31 Mar 2020 (12 pm - 10pm)
[12:07 pm, 31/03/2020] : Dear contributors,
Welcome back! Our chat will be open till 10pm today.
REACH is constantly taking note of all the feedback and suggestions shared on our WhatsApp chats, and will send them to relevant authorities for consideration.
๐ข Topic: ๐ข
1. What other precautionary measures are you taking to safeguard you and your family members from Covid-19?
2. How can we urge those who may have been in contact with someone who has Covid-19 but not yet served with a Quarantine Order or Stay Home Notice to isolate themselves before the orders are served?
[12:30 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Other precautionary measures suggested are :-
(1) Urge those who are well to put on washable face mask when going out in public.
(2) This is in reference to :-
BREAKING NEWS! covid -19 is confirmed as airborne and remain 8 hrs in air! So everyone is required to wear mask everywhere!! BREAKING NEWS:
Coronavirus - confirmed to be airborne!!!
WHO reversed their earlier position that Covid virus is not air borne.
(3) This will be a public efforts to keep the Community spreading down in view of :-
- more new clusters forming
- yesterday another 14 unlink cases reported --- now in total 102 unlink cases
- all these are indications of local transmission community spreading
[12:37 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Sharing S Korea lessons in curbing their community spreading :-
Lesson 2: Test Early, Often and Safely
South Korea has tested far more people for the coronavirus than any other country, enabling it to isolate and treat many people soon after they are infected.
The country has conducted over 300,000 tests, for a per-capita rate more than 40 times that of the United States.
“Testing is central because that leads to early detection, it minimizes further spread and it quickly treats those found with the virus,” Kang Kyung-wha, South Korea’s foreign minister, told the BBC, calling the tests “the key behind our very low fatality rate as well.”
Its approach to testing was designed to turn back an outbreak already underway.
To spare hospitals and clinics from being overwhelmed, officials opened 600 testing centers designed to screen as many people as possible, as quickly as possible — and keep health workers safe by minimizing contact.
At 50 drive-through stations, patients are tested without leaving their cars. They are given a questionnaire, a remote temperature scan and a throat swab. The process takes about 10 minutes. Test results are usually back within hours.
At some walk-in centers, patients enter a chamber resembling a transparent phone booth. Health workers administer throat swabs using thick rubber gloves built into the chamber’s walls.
Relentless public messaging urges South Koreans to seek testing if they or someone they know develop symptoms. Visitors from abroad are required to download a smartphone app that guides them through self-checks for symptoms.
Offices, hotels and other large buildings often use thermal image cameras to identify people with fevers. Many restaurants check customers’ temperatures before accepting them.
[12:39 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Sharing S Korea lessons in curbing their community spreading :-
Lesson 3: Contact Tracing, Isolation and Surveillance
When someone tests positive, health workers retrace the patient’s recent movements to find, test — and, if necessary, isolate — anyone the person may have had contact with, a process known as contact tracing.
This allows health workers to identify networks of possible transmission early, carving the virus out of society like a surgeon removing a cancer.
South Korea developed tools and practices for aggressive contact tracing during the MERS outbreak. Health officials would retrace patients’ movements using security camera footage, credit card records, even GPS data from their cars and cellphones.
“We did our epidemiological investigations like police detectives,” Dr. Ki said. “Later, we had laws revised to prioritize social security over individual privacy at times of infectious disease crises.”
As the coronavirus outbreak grew too big to track patients so intensively, officials relied more on mass messaging.
South Koreans’ cellphones vibrate with emergency alerts whenever new cases are discovered in their districts. Websites and smartphone apps detail hour-by-hour, sometimes minute-by-minute, timelines of infected people’s travel — which buses they took, when and where they got on and off, even whether they were wearing masks.
People who believe they may have crossed paths with a patient are urged to report to testing centers.
South Koreans have broadly accepted the loss of privacy as a necessary trade-off.
People ordered into self-quarantine must download another app, which alerts officials if a patient ventures out of isolation. Fines for violations can reach $2,500.
By identifying and treating infections early, and segregating mild cases to special centers, South Korea has kept hospitals clear for the most serious patients. Its case fatality rate is just over one percent, among the lowest in the world.
[12:46 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
How South Korea Flattened the Curve
The country showed that it is possible to contain the coronavirus without shutting down the economy.
South Korea is one of only two countries with large outbreaks, alongside China, to flatten the curve of new infections. And it has done so without China’s draconian restrictions on speech and movement, or economically damaging lockdowns like those in Europe and the United States.
As global deaths from the virus surge past 15,000, officials and experts worldwide are scrutinizing South Korea for lessons. And those lessons, while hardly easy, appear relatively straightforward and affordable: swift action, widespread testing and contact tracing, and critical support from citizens.
Yet other hard-hit nations did not follow South Korea’s lead. Some have begun to show interest in emulating its methods.
President Emmanuel Macron of France and Prime Minister Stefan Lรถfven of Sweden have both called South Korea’s president, Moon Jae-in, to request details on the country’s measures, according to Mr. Moon’s office.
The head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has hailed South Korea as demonstrating that containing the virus, while difficult, “can be done.” He urged countries to “apply the lessons learned in Korea and elsewhere.”
[12:42 pm, 31/03/2020] : Mdm Ho Ching also encourage to wear mask
[12:42 pm, 31/03/2020] : Minimise the risk
[12:58 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: Grateful that top leaders do read and respond to REACH:-
Joing contribution with my close friend :-
(1) Now with WHO announcement that covid-19 is also airborne - using face mask in public will have help to curb community spreading --- that is now happening in Singapore.
To date 88 unlink cae --- indicating community spreading.
(2) As we have to understand that global medical supply logistic chain is under tremendous strain and shortage - due to explosive outbreak across the World --- issuing disposable surgical masks to public will not be feasible - as they need to be reserved for frontline healthcare staff who are risking their lives to save the patients as well as to unwell patients.
(3) The next best option will be using washable face masks - to be wear by people who appear in public even though they are not unwell.
The reasons being, there must be some "mild asymptomatic cases" that is not visible and unknown to people -- who unwittingly spreading the virus around.
So even an innocent sneeze or cough --- may have ejected virus load into the air.
If public who are seen as "well" also wear washable face masks - then the chances of community spreading will be curb by people with "mild asymptomatic cases".
See a video the effect of people who look well ---- but ejecting their mucous and saliva in a sneeze without a mask or block with a tissue ---- it is imperative that a washable face masks ---- will turn out to be the last mile "Personal Social Distancing Tool" --- to tackle and combat community spreading and keep the unlink cases and clusters cases down.
