REACH 229 - Tighten measures, how it affect you (SK)
14 May 2021 (11am - 7pm)
[1:13 pm, 14/05/2021] +REACH: Dear contributors,
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Megan π
[1:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +REACH: π’ Topic π’
The Multi-Ministry Taskforce (MTF) announced today (14 May) that the COVID-19 measures would be further tightened to contain the increasing number of cases in the community.
π¬ What are your views on the tightened Covid-19 measures just announced by the Government? Which of the measures will affect you the most?
From Sunday 16 May to Sunday 13 June,
• Group sizes to be cut from 5 to 2 pax; up to 2 unique household visitors a day
• Dining-in to cease; only takeaway and food delivery allowed
• Work-from-home to be the default, no cross-deployment
• Services which require masks to be removed (e.g facials, saunas) to cease
[1:17 pm, 14/05/2021] +Timothy Low: Will schools be closed?
[1:18 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Now seems like back to CB measures already.
[1:19 pm, 14/05/2021] +Daphne See: Will Jun hols be brought fwd?
Will learning and tuition centres be asked to go online?
[1:19 pm, 14/05/2021] +Timothy Low: Will outdoor group exercises be cancelled or allowed to carry on
[1:20 pm, 14/05/2021] +ZieChon: Yah very close to CB measures
[1:20 pm, 14/05/2021] +Valli: Schools should lock down ASAP. Activate HBL .
[1:20 pm, 14/05/2021] +Samu pamu: Better close Schools please..
Better To Do it now..than Wait Furtherππ½
Always safer to over do than Downplaying
[1:21 pm, 14/05/2021] +Dong Liang: Toilet paper is running out of stock quick..
[1:21 pm, 14/05/2021] +ZieChon: Hope no hoarding
[1:21 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: This one is cb liao
[1:21 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Parents got to be at home
[1:21 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Just planning to go out to buy my son work at home stuff - now cannot buy already.
Not possible to carry the heavy stuff and plan what to buy with 2 person.
[1:21 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: It starts from Sunday right?
[1:22 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: So if you want to chiong and go out today, still can
[1:22 pm, 14/05/2021] +SL: Effective From sunday
[1:22 pm, 14/05/2021] +m@dm@n: well that defeats the purpose right
[1:22 pm, 14/05/2021] +m@dm@n: suppose to reduce ppl going out to prevent spread
[1:22 pm, 14/05/2021] +m@dm@n: just because of the rules
[1:23 pm, 14/05/2021] +m@dm@n: all go out on the last day
[1:23 pm, 14/05/2021] +m@dm@n: u risk urself n other ppl to the spread
[1:23 pm, 14/05/2021] +m@dm@n: please take a step back and think for a moment
[1:24 pm, 14/05/2021] +m@dm@n: is it worth doing it? given the risk of spread
[1:24 pm, 14/05/2021] +Daphne See: No dine in, max 2 pax. How to eat in school?
[1:24 pm, 14/05/2021] +Timothy Low: Schools will be exempted?
[1:25 pm, 14/05/2021] +Boon Phing: Lol... then we going to school canteen to eat...?
[1:25 pm, 14/05/2021] +YT: Good. No dining in. I wonder what took the government so long to do this. Should have done it two weeks ago already!
[1:26 pm, 14/05/2021] +Boon Phing: Just declare CB
[1:26 pm, 14/05/2021] +YT: Minor inconvenience now so as to avoid greater inconvenience later on.
[1:26 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: My colleague tested positive for covid. Entire company now in anxiety.
[1:26 pm, 14/05/2021] +Dong Liang: Non essential shops all close is the next
[1:26 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: This is in relation to Danny's message that he needs to buy stuff for WFH, since he says not possible to carry the heavy stuff with 2 people.
But you're absolutely right. I hope no one chiongs to NTUC and Sheng Siong for toilet paper after this.
[1:26 pm, 14/05/2021] +YT: Don't do things bit by bit. Should have done tighter measures weeks ago. Too slow, in my opinion.
[1:27 pm, 14/05/2021] +YT: Same family, surely can be more than 2 right? Or strictly only 2 each time?
[1:28 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: Like the group of 5 restriction, it's gonna be hard for the people enforcing to be able to tell if everyone from the group is from the same household. So it'd be a blanket restriction
[1:40 pm, 14/05/2021] +m@dm@n: just order in bulk for delivery ba
[1:40 pm, 14/05/2021] +m@dm@n: they have free delivery
[1:40 pm, 14/05/2021] +m@dm@n: no need to go join crowd
[1:41 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ken: Delivery also should be packed for sure
[1:41 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: Remember what happened last year? All the delivery slots were full. Not sure if it'll be better this time round...
[1:43 pm, 14/05/2021] +Joseph Ong: Have/Will our borders be closed to non-citizens from "high risk" countries? Is it time to revert to more stringent movement restrictions ie. quarantine facilities rather than SHN? Because what is the point of having these restrictions, having every citizen - who has a stake this country, and NO OTHER PLACE TO GO - bite the bullet, while borders remain porous to transient travelers who are seeking temporary shelter here , at our expense, due to their own countries' failure to rein in the pandemic?.
[1:44 pm, 14/05/2021] +KS Foong: I think the public transport still is the biggest gap! How to practice safe distancing?
[1:45 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: +1
[1:45 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Maybe after lunch, got to scramble down to NTUC to buy groceries first.
Even food run low already.
Now got to scramble to do as many things as possible this 2 days.
[1:45 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ken: Cause we still need to travel… lol… also don’t know why they release back… so back to alternate seating?
[1:46 pm, 14/05/2021] +KS Foong: This new measure is almost like a lock down. Must well bite the bullet to hv a lock down for 21 days. Under crisis, we hv to be decisive!
[1:46 pm, 14/05/2021] +Timothy Low: Yes we should be decisive and not step by step
[1:46 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
But too little time to react and prepare.
