25 Mar 2020 (12pm - 10pm)
[10:36 pm, 24/03/2020] :
More: Go.gov.sg/moh24mar
[8:34 am, 25/03/2020] : https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/young-adults-now-make-up-largest-group-of-patients-here
[10:40 am, 25/03/2020] : https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/hdb-rebates-households-budget-2020-12573614
[11:11 am, 25/03/2020] : [Sent by Gov.sg – 25 Mar]
COVID-19: Tighter measures
We can’t be complacent. Tighter measures needed to reduce risks of new local clusters
➡Else more drastic measures may be needed go.gov.sg/notlockdown
➡From 26 Mar 2359hrs to 30 Apr
- Limit gatherings outside work and school to 10 or fewer persons
- Physical distancing of at least 1m between persons
Stepped up enforcement
- Safe distancing measures have legal force
- Penalties for breaches of Stay-Home Notice (SHN); increased and more detailed checks
- Persons/operators who don’t comply with regulations may face suspension of operations
Support for persons on SHN
- Centralised call centre to be set up on 26 Mar for queries
More: go.gov.sg/measures24mar
[11:48 am, 25/03/2020] : Greetings from REACH
A warm welcome to those who have just been added to this chat group. Our chat will be open from 12pm to 10pm today.
Gentle reminder on our Terms of Use:
Megan 😊
[11:59 am, 25/03/2020] : Dear REACH contributors,
Welcome back!
Our chat will be opened from 12noon to 10pm today.
Yesterday, it was announced that Singapore will implement tougher coronavirus measures including the following:
- All bars and entertainment venues will be closed. Centre-based tuition and enrichment classes will be suspended.
- Gatherings outside of work and school will be limited to 10 people.
- Singapore residents who travel abroad from March 27 will be charged unsubsidised rates if they are warded for suspected Covid-19.
📢Today's Topic:📢
What are your views on the tougher measures in mitigating COVID-19? How will these measures affect you and your family?
[1:12 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) To reflect our overall National Strategies to tackle covid-19 virus epidemic are :-
a. Border Control (Now Enhanced Border Control)
b. Community Spreading Measures (Now Enhanced Community Spreading Measures )
c. Economic Measures to tackle Economic slowdown
(2) Now with both a. and b. --- elevated to Enhanced measures ---- Business, Economy and Jobs are taking a toll.
(3) I support all the Enhanced measures that are put forth by the Government --- as we need to protect Community lives --- as One infected - All are at risk (One-for-All, All-for-One).
(4) But can see many people also suffers as pay cut is increasingly being used to cut cost, some people also lose jobs and business are sufferings from drop in patronage.
(5) I also come across the newly announced Enhance mesaures of social distancing directly impact someone livelihood - where the whole family livelihood depends on :
a. The family is running a tuition centre. With enhanced measures just put in place, tuition centre need to be closed for one month -- and the family will lose income for one month.
Also tuition teachers who some are free-lancers will also lose their income.
Wonder how will the supplementary budget help these people who are affected?
b. Also come across another family run textile business who depends on neighbor country workers to produce ready made clothings.
Because of the enhanced measures, goods cannot be send across (by persons) --- as they will be subjected to 14 day SHN.
Also not many walk-in customers even in city --- and depends only on 熟客 to barely survive.
Wonder how will the supplementary budget help these people who are affected?
c. All the above are real examples of SMEs --- who are the most badly hit. Help must be ASAP --- for them to survive.
[12:40 pm, 25/03/2020] : Welcome what the govt Announced..
but Seriously Those are Not Enough.. what we dealing is A Virus Which is Killing hundreds of people Everyday . Taking One step at a time will put Us in Danger ... We must be Pro active Not Reactive
And Asymptomatic transmission is REAL..it is happening... so for me it feels we are taking Chance to spread the virus.. by Implementing step by step measures.. we Live on Same earth as other countries. Even after witnessing The Pathetic situation they are in... Why to take chance?!
If you have seen News from past 3 days.. slowly Information about Young people getting infected and Seriously getting I'll is witnessed in many countries (watch the world News)... .
Low Rates of local transmission doesn't mean that No local Transmission at all.... It is Like Slow poisoning... We must act now To Stop That..