(4) My close friend suggested Temasek Foundation - will be a good foundation to supply public with 2 washable face mask (like supplying "non-alcohol sanitizer" to help curb community spreading, the reasons being:-
- Temasek has many strategic companies - with strong science, medical and engineering expertise - that can help to produce products that are scientifically proven to be able to defeat the virus.
eg. "alcohol free" sanitizer can do the job - no need high alcohol content that is flammable and can harm skin.
- So we are quite confident that if Temasek Foundation support our ideas to provide 2 washable face mask (1 as spare - when 1 is washed as well as wear and tear) ----- that is medically, scientifcally to be able to protect against virus infiltration -- like surgical disposable mask ---- then it will give assurance to public that they will be adequately protected from community spreading.
(5) My close friend also suggest roping in non-profit organisation to help in producing the washable face mask - to expedite the production in order to reach so many millions of residents.
My close friend suggest that :-
- Those who can afford to pay for the masks should pay the money for the masks - as these non-profit organisations are not financially endowed.
- Those who want to buy more than 2 - will need to compulsory pay for the extra.
- Whereas for those who cannot pay (due to job loss, retire, business loss) etc or want to save up ---- should be issue free ---- as these virus pandemic is a Public Health Crisis ---- and everyone need to be protected.
- As part of an effort to raise fund for these non-profit organization - they can print their organisation as part of advertisement - to raise awareness and help in their cause to raise fund.
(6) My close friend further suggest that :-
The face mask can be printed and carry health safety messages like :-
- Stay Home,
- Stay Safe;
- You're too close for comfort; etc --- to reinforce the message of maintaining 1 meter "social distancing".
Sharing S Korea lessons in curbing their community spreading :-
Lesson 3: Contact Tracing, Isolation and Surveillance
When someone tests positive, health workers retrace the patient’s recent movements to find, test — and, if necessary, isolate — anyone the person may have had contact with, a process known as contact tracing.
This allows health workers to identify networks of possible transmission early, carving the virus out of society like a surgeon removing a cancer.
South Korea developed tools and practices for aggressive contact tracing during the MERS outbreak. Health officials would retrace patients’ movements using security camera footage, credit card records, even GPS data from their cars and cellphones.
“We did our epidemiological investigations like police detectives,” Dr. Ki said. “Later, we had laws revised to prioritize social security over individual privacy at times of infectious disease crises.”
As the coronavirus outbreak grew too big to track patients so intensively, officials relied more on mass messaging.
South Koreans’ cellphones vibrate with emergency alerts whenever new cases are discovered in their districts. Websites and smartphone apps detail hour-by-hour, sometimes minute-by-minute, timelines of infected people’s travel — which buses they took, when and where they got on and off, even whether they were wearing masks.
People who believe they may have crossed paths with a patient are urged to report to testing centers.
South Koreans have broadly accepted the loss of privacy as a necessary trade-off.
People ordered into self-quarantine must download another app, which alerts officials if a patient ventures out of isolation. Fines for violations can reach $2,500.
By identifying and treating infections early, and segregating mild cases to special centers, South Korea has kept hospitals clear for the most serious patients. Its case fatality rate is just over one percent, among the lowest in the world.
[12:46 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
How South Korea Flattened the Curve
The country showed that it is possible to contain the coronavirus without shutting down the economy.
South Korea is one of only two countries with large outbreaks, alongside China, to flatten the curve of new infections. And it has done so without China’s draconian restrictions on speech and movement, or economically damaging lockdowns like those in Europe and the United States.
As global deaths from the virus surge past 15,000, officials and experts worldwide are scrutinizing South Korea for lessons. And those lessons, while hardly easy, appear relatively straightforward and affordable: swift action, widespread testing and contact tracing, and critical support from citizens.
Yet other hard-hit nations did not follow South Korea’s lead. Some have begun to show interest in emulating its methods.
President Emmanuel Macron of France and Prime Minister Stefan Lรถfven of Sweden have both called South Korea’s president, Moon Jae-in, to request details on the country’s measures, according to Mr. Moon’s office.
The head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has hailed South Korea as demonstrating that containing the virus, while difficult, “can be done.” He urged countries to “apply the lessons learned in Korea and elsewhere.”
[12:42 pm, 31/03/2020] : Mdm Ho Ching also encourage to wear mask
[12:42 pm, 31/03/2020] : Minimise the risk
[12:58 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: Grateful that top leaders do read and respond to REACH:-
Joing contribution with my close friend :-
(1) Now with WHO announcement that covid-19 is also airborne - using face mask in public will have help to curb community spreading --- that is now happening in Singapore.
To date 88 unlink cae --- indicating community spreading.
(2) As we have to understand that global medical supply logistic chain is under tremendous strain and shortage - due to explosive outbreak across the World --- issuing disposable surgical masks to public will not be feasible - as they need to be reserved for frontline healthcare staff who are risking their lives to save the patients as well as to unwell patients.
(3) The next best option will be using washable face masks - to be wear by people who appear in public even though they are not unwell.
The reasons being, there must be some "mild asymptomatic cases" that is not visible and unknown to people -- who unwittingly spreading the virus around.
So even an innocent sneeze or cough --- may have ejected virus load into the air.
If public who are seen as "well" also wear washable face masks - then the chances of community spreading will be curb by people with "mild asymptomatic cases".
See a video the effect of people who look well ---- but ejecting their mucous and saliva in a sneeze without a mask or block with a tissue ---- it is imperative that a washable face masks ---- will turn out to be the last mile "Personal Social Distancing Tool" --- to tackle and combat community spreading and keep the unlink cases and clusters cases down.
(4) My close friend suggested Temasek Foundation - will be a good foundation to supply public with 2 washable face mask (like supplying "non-alcohol sanitizer" to help curb community spreading, the reasons being:-
- Temasek has many strategic companies - with strong science, medical and engineering expertise - that can help to produce products that are scientifically proven to be able to defeat the virus.
eg. "alcohol free" sanitizer can do the job - no need high alcohol content that is flammable and can harm skin.
- So we are quite confident that if Temasek Foundation support our ideas to provide 2 washable face mask (1 as spare - when 1 is washed as well as wear and tear) ----- that is medically, scientifcally to be able to protect against virus infiltration -- like surgical disposable mask ---- then it will give assurance to public that they will be adequately protected from community spreading.
(5) My close friend also suggest roping in non-profit organisation to help in producing the washable face mask - to expedite the production in order to reach so many millions of residents.
My close friend suggest that :-
- Those who can afford to pay for the masks should pay the money for the masks - as these non-profit organisations are not financially endowed.
- Those who want to buy more than 2 - will need to compulsory pay for the extra.
