't the TT physical token allow usb charging? Wouldn't then it does not require to keep exchanging the token?

[8:28 pm, 17/05/2021] +Alex: TT tokens need to be easy to use, especially for older people.  Current units are very straightforward and have batteries that last five to six months.   

The cost of manufacturing a rechargeable unit (with all the required bits including USB plug, charge level indicator etc) would likely be significantly more expensive that current system whereby you swap to a new unit and MOH recycles old unit with fresh battery.   Plus enevitable there would be probably with people not charging correctly.

Current system seems very sensible for the use-case.

[8:32 pm, 17/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: THIS IS STUPID ... if they want to discriminate then what about non C19 period, without these group of people in this service who gonna care for the so call "discreminators"" when is their turn to lie on that same bed which had host so many patients! stupid arrogant people! should ban them from renting out of their properties!

[8:47 pm, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Yea, it reads to be quite contradictory, although I know it is not.

[8:55 pm, 17/05/2021] +REACH: Parents, tutors weigh in on MOE's decision to move students to HBL, online learning

Ms Yohannes Azman is a single mum of two: her 15-year-old daughter is a student at Canberra Secondary School and her son, 11, a pupil at Rainbow Centre Admiral Hill School.

The 36-year-old, who works in the early childhood sector, welcomed the recent announcement that schools will start full home-based learning (HBL) from Wednesday (May 19) until May 28.


[8:59 pm, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Yes, we were debating to do this anyway after exams finish tomorrow.

[9:29 pm, 17/05/2021] +An fan: government can not enforce vaccination while it is still experimental.

[9:30 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

Until the cases exploded like India.

[9:38 pm, 17/05/2021] +Anne: No point enforcing. The vaccines don’t prevent infection.

[9:39 pm, 17/05/2021] +Anne: Also, if enforce, and someone super rich dies or got serious injury, our G risks a lawsuit.

[9:39 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

Until corpse have to lie in the street.

Burn it with pyres.

And people gasping for oxygen.

Corpse throw into Singapore river.

[9:42 pm, 17/05/2021] +Sharon: Vaccines doesn’t mean that you are immune but it’s does help to prevent that’s why lots of medical stuff is asking for vaccinations.

[9:42 pm, 17/05/2021] +Sharon: Just like our flu A jab

[9:42 pm, 17/05/2021] +Sharon: If you take the jab doesn’t mean that you are immune but it helps your body to prevent

[9:43 pm, 17/05/2021] +Sharon: That’s why it’s encouraged to get the injections for children and elderly

[10:01 pm, 17/05/2021] +Anne: This is only your opinion. Our G has made it clear that vaccines alone is not adequate to solve the Covid 19 problem. And it’s not just jab one time, it’s jab every year. These vaccines are experimental and our G has admitted they do not know the long term side effects. Also, all the “prevent serious side effects” is based on small data pool only, meaning it is INDICATIVE and not FIRM CONCLUSION.
You seriously need to stop your intolerance. I know of people who will not take the vaccines even if our G makes it mandatory. They would rather go to prison. So kindly stop this stubborn crusade of yours.

[10:01 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 
1. To prevent our country from being invaded by enemy - citizens serve National Service to protect our Country, our People.
2. Now our Country and our People are invaded by covid - it is our National Duty, to perform our National Service to get ourselves vaccinated - so that we can prevent covid from attacking us and then use us to jump host to attack our people.

[10:01 pm, 17/05/2021] +CQ: correct me if i'm wrong, but there are only 2 mandatory vaccines in Singapore - measles and Diphtheria
[10:04 pm, 17/05/2021] +REACH: Two students, teacher from 3 different primary schools test positive for COVID-19
Two students and a teacher from three different primary schools have tested positive for COVID-19.
One of the cases is a Fuchun Primary School student who tested positive for COVID-19 on May 16, the Ministry of Education (MOE) said on Monday (May 17).

[10:04 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 
Then send them to prison if they refused to vaccinate because they are not only harming themselves - but they are harming others.
Just look at the examples of those individuals who refuse to wear masks - calling themselves sovereign and refuse to wear mask - then they have to be put in prison because they imperil the community.
Those who refuse to vaccinate for compulsory vaccination like BCG etc will subject to the same law.

[10:07 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:      
Mandatory vaccination in Singapore.