We often say and hear Children must Learn And accept the defeat.. But here we are talking about DISRUPTION happening in life.. Be glad that we are still alive... Disruption is Ok .a month or a year also OK... We can get back to normal once everything is Over... but if we lost Life??! Will it be back after An year??
What's the big deal of locking down?
Isn't Singapore have Surplus Budget?
Aren't we Seriously not In a Position to help the Needy, daily wage workers and SME s if They stop working for few weeks??
Aren't the Govt Putting lot of pressure on Healthcare proffessionals by saying We will implement measures accordingly??! Aren't the suspected cases raising Day by Day and Don't we know that to show gratitude We must be Proactive instead of just sending Cards and lunch To Healthcare proffessionals?! Are we doing Justice to Them? Aren't they deserve NORMAL life as well IF we are Fighting for Normal life?!
Aren't we having Vast Technology which we Can continue to use To learn and Work (most of the work)? Why not just Use it now and remove the Burden on Emergency service s?
Is it that hard to Be Used to a NEW NORMAL ?
Being realistic is what we needed now.. Not Being Optimistic about measures taken.. The virus is 2steps ahead where are we are taking one step at a time... !!.
And What happens by taking More measures.. the Disruption... But isn't it still OK? And Sg govt Still can Afford that?! If can't afford also OK.. it will be back to normal One day...!
Be optimistic when it comes to economy.. But please Don't be Optimistic about weather is supporting .. Our Children are safe in school .. it's ok inside school even more than 250 Pupils.. but Outside 10 also Problem...?! Seriously I don't Find Any Logic in that....it's ok to PAUSE everything (except non Emergency services) for a while (A month or 2 months) what matters is how many lives we Managed to save is matters..
If Really A new cluster breaks out in a school... Isn't it gives Tremendous pressure to the doctor's?
It's ok We over do it... by implementing Stricter measures.. it's OK if economy Goes down... it's Still ok Our Children Fails an exam.. it is still Ok with major Disruptions... Because Sg Can Rebuild all the things ..But If we lose more lives (or Making people Partial Organ damages ... read news about People((The percentage not known yet)) Losing 20% to 30% of Lung capacity even after getting cured by the Virus)
We can't recover at all from these... I Am really getting scared By hearing Words like ""Schools are safe... work places are safe... MRTs and Buses are safe.. we are taking extra Precautions.. live life normally.."" How sure are we to agree to these points.. if even 1% Not sure then don't take the Chance. Implement the Lock down... It's ok We must learn How to Live that kind of Life.. then We will treasure our Indepence more After we get Back to old normal..
Let me Conclude this Long post.
1. Asymptomatic Transmission is Real.
Even if it is less percent .. don't give it a chance
2. We must Learn Life is Not A Straight path.. we Must always adopt to the changes. Now it's time to use Technology as much as possible. Let's just do that
3. Whether we lockdown now or later... The time is matters.. and Economy will still get impact because this is a Global thing.. we won't be Spared just because we didn't lockdown our city
4. Even If Economy goes down too much.. Singapore can fight back .. because It is a country where once started with Zero. And the Economy will recover .. may be bit more later... But Still Ok
5. Taking one step at a step will be The Sillest thing.. and it might put all of us in danger. So please Don't wait. Just Take all measures Now . Right NOW
Thank you for the oppertunity to give My voice
Stay home and Stay safe every one.
Ron Ho
[12:51 pm, 25/03/2020] : From Speaker Tan Chuan-Jin
Help share and really do read the links especially. TLDR: errr...Why we do what we do?
Some of you don’t understand why we didn’t take drastic measures from the start. Some ask why we keep changing. Some ask why we don’t go further. Some ask why go so far! 😳
Please spend some time reading these attached reports and listen to Minister Lawrence Wong ‘s explanations. We should have time anyways since we should be at home… 🤗
From day one, we have been actively trying to keep the infection rates low so that we can treat the sick effectively. We put in place a series of measures to track, isolate, quarantine etc. We said that these measures will evolve with time as the situation develops. It has. We have been able to keep numbers of infection manageable so that our healthcare system is not overwhelmed. Because we have been able to do that, our doctors and nurses are able to help those who are seriously ill recover.
