Thursday, May 6, 2021

REACH 227 - Adhere to new tightened views and how to adapt (SK)

07 May 2021 (11am - 7pm)


[10:08 am, 07/05/2021] +REACH: Dear contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10.10am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind: 

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited.

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment.

4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.

5. Let’s protect each other’s privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to up…

[10:10 am, 07/05/2021] +REACH: Topic 📢 

💬 Which of the new tightened COVID-19 measures impact you the most? How do you plan to adapt to the measures?

The the multi-ministry task force's (MTF) announced on Tuesday a slew of measures to reduce the risk of community transmission, which included a cap of five people for social gatherings, as well as restrictions for the sports sector.

Under national agency Sport Singapore (SportSG)’s latest guidelines released on Thursday (May 6), sports activities will be confined to groups of no more than five from Saturday (May 8) to May 30. Multiple groups of five will be allowed for organised programmes and classes, but with a cap of 30 people in total, excluding an additional service provider such as an instructor or a coach. Other restrictions include the temporary closure of indoor gyms and indoor fitness facilities from May 8 to May 30 and the suspension of mass participation events for the same duration.




[10:10 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: the gym closed again

[10:10 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: can they consider, PET then can go gym

[10:10 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: I mean may have this demand

[10:11 am, 07/05/2021] +Ken: PET?

[10:11 am, 07/05/2021] +Ken: Oh…

[10:11 am, 07/05/2021] +Ken: Ok

[10:11 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: pre-event testing

[10:12 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: ART

[10:12 am, 07/05/2021] +Ken: Extra cost hmm… home gym lor.. although not ideal

[10:12 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: or gym to have air filter like in hospital?

[10:13 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: or mask must be on throughout even running or whatever

[10:49 am, 07/05/2021] +Timothy Low: Actually so far our gyms don’t have any clusters, so don’t understand why the G thought that the gym is a considered as higher risk?

[10:53 am, 07/05/2021] +Ben: I think they didn't have clusters because they are being super careful with what is a high risk environment

[10:53 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: Learned from Hong Kong I think. But i don't rem any spreader

[10:53 am, 07/05/2021] +CQ: Maybe because HK's outbreaks have been linked to gyms

[10:53 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: How many was infected?

[10:53 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: By the person who went gym

[10:55 am, 07/05/2021] +Timothy Low: I have gym memberships in Fitness First. As far as I know only two confirmed cases visited the gym, one last year at Metropolis and another this year at Clementi

[10:55 am, 07/05/2021] +REACH: No evidence that vaccines can directly cause heart attacks and strokes: HSA

There has been no uptick in heart attacks or strokes among vaccinated people, and no evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines used here can directly cause them, the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) said on Thursday (May 6).


[10:56 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: Now all say don't have. After a while then may say have

[10:56 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: Like the astrazeneca Jap...

[10:57 am, 07/05/2021] +Timothy Low: Yah so far the gym goers have been very careful. Thought the G shouldn’t just close the gyms but instead capped the capacity instead

[10:57 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: +1

[10:57 am, 07/05/2021] +Ben: There was one at Gym Boxx in Bishan too

[10:57 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: Can we close coffeeshops ? Since no SafeEntry are being enforce

[10:57 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: But never cause cluster right?

[10:58 am, 07/05/2021] +Ben: True, I think....

[10:58 am, 07/05/2021] +Ben: I know people are upset about Gym, but it is possible to use outdoor gym for a couple of weeks?

[10:59 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: Got outdoor gym?

[10:59 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: Very rare option

[11:03 am, 07/05/2021] +XaniceAfcai: Prevention is better than...

Gymn. Need to maintain after each user use the equipment. So.

[11:07 am, 07/05/2021] +Stella Yip: Hope tightened measures will have new guidelines for smokers.  I also wonder if TTSH infected staff had perhaps walked into the path of puffs of xxx.   I am still seeing smokers crossing the streets with other pedestrians with masks down puffing away, at the traffic lights right in front of TTSH, and other traffic lights crossings.  I am not sure how well my cloth mask protects me so I would just move away and wait for the next turn.  😖

[11:09 am, 07/05/2021] +REACH: 4 ways to ensure safe travel without needing to quarantine, according to Ong Ye Kung

Covid-19 testing, vaccination as well as "bubbles" between both persons and countries are some ways to ensure safe travel without the need for quarantine, said transport minister Ong Ye Kung on Thursday (May 6).


