Wednesday, March 11, 2020

REACH - 21. WHO declare covid-19 as pandemic
12 Mar 2020 (Morning - 10pm)

[9:17 AM, 3/12/2020] : Coronavirus confirmed as pandemic by World Health Organization
Dear Contributors,
The coronavirus outbreak has been labelled a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). We would like to gather your views on this and have opened the chat early today and will remain open until 10pm.
What do you think of the WHO’s labelling from epidemic to pandemic?
Thank you 🙏

[1:26 PM, 3/12/2020] Ricky Lim:
(1) This covid-19 virus epidemic has the phenomenon of a "water pool - rippling effect".

(2) It start with the "Epicentre in Wuhan" ---- and then ripple all the way out like the rippling waves that cover the whole globe.

(3) And then bounce back.

(4) This is akin to the "Creation of Universe" --- that start with an "epicentre black hole" - with "supernova explosion" --- that create the "rippling effect" and form the "Universal cosmic bodies of Universe".

(5) Indeed this covid-19 virus pandemic ---- is one of the "minor catastrophe" (epidemic, global climate and war) 小三灾 (瘟疫,天灾,人祸) that have the potential to threaten human race.
[1:45 PM, 3/12/2020] Ricky Lim:
(1) But after when the water waves ripple has cover the globe and bounce back ---- the strength of the rippling effect will weaken and finally stop. This is a Universal phenomenon.

(2) In medical term, the following scenarios can have occur and cause the pandemic to weaken or stop :-
a.  virus die by itself - due to change in weather.
(Scenario a --- the best outcome is no longer possible --- as the global spread signify the virus is more resilient than the weather can stop them).

b. Human develop stronger immunity with more mild infection and anti-body.
(Scenario b ---- look increasingly more likely --- as the global population got mild infection and develop immunity against the covid-19.
Only then, the pandemic will weaken or stop --- and global population can live with it like common flu or cold.)

c. Standard treatment is established that can cure the virus. People has less fear and resume normal lives despite virus still spreading.
(Scenario c --- will take sometime for standard cure to emerge.)

d. Vaccine found and effective in curbing virus.
(Scenario d --- will also take sometime for vaccines to emerge).


[1:58 PM, 3/12/2020] Ricky Lim:
(1) How should Singapore tackle this covid-19 pandemic?

(2) Maintain current alert status in border control --- of all checkppints (air, sea and land).

(3) Ramp up internal domestic control to prevent community spread :-
a. Size down mass gatherings or mass events ---- reducing it to 100 with strict health safety measures --- like we undertake in border control eg.
- health declaration
- temperature measurement
- clinical swab test kit check --- for suspected ill attendees
- compulsory see doctor and stay at home when unwell
- remote lesson, working and mass events.
- splt workforce --- for those who need to be physically present at work
- split lesson to cut down physical size --- and allow more remote lesson to be conducted
- split mass events to a maximum size of 100 with strict health safety check

(4) More Government financial help to keep business afloat and help workers to stay in jobs.

[2:25 PM, 3/12/2020] Ricky Lim:
(1) Human race must learn a very expensive lesson from this covid-19 pandemic.

(2) covid-19 is a virus that spread from animals to humans.
More than 75% of the virus epidemic, pandemic are animal based - due to human killing of wild or domesticated animals for food eg. covid-19, SARs, MERs, ebola, bird flu - H1N1 and other variants, swine flu, mad cow disease, common flu etc.

(3) After this covid-19 pandemic is finally over --- human race must not allow similar virus pandemic from happening again --- and should seriously look for alternative meat source --- such as vegetarain, vegan, plant-based meat alternative, cell culture meat, tissue reengineering meat etc --- and refrain from slaughtering and consumption of live animals (be it wild or domesticated animals).

(4) See the attached cell culture meats and video for human race future food source --- that refrain from animal slaughtering and butchering for meat consumption.

(5) 天,地,灵 (Global weather, Human, virus pandemic) --- have all go against human race to stop this pandemic --- and the 3 Heavenly, Human and Paranormal efforts have failed.
天 - Warm summer weather has not stop its spread.
地 - Human effort in containment has not stop its spread.
灵 - covid-19 virus has not reduced its virulent and resiliency in the spread.
----- all because the "Collective Karma or Sin" of 杀生业 of animal meat for food is too huge --- and it is a "payback time".

(6) After this aftermath, Human must learn this painful lesson and looking for more compassionate alternative food source must be imperative --- if Human race want to avoid another similar pandemic.


[5:49 PM, 3/12/2020] : Zen Beng, point 4 and 5 ... 🤨
Blue and White Flag guy
[5:49 PM, 3/12/2020] : 準備開槍 🔫

[5:49 PM, 3/12/2020] Ricky Lim:
prove scientists are wrong, where all the virus epidemic are not cause by animals - wild and domesticated.
[5:49 PM, 3/12/2020] Ricky Lim:
and prove that warm weather, slack in human containment and virus virulent has not cause this pandemic.
then i will take back point 4 and 5.
[5:49 PM, 3/12/2020] Ricky Lim:
human ignorance is the root cause of all sufferings --- even when undisputable facts and evidences are staring right at one's face.

[5:49 PM, 3/12/2020] : Agre

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