We didn’t use a blunt tool because it wasn’t necessary. We now can see how some of these more restrictive steps impact our daily lives, the economy and eventually our livelihoods. So it’s about managing risks and probabilities so that we can minimise infection, help heal the sick, and maintain what normalcy we can. We ratchet up our restrictions as and when needed.
We have been doing relatively well but now have a second wave of cases due to Singaporeans returning from abroad. We need to take them in because they are our Singaporeans and even if sick, we should look after them here. The numbers are building up, more may be coming home over the next few weeks and months, and we will definitely have more imported cases because of the chaotic state elsewhere. We needed to step up measures because of the surge in numbers involved and to quickly minimise the rapid spread into the community. Hence these recent steps. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/covid-19-bars-cinemas-entertainment-venues-closed-gatherings-12571538
Other countries lock down in a dramatic way because they have lost control. They failed to manage the initial spread. It has gone out into the community and the numbers are shooting up exponentially and with that, the overwhelming of their healthcare systems and subsequent increased mortality. This is what happened in China, Iran, Italy and next would be…? It will happen in these countries unless these drastic lock downs (some half-hearted?) dramatically slows the spread. I fear they may have missed the window…
We are still managing and are ‘not there’, like them...yet. We are not where they are because from day one, we have been doing what has been described above. Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea have also shown us how they have been fighting this COVID-19 so well.
BUT we really need your help in this battle.
We all understand that Singaporeans studying and working abroad before this crisis happened should be welcomed home despite the risks.
But Singaporeans who wantonly leave and go abroad when advised not to, and are on non-essential trips, are guilty of endangering lives on their return. Similarly, those coming back and are supposed to be on SHN, and decide to flout it by going out, attending parties and the like, are also guilty of endangering lives. What makes it worse is that they are doing all this in the full glare of awareness of what the consequences may be. #LagiSS https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/some-singaporeans-continue-travel-overseas-despite-government-advisory-warning-against-it
So here we are.
The ball is in our court.
Let’s do the right thing.
Follow the guidelines.
Encourage each other.
Look out for each other.
And let’s really fight the good fight.
#SGUnited #SGTogether #SGCares
Two important days in Parliament of Singapore coming up. But felt that I really need to post this to help us understand why we do what we do. It’s not #anyhowlyone #really
I’m really proud of our Ministerial Task Force and the team at HQ and all the way out to the frontlines.! 🙏🏻👍💪🇸🇬
[6:01 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) Let us go back at ground 0 - to see whether we can achieve China Hubei / Wuhan feat - of achieving 0 infection rate :-
- Hubei / Wuhan - were in total lockdown - no one get in, no one get out --- until the virus epidemic run its full course - with treatment inside Hubei / Wuhan --- and finally Hubei / Wuhan got 0 infection rate after more than 60,000 over few thousand death.
- Can Singapore do similar feat like Hubei/Wuhan ?----
Ans :- we cannot do what Hubei/Wuhan are doing - because Hubei/Wuhan - are one province - while the rest of China and provinces continue to function (though step down a bit) --- but still functioning economically. Thus China as a whole - can still progress economically and finance Hubei/Wuhan.
Singapore cannot lockdown ourselves like Hubei/Wuhan -- economically, business-wise, financilly --- we will be economically crippled.
But Singapore can do what "Whole of China" do :-
- "lockdown" imported cases, quarantine confirmed cases, SHN suspected cases -(like in Hubei/Wuhan) -- while the rest of Singapore can continue to work, do business and go schooling.
- So how to achieve this ?
a. for those returnees from overseas - they are shuttle into hotel for 14 days - with no contact with family members and infected cases are hospitalised. This is the Enhanced Border Control we implement --- like people from other provinces cannot go into Hubei/Wuhan.
b. Those overseas returnees when confined cannot come out to infect others -- then like people in Hubei/Wuhan --- who are confined and cannot come out.
---- So we have achieved the goal of Enhanced Border Control ----- where now the majority of infection come from this source.
- But why the infection cases so high --- around 30 to 40 over cases -- as compare to when Hubei/Wuhan 1st infection wave hit?