Got caught flat footed.
[1:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +Timothy Low: Let it hurt once and for all for faster recovery
[1:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Looking like second wave in full swing
[1:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +KS Foong: No time to waste this time. Pls feedback to the ministry!
[1:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Expect supermarket to be packed for purchase
[1:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Whelp, time to to push my marketing trolley to the supermarket now
[1:51 pm, 14/05/2021] +REACH: Singapore, Hong Kong travel bubble may be delayed; decision by early next week: Ong Ye Kung
Transport Minister Ong Ye Kung said on Friday (May 14) that Singapore will "critically review" the start date of the air travel bubble between Singapore and Hong Kong, given Singapore's rising number of COVID-19 cases.
[1:52 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: Bursttttt
[1:52 pm, 14/05/2021] +Joseph Ong: Have/Will our borders be closed to non-citizens from "high risk" countries? Is it time to revert to more stringent movement restrictions ie. quarantine facilities rather than SHN? Because what is the point of having these restrictions, having every citizen - who has a stake this country, and NO OTHER PLACE TO GO - bite the bullet, while borders remain porous to transient travelers who are seeking temporary shelter here , at our expense, due to their own countries' failure to rein in the pandemic?.
[1:52 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: I knew it would be postponed so no popping of balloons still.
[1:57 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: I think should stop the imports and close borders and focus to recover our community first. Only after our community recovers, then can relook into allowing our borders. Right now seem that community is getting out of control.
[1:57 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: +1
[1:57 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevin: Why government don’t want to declare CB 2.0 but implement these kind of measure
[1:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Essential will still come through with strict measures
[1:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: CB 2.0 impact is way too big.
[1:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Means supermarket outbreak
[1:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: At least tightening of measures bit by bit allows cushioning the impact a bit
[1:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Our reserves again!?
[1:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevin: But now this new measure is as good as CB 2.0
[1:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: Still not CB.
[1:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Valli: Agree
[1:59 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Enforcement with no exception
[1:59 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: At least the recent measure in tightening vietnam borders when monitoring them for 1 week is good improvement for our govt alr.
[2:00 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: As they have the increasing trend last 1 wk.
[2:00 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: At least this is faster response as compared to the India case.
[2:01 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Yes
[2:02 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: Hope our gov keeps up with analysing the trends for different countries. No doubt due to the nature of our country we cannot close our borders to international agendas, but with analysing trend by country, we can mitigate or minimise import covid risks.
[2:02 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Agree
[2:04 pm, 14/05/2021] +YT: We only have ourselves to blame if we go into lockdown. Too lax and all complacent. Also, not socially responsible. Sick and don't see doctor. It's just all these ugly behaviors of some people that is causing inconvenience and economic problems for all.
[2:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: True also... but there is another concern on employers. Employers dun like staff tk mc and a lot of them penalised their staff for taking mc. Hence end up staff dun dare see doc when they got flu, cough and fever..
[2:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Valli: Hospitals & polyclinics should have open area & airy & spacious concept of holding patients with flu symptoms .
As mention before from my observation , this has to be implemented urgently .
[2:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: Is it really staff fault? I dun think so. I think it boils down to employers instilling fear into staff for taking mc
[2:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Government, union, Sheffield, smell, various chamber of commerce must discuss this.
[2:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: I think MOM shd look into penalising employers who penalise their staff for taking mc. And taking mc shd never count towards performance appraisal etc.
[2:08 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Something must be done ASAP
[2:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +YT: Again, we have ourselves to blame. Too many people take MC ecen when they are not sick. So, can we blame the employers if there are such malingerers around?
[2:10 pm, 14/05/2021] +YT: *even
[2:10 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: More than one side to this
[2:19 pm, 14/05/2021] +Joseph Ong: It is probably true that we have gotten complacent about a lot of the safety measures due to our early success with getting the pandemic under control.
BUT... to be fair, we had NO community cases for many months even when the complacency had already set in. It was not UNTIL a new variant was IMPORTED into Singapore.
It seems that many of these foreign travelers were simply asked to serve SHN. Did we place too much trust that they had strictly observed the SHNs? Was our trust betrayed? Is there not a lesson to be learnt from this?
[2:26 pm, 14/05/2021] +REACH: Pivoted nightlife establishments face stricter measures after breaches of Covid-19 rules
Former nightlife operators can now lose their food licences if they commit serious breaches of Covid-19 safe management measures (SMM) under new regulations announced on Friday morning (May 14).
[2:30 pm, 14/05/2021] +Linda: Saw the group reduce from 5 to 2.
How about 1 parent who need to bring 2 kids to school at the same time? Not the same rule right?
[2:37 pm, 14/05/2021] +Boon: I think it’s good to hold ourselves accountable to a higher standard, but it needs to be fair too.
[2:38 pm, 14/05/2021] +Boon: +1
[2:39 pm, 14/05/2021] +Valli: Lesson to be learnt , all those travellers arriving including sporean & PR should isolate at certain facility for 3 weeks. No SHN.
[2:45 pm, 14/05/2021] +REACH: Changi Airport Covid-19 cluster originated from zone that received travellers from higher-risk places
Workers infected with Covid-19 at Changi Airport had mainly been working in one zone that had received travellers from higher-risk countries, including South Asia.
[2:49 pm, 14/05/2021] +REACH: Public transport can be 'very safe' if commuters keep their masks on and refrain from talking, says transport minister
While there might be “transient” crowding at certain train stations, public transport is “very safe” if commuters refrain from talking and keep their masks on, said Transport Minister Ong Ye Kung on Friday (May 14).
He was responding to a reporter’s question on possible measures to limit crowds in public transport during a press conference by the COVID-19 multi-ministry task force.