- Whereas for those who cannot pay (due to job loss, retire, business loss) etc or want to save up ---- should be issue free ---- as these virus pandemic is a Public Health Crisis ---- and everyone need to be protected.
- As part of an effort to raise fund for these non-profit organization - they can print their organisation as part of advertisement - to raise awareness and help in their cause to raise fund.
(6) My close friend further suggest that :-
The face mask can be printed and carry health safety messages like :-
- Stay Home,
- Stay Safe;
- You're too close for comfort; etc --- to reinforce the message of maintaining 1 meter "social distancing".
[12:46 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
How South Korea Flattened the Curve
The country showed that it is possible to contain the coronavirus without shutting down the economy.
South Korea is one of only two countries with large outbreaks, alongside China, to flatten the curve of new infections. And it has done so without China’s draconian restrictions on speech and movement, or economically damaging lockdowns like those in Europe and the United States.
As global deaths from the virus surge past 15,000, officials and experts worldwide are scrutinizing South Korea for lessons. And those lessons, while hardly easy, appear relatively straightforward and affordable: swift action, widespread testing and contact tracing, and critical support from citizens.
Yet other hard-hit nations did not follow South Korea’s lead. Some have begun to show interest in emulating its methods.
President Emmanuel Macron of France and Prime Minister Stefan Lรถfven of Sweden have both called South Korea’s president, Moon Jae-in, to request details on the country’s measures, according to Mr. Moon’s office.
The head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has hailed South Korea as demonstrating that containing the virus, while difficult, “can be done.” He urged countries to “apply the lessons learned in Korea and elsewhere.”
[12:42 pm, 31/03/2020] : Mdm Ho Ching also encourage to wear mask
[12:42 pm, 31/03/2020] : Minimise the risk
[12:58 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: Grateful that top leaders do read and respond to REACH:-
Joing contribution with my close friend :-
(1) Now with WHO announcement that covid-19 is also airborne - using face mask in public will have help to curb community spreading --- that is now happening in Singapore.
To date 88 unlink cae --- indicating community spreading.
(2) As we have to understand that global medical supply logistic chain is under tremendous strain and shortage - due to explosive outbreak across the World --- issuing disposable surgical masks to public will not be feasible - as they need to be reserved for frontline healthcare staff who are risking their lives to save the patients as well as to unwell patients.
(3) The next best option will be using washable face masks - to be wear by people who appear in public even though they are not unwell.
The reasons being, there must be some "mild asymptomatic cases" that is not visible and unknown to people -- who unwittingly spreading the virus around.
So even an innocent sneeze or cough --- may have ejected virus load into the air.
If public who are seen as "well" also wear washable face masks - then the chances of community spreading will be curb by people with "mild asymptomatic cases".
See a video the effect of people who look well ---- but ejecting their mucous and saliva in a sneeze without a mask or block with a tissue ---- it is imperative that a washable face masks ---- will turn out to be the last mile "Personal Social Distancing Tool" --- to tackle and combat community spreading and keep the unlink cases and clusters cases down.
(4) My close friend suggested Temasek Foundation - will be a good foundation to supply public with 2 washable face mask (like supplying "non-alcohol sanitizer" to help curb community spreading, the reasons being:-
- Temasek has many strategic companies - with strong science, medical and engineering expertise - that can help to produce products that are scientifically proven to be able to defeat the virus.
eg. "alcohol free" sanitizer can do the job - no need high alcohol content that is flammable and can harm skin.
- So we are quite confident that if Temasek Foundation support our ideas to provide 2 washable face mask (1 as spare - when 1 is washed as well as wear and tear) ----- that is medically, scientifcally to be able to protect against virus infiltration -- like surgical disposable mask ---- then it will give assurance to public that they will be adequately protected from community spreading.
(5) My close friend also suggest roping in non-profit organisation to help in producing the washable face mask - to expedite the production in order to reach so many millions of residents.
My close friend suggest that :-
- Those who can afford to pay for the masks should pay the money for the masks - as these non-profit organisations are not financially endowed.
- Those who want to buy more than 2 - will need to compulsory pay for the extra.
- Whereas for those who cannot pay (due to job loss, retire, business loss) etc or want to save up ---- should be issue free ---- as these virus pandemic is a Public Health Crisis ---- and everyone need to be protected.
- As part of an effort to raise fund for these non-profit organization - they can print their organisation as part of advertisement - to raise awareness and help in their cause to raise fund.
(6) My close friend further suggest that :-
The face mask can be printed and carry health safety messages like :-
- Stay Home,
- Stay Safe;
- You're too close for comfort; etc --- to reinforce the message of maintaining 1 meter "social distancing".
[1:15 pm, 31/03/2020] : Hmm
[1:15 pm, 31/03/2020] : I think we should wear
[1:15 pm, 31/03/2020] : Even if we are healthy
[1:15 pm, 31/03/2020] : Agree
[1:15 pm, 31/03/2020] : Issue now is we do not know who are carriers
[1:15 pm, 31/03/2020] : Most are not even aware themselves
[1:16 pm, 31/03/2020] : Now I understand the concern of limiting supplies to the essential health care pple
Kevvin Wang
[1:16 pm, 31/03/2020] : Is because the detection is hard
[1:28 pm, 31/03/2020] : Come to handling CoVid outbreak, the Economist highlighted 3 countries. China, Korea and Singapore. All with different circumstances and yet considered the most effective in respective circumstances.
[2:35 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: --
Referring to :-
2. How can we urge those who may have been in contact with someone who has Covid-19 but not yet served with a Quarantine Order or Stay Home Notice to isolate themselves before the orders are served?
(1) How about coming out with a website, or mobile apps to allow people to fill in 2 simple information :-
a. The suspected person's name
b. His handphone number.
(2) The Authority upon receiving the above information, can then immediately send a whatsapp or SMS message to the suspected person a Quarantine Order or Stay Home Notice to isolate themselves - and follow by a hardcopy Quarantine Order or Stay Home Notice to isolate themselves.
(3) This will speed up the process of issuing the Order and close up the loophole.
(4) Failure for the suspected person to comply - will be subjected to the punishment for defying the Order.
[3:06 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: ---
(1) Will to urge Government to seriously consider using mobile data to do:-
a. Contact Tracing and Tracking
b. Ensuring people Stay-At-Home and observe Quarantine Order.
(2) Noted that we maybe concern with breaching the Personal Privacy Act.
(3) But ้ๅธธๆถๆ,้่ฆ้ๅธธๆๆฎต。
(4) Government must consider waiving the Personal Privacy Act to tackle this virus pandemic - until when the crisis is over - before reinstating the Privacy Act.