- Because 1st infection wave come from only 1 source ---- China.
- Now 2nd infection wave come from all over the World --- thus the infection rate is 3 to 4 times higher ---- which is not suprising.
-- But as long as we conduct the Enhanced Border Control well ---- even with 3 to 4 times infection rate (we have 200,000 overseas returnee --- waiting to return) ---- we can still manage --- provided we regulate the 200,000 overseas returnee's return --- vis-a-vis our hotel capacity to house SHN, hospital capacity for infected cases.
--- If we continue to do Enhanced Border Control well ---- there is no danger of Community Spreading --- so the Community can be reassured.
-- This is Part A ---- Analysis of the likely outcome of Enhanced Border Control.
Ben Lock
[6:10 pm, 25/03/2020] : Good thinking and I agree it's now all about border control.
[6:11 pm, 25/03/2020] : I still think testing, if practical, is how we really beat this
[6:10 pm, 25/03/2020] : Good thinking and I agree it's now all about border control.
[6:11 pm, 25/03/2020] : I still think testing, if practical, is how we really beat this
[6:59 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: ---
Part B ---- Analysis of our Enhanced Community Spreading measures - to prevent Community Spreading vis-a-vis Hubei/Wuhan curfew (where residents cannot come out of the house --- but delivery people with full PPE deliver food and goods -- order online by Hubei/Wuhan residents).
--- Can whole of Singapore impose curfew ---- where no residents can come out of their house to work, to school, to do business?
- If whole of Singapore do that --- we are not like Hubei/Wuhan (where only 1 provinces are in complete curfew) ---- but the rest of China continue to work, to school and do business --- to continue to spur their Economy and finance Hubei/Wuhan in lockdown.
- If Singapore go for complete curfew ---- business-wise, economy-wise, school-wise --- we will be financially and economically crippled.
- But we can do close to Hubei/Wuhan curfew and reduce or even achieve 0 infection if possible. How to do it ?
a. Contact tracing to all confirmed cases and infected cases -- must be thorough.
- Those who have installed Tracetogether mobile apps - can be traced.
- Those who have not installed the mobile apps but carry handphone --- can be tracked by 4G network with IMEI, handphone number, GPS extender, CCTV installed in HDB, shopping mall etc --- via what my close friend proposed concept of "crowd mapping using mobile signals".
- Personal contact tracing, interview etc
--- And all those identified will have to be SHN, Quarantine and/or undergo test kit tests --- to ensure they are free from covid-19 virus.
- These will have covered the "mild asymptomatic case".
b. Social diistancing --- attempt to reduce infection through close contact.
- Split workforce, supported by remote telecommuting.
- social distancing - eg. queue 1 metre apart, no shaking of hands etc.
- more hygiene cleaning by cleaners, personal hygiene etc.
- avoid big crowd congregation below 250 people for events, religious congregation etc.
- now enhanced community spreading measures eg. close pubs, party gatherings in karaoke etc for 1 month.
- school practise social distancing in schools, class, cut down CCAs etc.
- encourage people not to loiter in crowded places - but do their task quickly and avoid crowd.
- encourage people who are unwell to see doctor, put on mask, stay-at-home and if suspected covid-19 to call the correct hotline to NICD.
-- The only worried part is the congregation in transportation - at MRT and buses --- where social distancing of 1 meter is not possible. Then "thorough testing using test kit --- on even the slightesst suspected cases" ---- will be important.
-- Also the splitting of workforce, regulate different working hours etc --- will be one way to prevent crowd gathering at MRT or buses --- and achieve some sort of social distancing --- with less crowd in taking transport.
--- Analysing the above Enhanced Community Spreading Measures --- vis-a-vis Hubei/Wuhan total curfew --- how will we fare?
- Probably about 80 to 90% effective. (As statistics show that --- Community Spreading is not high --- there are about 13 unlinked cases yesterday, about 3 or 4 unlinked cases for the past few weeks).
- Analysis of the Outcome of our Enhanced Community Spreading Measures -- look quite promising.
-- Many Singapore infected case --- are known clusters and majority are imported cases (which are well taken care off by our Enhanced Border Control).