[2:54 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ken: Lol who don’t talk inside
[2:54 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ken: π€£π€£π€£ unless SDA go fine then
[2:56 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Need to fine for talking in public transport
[2:56 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Can Gov come out with a emergency rule
[2:56 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: This maybe the loophole...the virus found
[2:57 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: this rule is not observed at all
[2:57 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: and u know why refrain from talking cos we have idiots who take out mask to talk!
[2:57 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevin:
[2:57 pm, 14/05/2021] +Linda: +1
[2:57 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: dun blame smrt or govt for this rule
[2:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: is society that FORCE THEM to make such seeming stupid rules ... from stupid society !
[2:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Is a advise. Not a rule yet
[2:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: so angry at how we let our guard down and living with idiotic people
[2:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: all effort wasted !
[2:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Too late. Well better then never
[2:59 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: wait u mean all these while they did wear ppe?
[2:59 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: just only a mask?
[2:59 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: or all along have
[3:00 pm, 14/05/2021] +Joseph Ong: Why isn't the Govt announcing any explicit movement restrictions for FDWs?
While my FDW is relatively responsible and had been choosing to stay home during her off days, many friends have not been as fortunate and many disputes have arisen due as FDWs see it as their right to roam as they please on their off-days, while employers are worried that their FDWs may unknowingly bring the virus home.
The Govt had been championing welfare/benefits for our FDWs, which I am all for, but in times like these, it becomes a challenge for employers who may need to restrict every household members' movements as a precaution. A lot of FDWs nowadays actually have the upper hand in such negotiations with border restrictions limiting the supply of replacement FDWs.
Having a…
[3:01 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Maybe like FW. off days on any day
[3:01 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Their friends can take the off day on the same day to hang out tog as a grp.
[3:02 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Instead of all having on Sundays off
[3:02 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: We can’t stop people for social but can we stop virus to spreading
[3:03 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: I think firstly we can increase the number of ppl to get vaccines
[3:03 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: At least there is some form of protection
[3:03 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: Then refrain from body contract
[3:04 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: Then have rule like wear glove while handling food
[3:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Many places food stuff running low or out of stock
[3:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Xiasuay v2.0?
[3:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: Thus encouraging digital payments
[3:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevin: You just went to see ah
[3:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Joseph Ong: Social distancing and limiting social (non-essential) interactions IS an effective way of limiting the spread/transmission of communicable diseases
[3:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Boon: Haha... where can I find this news?
[3:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Boon: You could start a NTUC-Sing Siong race here :)
[3:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: You want I can sell you in carton haha π
[3:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +Leonard Lau: Is it?
[3:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: This was 1.55pm at WWP NTUC
[3:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: I think at this time ppl don’t come in can chop ppl there is still stock
[3:08 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: If you go after work check all the shelves
[3:08 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Most of them would be empty by then
[3:08 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevin: Aiyo shouldn’t be like this ma
[3:08 pm, 14/05/2021] +Boon: Thanks! I see a lot of people, and a lot of food still...
[3:08 pm, 14/05/2021] +Boon: Assuming no staff to restock the goods.
[3:08 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Sheng Shiong some of the items also running low esp those cakes and muffins etc
[3:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: Many ppl just stock up but after the first circuit breaker many ppl are throwing away food π
[3:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: I think have to start controlling ppl back food liao
[3:10 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: This time round, my wife and I buy just to replace
[3:11 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: aiyo we are not NOT in complete lock down
[3:11 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: people have to know they still can go out but in pair !
[3:11 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: Actually the lesson we learn from 1st circuit breaker is we will never short of food but we will be short of money buying too much food π
[3:11 pm, 14/05/2021] +Leonard Lau: I doubt people stock food.. two to gather is allowed
[3:11 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevin:
[3:11 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ken: Wear glove don’t means save… when you see them reuse is worst than not washing hands trust me
[3:11 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ken: Safe”
[3:11 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Yes
[3:12 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: yes but please dun be smart arse and go out in 2 by 2 hor
[3:12 pm, 14/05/2021] +Boon: Agreed! :)
[3:12 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: dun be like mr but we 5 mah sit at different tables ....
[3:14 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: Why ppl like to think out of the box π₯Ί
[3:14 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Actually the issue is more on hoarding rather than no staff to restock
[3:14 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Yes
[3:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: I agreed
[3:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Even a well supplied economy can see issues when everyone starts hoarding stuff
[3:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: You see how long can cakes and bread last π₯Ί
[3:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: The “you die your business” mentality in Sg really needs to change
[3:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: All care for themselves and hoard
[3:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: All it takes is one unconfirmed rumour to spread like wild fire
[3:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: No toilet paper got water
[3:16 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Yes
[3:16 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ken: Oh well even in japan also hard lol
[3:16 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Xiasuay v2.0
[3:17 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Pls invite LW or PM Lee to assure our xiasuay public can?
[3:17 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: maybe big family and they just had a mala feast leh...? π€
[3:18 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Issue ration coupon to control crowd size and purchase
[3:18 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: I dunno why egg bread and toilet paper always out of stock
[3:19 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevin: Not again hoard
[3:19 pm, 14/05/2021] +Boon: Why?
[3:20 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: ☝π» @Boon
[3:20 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: 3rd world mentality in 1st world economy
[3:20 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: Agreed
[3:23 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: i wouldn't call it a 3rd world mentality, cos that presupposes that people in the less developed areas are selfish. in fact it's the contrary, people in developed countries tend to have a heightened sense of self and individualism. remember how we say "kampung spirit" as a good thing? when we were kampung, that's technically 3rd world, but the people were more considerate of one another. in fact it's when we became a "developed country" that the "Me First" mentality comes iin
[3:23 pm, 14/05/2021] +Boon: π
[3:25 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Won’t wanna get into this 3rd world etc but a G2er here have a very detail cultural map on our differences
[3:26 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: @Leonard Lau can share the cultural differences thing here? Can remember the link
[3:26 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: I think first have to control ppl from hoarding
Second stop the chain of virus
[3:27 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: ☝π»
[3:29 pm, 14/05/2021] +Boon: Poor me... looked down by fellow Singaporeans (and politician) alike
[3:29 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim:
[3:30 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Collectivism VS Individualism
[3:30 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: cannot... i think the moment they call press con, the queues at NTUC and Sheng Siong will get even longer π
[3:30 pm, 14/05/2021] +ZieChon: I just hope this time, since there is no global scale lockdown or hoarding, that a small spike in SG orders won't unsettle suppliers for long.