(5) Mobile data give very precise information of :-
a. Where the crowd and contacts are - eg. infected person with people in contact can be traced through the Telco base stations with the relevant information - when a person handphone associate with the base station without making phone call eg.:-
- SSN (SIM Serial number) unique number - that are tagged to a person's NRIC number upon signing up for a SIM plan.
- IMEI number - the mobile device serial number.
- Handphone numer - that is unique to the person.
- the time where the infected person in the vicinity, the duration he stays in the vicinty and time he lives.
(6) The above mobile data information are recorded in the log or syslog of the base station.
- All people that appear in the vicinty --- will appear in the log.
- This mobile data - will provide vital information to the Contact tracers to call out all these people for testing by the test kits --- to systematically identified anyone if anyone is infected by the infected person.
- This will be more effective than "detective work" - by interviewing the infected person --- as he will not know those strangers who are in contact with.
- Using this more scientific approach --- it will be more effective in testing all likely case - and keep community spreading down, all prevent new clusters from forming.
- Also the toilets that the infected person visit can also be disinfected quickly --- because the time of cleaning and the next cleaning will be recorded.
- A chart can be plotted when this infected person visit the toilet, when cleaning start and stop - and who else visited the toilet.
- This will help contact tracers to close in on those people who come into contact with the infected toilet - and do testing.
(7) All those people in this vicinity, the time and duration with this infected persons --- are likely contacted - and can be trace and track to be tested if they are infected.
These will be a more systematic case of contact tracing and tracking --- and follow up with more thorough testing ---- that will prevent community spreading and forming of new clusters.
Mild asymptomatic cases -- will also be identified through this approach.
(8) The above approach is known as what my close friend label as "crowd mapping through mobile signal and mobile data" --- that will be more effective in Contact tracing, tracking, surveillance and testing ---- that will help to reduce and curb Community Spreading and Local Transmission.
(9) Please see the 2 attached information in the handphone that Government can track :-
(i) Telco Base Station - that the handphone associate with - without making call. (This will be logged).
(ii) GPS extender (or Google Map) - that pin point the precise location of the person (note ;- I did not zoom in into the precise location - want to preserve my privacy ---- but when you zoom in --- the exact location is found).
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[3:08 pm, 31/03/2020] : Creepy leh you so close to me ๐ฑ
[3:11 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Don't worry I appear everywhere.
Next time you see I appear elsewhere.
[3:12 pm, 31/03/2020] : Wah truly Zen Master can teleport.
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[3:12 pm, 31/03/2020] : Mai lah don't reverse psychology me later I psych you out instead ๐
[3:13 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Ha ha ha ha
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[3:46 pm, 31/03/2020] : Leaving liao ah? The only bus service there is 315 ๐คญ
[3:47 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
See appear elsewhere already.
The message is base station and GPS extender can pinpoint and track a person more effectively and do a better contact tracing within a short time to arrest community spreading.
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[3:48 pm, 31/03/2020] : Aiyo we know how it works lah ๐คญ
[3:49 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: Yah but important is to use it.
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[3:49 pm, 31/03/2020] : Ok I use
[3:50 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: Most important contact tracer used.
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[3:55 pm, 31/03/2020] : @☸️ Danny ๅฟ See you next time ๐
[4:18 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: Ha Ha ha
[4:16 pm, 31/03/2020] : Jus an experiment, no Wi-F, in the house...
[4:17 pm, 31/03/2020] : https://support.google.com/maps/answer/2839911?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&oco=0
GPS: This uses satellites and knows your location up to around 20 meters. Note: When you're inside buildings or underground, the GPS is sometimes inaccurate.
Wi-Fi: The location of nearby Wi-Fi networks helps Maps know where you are.
Cell tower: Your connection to a cellular network can be accurate up to a few thousand meters.
Not i say de hor, google say de...
[4:17 pm, 31/03/2020] : The blue dot shows you where you are on the map. When Google Maps isn’t sure about your location, you’ll see a light blue circle around the blue dot. You might be anywhere within the light blue circle. The smaller the circle, the more certain the app is about your location.
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[4:17 pm, 31/03/2020] : Accurate for me, I stay here ๐
[4:17 pm, 31/03/2020] : again, not i say de haha
[4:18 pm, 31/03/2020] : haha try again when there are alot of tall buildings :)
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[4:19 pm, 31/03/2020] : Maybe because I stay nearer to the sky! ๐คช
[4:21 pm, 31/03/2020] : hahaha
[4:25 pm, 31/03/2020] this is from me:
generally hor accuracy from maps is quite different de... for example
This level of accuracy is intended for use in navigation apps that require precise position information at all times. Because of the extra power requirements, use this level of accuracy only while the device is plugged in.
Specify this constant when you want very high accuracy but do not need the same level of accuracy required for navigation apps.
Accurate to within ten meters of the desired target.
Accurate to within one hundred meters.
[4:25 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Alot of tall buildings here.
When zoom in - accurate to the last metre.
[4:27 pm, 31/03/2020] : ๐
[4:27 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: China and SKorea use the mobile data approach to do contact tracing and test for close contact - help to bring down community spreading.
[4:28 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: This is the real statistical outcome.
[4:28 pm, 31/03/2020] : ๐
[4:29 pm, 31/03/2020] : ☺️
Leonard Lau
[4:30 pm, 31/03/2020] : Not just mobile data only .. they also circulate details to community leaders and local police for investigation .
[4:35 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
GPS extender extend the base station inside the building to the rooftop with GPS receiver - to receive and transmit satellite signals.
That is why they can enhance the accuracy to the last metre.
[4:41 pm, 31/03/2020] : ๐
[4:49 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
And it is stratum 0 that gives very accurate timing to synchronise network real time protocol. (NTP).
So the precise time and duration is very accurate for those present in the vicinity.
Ben Lock
[4:54 pm, 31/03/2020] : I'm guessing the Trace app uses Bluetooth because GPS and Cellular is very inaccurate. BT only works within max 10m (and rarely that far) so is actually very reliable and accurate for checking who people are in close proximity to.
[4:55 pm, 31/03/2020] : I still like reading
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[4:55 pm, 31/03/2020] : It's one of the many tools, this one tracks who you've been in close contact with, it's the "who" factor
[4:57 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Accuracy last 1 metre.
And I appear everywhere to test.