[11:09 am, 07/05/2021] +REACH: Singapore passports to be valid for 10 years, up from 5, for applications from October: ICA

Singapore passports will be valid for 10 years, up from the current five.

This will be the case for citizens over 16 years old who apply for their passports on or after Oct 1, 2021.


[11:10 am, 07/05/2021] +CQ:

For those asking about how bad the HK gym cluster got

[11:10 am, 07/05/2021] +Leonard Lau: Just adapt . Only 21 days 

Lesser dining .

swim / jog / exercise corners rather than indoor gyms .

[11:13 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: I rather they reduce the pages. So bulky lol

And many countries, exit got no stamp. Cause use eGate

[11:15 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: Thought no smoking within 5km of the hospital and school. Something along that line

[11:21 am, 07/05/2021] +Stella Yip: oh but plenty of cigarette butts evidence, as well as can always see people smoking outside TTSH.  Nobody says anything becos maybe the smokers all look very stressed.  Maybe law enforcers try to give chance bcos near hospital so try not to add salt to wound ?

[11:22 am, 07/05/2021] +Stella Yip: just that covid clusters is getting scary liao

[11:22 am, 07/05/2021] +Stella Yip: Hope G can give these stressed out smokers a smoking room to keep the rest of us safe.

[11:25 am, 07/05/2021] +XaniceAfcai: This morning, i went dental at polyclinic. An uncle on wheelchair mask downstairs... Staff with poe suit, n95 mask help aunt to push uncle in. Also no say anthing..

[11:31 am, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. TT Contact data are encrypted and stored in the memory of the token chip or smart phone chip.

They will not be lost even when battery lose power.

2. Smart phone like token also need battery to access the contact data stored in the chip.

3. Contact data are accessible by the layer 2 mac-address of the token or smart phone via wireless communication medium Bluetooth - but need battery power to operate.

4. I believe govtech will only access those contact data stored in the token or smartphone only when safeentry gateway or TT gateway or infected TT data indicate the peer close contact mac-address.

Govtech won't replace battery for non-close-contact token.

[11:32 am, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. I think Govtech could :-

a. Take back the out-of-battery token - put in a new battery - extract the data from the token chip eg. its mac address, corresponding name and IC, and contact data - record it into the server.

- wipe the data clean, remove the sticker with written name on and replace with new sticker

- reissue the token with the same mac-address but tag to a new issue name and IC.

- cannot imagine they throw it away and generate more IoT waste - recycling should be the best option.

b. Look at the name written on the TT token label, tally with the CC return list token - and tag it without reading the data - unless SafeEntry or TT gateway indicate this mac-address/name/IC has close contact with infect - then do "a".

Dispose the TT token after a few month or recycle the TT token after a few months by doing "a".

c. Scan the QR code on the TT token - to identify the mac-addres/name/IC identity - if pick up by SafeEntry or TT gateway as likely close contact as in "b". Insert battery to read data.

Dispose or recycle after a few month or reycle as per in "a".

[11:38 am, 07/05/2021] +Stella Yip: Maybe uncle got difficulty to breathe with mask on? Hope G and H can issue face shield to such patients. Any protection is better than no protection.

[11:44 am, 07/05/2021] +Ben: Technically 23, but I agree :)

[11:45 am, 07/05/2021] +Ben: We should follow NZ example and set smoking limit to be for born before a certain year, not based on age.

[11:45 am, 07/05/2021] +Ben: Law is fixed to people born before 2004.

[11:46 am, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: Meaning? What's the difference

[11:46 am, 07/05/2021] +Stella Yip: 👏👏👏

[11:46 am, 07/05/2021] +Ben: Off topic I know, but maybe one for the future....

[11:47 am, 07/05/2021] +Ben: Means that every year we don't open the door to a new generation of smokers.

[11:47 am, 07/05/2021] +Ben: ie - if you were born in 2005 it will never be legal for you to smoke.

[11:48 am, 07/05/2021] +Stella Yip: Also if we give citizenship, these people must accept .

[11:48 am, 07/05/2021] +Ben: 🙏 I am a massive fan of this law.