[3:30 pm, 14/05/2021] +ZieChon: So everyone just chill
[3:32 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: If only everyone are just as chill as us haha
[3:33 pm, 14/05/2021] +ZieChon: πππ
[3:39 pm, 14/05/2021] +Leonard Lau: Yes . You got the details ..
[3:46 pm, 14/05/2021] +Daphne See: what if we have 2 kids, how to send them to school, and pick them up?
[3:46 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: wait u guys are saying people actually really go buy lorry of stuff
[3:46 pm, 14/05/2021] +REACH: Employers in recovering sectors should bring forward hiring plans, reward workers fairly: NWC
All employers should re-evaluate their current business situation, with the National Wages Council (NWC) urging those that are growing or recovering from the Covid-19 impact to take steps to restore their workers' wages, reward them fairly through variable payments and bring forward hiring plans.
[3:46 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: we really must public shame them reh
[3:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: really is not end of the supply chain
[3:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Go back square 1. Recover what ah
[3:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Yes
[3:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +Leonard Lau: Is there a guideline that you cant be with your 2 children ?
[3:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +65 9296 7168: Do we still have the loophole of people from high risk countries flying to low risk countries first, stay there for 3 to 4 weeks then fly into SG? If our G don't allow people from these countries to fly into our country direct, can G impose law or guidelines to stop this loophole? I feel they should respect the clear and explicit intentions of our G and not use loophole on our G.
[3:48 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: There’s also the Uncertainty Avoidance traits
[3:48 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: No trust equals do the same mistake over and over again
[3:49 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: I believe our government got wind of this planning with or without the social media post of former nmp Calvin Cheng.
[3:49 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb:
Think gov need to consider this.
[3:49 pm, 14/05/2021] +Leonard Lau: Do you think this loophole still exist given the issue is burning all over the world ?
[3:55 pm, 14/05/2021] +65 9296 7168: π
[3:59 pm, 14/05/2021] +65 9296 7168: I dunno if G got say or never say, so cannot assume mah. Otherwise become spread fake news liao. Some ppl in this chat super well informed, so someone might know for sure, and they may share with the rest of us.
[4:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +REACH: S'pore can't rely on herd immunity, will use Covid-19 vaccines among other measures: Gan Kim Yong
Herd immunity is not something that Singapore can rely solely on to control the spread of Covid-19 infections, said Health Minister Gan Kim Yong at a press conference held by the multi ministry task force tackling the pandemic on Friday (May 14).
Vaccination, he explained, is but one tool in a suite of measures to fight the disease.
[4:12 pm, 14/05/2021] +Leonard Lau: The answers can be found as per Govt travel advisories since 22nd April . Thanks .
[4:13 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Dun bother bro, some will doubt such advisories and believe in the fake videos they see
[4:14 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Yes
[4:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Leonard Lau: While I agree so long one chose what to believe (confirmation bias) rather than seek facts .
[4:17 pm, 14/05/2021] +REACH: Dear Friends of REACH
Hope you are keeping well!
Tell us how you feel about the latest COVID-19 measures at
Feel free to share this link with your family members, friends, colleagues etc and invite them to share their views because #EveryVoiceMatters to us!
Meanwhile, please stay safe, take care and keep in touch. :)
[4:18 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Was expecting this so this time round, more Prepared
[4:19 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Now everyone scrambling from place to place to buy the essential for the 1 month lockdown.
Caught flat footed.
Everywhere long queues.
[4:20 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: today no numbers yet?
[4:21 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Hopefully by news time tonight
[4:21 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ken: Good move
[4:21 pm, 14/05/2021] +Leonard Lau: The truth is that this is an expected wave but we are still overly fixated with number of cases in Singapore .
I suggest to take the European mindset . So long we are not crippling our health care system , move on and accept that there will be some infections
Use our good energy to stay tiptop personal hygiene with adequate social distancing;
Uplift ourselves to better prepare ourselves for the Post-Covid world rather than worrying and predicting outcome .
[4:22 pm, 14/05/2021] +Leonard Lau: Releasing soon.
[4:23 pm, 14/05/2021] +Leonard Lau: Great initiative
[4:23 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: and also socially be responsible -> if need to go out please donned up well, stay away from crowd
[4:24 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: and PLEASE SPREAD THE MESSAGE NO NEED TO HORDE .... there is no famine going on .. life is still abit normal
[4:26 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevin: Must be got a lot of case that’s why took so long
[4:26 pm, 14/05/2021] +Wilson Leong: [JUST IN] Covid-19 update in S'pore on May 14:
* Community cases: 24
* Dorm cases: 0
* Imported cases: 28
Total cases: 61,503
Of the 24 community cases reported today, 20 are linked to previous cases.
[4:26 pm, 14/05/2021] +Wilson Leong: In Liao. Not a lot
[4:27 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Be prepared for upswing
[4:46 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Ventilation!?
[4:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +Sharon: Should be ok not airtight π
[4:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: No need to rush to buy groceries or other essentials: Chan Chun Sing
[5:02 pm, 14/05/2021] +REACH: 24 new Covid-19 community cases, including 13 linked to Changi Airport cluster
There were 52 new coronavirus cases, including 24 in the community, as at Friday noon (May 14), said the Ministry of Health (MOH).
Of the community cases, four are currently unlinked.