[5:00 pm, 31/03/2020] : jia you with your testing!
hope more people like you contribute :)
so the sample size will grow from n=1 to n=x
[5:00 pm, 31/03/2020] : enjoy the discussion, going to "part-time" at SHN helpline
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[5:06 pm, 31/03/2020] : Orh so your call centre job is this! ๐
[5:08 pm, 31/03/2020] : ya the "approved" moonlight with no extra pay de haha
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[5:09 pm, 31/03/2020] : Hahaha appreciate your hard work lah ๐
Leonard Lau
[5:10 pm, 31/03/2020] : Is that CCA ?
[5:10 pm, 31/03/2020] : haha the extra extra extra CCA
Leonard Lau
[5:11 pm, 31/03/2020] : Hormat!
[5:11 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
All the test are conducted indoors and outdoors with accuracy up to 1 meter with many tall buildings around.
So mobile signal data and GPS extender are the very accurate contact tracing tool that will help to curb community spreading and local transmission.
[5:13 pm, 31/03/2020] : No only me, a lot of people also doing extra work, so ok la
Leonard Lau
[5:15 pm, 31/03/2020] : Need to clap for 2nd line people too .. .
Leonard Lau
[5:12 pm, 31/03/2020] : Can u explain how do u do exactly test ?
[5:16 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Just walk to various locations indoors and outdoors - check base station and GPS map.
The accuracy of the location is up to 1 meter.
This longitude and latitude will be the precise location.
All people with the same location together with the real network time will be in close contact.
Leonard Lau
[5:17 pm, 31/03/2020] : You assumption is that all people stay at the same floor . What if there are 50 floors to that building ?
[5:18 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Then CCTV footage and personal interview will need to supplement the mobile data.
Leonard Lau
[5:23 pm, 31/03/2020] : Can you help me in this scenario .
1. Eg my office is on Raffles City eg 05-00 ..
2. I go B1 for lunch and tea break
3. I park my car at B4
4. Sometime I also dine at 2nd floor and 3rd floor . Also do some groceries at B1 .
5. I may visit my client in the buildings ..
Explain how GPS can help contact tracer if I am an infected person .
Elena Woo
[5:26 pm, 31/03/2020] : I think that Tracer app will work better based on who u contact with
Leonard Lau
[5:29 pm, 31/03/2020] : I am deliberating with Danny on the use of GPS . I am with you that the trace together app is better .
[5:41 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
CCTV and personal interview will help.
I am not against trace together for those who are not against using it.
I am not comfortable with the Bluetooth security.
Some complaints space run out in handphone, or drain battery or too hot.
And some not installing.
Thus we have to used all the above and not leave out any.
Our point is, leaving out mobile signal is our biggest handicap.
[5:45 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Also trace together don't determine your location only those in contact with you who also install the apps.
If not trace together don't work.
Also if someone use toilets and spew virus load there? Will the apps know?
So our point is don't leave out the biggest piece - mobile signals and data that speed up the whole process and those in the vicinity.
What happen if someone not in close contact with the infected guy but used the toilet that is infected?
[5:49 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
At this point where community spreading is brewing every day.
We have to used all the arsenal we have to capture comprehensively and get all those who are in the vicinity to do the test and weed out the mild asymptomatic cases.
This is our current archilles heels as every day unlink cases keep going up.
[5:51 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Else if unlink cases exceeded our hospital facilities - we may have to go Dorscon red.
This is the urgency I am conveying.
Also mobile signal now everyone have and don't need to install. Why not used it?
[6:39 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
If one infected guy press the lift, all 50 floor people get infected if press the same lift button.
So isn't it correct to test the whole building if want to weed out the mild asymptomatic cases?
[6:41 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Or if he cough or sneeze inside the lift.
Everyone taking the same lift in the 50 floors get infected.
So should all in the building be tested?
[6:57 pm, 31/03/2020] : Then lift must install auto dispenser of the spray.. To Kill germ.
[6:58 pm, 31/03/2020] : Sanitized air refreshener!?
Poh S Lim
[7:00 pm, 31/03/2020] : Alcohol-based aerosols
[7:03 pm, 31/03/2020] : This also can eliminate the smoky n sweaty smell..
[7:16 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Joint contribution with my close friend:-
(1) Singapore has done very well worldwide.
(2) But Singapore still can do better to keep our local transmission, unlink cases and community spreading down by using whatever arsenal we have.
(3) The number of local transmission, unlink cases and new clusters have been increasing.
(4) We need to stay alert and ramp up our contact tracing techniques and get more people that are in the vicinity to get tested to weed out those mild asymptomatic cases - to prevent overwhelming our facilities and need to declare Dorscon red.
[7:17 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
My close friend comments:-
1. What other precautionary measures are you taking to safeguard you and your family members from Covid-19?
#1 when in a queue and someone behind came too close for my comfort, I will gently ask him/her to step back 1 arm's length. If the person said he/she is well, I will politely tell them I cannot be sure I don't have the covid virus : )
#2 I have started a new habit. When eating at hawker centre, coffee shop, food court or fast food outlet, I will first use wet wipes to clean my hands and then the table top. Followed by hand sanitizer to clean the hands again. Wipe again after I finish my meals. And dispose the used wet wipes properly. Don't leave them inside the bowls and on plates. In general, hawker centres and coffee shops table tops are generally dirtier. One can see visible stains on the wet wipes. Viruses landing on these table tops may end up on our elbows and hands. I will consider carrying a small bottle of diluted germicide e.g.dettol to wipe the table. Protect myself and protect the cleaners.
#3 when eating out, keep the period short. Eg leave immediately after finishing my meal. Don't hoard the seats. I wish I can tell patrons not to occupy the seats for chit-chatting or while away their time over beers or cigarettes. Their prolonged stay increased their exposure to covid and deprive others who are in need of those seats.
#4 I will start wearing masks when using public transport ie when in MRT trains and buses as these places met the 3 conditions stated by Japan authorities - confined space, crowded and close physical contact. I will use my masks carefully and keep them in clean Ziploc bag, prolong its life span and reuse when possible.
#5 I hope to see supermarkets or retail outlets implement takeaway ie I order online and simply go to the supermarket or designated places to collect my order. This is feasible for household and non-perishables. The idea is to cut down the time spent purchasing essentials and hence reducing the crowd. While gov can widen the requirements for dispatchers, citizens can help by doing our own collection. Think of services like Ezbuy, customers can decide if the goods are to be delivered, collected at designated places or delivered by trucks to designated locations (carparks) near our homes and we pick up from the Car park of our choice.
[12:46 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
How South Korea Flattened the Curve
The country showed that it is possible to contain the coronavirus without shutting down the economy.
South Korea is one of only two countries with large outbreaks, alongside China, to flatten the curve of new infections. And it has done so without China’s draconian restrictions on speech and movement, or economically damaging lockdowns like those in Europe and the United States.