[11:49 am, 07/05/2021] +Ben: I think politically it is acceptable too, because you don't stop current addicted smokers. We focus on preventing new ones.

[11:50 am, 07/05/2021] +Stella Yip: Hope reach feedback to G on this.


[11:51 am, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

6 May 2021 Minister Ong Ye Kung propose 4 safe way to ensure safe travel without needing to quarantine.

4 May 2021 I propose to prop up safe air bubble despite the community spread to keep our External Economy going.

So glad that both are in synch.

[11:52 am, 07/05/2021] +Suma pamu: Super 

This should be Followed by whole world👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

[11:53 am, 07/05/2021] +Rama: Not likely

[0:20 pm, 07/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Go back cb best lah all happy stay home party.

[0:22 pm, 07/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Close this cannot close that cannot, restrict this cannot, restrict that cannot very hard to please society

[0:23 pm, 07/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Like that how to reduce human foot print (i guess this is the govt aim) for now

[0:24 pm, 07/05/2021] +XaniceAfcai: Stay at home, follow smm....

Like close this n that seem like life and death to some ppls. Better to prevent then regret later.

[0:24 pm, 07/05/2021] +Eunice Chia: Vaping is the new cigarettes and that's more harmful.  

Our young have found cigarettes to be disgusting and vaping to be cool

[0:25 pm, 07/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Thus i say very appease the society either suffer now or later. If later den govt tio blame say why no close why no restrict

[0:27 pm, 07/05/2021] +Ben: Already banned right?

[0:31 pm, 07/05/2021] +Kevinn Wang: Check now much revenue smoking contributed to the society for each country. So far out of 200 over countries only 1 ban and is a very small country if not wrong. Is ot good or bad 2 sides to a coin. Compare to modern day vaping think smoking is much safer.

[0:35 pm, 07/05/2021] +Ken: Can get away with the smell lol

[0:35 pm, 07/05/2021] +Ken: If you know people still can get it

[0:38 pm, 07/05/2021] +REACH: Police warn of scam involving oxygen machines donation to India amid COVID-19 crisis

The Singapore Police Force (SPF) alerted the public on Friday (May 7) to a new type of scam where scammers use compromised WhatsApp accounts to solicit donations for the purchase of oxygen concentrator machines to be sent to India.


[0:40 pm, 07/05/2021] +XaniceAfcai: Is it those odourless and like dry ice smoke type.. If so, i saw ppls puffing

[0:41 pm, 07/05/2021] +Ken: I tried I was amazed cannot even smell after that… no wonder can go without detect even from parents

[0:43 pm, 07/05/2021] +Eunice Chia: SG yes banned, but not in NZ

[0:45 pm, 07/05/2021] +Ben: Cost to society is probably higher. The impact on individual and families health, loss of working days. Mess around stairwells.  Healthcare needs, subsidised hospitalisation, reduction in lifespan. No real positives for smoking. I'm an ex-smoker, gave up 20 years ago and so happy to have done it. I know it's hard. (Ex-smokers are the worst right?)

[0:46 pm, 07/05/2021] +XaniceAfcai: How abt sec hand smokers.. Also affected..

[0:56 pm, 07/05/2021] +Stella Yip: I hope HDB can review housing needs not just for covid 19 but also for future virus/bacteria of similar danger.  Rather than making HDB flats smaller and smaller, please make bigger. If possible offer more HDB flats with 2 entrances (like some condos), easier for SHN and QO, and also to lessen burden on G so that retired citizens can rent out 2nd entrance unit for rental income, as well as to continue to contribute income tax/GST to nation building despite retired liao.

[0:56 pm, 07/05/2021] +Ben: True yes. And the kids walk through at mall entrances, school exits etc. Some smokers are considerate but many are not.

[1:18 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. Thought that those gym clubs will normally collect membership payment for 1 year or more?

So even temporary closure up to 31 May 2021 - only a few weeks won't hurt them - as they have already collected cash.

2. Members who have paid cash for the membership can visit the gym clubs once 31 May 2021 is over to make up for the lost session.

3. Exercise in gym, do kickboxing etc - people don't wear masks, breathe hard, touch equipment etc -- will likely to get infected more easily in a close settings.

4. Just for these few weeks, go for jogging in open fields - will prevent infection spreading - and yet can enjoy the breeze, nice scenery and jog.