Thirteen are linked to the Changi Airport cluster, taking the total number of patients in the largest active cluster to 59.
[5:03 pm, 14/05/2021] +Leonard Lau: An article for those still has concerns about our policies toward Indian travellers
[5:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +REACH: S'pore has adequate stocks, says Chan Chun Sing, amid long supermarket queues after Covid-19 rules tightened
Long queues formed at supermarkets islandwide on Friday (May 14), as people stocked up on groceries and essentials after the Covid-19 multi-ministry task force announced tightened measures that begin on Sunday.
This prompted Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing to give the assurance that all retail outlets, including supermarkets, will remain open during the period of tightened measures from May 16 to June 13.
[5:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Leonard Lau: In addition to the above , the policy was updated on 4th May .
Singapore extends stay-home notice to 21 days for travellers from higher-risk places
[5:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +Timothy Low: Aiyo don’t public shame people leh
[5:11 pm, 14/05/2021] +Joseph Ong: As is usually the case, the issue is not the policy, but rather ENFORCEMENT. Over the years, we seem to be very quick to come up with "good ideas", but fail miserably when it comes to ENFORCEMENT.
[5:17 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: some ideas are just "good on paper" but not enforceable because of the use of vague terminology like "should", "encourage", "ideally". even the laws are also crafted overly broad at first instance, then slowly scaled back on a piecemeal basis, which makes it very difficult for people to understand what the law is/should be.
[6:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +Boon: I agree with you. It’s easy to take a photo and point fingers without trying to understand.
[6:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Tbh it’s not my photo
[6:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: But shared in chat groups
[6:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Mothership also used it
[6:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: But censored the eyes
[6:17 pm, 14/05/2021] +65 9640 3311: Chill guys. To each their own. Can’t control everyone’s behaviour and maybe they really have their reasons? As long as our Govt assures us there are ample supply. Seeing all the old pics from the last CB floating around again. Just for fun lah
[6:19 pm, 14/05/2021] +Boon: Exactly, everyone would have their reasons. If Chill = take a moment to emphatise and not quick to judge, that would make our society a great one π
[6:23 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Thank you, completed.
[6:25 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: In dedicated facilities I hope?
[6:25 pm, 14/05/2021] +Leonard Lau: Yes . It is in the article
[6:26 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Saw the 14 days in facilities 7 days at home
[6:26 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: They should be tested every few days not twice on the last day.
[6:36 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama:
[6:48 pm, 14/05/2021] +Gan Kelvin:
[6:48 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Expected
[6:53 pm, 14/05/2021] +Samu pamu: So as no School cluster started.. schools will be As usual?!
How painful it will be if it happens.
There are evidences now that younger ones also getting infected in india, not sure why To delay HBL, despite the fact that Almost all households equipped with HBL at home, .
Ok if Not every one ready, why not give parents An option for HBL or Live class.
I am so disappointed
As My child needs to take public transport to school, and She has Asthma.
Really do not know
What to do,..!!
(And this 2 person rule does not make Sense.. as Few Parents has more than 1 child and They need to bring all children to (same or) Different schools sometimes, Diff Tuitions etc etc.
Is nt we Must be proactive Than Reactive when comes to children?!
[6:59 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Changi airport cluster mainly come from one zone receiving south Asia passengers.
And staff spread the virus to the public by eating in food court and interact in other amenities.
[7:01 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Several students are infected by a private tutor at a a tuition centre - Learning Point.
[7:02 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Guessing they are waiting for exams to finish
[7:04 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Ok, this is a real shocker and total lapse of what should be secure protocol. In IT we air-gap of computers to eliminate virus spreading. Maybe we should do a similar thing for people at risk, and not allow interaction.
[7:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: So what is gov going to do now? With the info
[7:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: “But unfortunately this mutant virus (is) very virulent, it broke through the layers of defence,” he said. - excuse me but that's a load of BS
[7:05 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Staff should eat in staff canteen and not public food court.
Staff serving the passengers should all wear PPE.
[7:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: The defense was not put in place
[7:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: no point looking at all these
[7:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: milk is spilled
[7:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: It's a virus it doesn't have a strategy
[7:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Yes there is, to learn
[7:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: To be super clear that we are dealing with a virus, not a naughty boy
[7:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: question if really wanna ask why open still to high risk , can we just deal with stable country ....
[7:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Yes agreed
[7:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: there are so many theories about this virus
[7:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Yes and many facts
[7:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: from air to person to even stick on surface ....
[7:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +REACH: Mandatory for diners to return trays and clear table litter from June 1
It will be mandatory for diners to return their trays and clear their table litter from June 1, the National Environment Agency (NEA) said on Friday (May 14).
Table litter includes used tissues and wet wipes, straws, canned drinks, plastic bottles and food remnants left behind after dining.
[7:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: so when risk factor is high still risk it and look we are not being unfriendly we are being cautious in local terms kia si
[7:08 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: what is concern and positive whatever action taken for ttsh shoudl be implemented review and improve for other hospital
[7:08 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: our healthcare facilities cannot go down
[7:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: that our mid line defense ....
[7:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: next society must be in war fare minded ... if we fight as one we win the war and we not talking about fighting who can buy the most rice/ toilet paper / oil
[7:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: i think better bring back social education hahahahhaa
[7:10 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: else Singaporeans loosing their logical sense
[7:10 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Definitely
[7:10 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: Our healthcare is last line of defence. By the time you need medical intervention, it's really gg.
[7:10 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: i this is not even a war yet and all rushing like the next 30days we all cannot go out or super marts will stay close
[7:10 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Pls make sure all stalls provide trays
[7:11 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: cannot be last lah , there will be bottle neck must put in middle hehehehe
[7:11 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: middle still got room to retreat and regroup MEDIC O GROUP!!!!!
