Saturday, May 8, 2021

Coronavirus: US to back waiving intellectual property protections for vaccines

The global infection rate in has recently climbed as outbreaks in India and other countries have continued to gather momentum

Biden administration believes in IP protections, ‘but in service of ending this pandemic, supports the waiver of those protections’, says trade official

Robert Delaney


Published: 3:59am, 6 May, 2021


User since Mar 2021

Babe B.

1. Waiving the patent won't help - because it become a disincentive for pharmaceutical companies to innovate to look for cure to tackle the pandemic. 

2. In addition, it is not easy for others to pick up the patent and start manufacturing - as the barrier of entry is very high - due to the intricate medical knowledge required. 

3. Lifting export ban of raw materials for manufacturing vaccines, increase production capacity, distribute vaccines to as many Countries as possible, subsidies the cost of vaccines to poorer Countries --- are much better options for faster, wider distribution.

Just now


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