- The unlinked cases are few ---- and contact tracing are still underway ---- how the unlinked cases got infected.
(They are likely to come from "mild asyptomatic case" or "known clusters" or "imported cases" ---- except it can't be confirmed now --- while contact tracing are still in progress).
---- The above assessment --- point to the direction that --- there is no need to do a "nuclear option" yet ---- for a complete lockdown or worse a total curfew like Hubei/Wuhan ---- that will cripple Singapore ---- unless we see a sudden spike in Community Spreading cases.
(Note:- even if the number of imported cases spike --- there is no need for alarm --- as long as the infection curve is below our hospital capacity, private hospital capacity and hotel capacity to quarantine or SHN overseas returnees, confirmed cases or suspected cases).
-- Singapore must do a calibrated surgical approach based on math and scientific model ---- to match :-
a. hospital facilities
b. doctors and nurses number
c. private hospital facilities
d. hotels and quarantined centre
e. Treatment approach
f. Contact tracing approach
---- and need not panic to go for full curfew.
-- Singapore can use Big Data, Data Science, Data Analysis, AI --- to plot the above model using our National SuperComputers --- and calibrate our National Strategies to fight this Covid-19.
-- When we are successful in controlling our infected cases in Singapore (whether imported cases or cluster case) and we see the World infection start to stabilise and subside --- then we will be very sure that ------- the covid-19 can be subsequently defeated like in China/Hubei/Wuhan.
Part B ---- Analysis of our Enhanced Community Spreading measures - to prevent Community Spreading vis-a-vis Hubei/Wuhan curfew (where residents cannot come out of the house --- but delivery people with full PPE deliver food and goods -- order online by Hubei/Wuhan residents).
--- Can whole of Singapore impose curfew ---- where no residents can come out of their house to work, to school, to do business?
- If whole of Singapore do that --- we are not like Hubei/Wuhan (where only 1 provinces are in complete curfew) ---- but the rest of China continue to work, to school and do business --- to continue to spur their Economy and finance Hubei/Wuhan in lockdown.
- If Singapore go for complete curfew ---- business-wise, economy-wise, school-wise --- we will be financially and economically crippled.
- But we can do close to Hubei/Wuhan curfew and reduce or even achieve 0 infection if possible. How to do it ?
a. Contact tracing to all confirmed cases and infected cases -- must be thorough.
- Those who have installed Tracetogether mobile apps - can be traced.
- Those who have not installed the mobile apps but carry handphone --- can be tracked by 4G network with IMEI, handphone number, GPS extender, CCTV installed in HDB, shopping mall etc --- via what my close friend proposed concept of "crowd mapping using mobile signals".
- Personal contact tracing, interview etc
--- And all those identified will have to be SHN, Quarantine and/or undergo test kit tests --- to ensure they are free from covid-19 virus.
- These will have covered the "mild asymptomatic case".
b. Social diistancing --- attempt to reduce infection through close contact.
- Split workforce, supported by remote telecommuting.
- social distancing - eg. queue 1 metre apart, no shaking of hands etc.
- more hygiene cleaning by cleaners, personal hygiene etc.
- avoid big crowd congregation below 250 people for events, religious congregation etc.
- now enhanced community spreading measures eg. close pubs, party gatherings in karaoke etc for 1 month.
- school practise social distancing in schools, class, cut down CCAs etc.
- encourage people not to loiter in crowded places - but do their task quickly and avoid crowd.
- encourage people who are unwell to see doctor, put on mask, stay-at-home and if suspected covid-19 to call the correct hotline to NICD.
-- The only worried part is the congregation in transportation - at MRT and buses --- where social distancing of 1 meter is not possible. Then "thorough testing using test kit --- on even the slightesst suspected cases" ---- will be important.
-- Also the splitting of workforce, regulate different working hours etc --- will be one way to prevent crowd gathering at MRT or buses --- and achieve some sort of social distancing --- with less crowd in taking transport.
--- Analysing the above Enhanced Community Spreading Measures --- vis-a-vis Hubei/Wuhan total curfew --- how will we fare?
- Probably about 80 to 90% effective. (As statistics show that --- Community Spreading is not high --- there are about 13 unlinked cases yesterday, about 3 or 4 unlinked cases for the past few weeks).