[7:11 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: put last means MEDICS SMOKEEEEE, FOLLOW ME (retreat ) that one siiii liao
[7:13 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: Middle is the people. Medics are last line cos by the time you hit that level, it means man down liao.
Like you said, it's like fighting a war. Our boys are trained to fight the war overseas, cos by the time it hits our shores, we're ded.
[7:14 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Including yesterday and today figures - our current covid number has exceeded the our last CB number.
In effect we are now in CB ver 2.0.
[7:16 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Especially those train drivers roving around in driverless train
[7:17 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: They dont have a separate cabin
[7:22 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: Migrant worker who had COVID-19 admits loitering around Changi Airport in bid to take flight home
[7:24 pm, 14/05/2021] +Peter T Ng: I remember this concern you indicated prior to CB. I am sure things have been weighed now as it was then.
[7:39 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Good, I saw a restaurant staff clear a table of dirty tissues the diner had wiped over her face, she then came back with cutlery for next set of diners and hadn't washed her hands
[7:40 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: That was a restaurant though, so no trays involved!
[7:40 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama: π¨π±π€¦♀️π π
[7:40 pm, 14/05/2021] +Rama:
[7:40 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: I agree, nuts isn't it
[7:41 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: So our recent cases now are higher than before the CB?
[7:42 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ: Yes
[7:42 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Is that right? I tot last year we have a few hundred cases excluding dorm numbers
[7:44 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Excluding dorm.
Only count community cases.
[7:45 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: So it is our borders that is the weak link
[7:45 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: How much was last year cases for community?
[7:45 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Can we activate our scdf and saf on bio warfare.
[7:45 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: How to decontaminate
[7:46 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Add up the ST screenshot.
[7:46 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: I really had impression that there were a few hundred for community cases last year
[7:46 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Teach these to our airport staff
[7:50 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Question, for special prebooked events, rather than having to be cancelled, why can't people be tested and if negative then go ahead. I have an event booked for May 29th 8 people but it now has to be cancelled.
[7:50 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: It’s around 196 for last year
[7:51 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Current one is only 125
[7:51 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Unless I add wrongly pls correct me
[7:51 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Currently how many including these last 2 days.
I outside can't calculate.
[7:52 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
24 X 2 days not included in the screen shot.
[7:52 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Can share the link where that ST page is?
[7:52 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: I can’t find it on ST app very frustrating
[7:53 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
I lose the link.
Anyway I on the move.
Can't dwell deeper.
[8:04 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Again no info send from WhatsApp and telegram on this Sunday onwards measure.
Not sure what is this platform for
[8:08 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: It’s ok I search by keywords see if can find
[8:36 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: I think many more caught the virus but are asymptomatic now.
[8:36 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: See all the import cases. Majority are asymptomatic until being test then discover.
[8:36 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: So a lockdown is good
[8:37 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Medicine is always not nice. But to heal...
[8:42 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: So two parents and 1 child cannot go out together for 1 month. This is the same as CB, right?
[8:43 pm, 14/05/2021] +james: π€£
[8:44 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Are 3 people allowed in a car or taxi, plus driver?
[8:44 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Or have to make multiple trips?
[8:45 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: How to manage that on the MRT? Pretend not to know each other?
[8:45 pm, 14/05/2021] +Dan: I pity those who still have to go to work, yet not given a place in their workplace to have their meals in between.
[8:46 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Grandparents can look after children, but what about other child care?
[8:46 pm, 14/05/2021] +jimmy chew: Yeah π
[8:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +Dan: Since they can't dine in, I supposed they have to find some other place nearby (under hdb void decks, parks, etc.) to eat.
[8:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +jimmy chew: My only fear is that it's airborne
[8:51 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: And those mummies who give birth and their hubby accompany their wives and newborn from hospital how ar?
[8:52 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: Or parents bring their kid to see doc?
[8:52 pm, 14/05/2021] +Linda: Newborn also counts as one right?
[8:52 pm, 14/05/2021] +Linda: And those single parents how? 1 bring 2 or 3 kids also?
[8:53 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: Cannot expect the mummies to carry the newborn and carry all the luggage from hospital what.
[8:53 pm, 14/05/2021] +Linda: Agreed
[8:53 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Yea, it's a bit confusing with kids involved. Can't leave child alone at home, yet need both parents to be out at the same time.
[8:53 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Hahaha u all cute reh am sure there are some leeway
[8:53 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: ππππ
[8:53 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Kids should be excluded from the 2
[8:54 pm, 14/05/2021] +Linda: π€£
[8:54 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Example 2adults plus a baby aka those carry type not monster age
[8:54 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Not when fines are involved, I don't want to take my chances lol
[8:54 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Shld be consider 2
[8:54 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: 2 adults?
[8:54 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Or at least under 12s to be excluded
[8:54 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Like taxi driving when this couple board is count as 2 adults
[8:55 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Toddlers and above are monster
[8:55 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: During circuit breaker, none of these questions came up. Why? Because it was a clear cut "cannot". That's the thing about giving a threshold, people will always try to nego for that little bit more. "Kids shouldn't count as one right? Baby = 0.5?"
[8:55 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: But then there are 3 in the car, is that OK?
[8:55 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Toddlers and below should be excuse
[8:55 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Driver no count i think
[8:55 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Else bus the first one to fail
[8:55 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: What was the rule during CB?
[8:55 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Driver pkus 1 pax for a 40 seater hahaha
[8:56 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Airplane lagi worst
[8:56 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: 1 pilot and 1 pax
[8:57 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Pax do preflight and pre landing announcement and self service coffee tea or myself
[8:57 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Got leeway de lah
[8:57 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: So... we have staycation booked, 2 adults 1 child. Do we need 2 taxis? Seems crazy.
[8:57 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: Generally cannot except got genuine reason to leave the house for specific purposes.