As global deaths from the virus surge past 15,000, officials and experts worldwide are scrutinizing South Korea for lessons. And those lessons, while hardly easy, appear relatively straightforward and affordable: swift action, widespread testing and contact tracing, and critical support from citizens.
Yet other hard-hit nations did not follow South Korea’s lead. Some have begun to show interest in emulating its methods.
President Emmanuel Macron of France and Prime Minister Stefan Lรถfven of Sweden have both called South Korea’s president, Moon Jae-in, to request details on the country’s measures, according to Mr. Moon’s office.
The head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has hailed South Korea as demonstrating that containing the virus, while difficult, “can be done.” He urged countries to “apply the lessons learned in Korea and elsewhere.”
[12:42 pm, 31/03/2020] : Mdm Ho Ching also encourage to wear mask
[12:42 pm, 31/03/2020] : Minimise the risk
[12:58 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: Grateful that top leaders do read and respond to REACH:-
Joing contribution with my close friend :-
(1) Now with WHO announcement that covid-19 is also airborne - using face mask in public will have help to curb community spreading --- that is now happening in Singapore.
To date 88 unlink cae --- indicating community spreading.
(2) As we have to understand that global medical supply logistic chain is under tremendous strain and shortage - due to explosive outbreak across the World --- issuing disposable surgical masks to public will not be feasible - as they need to be reserved for frontline healthcare staff who are risking their lives to save the patients as well as to unwell patients.
(3) The next best option will be using washable face masks - to be wear by people who appear in public even though they are not unwell.
The reasons being, there must be some "mild asymptomatic cases" that is not visible and unknown to people -- who unwittingly spreading the virus around.
So even an innocent sneeze or cough --- may have ejected virus load into the air.
If public who are seen as "well" also wear washable face masks - then the chances of community spreading will be curb by people with "mild asymptomatic cases".
See a video the effect of people who look well ---- but ejecting their mucous and saliva in a sneeze without a mask or block with a tissue ---- it is imperative that a washable face masks ---- will turn out to be the last mile "Personal Social Distancing Tool" --- to tackle and combat community spreading and keep the unlink cases and clusters cases down.
(4) My close friend suggested Temasek Foundation - will be a good foundation to supply public with 2 washable face mask (like supplying "non-alcohol sanitizer" to help curb community spreading, the reasons being:-
- Temasek has many strategic companies - with strong science, medical and engineering expertise - that can help to produce products that are scientifically proven to be able to defeat the virus.
eg. "alcohol free" sanitizer can do the job - no need high alcohol content that is flammable and can harm skin.
- So we are quite confident that if Temasek Foundation support our ideas to provide 2 washable face mask (1 as spare - when 1 is washed as well as wear and tear) ----- that is medically, scientifcally to be able to protect against virus infiltration -- like surgical disposable mask ---- then it will give assurance to public that they will be adequately protected from community spreading.
(5) My close friend also suggest roping in non-profit organisation to help in producing the washable face mask - to expedite the production in order to reach so many millions of residents.
My close friend suggest that :-
- Those who can afford to pay for the masks should pay the money for the masks - as these non-profit organisations are not financially endowed.
- Those who want to buy more than 2 - will need to compulsory pay for the extra.
- Whereas for those who cannot pay (due to job loss, retire, business loss) etc or want to save up ---- should be issue free ---- as these virus pandemic is a Public Health Crisis ---- and everyone need to be protected.
- As part of an effort to raise fund for these non-profit organization - they can print their organisation as part of advertisement - to raise awareness and help in their cause to raise fund.
(6) My close friend further suggest that :-
The face mask can be printed and carry health safety messages like :-
- Stay Home,
- Stay Safe;
- You're too close for comfort; etc --- to reinforce the message of maintaining 1 meter "social distancing".
[1:15 pm, 31/03/2020] : Hmm
[1:15 pm, 31/03/2020] : I think we should wear
[1:15 pm, 31/03/2020] : Even if we are healthy
[1:15 pm, 31/03/2020] : Agree
[1:15 pm, 31/03/2020] : Issue now is we do not know who are carriers
[1:15 pm, 31/03/2020] : Most are not even aware themselves
[1:16 pm, 31/03/2020] : Now I understand the concern of limiting supplies to the essential health care pple
Kevvin Wang
[1:16 pm, 31/03/2020] : Is because the detection is hard
[1:28 pm, 31/03/2020] : Come to handling CoVid outbreak, the Economist highlighted 3 countries. China, Korea and Singapore. All with different circumstances and yet considered the most effective in respective circumstances.
[2:35 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: --
Referring to :-
2. How can we urge those who may have been in contact with someone who has Covid-19 but not yet served with a Quarantine Order or Stay Home Notice to isolate themselves before the orders are served?
(1) How about coming out with a website, or mobile apps to allow people to fill in 2 simple information :-
a. The suspected person's name
b. His handphone number.
(2) The Authority upon receiving the above information, can then immediately send a whatsapp or SMS message to the suspected person a Quarantine Order or Stay Home Notice to isolate themselves - and follow by a hardcopy Quarantine Order or Stay Home Notice to isolate themselves.
(3) This will speed up the process of issuing the Order and close up the loophole.
(4) Failure for the suspected person to comply - will be subjected to the punishment for defying the Order.
[3:06 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: ---
(1) Will to urge Government to seriously consider using mobile data to do:-
a. Contact Tracing and Tracking
b. Ensuring people Stay-At-Home and observe Quarantine Order.
(2) Noted that we maybe concern with breaching the Personal Privacy Act.
(3) But ้ๅธธๆถๆ,้่ฆ้ๅธธๆๆฎต。
(4) Government must consider waiving the Personal Privacy Act to tackle this virus pandemic - until when the crisis is over - before reinstating the Privacy Act.
(5) Mobile data give very precise information of :-
a. Where the crowd and contacts are - eg. infected person with people in contact can be traced through the Telco base stations with the relevant information - when a person handphone associate with the base station without making phone call eg.:-
- SSN (SIM Serial number) unique number - that are tagged to a person's NRIC number upon signing up for a SIM plan.
- IMEI number - the mobile device serial number.
- Handphone numer - that is unique to the person.
- the time where the infected person in the vicinity, the duration he stays in the vicinty and time he lives.
(6) The above mobile data information are recorded in the log or syslog of the base station.
- All people that appear in the vicinty --- will appear in the log.
- This mobile data - will provide vital information to the Contact tracers to call out all these people for testing by the test kits --- to systematically identified anyone if anyone is infected by the infected person.
- This will be more effective than "detective work" - by interviewing the infected person --- as he will not know those strangers who are in contact with.