- Analysis of the Outcome of our Enhanced Community Spreading Measures -- look quite promising.
-- Many Singapore infected case --- are known clusters and majority are imported cases (which are well taken care off by our Enhanced Border Control).
- The unlinked cases are few ---- and contact tracing are still underway ---- how the unlinked cases got infected.
(They are likely to come from "mild asyptomatic case" or "known clusters" or "imported cases" ---- except it can't be confirmed now --- while contact tracing are still in progress).
---- The above assessment --- point to the direction that --- there is no need to do a "nuclear option" yet ---- for a complete lockdown or worse a total curfew like Hubei/Wuhan ---- that will cripple Singapore ---- unless we see a sudden spike in Community Spreading cases.
(Note:- even if the number of imported cases spike --- there is no need for alarm --- as long as the infection curve is below our hospital capacity, private hospital capacity and hotel capacity to quarantine or SHN overseas returnees, confirmed cases or suspected cases).
-- Singapore must do a calibrated surgical approach based on math and scientific model ---- to match :-
a. hospital facilities
b. doctors and nurses number
c. private hospital facilities
d. hotels and quarantined centre
e. Treatment approach
f. Contact tracing approach
---- and need not panic to go for full curfew.
-- Singapore can use Big Data, Data Science, Data Analysis, AI --- to plot the above model using our National SuperComputers --- and calibrate our National Strategies to fight this Covid-19.
-- When we are successful in controlling our infected cases in Singapore (whether imported cases or cluster case) and we see the World infection start to stabilise and subside --- then we will be very sure that ------- the covid-19 can be subsequently defeated like in China/Hubei/Wuhan.
Why I choose China/Hubei/Wuhan --- as the "benchmark" for Singapore ?
Because it is a 100% success case --- from 81,000 over cases with as many few thousands death --- to 0 domestic cases.
(Of course, now China is facing imported cases --- like what Singapore is going through now).
--- Thus benchmarking Singapore against China/Hubei/Wuhan - make sense for us --- and it can be our KPI (Government, Community and Individual)'s KPI --- #SG United --- to achieve it.
(1) I will not address Part C - National Strategies yet --- which is the Government effort in keeping the Economy afloat while tackling the covid-19 --- as this will be address by DPM Heng Swee Keat in the coming Supplementary Budget.
(2) Till then when all the details are out --- we can start to talk about it.
[7:29 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Unfortunately we have 200,000 people overseas stuck outside.
Government big headache to house them. Need to regulate their coming back batch by batch to match our quarantine and hospital facilities.
14 days one batch.
[7:51 pm, 25/03/2020] : All good
So you are 100% sure that we won't end up in more local Cases ...and we won't end up in Lock down?
Please answer
[7:52 pm, 25/03/2020] : I mean By Strictly following the current measures...
Do u believe that no more local Cases we will see in Future?
[8:00 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) We should go on calibrated surgical approach - as scenarios developed.
(2) Not jump into the worst scenarios.
(3) Now let me ask you a question -
-- can you go without money and food for 6 months to 1 year - with complete curfew and lockdown --- as no food supply and our Economy go into a complete standstill?
Can you, can all Singaporeans go hungry for 6 mth to 1 year?
[8:10 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) Also do you know how much is Singapore GDP a year?
It is a whopping $508 billion a year.
(2) Are you saying we can forgo $508 billion a year -- and then try to recover with our reserve?
(3) You know - our National Wealth will be cut by half -- and we are back to 1970s - where there are more poor than rich.
(4) Have you work out the sum - before you jump on a curfew?
[8:13 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) Do you know how much is trade vis-a-vis our GDP?
It is 3 times the size of our GDP.
(2) Can you afford a total lockdown with no trade - 3 times the size of our GDP?
Clement Lim
[8:14 pm, 25/03/2020] : Agreed. We know what LKY will do if he were to jump out of his grave.
No lockdown for him too
[8:21 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) I have never doubted our Leadership and the Government service capabilities in managing and handling crisis.
(2) We go on a surgical calibrated approach - supported by math, sciennce and proven model.