[8:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: If so strict all phv and taxi can return vehicals sg really stand atill
[8:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: Ask the child take taxi on his / her own... lol
[8:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: How would that make any sense, we are just exposing and exposed to 2 drivers rather than 1
[8:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: We are the same household already
[8:58 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Last rule is.. if too confuse stayyyy home thus they ENCOURAGING ppl to stay home
[8:59 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Hahahaha
[8:59 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: So confusing din so out lah sudah lah
[8:59 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Hahahahaha
[8:59 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: The message is "don't go out", why should there be so many questions about this can or not, that can or not?
[8:59 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Stay home can party somemore
[8:59 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Call mchappy meal
[8:59 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: I already paid, non refundable lol
[8:59 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: School holidays...
[9:00 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Can cham xiong wan
[9:00 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: 13th only they tell u got 2 weeks remaining in june sir
[9:00 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: Have you checked with the hotel? They may allow cancellation or postponement
[9:00 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Hahahaha
[9:00 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Yes already booked though
[9:00 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: So 3 of us at home is OK but 3 of us in hotel room is not?
[9:01 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: U pray got cancellation
[9:01 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: <sigh>
[9:01 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Ahh what is a home what is a hotel
[9:01 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Home is where u run nake and neighbour dun see is ok
[9:01 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: A change if scene after 1 year seeing the same walls
[9:01 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Hotel u wear underwear run will tio
[9:02 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Difference is there
[9:02 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Pte and public
[9:02 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Home u infect each other is all relatives
[9:02 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: Spirit of the law vs letter of the law.
The spirit of this law is to "stay at home". Is staycay a home or "going out"?
[9:02 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: I'll just check with the hotel
[9:02 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Hotel ahhh other infect u and u infect other is not right buay sai baddddddd
[9:02 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: But that doesn't solve the taxi question
[9:03 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: 2 cabs is twice the risk
[9:03 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: The taxi question is automatically solved if staying at home!
[9:03 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Yes, but that isn't resolved yet...
[9:03 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: How do parents get their kids to grandparents?
[9:04 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Assuming they need transport
[9:04 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: BMW BUS MRT WALK
[9:04 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Ok, thats the answer, take public transport . Even more risk!
[9:04 pm, 14/05/2021] +Elena Woo: Like this spread lagi faster.
[9:04 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: Get 1 grandparent to come over lor.
[9:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Back to basic encourage to stay home
[9:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: Less people moving around what
[9:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Hahahahaha
[9:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: So policy is stay home, but if you can't then you have to take maximum risk
[9:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Did ica come back and reply why a non vaccinated officer was placed at the front lines a did exposed to such risks in the first place
[9:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: And take many trips, one for each kids
[9:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: That lack of judgement started this whole thing
[9:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Nope
[9:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Explained already is in the news can go loom for it
[9:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Agreed
[9:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Did they do the right thing?
[9:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: Er, no ah. Grandparent come over and stay put. Where got many trips?
[9:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: It was a reason not an explanation
[9:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Say now got use?
[9:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: There was no justification
[9:05 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Still come and admonish us for not doing the right thing...
[9:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: What type of example are they setting...
[9:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +XaniceAfcai: Tanjong pagar.. The stretch of korean food there.. Ppl mountain, ppls sea.
Chinatown... Grp of old folks gathered more than 10 ppls...playing cards... Some chin mask...
[9:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Oh so leave grandma alone all day
[9:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Doesn't mean we should forget about it
[9:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Lets not judge our uniform teams ya....
[9:06 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: It's not judging
[9:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: It's accountability
[9:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Indeed
[9:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: And integrity
[9:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Whatever screw up they did the guilt is there and is heavier this time...... Cos it affect society
[9:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Not accountability means no improvement in the future
[9:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: It was a very stupid decision, and has created a massive problem. Cannot be swept under the carpet
[9:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Guilt is unfortunately not an excuse
[9:07 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: No
[9:08 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: I do support not finding out now
[9:08 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Now impt thing is how to shore awareness to wear the basic gear properly
[9:08 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: But we should come back to this once this current cases are under control
[9:08 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Just 10%of the mentally retard and arrogant here will cause us to have more version of cb to take place
[9:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Just wanted to mention it because it highlights just one irresponsible decision and the huge consequences afterwards
[9:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: The important thing is not to put non vaccinated people on the front line of overseas arrivals. As if they didn't seem to know that before
[9:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: U put vaccine also like that
[9:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: Thing is that people know how the gear should be worn. But "not comfy, can't breathe" cited as reasons to pull the masks below the nose
[9:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: U no see the changi chart ahh
[9:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Much less chances
[9:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: 10nkenna 6 are fully vaccine
[9:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Why wait? Do we know other short sighted decisions are also not being made right now?
[9:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: What can u says more than 50%hit rate
[9:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Vaccines reduce symptoms and spread
[9:09 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: By your logic then why vaccinate liao?
[9:10 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Is not that is heng say
[9:10 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: U vaccine got vaccine hit rate low
[9:10 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Test immigration people daily. Vaccinate them. Give them ppe. Obviously things that were not done.
[9:10 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: U no vaccine 100% hit rate bit heng suay also
[9:10 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Like hospital
[9:10 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Do the same with hospital staff. This was not done.
[9:10 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Our gov like no foresight. But at least they move in fast. π
[9:10 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Why they kenna?
[9:10 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Same with teachers. Is this being done?
[9:11 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Same with transport staff is this being done?
[9:11 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: So not to say get over but now is how to drive the numbers down and keep it low
[9:11 pm, 14/05/2021] +Caleb: Hard lah. Sch no air con. How to teach
[9:11 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Do the above.