[10:07 pm, 17/05/2021] +CQ: BCG was not compulsory, but take-up rate was almost 100%
[10:07 pm, 17/05/2021] +CQ: yes, MMR. but not for everything.
[10:08 pm, 17/05/2021] +Elena Woo:
[10:10 pm, 17/05/2021] +Elena Woo: The student from Maha Bodhi School was last in school on May 12 and was well. 
"As this is a linked case, where she had developed symptoms after being quarantined, MOH does not require contact tracing among school contacts," said MOE.
I think contact tracing should be required for linked cases even after the person is quarantined. Becoz the person may be asymptomatic before quarantine and infectious.
[10:10 pm, 17/05/2021] +Elena Woo: I dun understand why skip the contact tracing?
[10:11 pm, 17/05/2021] +Boon: Agreed
[10:11 pm, 17/05/2021] +An fan:
[10:12 pm, 17/05/2021] +Smiley face: All covid APPROVED vaccination regimes are EXPERIMENTAL drugs for emergency use, this case covid-19
Mandatory use of Covid vaccination regardless of manufacturer has to be approved by WHO for global utility and verified by the county legal system.
It needs time before you reach the global 'APPROVAL' stage.
[10:13 pm, 17/05/2021] +REACH: World Economic Meeting scheduled to be held in Singapore postponed to first half of 2022
[10:14 pm, 17/05/2021] +REACH: Visitors to White Sands shopping mall from May 2 to May 11 urged to get tested for COVID-19: MOH

[10:17 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:                                                                                                                                                 Indonesia make covid-19 vaccination for citizens compulsory.

[10:19 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
As Israel re-open, those who are not vaccinated will be left behind. New government and business initiatives are moving in the direction of a two-tier system for the vaccinated.

[10:22 pm, 17/05/2021] +Thomas: This is some kind of misinformation website and align to trump conservative people
[10:23 pm, 17/05/2021] +An fan: Those TTSH doctors and nurses still spread virus to others right? And those  CIA staffs. They are fully vaccinated. These vaccinated people are more dangerous to others as they do not show symptoms when they are infected and so spread to rest.
[10:26 pm, 17/05/2021] +CQ: eh? today chat extended to 11pm but no announcement leh! cheat my feelings sia πŸ˜†
[10:27 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: WEF cancel
[10:28 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: CNA just said retail owners rather gov go CB so can have money support to them

[10:28 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 
Well government will have to weigh the pros and cons of making vaccination mandatory like Indonesia or a stronger mandate like the Israel.
Is the current lockdown on and off acceptable?
I personally don't think so - and prefer a stronger efforts in getting everyone vaccinated - using whatever persuasive means, legal means or stronger measures to get people vaccinated.
I see vaccination the way out for our country and our people.
Many countries who have mass vaccination demonstrate this.
I am all for it for the larger good.

[10:29 pm, 17/05/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 
Our financial reserves are not bottomless pit - that can keep digging into it.

[10:29 pm, 17/05/2021] +Anne: Got la. They announced.
[10:30 pm, 17/05/2021] +65 9651 4778: World Economic Forum cancels special annual meeting in Singapore
[10:30 pm, 17/05/2021] +REACH: Hong Kong tightens restrictions on arrivals from several countries, including Singapore
Hong Kong will tighten travel and quarantine requirements for several countries, including Singapore, Malaysia and Japan, starting from Friday (May 21).
[10:33 pm, 17/05/2021] +An fan: One more thing, those fully vaccinated people, if they are infected, will they be quarantined or not.
[10:34 pm, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Shame.... but an indication if the world's billionaires realise they can't travel this year, what hope for the rest of us
[10:34 pm, 17/05/2021] +CQ: i was bracing myself for something drastic. 🀭 (no, i did not go down NTUC...) πŸ˜†
[10:34 pm, 17/05/2021] +Boon: Dear REACH, there are many countries that are preparing to allow travels for their summer holidays, which starts around July. Our current 1-month “breaker” ends June. Do we risk a 3rd round of infections from holiday seekers? How is Sg prepared for these overseas visitors ?
[10:34 pm, 17/05/2021] +Boon:
[10:36 pm, 17/05/2021] +Caleb: I think is ppl don't want to fly into Sg
[10:36 pm, 17/05/2021] +An fan: As long as they are not from highly infected countries, why not.
[10:37 pm, 17/05/2021] +Boon: Indeed. Since these tourists would be helpful to the economy. So, the question is, how should Sg prepare for visitors?
[10:43 pm, 17/05/2021] +Ben: Yes, that is the right question to ask. How do we make it work?
[10:47 pm, 17/05/2021] +An fan: Tourists fromChina stay in hotel up to 48 hours waiting for test results right? And they buy insurance before coming. This can apply to tourists from other countries ?
[10:50 pm, 17/05/2021] +Smiley face: Firstly, the world tourism is at its LOWEST since 1949.
ASIA is the hardest hit region. 
To REBOIT one's tourism requires a few attributes to think about:
Infrastructures ready?
Soft tools ready?
Global Sentiment?
[10:54 pm, 17/05/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 5 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


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