[2:29 pm, 07/05/2021] +REACH: Dear contributors, 
We would like to hear more from you on today's topic. We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
[2:33 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: Not much comms from gov on the hightent measure or ToS.

[2:52 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
1. Coffeeshop don't enforce safeentry because sme have resource problem to install safe entry gateway.
2. But I thought public must carry TT token or smartphone with TT apps install whenever they go out to dine or buy things from neighborhood stalls.
3. If everyone religiously comply with such requirements - then contact tracing is still possible

[2:53 pm, 07/05/2021] +Ken: Nothing has change… my side was reviewing in June, we recover from 1 to 2 days. Then review in June to increase to 3 to 4 days.
But with the current we drop back to 1 day workweek on side for office staff
[2:54 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: Understand, but can at least put up more QR code poster?

[2:55 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Now I thought government bring forward safeentry gateway - thought no more QR code to scan.

[2:56 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: but no SafeEntry gateway at coffeeshop lei
[2:57 pm, 07/05/2021] +Ben: Yes, having the token or phone means contact tracing I still active
[2:57 pm, 07/05/2021] +Ben: *is still active

[2:57 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Only got to depend on TT token or smartphone with TT apps - for contact tracing if no TT gateway.

[2:58 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Assuming stall owner, customers and we all carry TT token, contact tracing can be established (even if safeentry is not scan).

[2:59 pm, 07/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Adapting to the new measures is easy. I would say this is as good as it gets and hope the community will cooperate with Gov. impact is minimal and I’m sure many will do their parts.

[2:59 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Now means rely on individual social responsibility.
No longer on enforce safeentry measure.

[3:01 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
That's my close friend commented :-
SDA must now check people carry token or smartphone TT apps or not in neighborhood stalls where safeentry gateway are not installed.

[3:03 pm, 07/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: This one probably headache
[3:03 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: like bus conductor
[3:03 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: carry handphone around and scan
[3:03 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: lol
[3:03 pm, 07/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: How sia? On the bus you can’t escape.
[3:04 pm, 07/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Outside you can just u turn and go into any HDB block and Siam the SDA

[3:04 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
I know.
But sme don't have money to install.

[3:04 pm, 07/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: In coffee shop also
[3:04 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: Gateway is FOC ma
[3:04 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: given by Gov Tech
[3:04 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: but need power plug la
[3:05 pm, 07/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: You can Siam by going back back entrance or go away when SDA around

[3:05 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Taxpayer money.
Imagine every shop want.

[3:05 pm, 07/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Headache to enforce
[3:05 pm, 07/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Can only hope ppl treat this seriously
[3:07 pm, 07/05/2021] +CQ: i agree that enforcement would be a headache, and not to mention, the way some SDAs behave is really like harassment/gangster tactics. imagine them going up to people sitting at the tables minding their own business and going "eh, show me your TT. show me NOWWW"

[3:08 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Assuming 10,000 malls at $300 = $3 million.
But even small shops want assuming 500,000 = $165 million.
Big hole in govt budget - our taxpayers money.

[3:09 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: small shops in malls no need ma
[3:09 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: as what has been communicated

[3:09 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Neighborhood stalls and coffeeshop also alot.

[3:11 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: no choice
[3:11 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: just like u use the token....
[3:12 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: also cost $$$

[3:13 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Token already issue mah.
Gateway additional cost.
That's why individual social responsibility become more important.
If everyone play our part then we pay lesser tax and yet can protect ourselves.

[3:14 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Also token cost only $10 to $20.

[3:32 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
In Philippines, the President say if don't wear mask or don't wear mask properly - police catch.
In Indonesia, police make woman do squat up and down.
In India, police make people do push up.
Here in Singapore, SDA only check and advise.
So Singapore consider very lucky 
We people only need to play our part just wear mask properly and bring our token when we go neighborhood to shop.

[3:34 pm, 07/05/2021] +Stella Yip: What if it is scammer? Not real SDA. If our phone booth tooth on, WiFi on, NFC on, got risk or not??
[3:35 pm, 07/05/2021] +CQ: hannor. that's why i think not a good idea to propose that SDAs are empowered to conduct individual checks like that.

[3:36 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Token no risk.

[3:36 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Handphone no guarantee.