[9:11 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Are we as a society helping and playing our part
[9:12 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Aka do we still see ppl without mask, wearing mask half standard, find excuses to prolong not wearing mask, rushing to horde for market stuff
[9:12 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Cannot test once and say OK, must be done 2 times a week for those in front line
[9:13 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: We can suggest like a said once to action is up to upstairs
[9:13 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: If they are the problem then TT will identify that
[9:13 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: I think society is also improving but from a system analysis and risk evaluation point of view, controlling the entry points of the virus should be the most critical
[9:13 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Wrong how to id
[9:13 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Yes, it seems obvious but wasn't done.
[9:13 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: It's very hard to control totally after it gets just into the community
[9:13 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Too much variables
[9:14 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Look ard u seriously there are always these 3% doing the other wise
[9:14 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Pple are after all not automatons and you cannot really cover all scenarios
[9:14 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Correct. The entry points were our vulnerability and they were not covered.
[9:14 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: But one thing for sure wan short pain or long pain.........
[9:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Like leaving the bank door and safe open and relying on cctv
[9:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: I think this 3 percent cannot be converted one for whatever reason
[9:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Then after saying OK, lesson learnt
[9:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: If short pain how cooperative our society can be that includes the business
[9:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Once you have been robbed
[9:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: There are always fringe outliers in any society
[9:15 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Short of jailing them
[9:16 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: I really hope they fix this issue
[9:16 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: I'm not blaming ica 100% of course but that was a short sighted error
[9:16 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: I shudder to imagine this happening again but in a different form
[9:16 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: That's why accountability is impt
[9:16 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Alot of places all like this de lah
[9:16 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: A company i know since Feb till now u go in no need wear mask one
[9:16 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Without it and consequences, unfortunately pple won't learn
[9:17 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Some company front desk no mask on cos they put a cup of water there
[9:17 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: I tell them ehh that one for praying ley
[9:17 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Water infront of u but not drinking u think u goddess of front desk ahhh
[9:18 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: π€¦π»♂️
[9:18 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: So all i can say is a society think we are not cohesive to see the country thru
[9:18 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: See
[9:18 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Toilet paper also dun let go.... Haisssss
[9:19 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Think better ask sph to go back printing these period sure earn
[9:19 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Lol
[9:20 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Sph I think give free pple also prob don't want liao
[9:20 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Lol
[9:20 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: in toilet paper the default currency in post apocalyptic world?
[9:20 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: lol
[9:21 pm, 14/05/2021] +Fulgrim: Post apocalyptic will be going back to leaves . Lol
[9:22 pm, 14/05/2021] +jimmy chew: Yes. You can't fight the law ⚡
[9:23 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim:
[9:24 pm, 14/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: doomsday waiting to happen in 6 months time in US
[9:28 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ken: [Sent by - 14 May]
Further SMMs from 16 May - 13 Jun
➡️ Max 2 persons for social gatherings, up to 2 gatherings/day
➡️ Max 2 unique visitors per household/day
π Grandchildren cared for by grandparents daily exempted from limit
πΌ WFH default for employees able to do so
❌ F&B dining-in, wedding receptions not allowed
For solemnisations and worship services: Max 100 pax; PET required if >50 pax
⚰️ Max 20 pax at funerals at any point in time
➡️ Antigen Rapid Testing will accompany existing PCR tests for swifter detection
πͺ Let’s all play our part
➡️ See a doctor early if unwell, even if vaccinated or with mild symptoms
➡️ Do not rush to supermarkets/malls, SG has adequate supply of food & essentials
[9:28 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ken: Your request granted lol
[9:29 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: "Max 2 persons for social gatherings, up to 2 gatherings/day" so it's ok to go out for a walk as a family, that's not a social gathering.
[9:29 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: Took them long enough.......
[9:30 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ken: Lol don’t know why so slow also
[9:30 pm, 14/05/2021] +Linda: Finally get clear on this point π
[9:30 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: π
[9:31 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: I think the "up to 2 gatherings per day" is wrong. The rule was "no more than 2 distinct visitors a day". @+REACH
[9:31 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: or 2 households I thought?
[9:32 pm, 14/05/2021] +REACH: Maids aged below 45 can register interest from later half of May for COVID-19 vaccination: MOM
In a notice sent to employers on Friday (May 14), the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) said that those who register will be invited to receive a vaccine when they are eligible, according to "prevailing age bands".
[9:34 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: This is the infographic from CNA. No mention of 2 households
[9:37 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: OK, what is a distinct visitor exactly?
[9:39 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: So if you and your wife decide to visit your parents at their home, you + wife = 2 distinct visitors
[9:40 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: If kids being excluded for this count.
You bring 1 kid over: you = 1st distinct visitor
Your wife bring 2nd kid over: wife = 2nd distinct visitor
Helper bringing 3rd kid counts as 3rd distinct visitor so cannot
[9:45 pm, 14/05/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
[9:46 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Finally reach home after scrambling to 3 places.
Manage to buy 80% of the stuff.
1. Enough food to last one month.
2. Son got about 90% of his office stuff and can now at least work from home.
[9:46 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
But all fully exhausted.
Hopefully next time, government don't spring such a surprise and don't give people time to react.
[9:46 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: ok, thanks, but that's 4 people and the directive says 2 is the maximum.
[9:46 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Oh dear - if we cannot understand this, then it needs to be more clearly written.
[9:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: U stocker ahhh !!!!
[9:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: aiyo!
[9:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Why need time to react? Not closing the shops...
[9:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: already advise dun stock liao mah
[9:47 pm, 14/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: worst case eat grass help govt cut grass and be vegan hahaha
[9:48 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Only restrict to 2 - how to buy stuff?
[9:48 pm, 14/05/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
[9:48 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: night
[9:49 pm, 14/05/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
If 3 go out - 3 kenna fine.
[9:53 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: They excluded children under regular caregiving arrangements
[9:53 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Ah yes
[9:53 pm, 14/05/2021] +Ben: Only for grandparents
[9:54 pm, 14/05/2021] +CQ: Yep. Yeye Nainai got special love
[10:00 pm, 14/05/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
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