- Using this more scientific approach --- it will be more effective in testing all likely case - and keep community spreading down, all prevent new clusters from forming.
- Also the toilets that the infected person visit can also be disinfected quickly --- because the time of cleaning and the next cleaning will be recorded.
- A chart can be plotted when this infected person visit the toilet, when cleaning start and stop - and who else visited the toilet.
- This will help contact tracers to close in on those people who come into contact with the infected toilet - and do testing.
(7) All those people in this vicinity, the time and duration with this infected persons --- are likely contacted - and can be trace and track to be tested if they are infected.
These will be a more systematic case of contact tracing and tracking --- and follow up with more thorough testing ---- that will prevent community spreading and forming of new clusters.
Mild asymptomatic cases -- will also be identified through this approach.
(8) The above approach is known as what my close friend label as "crowd mapping through mobile signal and mobile data" --- that will be more effective in Contact tracing, tracking, surveillance and testing ---- that will help to reduce and curb Community Spreading and Local Transmission.
(9) Please see the 2 attached information in the handphone that Government can track :-
(i) Telco Base Station - that the handphone associate with - without making call. (This will be logged).
(ii) GPS extender (or Google Map) - that pin point the precise location of the person (note ;- I did not zoom in into the precise location - want to preserve my privacy ---- but when you zoom in --- the exact location is found).
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[3:08 pm, 31/03/2020] : Creepy leh you so close to me ๐ฑ
[3:11 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Don't worry I appear everywhere.
Next time you see I appear elsewhere.
[3:12 pm, 31/03/2020] : Wah truly Zen Master can teleport.
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[3:12 pm, 31/03/2020] : Mai lah don't reverse psychology me later I psych you out instead ๐
[3:13 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Ha ha ha ha
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[3:46 pm, 31/03/2020] : Leaving liao ah? The only bus service there is 315 ๐คญ
[3:47 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
See appear elsewhere already.
The message is base station and GPS extender can pinpoint and track a person more effectively and do a better contact tracing within a short time to arrest community spreading.
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[3:48 pm, 31/03/2020] : Aiyo we know how it works lah ๐คญ
[3:49 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: Yah but important is to use it.
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[3:49 pm, 31/03/2020] : Ok I use
[3:50 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: Most important contact tracer used.
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[3:55 pm, 31/03/2020] : @☸️ Danny ๅฟ See you next time ๐
[4:18 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: Ha Ha ha
[4:16 pm, 31/03/2020] : Jus an experiment, no Wi-F, in the house...
[4:17 pm, 31/03/2020] : https://support.google.com/maps/answer/2839911?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&oco=0
GPS: This uses satellites and knows your location up to around 20 meters. Note: When you're inside buildings or underground, the GPS is sometimes inaccurate.
Wi-Fi: The location of nearby Wi-Fi networks helps Maps know where you are.
Cell tower: Your connection to a cellular network can be accurate up to a few thousand meters.
Not i say de hor, google say de...
[4:17 pm, 31/03/2020] : The blue dot shows you where you are on the map. When Google Maps isn’t sure about your location, you’ll see a light blue circle around the blue dot. You might be anywhere within the light blue circle. The smaller the circle, the more certain the app is about your location.
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[4:17 pm, 31/03/2020] : Accurate for me, I stay here ๐
[4:17 pm, 31/03/2020] : again, not i say de haha
[4:18 pm, 31/03/2020] : haha try again when there are alot of tall buildings :)
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[4:19 pm, 31/03/2020] : Maybe because I stay nearer to the sky! ๐คช
[4:21 pm, 31/03/2020] : hahaha
[4:25 pm, 31/03/2020] this is from me:
generally hor accuracy from maps is quite different de... for example
This level of accuracy is intended for use in navigation apps that require precise position information at all times. Because of the extra power requirements, use this level of accuracy only while the device is plugged in.
Specify this constant when you want very high accuracy but do not need the same level of accuracy required for navigation apps.
Accurate to within ten meters of the desired target.
Accurate to within one hundred meters.
[4:25 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Alot of tall buildings here.
When zoom in - accurate to the last metre.
[4:27 pm, 31/03/2020] : ๐
[4:27 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: China and SKorea use the mobile data approach to do contact tracing and test for close contact - help to bring down community spreading.
[4:28 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: This is the real statistical outcome.
[4:28 pm, 31/03/2020] : ๐
[4:29 pm, 31/03/2020] : ☺️
Leonard Lau
[4:30 pm, 31/03/2020] : Not just mobile data only .. they also circulate details to community leaders and local police for investigation .
[4:35 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
GPS extender extend the base station inside the building to the rooftop with GPS receiver - to receive and transmit satellite signals.
That is why they can enhance the accuracy to the last metre.
[4:41 pm, 31/03/2020] : ๐
[4:49 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
And it is stratum 0 that gives very accurate timing to synchronise network real time protocol. (NTP).
So the precise time and duration is very accurate for those present in the vicinity.
Ben Lock
[4:54 pm, 31/03/2020] : I'm guessing the Trace app uses Bluetooth because GPS and Cellular is very inaccurate. BT only works within max 10m (and rarely that far) so is actually very reliable and accurate for checking who people are in close proximity to.
[4:55 pm, 31/03/2020] : I still like reading
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[4:55 pm, 31/03/2020] : It's one of the many tools, this one tracks who you've been in close contact with, it's the "who" factor
[4:57 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Accuracy last 1 metre.
And I appear everywhere to test.
[5:00 pm, 31/03/2020] : jia you with your testing!
hope more people like you contribute :)
so the sample size will grow from n=1 to n=x
[5:00 pm, 31/03/2020] : enjoy the discussion, going to "part-time" at SHN helpline
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[5:06 pm, 31/03/2020] : Orh so your call centre job is this! ๐
[5:08 pm, 31/03/2020] : ya the "approved" moonlight with no extra pay de haha
Blue and White Flag Guy
ื ืชื ืื ืื ืืื ืืืื ื ๐ฎ๐ฑ
[5:09 pm, 31/03/2020] : Hahaha appreciate your hard work lah ๐
Leonard Lau
[5:10 pm, 31/03/2020] : Is that CCA ?
[5:10 pm, 31/03/2020] : haha the extra extra extra CCA
Leonard Lau
[5:11 pm, 31/03/2020] : Hormat!
[5:11 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
All the test are conducted indoors and outdoors with accuracy up to 1 meter with many tall buildings around.
So mobile signal data and GPS extender are the very accurate contact tracing tool that will help to curb community spreading and local transmission.