[3:36 pm, 07/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: My token seems like no batt

[3:36 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Got to change.

[3:36 pm, 07/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: My guess is many may have same issue
[3:37 pm, 07/05/2021] +CQ: yep. the batt supposed to last 6 months, my first one died within 2 months
[3:37 pm, 07/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: So respective teams get ready next week for long queue

[3:37 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
So far my family members no issues.

[3:37 pm, 07/05/2021] +Rama: Enforcement is slack
[3:38 pm, 07/05/2021] +Rama: PM Lee cheers Tan Tock Seng Hospital on, reminds S’poreans to stay united in Covid-19 fight
[3:42 pm, 07/05/2021] +Ron Ho: 🙏🙏🙏🙏
[3:46 pm, 07/05/2021] +Ron Ho: With $10, I can buy on-line a smart watch that have touch screen, battery charging capability, monitoring and tracking of my sleep, oxygen intake, stress. etc plus have time keeping, alarm, etc, etc.......plenty of features. Let's face it.....our gadget design people in GOV are amateurs.
[3:50 pm, 07/05/2021] +Stella Yip: Can only check in, cannot check out, correct?
[3:50 pm, 07/05/2021] +CQ: why is it that the token cannot be produced with a rechargeable battery? that saves the trouble of having to go to the CCs to change the token once every few months, and gosh, it's still so clunky. the one i got just earlier this week is the big one, not the smaller white one
[3:50 pm, 07/05/2021] +CQ: this description sounds like Hotel California! 😆
[3:51 pm, 07/05/2021] +Stella Yip: 🤣
[3:51 pm, 07/05/2021] +Rama: Eagles
[3:52 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: think give them time bah, as this was in a rush to come out
[3:53 pm, 07/05/2021] +XaniceAfcai: Mine is very fat one. If drop hard, confirm break.
[3:54 pm, 07/05/2021] +CQ: it's so clunky on the keychain!

[3:55 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Can check in but no check out.
But if your next record with another contact is outside - means you have already check out.

[4:00 pm, 07/05/2021] +Ben: Hahaha
[4:06 pm, 07/05/2021] +Fulgrim: I think mrt and buses are even more high risk....
[4:06 pm, 07/05/2021] +Timothy Low: Starting now
[4:09 pm, 07/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: 4 community cases among 25 new COVID-19 infections in Singapore

[4:10 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 
This 4 community cases come from where.

[4:10 pm, 07/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Haiz
[4:10 pm, 07/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: Fingers crossed
[4:10 pm, 07/05/2021] +Alvin Lim: This weekend last 8 pax gathering
[4:11 pm, 07/05/2021] +Leonard Lau: Today .. is last 8
[4:12 pm, 07/05/2021] +Leonard Lau: SDO in full battle order
[4:12 pm, 07/05/2021] +CQ: yeah, the cap of 5 begins tomorrow
[4:16 pm, 07/05/2021] +Boon: While it is "easy" to close certain businesses/social activity-centric venues like gym and sports, such decisions should also be balanced with mental well-being for people that comes from participating in such activities. Especially in SG where more and more are turning to sports as outlets and non-work activities to relax.
[4:18 pm, 07/05/2021] +REACH: [Sent by – 7 May]
As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 4 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.
Based on investigations so far, the cases are in the community, and there are no new cases in the dormitories.
There are 21 imported cases, who had already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 25 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.
MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.
➡️ To help with contact tracing, the implementation of mandatory TraceTogether-only SafeEntry will be brought forward from 1 June to 17 May.
[4:19 pm, 07/05/2021] +Boon: What can be important would also be to identify and highlight the substitute activities that people can avail. From another angle, how can those affected biz (like small gyms) survive these 3 weeks (and more) - there's no news on this too.
[4:35 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb:
[4:35 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: should be "must not" right?
[4:36 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: isn't this PDPA also, why we should show our exposure status to 3rd parties
[5:41 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb:
Seems like we take very long to test for above 1000 pax
[5:41 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: we need to ramp up this testing to be more fastest
[5:41 pm, 07/05/2021] +Caleb: with high capacity

[6:09 pm, 07/05/2021] ☸️  Danny 心:
Next 4G leader must bring team together and can take reference from ESM Goh: PM Lee

[6:50 pm, 07/05/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 10 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
[7:00 pm, 07/05/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊


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