(3) And we will step up or down as scenarios unfold --- in a calibrated surgical manner --- supported by our vast resources and professionals in the respective field.
(4) That is why even though we have one of the highest density population per square meter in the World - we still keep our infected cases low --- vis-a-vis many more developed advanced Countries.
(5) Let us not jump the gun - and take a calibrated approach - instead of jumping the gun based on fear - and not based on medical, science and math approach to crisis management.
Clement Lim
[8:16 pm, 25/03/2020] : "We must continue with education in schools, polytechnics and universities. Work in factories, shops and offices must go on. If we start to fear and shun all human contact, and refuse to see friends or relatives, enter a lift, or taxi, or bus or MRT, go to meetings, hawker centres, restaurants, hotels, or concerts, we will become hermits. We will shut down Singapore. To close down everything inside Singapore, shut off the outside world, or cut off visitors from SARS infected countries, not travel by air and completely isolate ourselves, will be madness. We cannot shut ourselves off from the world."
[8:17 pm, 25/03/2020] : What govt seek to do is to keep local transmission minimal and ensure that hospital have capacity.
[8:21 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) I have never doubted our Leadership and the Government service capabilities in managing and handling crisis.
(2) We go on a surgical calibrated approach - supported by math, sciennce and proven model.
(3) And we will step up or down as scenarios unfold --- in a calibrated surgical manner --- supported by our vast resources and professionals in the respective field.
(4) That is why even though we have one of the highest density population per square meter in the World - we still keep our infected cases low --- vis-a-vis many more developed advanced Countries.
(5) Let us not jump the gun - and take a calibrated approach - instead of jumping the gun based on fear - and not based on medical, science and math approach to crisis management.
Clement Lim
[8:23 pm, 25/03/2020] : Yep agreed. Just look at NYC. Similar density. And for them is total havoc
[8:29 pm, 25/03/2020] : I Can not go hungry even A day..
Let me tell you
But if some one says by going and eating out will kill me in next mint.
I will Sustain maximum days without food.
Compare to many other countries out there..
Singapore can Sustain And it has the abilities to provide Neccesities to its people.
I trust these words.
In the end By not closing down
If tens or hundreds die because of this Virus will Any one can get back those lives lost?
And let me tell you this . It is not because Wuhan is closed because China has many place and they can sustain the Economy... not only China even other countries...
They Locked down Because THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE..
And no other Thing Can contain the Virus Except Locking down..
That's the reason countries like New Zealand Australia... Etc closed down Despite few Numbers Compare to others
this we must understand first.
Rest all can talk.
If we don't get Rice Thailand.. we can get else where.. or can Eat noodles.. or can eat bread parota etc etc
And still can survive...
But Remember just by taking chances because of Economy.. We are putting Our lives in danger..
And I really wish we Should not end up in lockdown because NO OTHER choice..I rather want now So that Our Healthcare proffessionals Won't be in devastating situation.
[8:31 pm, 25/03/2020] :
5. And all I mentioned is based on Maths the numbers and Medical and scientific Approach
Rather than Having
baseless Confidence of previous experience s
This virus is New..
And more sneakier than anything else we have seen so far.
[8:33 pm, 25/03/2020] : You want to wait untill this happens here?!
When is the time
After loosing tens of Lives?
Or after A new school cluster is formed?
Or after Healthcare proffessionals got Infections?
When is the right time?
[8:33 pm, 25/03/2020] : https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/spain-china-covid-19-overtake-death-toll-12575596?cid=FBcnaMore
[8:33 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) What is your definition of complete lockdown?
(2) In complete lockdown - a curfew -- then who travel to provide you food?
[8:33 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) What is your definition of complete lockdown?
(2) In complete lockdown - a curfew -- then who travel to provide you food?
[8:36 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
If you are so afraid, you can stay in an island with no one around.
Then you won't catch the virus.
[8:37 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Then you'll have achieved a complete lockdown.
[8:37 pm, 25/03/2020] : Except non essential services Closing down of All Other services
Schools work places
And For the essentials
Allowing And Creating A environment Where as low as social contact..
For example ..(example only)
Allocating each BLK of Hdb in the precinct one To buy things
Instead of All At one go.