[5:13 pm, 31/03/2020] : No only me, a lot of people also doing extra work, so ok la
Leonard Lau
[5:15 pm, 31/03/2020] : Need to clap for 2nd line people too .. .
Leonard Lau
[5:12 pm, 31/03/2020] : Can u explain how do u do exactly test ?
[5:16 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Just walk to various locations indoors and outdoors - check base station and GPS map.
The accuracy of the location is up to 1 meter.
This longitude and latitude will be the precise location.
All people with the same location together with the real network time will be in close contact.
Leonard Lau
[5:17 pm, 31/03/2020] : You assumption is that all people stay at the same floor . What if there are 50 floors to that building ?
[5:18 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Then CCTV footage and personal interview will need to supplement the mobile data.
Leonard Lau
[5:23 pm, 31/03/2020] : Can you help me in this scenario .
1. Eg my office is on Raffles City eg 05-00 ..
2. I go B1 for lunch and tea break
3. I park my car at B4
4. Sometime I also dine at 2nd floor and 3rd floor . Also do some groceries at B1 .
5. I may visit my client in the buildings ..
Explain how GPS can help contact tracer if I am an infected person .
Elena Woo
[5:26 pm, 31/03/2020] : I think that Tracer app will work better based on who u contact with
Leonard Lau
[5:29 pm, 31/03/2020] : I am deliberating with Danny on the use of GPS . I am with you that the trace together app is better .
[5:41 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
CCTV and personal interview will help.
I am not against trace together for those who are not against using it.
I am not comfortable with the Bluetooth security.
Some complaints space run out in handphone, or drain battery or too hot.
And some not installing.
Thus we have to used all the above and not leave out any.
Our point is, leaving out mobile signal is our biggest handicap.
[5:45 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Also trace together don't determine your location only those in contact with you who also install the apps.
If not trace together don't work.
Also if someone use toilets and spew virus load there? Will the apps know?
So our point is don't leave out the biggest piece - mobile signals and data that speed up the whole process and those in the vicinity.
What happen if someone not in close contact with the infected guy but used the toilet that is infected?
[5:49 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
At this point where community spreading is brewing every day.
We have to used all the arsenal we have to capture comprehensively and get all those who are in the vicinity to do the test and weed out the mild asymptomatic cases.
This is our current archilles heels as every day unlink cases keep going up.
[5:51 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Else if unlink cases exceeded our hospital facilities - we may have to go Dorscon red.
This is the urgency I am conveying.
Also mobile signal now everyone have and don't need to install. Why not used it?
[6:39 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
If one infected guy press the lift, all 50 floor people get infected if press the same lift button.
So isn't it correct to test the whole building if want to weed out the mild asymptomatic cases?
[6:41 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Or if he cough or sneeze inside the lift.
Everyone taking the same lift in the 50 floors get infected.
So should all in the building be tested?
[6:57 pm, 31/03/2020] : Then lift must install auto dispenser of the spray.. To Kill germ.
[6:58 pm, 31/03/2020] : Sanitized air refreshener!?
Poh S Lim
[7:00 pm, 31/03/2020] : Alcohol-based aerosols
[7:03 pm, 31/03/2020] : This also can eliminate the smoky n sweaty smell..
[7:16 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Joint contribution with my close friend:-
(1) Singapore has done very well worldwide.
(2) But Singapore still can do better to keep our local transmission, unlink cases and community spreading down by using whatever arsenal we have.
(3) The number of local transmission, unlink cases and new clusters have been increasing.
(4) We need to stay alert and ramp up our contact tracing techniques and get more people that are in the vicinity to get tested to weed out those mild asymptomatic cases - to prevent overwhelming our facilities and need to declare Dorscon red.
[7:17 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
My close friend comments:-
1. What other precautionary measures are you taking to safeguard you and your family members from Covid-19?
#1 when in a queue and someone behind came too close for my comfort, I will gently ask him/her to step back 1 arm's length. If the person said he/she is well, I will politely tell them I cannot be sure I don't have the covid virus : )
#2 I have started a new habit. When eating at hawker centre, coffee shop, food court or fast food outlet, I will first use wet wipes to clean my hands and then the table top. Followed by hand sanitizer to clean the hands again. Wipe again after I finish my meals. And dispose the used wet wipes properly. Don't leave them inside the bowls and on plates. In general, hawker centres and coffee shops table tops are generally dirtier. One can see visible stains on the wet wipes. Viruses landing on these table tops may end up on our elbows and hands. I will consider carrying a small bottle of diluted germicide e.g.dettol to wipe the table. Protect myself and protect the cleaners.
#3 when eating out, keep the period short. Eg leave immediately after finishing my meal. Don't hoard the seats. I wish I can tell patrons not to occupy the seats for chit-chatting or while away their time over beers or cigarettes. Their prolonged stay increased their exposure to covid and deprive others who are in need of those seats.
#4 I will start wearing masks when using public transport ie when in MRT trains and buses as these places met the 3 conditions stated by Japan authorities - confined space, crowded and close physical contact. I will use my masks carefully and keep them in clean Ziploc bag, prolong its life span and reuse when possible.
#5 I hope to see supermarkets or retail outlets implement takeaway ie I order online and simply go to the supermarket or designated places to collect my order. This is feasible for household and non-perishables. The idea is to cut down the time spent purchasing essentials and hence reducing the crowd. While gov can widen the requirements for dispatchers, citizens can help by doing our own collection. Think of services like Ezbuy, customers can decide if the goods are to be delivered, collected at designated places or delivered by trucks to designated locations (carparks) near our homes and we pick up from the Car park of our choice.
[9:24 pm, 31/03/2020] : [Sent by Gov.sg]
COVID-19: 31 Mar Update
New imported cases: 16 [Travelled from Australia, Europe, ASEAN and other parts of Asia]
New local cases: 31 [13 linked to previous cases, 18 currently unlinked]
Total cases in Singapore: 926
Discharged today: 12
Total discharged: 240
Total remaining in Hospital: 423
Most in hospital stable or improving. 22 in ICU.
CHAS chronic subsidy & MediSave to cover video consultation
- Time-limited, exceptional extension
- Supports safe distancing measures
- For patients with stable chronic conditions
More: go.gov.sg/extension31mar
Take safe distancing seriously
Do the right thing. The health of all depends on each one of us.
[9:26 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
See lah unlinked cases 18.
Highest record so far.
If we don't ramp up our contact tracing techniques and conduct more tests - the unlinked cases may cause the infection curve to go over our hospital facilities.
[9:28 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Also if we don't mandate healthy people to put on washable face masks in public - the unlinked cases will also go up.
[9:37 pm, 31/03/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: Personal social distancing tool - face masks.
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