And Allowing one Person ONLY to buy the Neccesities
And Provide Care and Support facilities for the Children and elderly working In Emergency services..
[8:39 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
You mean like that you 100% sure no virus infections?
What happen one got infected and he just passed it to you?
[8:39 pm, 25/03/2020] :
Thank you
I am already Almost Sticking to home including my child. .
I just don't want the this island to become Where only I left but No one else.
I just care about Others .. that's why I am sharing.
And what ever it is
One thing is for sure..
Even if I get this I know that I did my best To avoid It..
And I won't have any regrets.
[8:39 pm, 25/03/2020] : It will be very less
Compare to now
and will be less burden to HPS
[8:40 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
To achieve 100% you should stay in an island with no one around.
Then it is 100% guarantee.
[8:41 pm, 25/03/2020] :
I guess these kind of personal Remarks are not allowed here
But it's ok
Yes Like I said I am Doing the maximum what ever Is in my hand.
I wish I have ability to buy an Island myself🙂
But sadly I don't
[8:42 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
What you propose is not practical with no regard to other considerations that will sink Singapore when the crisis end.
You go on the principle of doomsdayer.
[8:43 pm, 25/03/2020] : I hope U are correct and I am wrong
I wish to be proved to be wrong
[8:44 pm, 25/03/2020] : Apply the no standing on the bus rules. For safety, all passenger remain seated.
[8:44 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
I am not here to prove who is right and who is wrong.
We need to go by pragmatic and calibrated approach to resolve crisis. Not doomsday approach.
[8:45 pm, 25/03/2020] : Seated also won't make a difference since people will still sit next to each other
[8:46 pm, 25/03/2020] : When it comes to life
Nothing is important than LIfe itself
What if you have Bank balance multiple houses but No Life?
Isn't it waste?
At least even I lost job now my knowledge Wil be there... I will still get another one..
Even if my child Fails this year because many days of absent from school.. it's ok she will Get chance again to Pass...
This is how one should think...
Be Optimistic when it comes to Any other thing..
but don't give any chance to lose life.
It is like You are crossing the road when Red light.
Now world is seeing Red light
So just pause ..wait for the green light to move on.
[8:48 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Then I suggest you live in an island and stay 100% safe.
Government need to manage a country pragmatically.
[8:48 pm, 25/03/2020] : I guess I have said Enough
And one final thing I will insist
Do the maximum now
Instead of waiting it to be happen.
Be Pro active Not Reactive.
One life lost is Never going to come back.
One job lost can Find another.
And Singapore is in much better position To sustain This crisis.
So Focus On people NOW.
[8:49 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Your idea is not practical now - not discussing with you further.
[8:51 pm, 25/03/2020] : Again same thing
Here I got Chance to say my view
And I am sharing
If you data or research to convince my views wrong
Please do share
So that I will change
Instead of just talking about economy
Talk about all things
Yes govt Need to work pragmatically
Also It's duty not to put Their residents in Risk..
Yes Not practical
I hope we don't end up there
Thanks for discussing
RC member
[9:00 pm, 25/03/2020] : Hey! Good job arguing with him. 😂 i gave up. He doesn't understand. I think he may have read too much American media and think that we must copy them without considering the difference in context and circumstance.
And his English is hard to read..
[9:02 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Just state facts and you know his argument cannot stand water.
RC member
[9:02 pm, 25/03/2020] : Hahahaha. Hard to change perceptions 😂
[9:03 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
No need to change his perception.
Just make sure others understand and don't buy his points.
RC member
[9:04 pm, 25/03/2020] : Yea. True. Thanks
RC member
[9:00 pm, 25/03/2020] : Hey! Good job arguing with him. 😂 i gave up. He doesn't understand. I think he may have read too much American media and think that we must copy them without considering the difference in context and circumstance.
And his English is hard to read..
[9:02 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Just state facts and you know his argument cannot stand water.
RC member
[9:02 pm, 25/03/2020] : Hahahaha. Hard to change perceptions 😂
[9:03 pm, 25/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
No need to change his perception.
Just make sure others understand and don't buy his points.
RC member
[9:04 pm, 25/03/2020] : Yea. True. Thanks
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